Cake Cake BOOM! :: Hermitcraft #16 Season 8

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Chun Lee: You’re best friends with Scar, aren’t you, _little guy?_

BullerThePirate: Bdubs, your ads areso good I come back to rewatch them xD Love your content and LOVE your commercials!

Michael Moore: Scar making the generous pranks! I love it!

Caleb Pillai: Maybe try tuff in the tiled path, instead of stone. The darker gradient might be a better match to the dark deepslate

Zy Ozom: hey bdouble0100 i am subscribe to you and your brother pungence

Jabuuioi Oioiowooo: Get some rest and I hope you get well soon.

Generic Name: That last boomerang: finally figured out where that 1 diamond came from! It was decoration LOL

Zac Weber: The plaid is bad. Lol. Too flat and doesn’t fit in. Really don’t think the area is “industrial” either with the rustic tree chopper and storage. Also having the cave right there might mean it should be matched with stairs entrance or left as dirt.

Matthew Elliott: Love the designs BDubs! You should move your stone generator up into the new stone storage building (in the cave)

Damon D: Yea not gonna lie, I’m typically a dirt bag and fast forward through content creator ads but man I actually like watching BDubs’ Other content creators need to step their game up, because BDubs ought to be earning the big sponsorships for his efforts

Yooper66: Great ad from Nicole! Superstar🌟It's nice that she lets Bdubs do the speaking parts.

RofoRex: These adverts are getting out of hand and I for one LOVE them!

Red Panda: Build a rusty windmill please. Love from family <3

footlonghawk39: If your wanting something to sell maybe sand I dont think anyone is selling it and when it sells it sells big

IT_ODIS: I really missed you going through your thought process. It always inspires me to build.

TheLargeBard: SHE GAMIN'!

Krarilotus: These ads from Bdubs are better than any of those apperantly 'real' advertising companies spits out!

Cameron: Bdubs rather strangely I have the same illness I was sick for a while felt better for a few days then I got a cough and the sniffles

vasu agrawal: Ah yes, die from a rival and still business what he used to kill you

TERMINAL FlamingOcean: The stone build is great! Maybe make the windmill blades darker? They blend In a bit with the granite :)

Fatima 213: She gaming!

Jar Jar Beast: She gay man

Thunder Moon: I would really like the plaid path but I feel the stone is a little bit too bright for it. I wish there was something a little darker than stone. Maybe andesite?

Lraihly: The creeper in the boat was looking for his mom and dad.

Scarlett: tbh not a fan of the tile look, great video tho!

Maverick Barrington: SCAR WON

NoName No: anything with bdubs wife in it is getting liked, she cracks me up

michael glidden: Can't you rename that stuff ins? Absolutely epic education being delivered by Scar here... Wow! He got you BIG TIME!

wire: I love Flannel Fantasy.

TheGunRack1776 _: The windmill kinda looks like a sonnenrad

ITSJIMMYAT .,.: I'd say the path design could be improved just by throwing some slabs and carpets in to add some dimension to it and make it look less flat

Markisparki: i love your commercial breaks!

concert4aliens: Bdubs and Ryan Reynolds are the only two people that make me willingly watch an ad, absolute top tier!

Coolbos Playz: Bdubs the one guy I want to watch the sponsor segment

LesionPulse: Bdubs is the one man that can create a sponsorship ad that I don’t want to skip

Za Ghurdo: You make ads fun. I appreciate that.

Mason Chalmers: Bdubs has the only sponsor i don't skip

Aaron Jans: I like the: " SHE GAMIN' "

saintlemus: Dude I love your Commercials hahahaha

Tiama: Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? - - ok I won't do that meme here but now I have an itch to go play it. Thnx Bdubs.

Skididigg: How many of us were here just to see BDubs get blown up thanks to Scar?

The Real Official Caz: Lol bravo Scar, bravo 👏

Jurre Ten Berge: You stupid!! You should have bring the did you die box to scar because you didn't lost your stuf!!

Frank Sunderland: I have both a Legion Laptop and Desktop. I have had absolutely no problems.

Crimson Lion: Did you know how many times scar die with charge creepers

FlyingFalcon01: When the ad is worth it to watch all the way through. xD Great job gamin', Nicole!

i i: A+ advertisement

Tamara: THAT is a commercial i will happily watch again for Bdubs :D

Tikosh: I like the dark parts of the path but not the stone.. What about tuff.. or (polished) andesite?

Riley Condon: i have depression now - "thats right you are, cause she gamin!"

Robert Swain: Bdub’s adverts are actually fun to watch.

Jaydee 8652: I think the best thing about the cake shop is that Scar knows you have no customers, so only the owners would enter the shops. Imagine if Docm or somebody got blown up instead.

Unknown Slayer: Love that road bdubs ! Your creativity knows no bounds! That building is absolutely Amazing man , so good XD

Jennavieve Erickson: The roads look great in that pattern!!! I say go for it!!!

Sepia Smith: SHE GAMIN!!!!!!!! I absolutely LOVED that comMeRciAL bReAk!! i also really love seeing the process of building 💖💕 at the very least, for when you don't take us through the process, I love the detailed walk through the final product to let us know your thoughts Bdubs using literal dirt in a masterpiece of a building YET AGAIN smh what a flex

Simon Schumann: loving the ad breaks

Play Music: Scar's video setting this up was hilarious! How many times he died just trying to kill bdub once...

BluePhoenix135: You can put any items you have on your off-hand onto your inventory by simply hovering the mouse pointer on any slot on your inventory then press the key (default is F)

Scott Cowick: I actually do like that road. A bit of decorations and fence along the sides would really work well.

Sara Green: Watching Bdubs' ad... Me: "Uh oh, the next one is going to show him waiting in bed with his shirt off...." 😳 Ad shows Bdubs in bed with his shirt ON. Me: "Phew! for adult-only version of ad in the comments section" 🤣

KUBO: bdubs should be a Ad director

CeasingHornet40 :D: "She's not cuddling with you! She's GAMING!" :(

Hopeful Interpretation: Omg! another superbowl worthy ad! I love watching laptop reviews, and everyone like me would be impressed by this!

captainq: That's a good pattern, but you'll want a border. A curb, perhaps?

Matt Milford: I don't know what they are paying you for your sponsorship ads, but It's not enough! These ads you do are always entertaining and creative. Much better than the crap that comes from normal pro advertisers.

Luxton: I love how Scar's 'revenge' was a minor inconvenience that gave Bdubs a bunch of valuable stuff. It's very on-brand for him haha

Cynthia Schwab: OML, Nicole Gamin, 😂!!🤓👍!!

OpGamer7275: Only sponsor video that I did not skip , Good Work 😂

Quequeg1: best ad ever bdubs

Stephanie Zackery: Did I literally come back to this video to rewatch the ad....yes I did cause she gaminh.

Ajlez: I really like seeing the different phases of building, it gives me a lot of inspiration to think about what my vision is compared to what it turns into as we go. And then in the end I have a million mental notes made for all the cool stuff I want to try.

Snowfang: Bdus caughing while laughing is so dad vibes 🤣 get well soon bdus...luv ya

WARD OF NOTHINGNESS: Flannel fantasy

Mark Schwader: Like walking on a beautiful flannel coat!

reinier verhoeven: you should put a cobble gen and masons in the stone place

Zora TheSideCharacter: I think the path is cool, but I think it would look better, and most importantly fit the area better, if it had some large dark trees, and soul lantern light posts? You the expert but that's my idea just so it's out there lol.

Miriam Tong: Bdubs' sponsorship skits are honestly the best. I actually look forward to them sometimes.

Wintertooth100: the interiors aren't completely done!? Tisk tisk Mr Dubs. Oh, and the commercial break in this one might be the best one yet xD

Zora TheSideCharacter: Bdubs should make real TV commercials, hes so much better at it then the "pros" XD

FRANCIS KURIAN: These ads are the best

Spencer Sommerville: Youre the only youtuber that I like to watch the ads for XD

Jazzy Waffles: That might honestly have been your best sponsored segment so far!

Otyugs & Displacer Beasts: I love that road design!!

Niaz Jaffar: Hermits make worth watching advertisements

Alec DeMent: That bdub ad wow he's talented. He's got a future in production

A_J _RANDOM: Get well soon

A_J _RANDOM: That was a great episode!!! And the add, the add was nuts! Wow

Barry Dunne: Your sponsored segments are so original and funny 👍

Nate: Lmaooo, that sponsored segment was incredible! Also, with the animal crossing reference last season and the final fantasy reference this season, it’s not only she gamin’- it’s WE GAMIN’, LET’S GOOOO (edit: btw hope you get well soon again!)

Adam stone: I love the in-depth look into the building process, I lamented the insta-builds for the past few episodes so this episode is really nice!

Katie Titan: My face when I found out bdubs hates jelly >:o

Boer Bouwvakker: love the plaid path

Soap Dish: “SHE GAMEIN!!”

John Brill: It would be great if Bdubs did time lapses.

Teddy Sexton: When are you going to start your mega base?

Zainul Risyad: Man, bdubs wife plays Minecraft without a mouse? What a legend

Proud Troll: I love your commiiiiiiirshil breaks.

DJ Quackers: I have to say, that Bdubs is the only Youtuber that I don’t skip sponsored ads because he brings it to an IRL ad. I love it.

Jhon Carl Dela Cruz: Hahaha i was laughing so hard OHH NOO!!! IM STUCK IN HERE!!!

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