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kirito _4kirigaya: 2:01:39 I'm sorry but those shots where sus as fuck for the guy running up the stairs there is no way you still kept shooting and broke him when he wasn't there anymore right? How about the other guy that jumped from Infront of you then behind you and you kept shooting at nothing and that broke him... Wtf is that?

DoolyToken: Nick sounds mad envious of Tim lowkey.... dude can never acknowledge his own skill without comparing it to Tim’s.

Joshua Denman: So if you don’t have a Weaver skin you can get this one? The Deciple?

Hearing Visions: These FaZe boys started off in party mode lmao "are you guys fuckin high?" 😂 First two games were an absolute scream also, could of hit the execute 28 times 😂

Jared Nesbitt: That turkey leg charm low key looks like a ballsack that hangs from truck hitches.

Bmacfm: I miss the old Kevin look

IanOfArcadia: That M4 has zero recoil. It's beautiful.

Jacob: This battle pass is kind of trash.

thegreat 1: Timmy tenders really might have the hacks now lmao lol

Woodie: How do you download warzone?

UCHIHA kUCHEN Oo: 2:14:23

Jacob Cundy: Pirate name: Capt Black Tatt Tim

fix_Yinix: This games sf ass, why are you so scared of making content for other games

Bryan Baltazar: Plz reply

Richard Robles: Tim is the fakest streamer in the game i dont no why these kids donate money to him. This chubby egg head flip flops from doc and nick knowing those 2 guys dont like each other. Im telling you now doc needs to stop playing with this guy he still a purple snake to me.

VØⱤTɆӾ ψ: Timmy

Muhammad Ali Raza: How the fuck does he not have to work for the gun? Everything is unlock for him in the new gun? I dokt get it ????? And galaxy skin tooo?????

N Molina: Did Tim fire his editor? Why are we getting 4 hrs of uncut shit?

Alex: Fuck swag. Can’t watch that dude.

amree ariff: Can you play with Faze Booya next? He smashes rebirth island.

A B: Apparently Tim only likes guns colored like a kid's toy, lmao.

Omaer 1: Very Nice Bro!

Its Wes: Lmao, THIS is the ‘new’ map? Yeah, this game and it’s entire dev team blows ass. So glad I switched over to playing insurgency. I wont ever play another cod game again. What a horseshit game. I had SUCH impossibly low standards and IW still let me down.

Andrew Hoekstra: 2:19:01 I agree with that statement 100% and I'm a Seahawks fan myself

J.J. Dawson: Do you think they’re baiting the cheaters with the vanguard guns?

J.J. Dawson: Do you think they put the vanguards guns in as a way to identify cheaters?

_on.the.rise.hh_: Good snipes at 3:15:08 Timmy

christian blackburn: Tim is right guys that's why I don't yet at my friend who says he's better than me and ends the game with 2 kills. He's a warrior

Ryan marmite: Nick talking like he doesnt use steroids 😂😂😂😂

Jax Tuttle: If he did both bocw and warzone the damn stdaight id be a diehard fan but since its just wz its only 50% of the cod exspirence more 20% becuse zombies is 30% mp is 30% and campaign is 20% witch makes 100% idk i wish tatman would play more then wz but im happy he plays wz still pissed he calls it "wz season six" when its really bocw season six becuse irs the last bocw season before vanguard steals the spotlight

JvRacingVids: ALSO, exhaust manifold gaskets going bad are common issues on LITERALLY EVERY american v8.

Cole Lewis: They broke the game by not letting you access half/most of your armory (also not letting you access the full armory, just takes you to the main menu) infuriating

ttv-bmour3 xbox-Zexyshot1146: They keep destroying stadium

whiskey_bent: yall gotta stop donating money to streamers. this man is a millionaire, meanwhile yall eat at mcdonalds...

Tril3: Are these people in drugs while creating these battle passes lol. Each pass i say it can't get any worse, but it does lmao. What is up with all the Christmas lights camos? Lol. We need DEA raid their offices for drugs that's the only explanation. I never in my life seen such poor creativity. I hope 10 year olds are behind this.

Yeah Right: How does this killcam make any sense? 🤔 2:17:12

Dan Marks: Intro song?

thiago scavacini: I'm looking hard for the weaver skin and for the life of me i can't find it. What am I doing wrong.

Averi Forehand: Sup

Joe Braden: A crack is new. The same bell ends play it

Mr. Jr: I’m confused. Tim said let’s see this new shotgun but yet it’s on level 33 already. Did I miss something?

EVERYBODYZKIN: 200 ping an your texas hmmmmm interesting

Cody Moster: Tim I doubt you’ll see this but if you want to still try turkey for thanksgiving best is a deep fried turkey is incredible and I have similar taste as you do but I eat a turkey leg every year and it’s also deep fried and gas🔥🔥🔥

sushi kiwi: Nah you gotta use the long range uzi.https://youtu.be/R7f0YxePcyE. This video is a joke

revxs: my lifes a mess right now and tims stream always makes me happy :) <3 much love from me tim

LowMan Josh: Waffles are in fact better then the slop that is pancakes

Brian the Blaxican: The only thing Tim carries is Nick Mercs lol

Emerald-Eyez 7 Zemi: Tim not getting to stream football games RIP 🪦 😞 😔 😢 😭

Daddystriggered Gaming: You don't like beef jerky, okay tim we can't be calling you the king of food, jerky is amazing.

David Outly: you're a handsome dude but put on some pants for the love of god

Nicky Huntington: I'm not a Debbie downer, but u make easy money, people nowadays should try make something of them selfs the world is fucked. 2021 and not everybody has clean drinking water. 🤷‍♂️ Knock knock... Who's there??? Who cares, fuck u

Potential: Still the same map, man Fuck EA.

Patric Gmuer: So you said you want to try the new shotgun and new ar, but you’ve already got them leveled up a lot meaning you’ve already been trying them out.

D Bro: This gulag is Tim vs the Fall Guys game on day one

Brian Furdon: Who unlocks his guns

DABS HERB: 3:18:37 nice snipe

Dylan Bury: This man claims he loves Jr Bacon Cheeseburgers from Wendys AND doesn't like soft bacon smh. Soft bacon rules

Aditya Prakash: I get 150 ping minimum on my server in India region if pro streams become bot on 150 ping then I think we are slaying on 150ping

chris pressley: My family has ham because turkey is meh

Russ Lowrey: I really appreciate the positive stride these guys took with the twitch leak.

Zack Mackey: I want to do the challenges for the disciple skin. Can I do them in wz?

Israel Salas: damn my team and I killed him at military base

Thee Lakershow: Starts watching season 6 trailer and store 51:32 Starts a solo match 1:22:00 Starts playing with Nickmercs and Nio 1:42:00

lil Russ Life: I love you Tim

Tyler Otten: your lighting looks way better than normal

ShermTheGerm17: Bro tim I was the TTv kid that killed you !! I couldn’t believe it was you you smacked me with the snipe the window saved my life !!! TTvShermthegerm17 btw love you man i watch all your vids ! 4:10 :) all love man

marty schad: #timein my ass, you just unlocked the BP on stream, so how is that the new weapons are maxed out?? Such a BS liar!!!!

R. McConnell Jr: Rams Suck if your over 6’0

Z C: Time got a phatty

Maximiliano Pini: The ak you pick up at 4:23:15 ish was mine LOL. We're from Argentina and had 200 ping. No clue why we were thrown in US lobby

Derezzed_ Program: Two “new” guns, a crack in the map, some bunkers, hackers, tragically bad blueprints, and DEV errors. Great season 🤣. No shot anyone can honestly defend this game.

Corey Bananaman Lanaghan: What skin is that

Wolfie: Tim has the worst take on skins known to man

Panzerdan412: A nice smoked brisket and smoked turkey for thanksgiving Some skillet cornbread Maybe sweet tater fries

The_Tryhard_Boi: I wish I was popular and good at warzone, I'm trash at that game. :(

Zero: UWUW

Stephen Patoine: You’re the best Tim

Sir Pine Apple: I keep forgetting he doesnt stream on twitch no more and I keep looking for him in twitch, hopefully he's doing good here

Seth420: Tim's fat

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