BATWOMAN Season 3 Trailer Breakdown: MORE DIVERSE THAN EVAAAA!!!

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Nicholas Hodges: 9:28 and Kate Kane's actual story effecting ex gf. A little late in the game to be ruining her, now

Nicholas Hodges: Why are they even bothering. The Arrowverse is pretty much dead after this last season. They even made Legends completely unwatchable.

Стеф Манов: The chances ta all the characters turn out gay is approximately 3,720 to 1 or is it ?

Colin G: you shouldn't be surprised that murderers are released from prison.. looks who's running USA now... they released thousands of criminals back out in past months, and some of them went straight back to being crims, including one who murdered someone in less than 24 hours of hitting the street.. Batwoman is set in the era of President Harris

Man with No Name: How is it possible that this huge pos gets 3 seasons? It’s completely bloody insane. Completely. Jesus.

Razorsfury: Can you imagine there was someone who wrote the show for the mad hatter villain and they thought "You know what will grab them? An effeminate mad hatter!" Then there was a whole panel of people that said "That's a great idea!".

ObsidianBehemoth: We won't reach peak lesbian until Mary comes out.

Razorsfury: Didn't they already cancel the show? I miss you doing the equalizer reviews :(

octavio medeiros: "Blackwoman is bat!" Wait a minute! That's not right. Let me fix it... "Batwoman is black." Damn. Now it's worse... Let's try again. "Batwoman is back." Oh, my God, no! Now it's terrible!!!

Opinionated LookinBoy: Freakin' Az, man!! I laughed from beginning to end! LOVE this guy's recaps of this 💩-show. Never have to do sit-ups, planks, or knee raises after watching his recap videos. 🤣🤣🤣👍🏾

Jeremy Hall: Can't wait to hear what you have to say about the newest cringeworthy Supergirl episode.

OpenVortex iX9: Haha.....!

Monkey Magic: Their lead character is so important that literally anyone can pick up the mantle, it should be called bat city. And apparently the life time of skills that batman gained just come with the suit now?!?! As long as it fits a woman that is!?!?! Believe it or not I have a friend in his 40s who loves this shit I will obviously never let him forget it, at least I know why he can't get a woman though.

Monkey Magic: The only time I want to see this many lesbians in one show is when I am watching the hubs.

pretty glocky?: season 1: im gaaaaaaay! season 2: im blaaaaaaaack! season 3: ........? im black and gay?

Barry Soetorro: Ahaha. Your sarcasm is priceless!

Tyler Crain: Ra's al Ghul would be proud because this series won't fcking die.

Private Citizen: The creators want more representation, but write the representation really poorly. This just ridicules those groups they want to try and elevate. Epic fail.

Radioman1017: "The crime scene being that this got a 3rd season.." Gawd Dammit, Az. You're killing me. :D

Ferc Polo: Just for some fun, in Batman's "Enemy Weapons too dangerous to destroy" there's a Level 3 bio weapon. Sars COV-19 is a Level 4. Again, just a bit of fun.

Blake Walker: No, Az, this won't be the last season of this show. They CANNOT cancel it. Can you imagine the uproar if they cancel the first ever black wahmen actress on TV? Nobody in Hollywood could risk their career like that. Worse, it wouldn't even cross their mind since they only cancel toxic white male privilege shows.

pendragonshall: I , I just, don't know how in the name of ALL things Holy... How you can watch these... Nonstop? The ENTIRE episode without.. I can't.. lol. nope

azuredream23: Hopefully you the efap crew jlongbone and throias will do a season 3 opening video.

BoogieWoogie: It’s really telling when you wait for a show not because it has good story but because you want to watch a poor soul on YouTube rips it to shreds.

Buck stallions: lol lol lol lol the gift that keeps giving!

Dupe Doxy Dox: The moment I've finished watching Thorias, I quickly dove right in to seeing your reaction to this hot mess, AZ! I miss seeing you tear a new asshole in this show! Sorry that it ruined your sanity after suffering so much already. 😅

fuckoffyou: F if batwahmen gets 4 season and shows like Dark Matter got 3. World is mad

Kavinsky Smith: Yay More Efap to get us through! god we'd be so screwed if they didnt make such a great show eh?!

91.5, the phoenix!: Batwoman season 3 after the raw sewage ratings because that's now a thing keeping the show on the air after the ratings go bye-bye.

silentaces732: I love this show… for all the content it’s created by existing 😂😂😂😂

John Ashby: I have never watched one episode of this show, but Az's reactions are priceless.

steviemadman: Stargirl season 2 is also on Amazon at moment. I only got through 1 episode.

Soundwave VR: This Mad Hatters seems terrible.

George Davidson: favourite part is the viewing figures ....can I guess how far they've fallen this week?

ninstar 81: Big respect for enduring the cultural front line. I refuse to leave the 1990's.

Nick Elliott: Hahahahahaha I can't believe they are actually making a third season of this turd. Dumpster fires are filing a defamation suit to stop comparing them to this show.

Matthew Robinson: If Killer croc turns out to be GAY. Is anyone straight in this series?.

Krista: How can Ryans mom be a billionaire when all black people have the same life experiences and none of them are capable of being successful without a white persons help? Keep in mind, I don't believe this, but Caroline Dries does...

Serenity2Witchs: At this point, Gotham's population is going to plummet with the straight-to-gay ratio of its citizens. Also, let me float two ideas past y'all: 1 - What are the chances that the writers are bat-shit enough to say that the abandoned baby isn't actually Ryan, but Luke and suddenly reveal that he's been trans the whole time? 2 - I know it's more likely that Ryan is the abandoned baby (making her real name Ryan Jet), so, due to this being the last season of Batwoman, do you think the writers are freakishly insane enough to make Ryan the illegitimate child of Jade Jet and Bruce Wayne? Both ideas are terrible, but I can totally see the writers going with either.

Steven Borg: The head writer of this show survived 9/11. God isn't done fucking us yet.

eat all now save none 4 later: That Mad Hatter dude looks goofy🙃

Mina Tepes Shu: This script reminds me of two little girls playing make-believe with barbie dolls.

Reverend Bernfried Axewielder: Off course they're going to touch Montoya. I always liked that one. FUCK YOU CW!

long live the rebellion: god no blackwoman and team scissor is returning

I Kept_The_Jethryk: 🌟Oh my god it’s baaaaack 🌟

eat all now save none 4 later: Back to your favorite show Az!!! LOL 🤭

Michael Calise: Why release her into police custody why not the fucking Joker while your at it. Oh wait he's a guy can't have him being the centre of attention.

Frank Ricard: Thanks AZ for watching this shit show and reviewing it so we don't have to.

barriolimbas: For me it all started when they made Montoya gay. At a time when Maggie Sawyer, then head of Gotham Central Major Crimes, was already a lesbian since 1988.

John Rogar: They definitely don't care about bad ratings anymore. They'll just sell the rights to various TV stations all over the globe and people will watch it and they won't know or care (unfortunately) about the woke context. It happens all the time.

GREGORY90: You know, Compared to that terrible season 1, the glorious train wreck of season 2, this seems so boring and even more predictable. Good luck regaining you sanity AZ.

Gabriele BARBOSA SILVA: Everyone keeps asking why Alice is still on the show. Here is the answer, from an interview with Caroline Dries for a Brazilian website. "I know Alice very well, she is part of my psyche, and I know she doesn't mind..." So both are crazy.

Project SPARK™: Az's villain origin story Pray for him

Lance Ripplinger: Az should receive hazard pay for the damage being done to his mental health!

Editor RBR: How does any city have this many black lesbians? I don’t think even New York and London combined have this demographic makeup.

Michael Turner: I'm beginning to think this show is a spin off of the L Word.

Doc Austin: Oh, good. I can keep ignoring it.

HahnBB: And in totally unrelated news: "Blizzard's Chief Legal Officer Quits Amid Lawsuit" looks like she saw all the lawsuits and said hell nah Ima out ! xD

Neil Curr: How much money must be tossed into the black home that is this show

Johnny Jazz: Please don't torture yourself with yet another season, you're lucky to have survived for this long! A man can only take so much before insanity hits 😅

Animation In the ation: NOOOOOOO! Poor Thorias!

Paul White: Are there any heterosexual people in Batwoman? Just asking. I never watched it.

Nendoroid Dancing: you might get brain damage watching this

DarthSidious63: I'm glad that BatWahlman got a third season only to see Az's reviews and analysis.

HI - Q: How much pain can you take Azz 😆 this show has become a lesson in mental conditioning 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Emerald Archerr1: I'm so glad that I don't watch the shit show known as batwoman I would rather smash my face into a wall than watch that crap keep being awesome Az you may need therapy after having to watch this lol

Paul Rone-Clarke: The absolute maximum - gold standard - for dollars per viewer in TV revenue terms is one dollar per viewer. For that to be the case you need to hit a lot of sweet spots. The right age group (Mid teens to early forties, no mortgage or kids, lots of disposable income). For the most part you are lucky to get 50 cents per viewer and it can be as low as <10 cents per viewer. So giving Batwoman an incredible best of all worlds benefit of the doubt and assuming it is making a dollar per viewer. It is making 300,000 per episode some episodes and rarely under 400,000 per episode. This is a wide cast, special effects 44 minute long sc fi show. There is not a snow balls chance in HELL that it isn't costing 3x that sum to make the show. Even allowing for syndication income and cross marketing with comics and toys (which if you look are also doing TERRIBLY) this show is losing - at a bare minimum, half a million dollars per episode. So why is it being made? Ideological box ticking. Taking the excess profit from other shows to keep this afloat to make a political point. Simple as that,

Mega Neutrobyte: You seriously need to have a "scissoring" counter present during your reviews for Season 3, where you count-up each time the characters went and "had some" off-screen (or even on-screen). It would probably be safer than a drinking game.

leslie beddingfield: Stop torturing yourself, Az!

Tim Alder: Wednesday 13th October a day to make sure you are no where a TV set!

HumorNWaffles: I see Az and Batwahmen and immediately start prayers for the dying. For Az, not the show.

I'm Your Huckleberry: I hope this show goes on for 5 more seasons. I delight in your pain!

Joao: They seriously are going to make a season 3 for this? lol

Flint's Revenge: It’s coming to the stage now where I think this entire show is produced as a psychological experiment to see how AZ explodes.

J Joestar: The companies responsible for this shite love burning their money.

Npc Person: So.. they cancel Mandalorian because it's popular and keep this trash going?

Cameron Rice: ngl 3 seasons is enough they can cancel it now and replace it with painkiller

zebedie2: you realise the only reason this tv series keeps going is because you keep reviewing it and encouraging people to see how bad it is :)

Cheeseburger Superior: Lemme guess, all these new characters are gay.

overmon: Wasn't it a condition in the Geneva convention not to make more batwaman episodes

Crisper 19: Please!! Just put a mercy shooting to the whole season like they did Old Yella.

Cheeseburger Superior: This isn't Gotham, this is Gaytham.

Alex Dunham: Aliens watching this show must be sure the human race is on the edge of extinction because men and women just can't stand to screw on another

Frogga: I still can't believe they cast a white woman to play the red haired Poison Ivy instead of the now obligatory black actor... but Poison Ivy is a villian so I guess they can't make the villian a black woman... but Poison Ivy is also LGBTQ and they can make a bi woman a villian... I'm so confused.

Barundar Streams: So, you're saying Alice has an ankle bracelet on that tracks her location and Batwoman brings her to the batcave? Ok then...

Cameron James: "We see someone opening up a package" That seems "off-brand" for this particular show.

ron de guzman: Az's video is 10x the length of the trailer, just imagine how long will his episodes review will be.

Caged In Sane: What would even be the point of attempting to even try and be a hero in world where apparently everyone is gay, going by this shows premise one generation and the human race ends.

Joshua Powell: The only entertaining thing about Batwoman will be seeing how much further the ratings fall.


dark knight me: I might be in the minority here, but Az good sir, spare your sanity and walk away. You've kept Normie's like me from wasting their time with this show for 2 seasons. Now just let what happens naturally and let it fade into obscurity or a bad time slot and forget about it.

Sharlock Shacolmes: Btwoman season 3 Electric Boogaloo, now with 50% more gay women and knuckles

Michael Barclay: Killer Croc gives new meaning to Eating Pu$$¥!

Xayl42: but mad hatter cant be gay...bad ppl cant be gay. OR he isnt a bad caracter after they introduced him.

Acidphaze: Oh look! The Villain is a white guy! How could I have guessed! 😂

Icanwearamasktoo.: No Cat women has a scratching post....... for scratching that special itch😆🤣😎

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