Supergirl 6x13 Sneak Peek "The Gauntlet" (HD) Season 6 Episode 13 Sneak Peek

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EMPRESS SHION: I hope they make another series for Lena.

Emily Pops: peition to create a spin off series of lena being a witch

SnowAngelLunar: Lena: I'm not a witch. I dont cast spells. No one taught me magic! Mkay Morganna. 🙄

Tony Young: Oh, just give Zatanna a call already!

Fitzytail 89: Finally Katie and Magic back together again!!

Miles Goodison-Fearon: I am wondering that once this show ends if they are going to continue with this, as I am not sure that the writers of Superman & Lois will ever acknowledge Morgana Le Luthor in Season 2 and beyond to be honest.

JM: She's so gorgeous 🥺

W C: Lena needs to put aside her beliefs in science, and accept her magical gift. It could be her next step in forming her own path away from the Luthor name.

Kieth Kat: maybe she will be a powerful witch or she will be unlock the great power that she has if kara/supergirl will be in great danger, just like life and death.. and then after saving kara, lena will die and kara will realized that she loves lena.. hahahah..

Blå: Lena really needs to think back to her past as Morgana for this

imeg: giving every cast a superpower is ridiculous. Superpower doesn't equal importance in a superhero shows. geez. Avengers worked because it's a show about superheroes teaming up... not a lone superhero suddenly have her used to be normal superfriends as super superfriends...

sarah drury: Morgana, Hello...

Karlee Valentino: Oh Lena you have so much power, just believe in yourself. Mix magic and science you are the only one that can do that. You are stronger then you think. 💪 💜💜💜

Madelyn Riche: Be safe Lena, don't get stabbed by a lake again.

Lilia Rivas 2-11: I love lena luthor ❤️


Matt Langsdorf: Even watching this while only being an episode behind makes no sense. What even is this show.

ARYAN DESAI: This shows fucking sucks

chloe.t: morgana is back!!!


jenni22: Secrets? you mean supercorp endgame? i get it

jenni22: A risada dessa mulher vai ficar na minha cabeça por dias

bluntmischief: really cant take that witch seriously in the beginning

Alex Olsen: Who's the hologram?

Sarah 8a: It's so normal to me to see Katie's characters speaking about Magic... I just love her! Morgana Pendragon lives on

Hero of light: Well this episode seems like a bit improvement over the last one...

Lee-Ann Swanepoel: Well, at least we now know what happened to Morgana when she was brought back. Wonder where Merlin is?

Lewis Baldwin: So lena is basically princess bubblegum

Michelle Alexis: the writers are really gonna need to take a long hard thought about how they’re gonna make her different from morgana because they have a high chance thats gonna happen. and that could break the show

ELOfanatic: The witch has to be Stevie Nicks

Carol Escamilla: Lena 😍😍😍😍😍

Booming Bob: So it looks like Morgana and Lena are becoming together I reminds me of Mein such a good show memories

warhero99: who is the old lady? did we see her before?

Marie Janovska: Too late..why? 😭😭😭

Daniella Soeira: Morgana??????

Supergirl Video Clips: Wait.. this is one of the three priestess who created Reign.

Jave Colorge: I hope Lena gets to join the Legends they really need someone good with science and tech after jax and ray

Chris_bev_: god the acting in this show is terrible

Anjola Tope-Babalola: Supergirl actually brought Morgana to cw, 🤣🤣🤣🤣

zoe knap: Has it always been a thing that Lenas mother was a witch or is this some random add on?

Taylor14Zeck: Lena Needs Regina Mils and Emma Swan haha!!

Taylor14Zeck: at this point rumpstilskin would say: All Magic comes at price ! Thats all keep poping in to my head LOL !!!

Fixtionmaster101: I forgot that Lena’s face was once Merlin’s arch rival, Morgana. I’ve been so focused on Lena’s journey of friendship, corruption, deception, and redemption that I forgot about the Land of Myth and the Time of Magic. The new adventure of this strange discovery is unexpected. Now I understand the purpose of Nyxly; she’s the magical threat that Supergirl face, but she can’t face it alone. It’s understandable that Lena’s skeptical about her powers and a little hypocritical. She’s the only one who desperately held onto the need for explanation.

Itaí: Can you believe we're here???

Adam Myers: I really hope that giving Lena this story so late in the game means they’re planning to give her a legacy beyond Supergirl. In terms of original arrowverse characters, she’s one of the best.

Raúl Betancourt: What about Lena's new hairstyle? Is pretty though

good vibes only thank you: Can't wait to see merlin lol

Cole Macgrath: This whole storyline is a trainwreck

Triple C: If Lena is going to do this, then I strongly recommend she takes lessons from Constantine

End of an Era out NOW: They might as well have scrapped this whole lenas powers storyline since it’s only half a season left 🤦🏾‍♀️

End of an Era out NOW: Isn’t beeta the one who broke into the DEO? Why is lena talking to her.

End of an Era out NOW: Lena looks AMAZINGG with this hair

הדסה ליברמן: She's so beautiful oml

Atlantic Ocean: It’s good to see Lena is still trying to understand her gift

Jay J: I get that she played Morgana but why the hell did they give her magic in the last season it just comes out of nowhere its so random. Also damn its the last season of Supergirl can i get some Kara focus with her just kicking the shit out of some villains showing off her powers and how strong she is and not her getting knocked out or beat up and then getting saved by her weak ass team like come on shes Supergirl.

Cameron Kiys: This came so far out of left field and right when the story is ending. The sense…its has none.

Dalvana Souza: Ahhhhhhh Lena Perfeitaaaaaa❤️💙❤️💙SupercorpEndgame

Ilahmae Cunanan: We love Lena Luthor

Shadow Cat: Lena the witch....make a spinoff ASAP ...ok? ok.

JENDALL714: It's a shame, the last season and Supergirl has hardly been featured in many episodes, most likely because she squeezed out a kid and they had to shoot around her. The episodes have been featuring the Gays and Lena. Last weeks episode about Black Guardian Lady was horrible, that's the first episode I have ever changed the channel half way through the episode and I have been a fan since the start.

yas oliveira: lena amor da minha vidaaaa

Sarah .B: MORGANA ?? Season 6 !! the once and future king ! 😭 I hope they merge them some how I mean why not they already mentioned him in DC legends 🥺


Gali kafry: supercorp endgame

Tiffany Davies: Morgana 2.0

Vish S: what in the world? 😭🤧 Anyway she looks fire so I guess nothing else matters..... SUPERCORP ENDGAME 🦖

XxMajesticWolfXx: Giving lena powers was a big mistake since the season is almost ending should've started the powers storyline in S5.

garcia adrian: September 27 anniversary of TV show Sabrina the teenage witch

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