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Rocksolid: Bro, I didnt know about the Majin Vegita Tat, because of that, you got my sub. I do watch you along with Nick all the time tho <3

CTBassin: Cloakzy got more views you needs go back to war zone lol

Fate_Moderns: Hey Tim there are some new weapons, and they are like 1 level above mythic, they are hidden weapons and just look up on YouTube to find these guys that give you the weapons, the rarity is called... drum roll..... EXOTIC and it is sick

Cole Pierce: what if tim got a vtuber

Mason Andrade: Man said the Viking skin is the best the man is the gladiator

Koen Bakker: Nice that you play aigan

Hayden Smith: Hopefully warzone bring you back with the update. Fortnite is NOT it

SirJason 365: Personally I hate fortnite and their mechanics, but holy shit their skins are fuckin amazing. Only times i look for vids of fortnite were events and new releases and damn they can really put on a show, well played

Nathan Ouellet: Litteraly everything about fortnite screams dead game and despair

Wiskosis: second channel video for sure

GamingZayt: I hope u play more fortnite now

dylan penhorwood: Bro like why the same joke every time Timmy lol

jacob barnes: Im glad you all enjoy it and everything but I can’t force myself to like this game I don’t know what’s attractive to it I fucking can’t stand it, but I love ya Tim

Justin Hagadus: The one of the many thing I absolutely hate about nickmercs his voice is fucking annoying

Skycrew _JK: Lets gooo

LUIIIGANG: Is anyone getting Kratos when it comes out ??

Nicholas Stanek: YES! Peanut butter, pancakes, and syrup! My dad always did that when I was a kid

STYLE: Yoooo peanut butter on pancakes slaps lol Tim knows what's up lol

Tyrone Stevens: YESS TIM!! peanut butter , syrup, on pancakes are AMAZING!!!

DinoNuggie: sup tim

Nahla Sallat: Cocola is puma

Johan Dehaes: I'm also back for this season. Looking good tbh. And got me throwback moments like the early days. Gr from Belgium 👊

david gutierrez: how many times has he done the stand up comedy joke lol

Jessica Yong: Tim im so happy your playing Fortnite. You're literally my favorite gamer playing my favorite game :) my 2020 is made!

DaDestroyer12: This game actually looks pretty good again (i haven't played since like season 6 or 7)... i might try it out.

Elιtε Øρρs Ψ: I love Tim egg head

BoomsSwag: yessir back to the 3 kill gameplays from timothy

Jarryd Alexander: Hey Tim! Love the fortnite content. Wouldn't mind more. Thanks & Have a good one!

shaan chutoori: At this point fortnite be ripping stuffs from warzone xD

Stian Moen: Tim has become fat and gay❤️ might shoot my shot now. Mmmh no shot baby ;)

James Lamon: I'm sorry but no fortnite video is a banger.

Corvus: i wish i could run fortnite well on my pc now because they smashed this season and i really want this battle pass and i haven't bought the battle pass for a whole year so I've missed out on a lot

Sxmuraiii: Liked the video but that was rude just to ditch courage like that

o Yudie: My boy tom with the anime skin respect

leah and ky: Copied r9 shotgun

Wisdom Walker: Yo imagine a dragon ball X fortnite collab , and goku going super saiyan is an emote

LOLurD00D00: We back bois. We back

Wisdom Walker: Galactus is suppose to return as well marvel, epic said they want to do more intigrations with marvel

Adam: Honestly down for some Tim fortnite vibes.... lets do it

Error401S: What in the fuck is this

Michael Martin: Don't play this game cause I just can't stand it. But I see they copied the bounty contract from Warzone

nizodizo: The skins are indeed clean. I like that dawdric armor, borderlands style. I dont play so please dont light me up, they just look noice

verriecherrie: tim on fornite? HELL YEAHH

Jack O'Brien: Tim was drunk in the intro prove me wrong

Angelo Lozano: is it me only or am i the only one who agrees with the peanut butter syrup waffles

Dominic Keldsen: That’s the best and only way to eat pancakes

Daniel Balawejder: Tim I want your voice as my navigation voice

Daniel Rugg: Sickkkk tuffffff sickkkkkk this is Sickkkk that's tufffffff 🤣🤣🤣 my man Tim

Ryan Ramsey: Tim.... just ao you know I skipped ninja and pk to watch your season 5 vid!

Eric Torre: Pops a big pot in front of the slurp truck lmao. 8:41

Nicholas Pagano: The sniper Cloak was using is from the Mandalorian, called an Amban phase-pulse blaster. In the show it literally disintegrates people in one shot...

Jackson Lintner: U ain’t overweight you good

Marcello Figueroa-Tallarico: Menace at first form looks like he is from bo4 zombie's

Tom Lynch: Tim im with you i love the borderlands art style

Ctx Wrestling: Tim's cheek giggle when he did what galactics did to the zero point lol😅😅😅

Valcor: 15:20 fortnite added bounties and the doof doof.. Did someone want Nick and Tim back?

Valcor: 14:40 idk my guy that looks ripped straight from warzone lol.

AbidingCoast 543: Is Tim still dying to fall damage??

Crim: What was that metal song playing in the back hella good

Fig N Bame: Anyone else notice he almost said hashtag ad hashtag cod partner

Jonathan Arranaga: I love watching Tim play fortnite again !! 🤟🏽💪🏽


NoCap Comments: Your intros are way too long always 1 minute plus . your Retention rate would increase if you shorten it to 15-30sec

Snidz: fortnite lets gooo

Dominowtf: Hate Fortnite but I’ll watch a tim video anytime

SoundSave Studio: Low key one day Tim should play uno again with everyone but instead of putting money on the line the loser has to get a tattoo of the winner’s support a creator code

Ryan Pecherz: There’s bounty’s get them

LR CT: Im on 99 wins on warzone, join me for game to make it 100

Mike Gibson: 13:46 Tim’s back!

Nandolorian: good afternoon.

Robert Heim: Tim all for it. After Dark????🤔

Ryan Ford: Dude really????? FUCK fortnite

Adam Bert: Tim, you lost me at “My whole life” cause I knew exactly what was coming next


Shane Peters: I don’t know how I feel about sand in Fortnite. I think they did it better in season 5

extremedeerbruh 2: The event didnt kill galactus all it did was send him back to his reality

Mr. Yang: Which petition on where Jack wears the pancake skin, since he loves food. Any agree?

ISIMPFOR ZEROTWO: Hey Tim are you an anime fan

Rising Shadow: Fortnite really copied warzone there man

Chris Swanson: How long until Tim teleports off a ledge and dies..?

DJ McLeod: Ayeeeeee Timmy they got a movie named after ya now! It’s called FATMAN and the main character is Mel Gibson lol

blake griffiths: Are there more ads in the last couple of videos than normal?

Chicken nuggets Are eternally awesome: TIM THE TATMAN

Campion Gaming: Can you pin this

Oscar Cortez: They ruined Star Wars 😔😔

GREAT INDIAN: Fortnite leggo

Jac Moves: Trending!!! 🤑

I LOVE CHICKEN: His name is grogu

Chazerzz Is trash: Tim menace looks like u lmfao 🤣🤣🤣

Camalot Gamez: i might re download fort nite just for this battlepass

Keyshon Taylor: Tim it’s good to see u, nick, and jack playing fort again brings back good times

Twiist: Lmao they fully copied warzone with bounties lol

Brandon Marshall: Grind fortnite until Warzone... stay with what’s hot... just a shame wow had to be in the middle of it

Hermit: Dat dent doe 0:52😂

trey shrley: Only the real 1’s knows the rest of the saying 💯😂

Dakota Gwinn: Fortnite is ass who cares literally only reason I clicked on videos was to say that

Luis Vazquez: Me scrolling fortine season 5 I was like hawk guy from avengers “ don’t do that, don’t give me hope”😔

Trapped XeroX: They copied warzone so hard😂😂😭

Mizt: bet tim is going to get of fort after the hype from the season is over ya or nah

Ian Olsen: Every time man he used that joke every time and it gets me 😂😂😂

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