American Dad Season 10 Episode 18 - American Dad Full Nocuts #1080p

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DiamondStudded PunchingBag: "oh look, there's a Klaus"... that was too funny!!

Rich Grover: Predictive programming

Johnny X 100: Love this episode

dior Blitz: Stan- “Enjoy that job until your first drug test” Jeff- “Ahh it’s cool Mr. S I know everything about drugs”🤣

n: Bangkaù

Leilani Morgan: lol why does Stan look like hes slowly turning into frankenstein

Shomari Monroe: Awesome video

Asif A. Ali: "Ah. Public pool, society's unflushed toilet." 🤣🤣 "There are two types of people who wear Speedos; athletes and perverts, which one are you?" 🤣🤣🤣

siva nair: What's all about that zooming during scenes.

Aw Flower: That was a fab episode!

Keen baker-dias: Frankenstan

Malikai Giday: She said she needs a break she’s been getting railed 😭😂😂😂

John Barber: Bring back Fung Wah.

hell blazer: MAINFRAME

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