Winning in Solos! (Fortnite Season 8)

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Harshita Bhatia: for 3 year

Harshita Bhatia: you are the best

ME Gamerz: Hi T

dipu kandel: Hi typical gamer i am new subscriber

Andre Potgieter: 2 years

olivia rodriguez: I am an OG I've been playing for five years

Soul Lazar: Why did you place me in time out ):

Its Amber: They screw you on xp now 3000 xp for 9 kills 2 ND place

NRG mango: A

Deebomixes: You can tell when the people in your games are fake fans like the 8 year olds saying they've been watching for 12 years that's obv a lie and u get so many 8 year olds saying there hugeee fans but there not its sad to watch them lie and when they say im a huge fan over and over and over the whole game there fake and when they ask what you stream on and your channel name like bruh you just said your a HUGE fan like the fake fans saying there real fans is sad im glad you take it good and just act like there real fans but there fake

GamerAaliyahG: Hey TG it’s been 2 years since I started watching you and you have come a long way you now have. 12 mill I’m so happy for you can you reply and just say hi that would be nice you inspire me to be a good person and be nice everyday thanks TG for making my day better when I was feeling down I could join the stream or watch a video

Sofia Vasquez: Hi 😊

roejengz: YouTube is easily the best streaming platform. I don’t always have time to tune in live, but rewatching streams is perfect. Thanks TG! Bring so homies over to the platform!

Christopher Stidham: When are you going to play dead by daylight again??? Can you please play that game again please???

Jackson C: I wish I could be a member but my mom won't let me

PupHQ: Fornite sucks

Deebomixes: Tilted towers is coming back to fortnite officially!!!! SOON! BIG W!

DaReal BabyChris: Btw cooked steaks is the only ways👏 If u eat steaks red then u might as well eat it raw😂 Chef: How u like your steaks? Me: Cooked😎 Cool fact: Jacky Chan did his own stunts and moves in rush hour/rush hour 2 & 3😆loved them movies

Dakota Bennett: I started when my brother started

Sawyer Cromer: 1Uer

aloe gaming: i watch u for 8 year

Gill: 7 years

aloe gaming: i have played 4 years and i am cracked u suck hah

Dakota Bennett: Season 5

Kaleb Cole: 4 years

BadWolf 757: Please play Biomutant. Thanks.

La'Kendra Dozier: Why do you like fortnite to much

Gym Jake: I have been watching you since chapter 2 season 2

Eddie Noddin: Can I please be your friend on Fortnite

Nolan Tapiatic: Can you give me a skin marlus

Juan Manuel Rivera: I was the soccer skin that gave tg a gold pump 41:54

Avengers team: You your best YouTube

XclapU: Big fan

XclapU: I have been watching since u first started dead by daylight


Kate Thacker: Fervery

Gamer 1.0: you are so good i want you to teach me my display name is savagegamerXX thanks😀😀😀😀

Gamer 1.0: hey bro your gaming skills is on point

Leon Kodheli: We are still waiting for episode 25 of apocalypse mod, but who I'm I kidding, TG will never go back to the old days

David Baxter: I’m not trying to like rush you or anything I just want you to know that your seeing this comment. You should definitely play dead by daylight I would love to see you play and become a god at that game

Add me to your friend list Sharkboy Pierson: Yo What's up How you doing I live in bay city You're a great youtuber!!!

VG !DRXP: When I'd he going to move his set up in the new house

thedripeboyouuherdme: Hi

Fair Light: Hi

Vikki Ferdinands: I’ve been watching since your first YouTube video

Vikki Ferdinands: I put your name in the item shop and I liked and subscribe

Jerrythefrog42: Last thing i remembered was you playing gta mods almost every day and for some reason of all games you decided to move to fortnite

lena aragon: What happened to stream sniping new girlfriend

Brady Cumbus: I started playing fortnite in season 8 chapter 1 and I started watching you in chapter 2 season 2

Typical Suleiman plays: I am having a good day and just had school today and just got home 4:30 p.m. from school and i am having a good evening!

Robert Woodie: I ment to click the 4. For how long i watched u

James Barker: your good👏

Robert Woodie: I watched u Around 1 year and played for 3 years

Francheska Carmona: How old are you

Spencerthegamer.: Since season 7 chapter 2 not very long

Spencerthegamer.: Man I am gonna ask my mom and dad if I can order something from your store

Aaron Foster: I don't have a single armored wall or a single launch pad (as he passes a launch pad at that exact moment, and didn't see it) Lol.

Dog Shorts: U said a##

Erica Moore: I never even got to play with you

Jj Curtis: For nine years

jeff7hwy20pits: Now 4

Ceride Negron: Fr

Christine Fagan: Are we all just going to ignore that he said a** at 34:49

Lindiwe Lindi: hi tyipical gamer

jeff7hwy20pits: It is so good

jeff7hwy20pits: 3years

Jett Richardson: :For years I have been playing :nine years I hav been watching you

Shawnel Raschid: I use your creator code

Migi Oliveros: And I subscribed and liked

Migi Oliveros: You are so cool 😎

CrazyMedic1474: 1 year

Swish is on 60 FPS: I’ve been playing since chapter 2 season 3

CrazyMedic1474: Sup bro

carl schweich: hi tg

russ cowley: TG plz plz plz will you do a bigfoot. It has had a massive update you will love it man :)

Acaria Health: i used the code typical gamer in the item shop please i liked your video


melissa Braddock: Yo this stream is so good that I watch it every single day keep it up and I am Scribe

Cynthia Rios: You’re very good at the game I wish I was but I’m trash

Spicersun: Please play gta

Shea's Tumbling Videos: Good stream

Kali Cowling: i dot no hal long i bin wohsin you

Martin S: how are you

aloha_khloe: Congrats on 12 mil you have Been streaming before I was born

Martin S: season 6

Gladys Rincon: I'll use your code typical gamer

Gladys Rincon: I like your videos a lot me and my cousin watch you a lot we subscribe

Gladys Rincon: Hi Andre

Zebib Solomon: I started watching your channel when you started playing fortnite

Kelsie McPhillips: hello

Xavier Velasco: Hola bro tú me mataste en fortnite

Tolu Ogunsola: Do you have carnage

Fornitegamer Pro: Can you gift the the Eddie brick vennom bundle I am a huge fan support creator typical gamer my name is shadowninja3811

Poxxi_: When he's stream ends it just feels so sad ;-;

Sam Pierpoint: Sheeesh

Jakaridagr8: ive been watching you for 2 years

Viper Nate yt: Hello gg

Caleb Hall: I swear the whole time you was singing Jeffrey bazos my boys was singing it too!! 😂😂

Dayden Peterson: Sorry I didn’t mean to say that my user name is Major 13 I am very good at the game please could you invite me

Dayden Peterson: Typical gamer can you give me the battle pass my user name in the game I’m sick right now but I don’t have a mic so my user name is major 13

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