Sex Education | Behind-The-Scenes Season 3 Set Tour With The Cast!

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ellabhc: i wanna live in whatever fucking non-existing time this show was set in so bad

Corey Drew: Season 3 aka the Groff boys redemption arc

Shampain: Mimi could be the next Emma Roberts, queen of playing bitchy characters

isabella: mimis accent OMG i didnt know she changes it

TJ Anu: A set tour without Ncuti?????!!!!! Wtf 😳

Vaibhavrao Patil: It's been over three seasons but still Otis Maeve didn't make a move like have that kind of thing ☺☺💋💏

Vaibhavrao Patil: It's been over three seasons but still Otis Maeve didn't make a move like have that kind of thing ☺☺💋💏

gk: S4 is gonna be hell lot of fun definitely!

Ivan: What does Alistair ask Emma and Aimee? I could not understand it, my English is not very good lol

Megan Wright: Ncuti wasn't in the video. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. (jk loved every second of this)

Stuffthatsfunny1: Mr Groff is hilarious

Carla Coutto: Missed Eric in this video 🥺

smokey 55: Otis house revaeled hit me so hard, otis home is so beautiful in the show, so its just set😭

heybigsplendour: miss you guys already!

Vidyanand: Facts: Every place in this series is iconic.

Ranielle Espinosa: 8:11 Otis be like: Oh shit


Light Above The Sky: 8:11 I SEE YOU OTIS “ OT “ MILBURN!!!!!!

Archie Villanueva: 8:10 someone is hinding HAHAHAHA

Gaurav Bandhaokar: Otis Cameo 8:11

Sarthak Singh: Idk i have a crush on new principal

bill: "So you describe your work as impressionistic, wanna-be, photo-realistic, a bit shit? "But that's part of the charm." I can't XD

Daniele Scalise: Holy shit I'm completely in love with Emma

Paulo Ong: 8:10 OTIS AT THE BACK

Wes Gibbins: 8:12 spotted a wild Otis!

nothanks: stop asa in the back at 8:11

Limza Tablo: Looks like Mr Groff found a new job.

Anna Polisz: 3:16 :DDDDDDD

Charlotte Kennedy: "BIKES!!!"


Jҽռռɨʄҽʀ: After Aimee and Maeve, I loved all this duo and unlikely group

The Dude From Denmark: BIKES!

Adrian Santos: 1:46 The Iconic Maeve ❤️✊

Dustin May: Best show 😌🤌

Mojovo: 4:37 Didnt know he was a Tommyinnit fanboy?

milan: i love asa

Juancarbg_: We love you Michael Groof!!!


AC: i like how i see isaac as a normal person and not as a cripple on the show. the character he played was really great

George Bryant: 2?

DonFuego: If you're not giving us ROTIS maybe a wholesome episode just them in it I JUST WANT TO SEE THEM AGAIN

ginacocaina: 8:07 Look at the background

Milla Externbrink: Uiii I needed this

aaditya gupta: Pls rotis ENDGAMEEE 😭😩

E T: Even if I ship Motis on the show i have to recognize that otis seems like a boy and maeve almost a woman. So not far credible. But the strenght of the show that is that in s1 they make me forgotten that and their chemistry was wonderful


Periwinkle Jones: George is a cutie!

Dirk-Jan Gruppen: I still wanna push Isaac out of the wheelchair. Idk it is so….. tempting to do.

Serious Student Pro Max: Well....thanks

M0rkTFH: Awesome show and awesome people. Cant wait for season 4!


Angad Sharma: This video is pure happy vibes

Adam P: I can’t believe I went from being so hopeful for Maeve and Otis to actually wanting Otis and Ruby!!!

Sriram K K: 8:12 asa 😹😹

The taste of love is alcohol free: I love how they all love their characters and embrace it even when being interviewed or simply goofing around 💜

RED taylor's version: i smiled so much during this video

Empress♡: Mr. Groff, Ruby, Rahim and Adam Deserves better <3

Kyle Villanueva: I LOVEEEEEEE YOU RUBY!!!!!

mona: 8:11 asa accidentally entering the shot and then walking backwards lmaoo

Sucheta Bhattacharyya: Issac is something else in this series... he's magical... Don't judge me but Issac is my fav

Koumudi Mahanta: Asa at 8:18.

Zahra _ptv: Alistair is so delightful

Giulia Lo Surdo: I love this cast, but really, it won't be the same if Emma really leaves the show. Otis and Emma may not be together, but they are the glue.

Mariana Luque B: 8:11 Asa hiding lol

Carmen Tin: Asa in the background at 8:12 is so cute😂

Isolde Buí: Tanya/lily is my absolute goals

Tessa Lignore: I very much enjoyed

Subbu Rama: now the equation has come to that ruby must be in the thumbnail of any sex education video!

ᚨᛉᚨᛉᛖᛚ: We need some adam isaac moments in the show!

Viola Miller: i could listen to maeve’s voice all day long

Holly Robinson: imagine having alistair as ur dad, what a funny bloke

Holly Robinson: literally my favourite cast

Noriel Amar: 8:11 Otis in the back. HAAAHAHAAHAAHA

n: hes so likeable in person whatt

alba: 0:56 this just blew my mind

candidesque: Somehow, I've never felt more connected than with Alistair enthusiastically saying "Bikes!"

Annie Champion: everyone in this cast has such lovely vibes, they all seem like genuinely nice people and i love that so much :)

Manan: I have a question Ruby- I love You Otis- That’s nice What should Otis have said, that wouldn’t have hurt Ruby given he likes her, but not love. I have got non satisfactory answers from 13 people I have asked

bele: 💜💜

G: Please put English captions 😭🙏

Quest Giver: I knew this show existed but i didn't think for a moment it would be set in the UK. this is waaaay too Americanised.

Sagar Kumar: I loved the ruby (mimi) characters and want to see more depth in her role

Amir Ali Abdullha: i fucking loved the season 3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Karen K: Asa is so adorable like wtf

Kristian Kofod: 8:11 when otis walks by hahaha

Neko-chan: Lmao

Harpreet Bains: i love this so much

Zero Two: 3:00 “We’re over here” it sounds so cuteeeeee

Acha: "it's fun to be a b!tch" ICONIC

Vlog Jr: This cast are so funny, they're nothing like their character. Apart from maybe Asa. Connor is hilarious

molly: i love this whole cast so much omg

NANCY YAN: Asa butterfield is so cute ☺️

saksham ghadge: Who else would like to join these amazing cast😏sex education<<3

HariKrish Games: Rubi otis ❤️

Meriel Baniaga: asa at 08:11 😂😂😂

Mz Rnd: I watched it for the first time the other day it was a bit confusing why were they all dressed like they’re in the 1980s ?

David Hoag: Holy shit, Groff was in Rogue One! He's the most famous person in the whole cast! Fuckin' Star Wars!

Syyng _09: 8:11

Kacper Odrzywołek: Epic!

Stale: 8:11 Hi Asa

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