Succession: Season 2 Recap | HBO

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Lynwen10: I tried to get into Succession during Season 1 but I just didn’t get it. I found the storylines cliched, the characters cardboard cut outs, and the constant use of the f word ridiculous and desperate. I wondered what Brian Cox and Matthew McFadden were doing in this guff. Twice I tried to get excited and absorbed by the show or at least mildly interested but I couldn’t find one single character I could like or care about. I suspect it is overrated and that is because part of the mythology about this show is that it is based on real people and so the guessing game begins. The most obvious inspiration are the Murdochs, but quite frankly a biographical drama about the real Rupert Murdoch would have been a lot more entertaining, though defamation of character suits might have been hurled about, but the makers could have had a lot of fun with what is on the record, though it would have had to centre on events in the U.K.: from Wapping and the destruction of Fleet Street and the print unions to the phone hacking scandal. All life is seen in those stories from celebrities to royalty to the phone of a missing schoolgirl, tragically murdered by an evil serial killer. There is even a fake sheik. What more could you have wanted? Instead they produce this boring farrago of missing millions, bank foreclosures, power plays between a bunch of egotistical inadequates. My dilemma is that I have heard that my favourite actor is going to appear in Season 3. I could fast forward to just his scenes and just enjoy watching him, so can I skip Season 2 and probably most of Season 3 just to see my favourite actor? Or should I just give up because this is just not my cup of tea?

Terezeta: Jeremy Strong would make a great Lee Harvey Oswald…

Suhayb Muse: May you fail in your lifes hbo.

Suhayb Muse: I really hate this chanell🤢🤮🤮🤮

Ben: Honestly one of my fave seasons of TV of all time. The writing is just insane.

Ryan Macharika: I have watched succession like 10 times i don't need this lol

Chis james: We are all so ready for SUCCESSION, let the backstabbing begin 👊👊

Human Rights: Modi🤢🤢rss🤢🤢bjp🤢🤢👎🏻👎🏻

Ahmed ElSerafy: The track in the end please

Garrett Chubet: HBO, you guys should revive Carnivale and finish that show up. It was wonderful and it's getting more popular now 😁

Splendor E.N Grandeur: So looking forward to this

Petek Demircioğlu Çelebi: Fatherly LOVE, everywhere! ALWAYS proud of his children.

Melisa Toplar: my dads plan was better😭😭

just a troll: The like - dislike ratio of this video makes me so happy

Luca Bacigalupo: HBO can you please release all episodes at once. OK Thanks.

Ajay Khalsa: Kendall is definitely a killer now

Power Of movies: I AM IN

Spencer M: I hope there's more BOAR ON THE FLOOR in season 3

Brandon Goss: I thought they already released a recap.. it's called Season 1 and Season 2.

Matthew Rein: Sunday can't come soon enough!!!

Zanele Mondi: Can someone please pass me some Greg sprinkles I'm making a Tomlet.

Neeson Naidoo: If it is to be said…so it is

Michael Li: the subtle smile at the end is acting at its best

Rodney Fiscian: LFG! ⚡️

Moatasem Bellah: Is the season coming one part or an episode weekly

Agent 3017: Season 3 only 2 more day left.

J.A Ghorbani: best show on right now

Movies Lovers: Game of thrones in Hindi dubbed

Movies Lovers: Game of thrones in Hindi dubbed

Trevor Dunn: Best show on tv can’t wait for Sunday

Andrew Luwemba: This series is the killer🙇

fitriyandi films: Brian Cox is truly a phenomenal actor.

King Vomp: 🌌🔁🌐🔁🚜🌱🔁🌳🔁⛈️ Making rocky planets/BrahmandaraNatha Dham for da future generation

Orrin W: I was literally just googling for a recap haha

Vaibhav Sharma: After GOT S8, this is what i am hyped for!

Sean Reidy: Connor Roy was interested in politics from a very young age.

Ashwas Reddy: Currently, The best show on hbo

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