The Orville Season 3: New Horizons Teaser Promo (HD) Moves to Hulu

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Daniel Newcombe: wait you American's do the date wrong lol

Daniel Newcombe: we need to wait until 2022, that is a shame, not sure why the trailer is out so soon.

Tetsu Hatano: Ohhhh this is such an honest relief, disappointed that this won’t be on TV anymore but I’m glad that we’re finally gonna get more. Main thing I’m gonnna wonder now is if they’ll do some episodes based on the comics?

Finch France: 6 months, ugh

Lungelo Mabena: Why is this only coming out in October 2022?

eskey691: Already a lot better than what Discovery (won't call it star trek) has put out. The last 2 seasons were spot on imo season one a bit slow but i think it had to be to give viewers a chance to get to know the crew and season 2 well BOOM it was class. So bring on season 3 as it's time we had a nice sci-fi show..... an yes am on the hype train. R.i.p Norm McDonald.

Sam Too: Finally

Jenő Vodli: One of the best tv show!

Daniel Kubacki: I'm so Excited!

Fler Murmurjumjum: A whole lotta nothing!

Lance James: March 2022 damn.

Drinking In Canada: Hope they will finally find Orville Redenbacher, should be a poppin' season.

Tegan Riddell: Is that the 10th of March or 3rd of October next year?

skrab275: 3/10/22 For a moment i was like: 3 of October 2022!!! What the Hell?!!! And then i was like oh... March 10 2022... Damn date codes hahaha

Lester T Jester: I’ve waited longer for Rick and Morty. BRING ON ANOTHER SEASON. AND ANOTHER.

Amy: Yay! I cannot wait!

StevieSavage GS: Finally, sadly most casual fans probably thought this shows was canceled because of the super long break

Jessie Miller Unboxings and More: March 10th is too long to wait!

Jonathan Myers: "YOU WILL BE SILENT!!"

Archetypal_NPC: Didn't know this was still on. Nice job marketing

Dave Quinlan: Looks like the bridge got an upgrade/refit. Looks pretty cool.

Everett Johnson: Nice to see they're taking design tips from Disco, about time they actually wanted to look like real trek and not that Roddenberry era garbage

Michael Terndrup: Love the new set

Darrion Dixon: The orville is cool abd awesome and after season 3. Then 4 5 6 7 and 8 then a movie.

Darrion Dixon: The orville is >than star trek but better.

Jim Schuck: Finally we have an air date!

Sharon Hill: Omg omg can’t wait!

Jenna Mason: Ahh the wait is almost over!! So excited to see the next season!!

Devar: Finally, the show that is more Star Trek than nu-trek is, returns! The Orville ftw!

Glum Dungo: Finally, the real Star Trek is coming back

Edward. C .Munsk: FINALLY!

STEVEN A. SWINT: Love it!!!!

Eric Miller: I knew it would be back! Can’t keep a good show down!

Dean Rose: 10th March! That’s ages away!

Max Matthews: Seth 2024

Anime4Life: why

L Mc: some real trek again cant wait

freesimorgh: Feels kind of like Dr Who...

UzzyT: Can’t wait.

Sepho91: Been waiting so long for this.

Patrick Smyth: Can’t wait

Ginea25: Finally, some Star Trek

geniusfool the irrefutable: Now I want eggs.

Daveyk021: They changed the bridge set. Did it not have to move to a new studio for season 3? So, I imagine it was all built from scratch?

Dave Builds It: Damn if The Orville is not vibing the glory days of Star Trek. I am looking forward to The Orville's return.

The Backslidr: It's about time!!

greg kirby: RED ALERT Kelly is a karen!

BirdOPrey5: Sorry but not a single frame of actual content and a date still 6 months out? WTF? They finished filming almost a month ago and half the season was finished before the virus. This is too little too late.

Kay Vela: I can't wait!!!

Vincent: Now that's how you do a teaser trailer! Didn't give anything away and zero context absolutely love it.

BPDMF: Sweet. Been looking forward to season 3 for like 5 years now. Hopefully the Orville keeps going to season 7 at least.

NoName: yeaaaaa its back i miss this show

Ivan Alidjaja: Disco vs Orville. I will choose Orville. It is more Star Trek than Disco.

Andrea Duarte: Omg, I'm so excited!!! but I literally don't remember anything, time for a rewatch!!! :)

Red Jason: Finally 😁

Lightning Yonko: Finally we have a date I’m hyped


Blactrick: holy shit the bridge got a glow up!

thefenrir777: Soooooo four years till season 4. Cause it took 3 for this one.

Ilahmae Cunanan: Finally!!

Oliver Ognenoski: I can't wait for sooo long i like so much this show this season gonna be great

DELILAH 25: And here I thought they canceled the show. Glad there will be a third season.

Otk_Obelisk: Finally it's been like centuries.

Cathy Brown: Have been waiting over a year for this…yes!!!!

Aditya Misra: 3 years and more waiting

Saber King: This will be Norm McDonald’s last season I’m not ready 😢

Meryl Simmons: So excited for the new season. While I was excited for Discovery, it really felt like “oh, this is the story” in the third season. It feels like season 2 was the retcon. Orville feels more like a Star Trek series than the current Star Trek and yet was still able to be fresh and inclusive without feeling shoehorned in. It also felt more adult than Discovery. In the way that the Orville went there with certain storylines, even B plots than Discovery. Yeah, Discovery has had Klingon tits shown but you never had someone lose a limb as a practical joke or even just deal with divorce. I heard that this was the last season but I would love to see a spin off or further exploration into this world.

Narean Mano: Waited a very long time

Севдалина Кръстева: On FOX

Jose Castaneda: Oh my God, Chairs! How exciting

Власта Vlasta: It's was too long since s2 came out.... And I'm still waiting for this one)

Obeah: Incredible

StalxD: Red alert

Ted lasso is dope: Finally! I can live peacefully now.

Donald McClure Jr.: This will be a dope season for sure! I just wish it would still be on TV instead of moving to Hulu! With that being said, it's overall a great show. I really enjoyed the first two seasons. The third will definitely be something to see. Congratulations on the Orville cast & crew for coming back and garnering more fans of their space Odyssey!

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