The Haunting of Verdansk Event! - Call of Duty Warzone Season 6

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FInnGamer: you have way too many adds..

Calvin Robertson: Love these streams Westie. Keep up the awesome content.

Shannon Reaves: That twitch guy was 100% steam sniping y’all.

mick don: Or to Negative Lacky 😅✌️

David Ivey: Bro, I do not get your live notifications & I have "all notifications" turned on & I do get all the recorded video notifications, just not the live ones

IGuitaredYourHero: Love the stream, Tactical Brit was kinda annoying though ngl, saying it's 99% good and 1% bad so the whole thing's bad is an annoying take. It's a goofy Halloween mode... Lighten up

Kaiserland111: Why is Tactical Brit complaining about the mode "making no sense?" How would ghosts make noise? It DOES make sense. It's a tough mode that requires you to be more alert than normal.

Braiden Licen: plz its pretty good

Braiden Licen: westie is a lad westie you should try the single diamatti with sound suppressor 7.2 task force swat 5nw laser 30 rnd fast mag airborne elastic wrap

Zach plays games: Hello pls pls say hi iv never been early

vassago1234: ZombieRoyale last year; if you died as a Zombie, you didn't come back as a Zombie. Only if your teammates bought you back.

VegaIsAgingWell: I thought you said the map was dark? It is darker but t far from being dark.

T D: Gamemode would’ve been fire but the random stuff that pops up on my screen makes it impossible to kill anyone. Most of the time I’m losing gun fights because something pops up right when I’m about to fight

Kolya Brown: Man warzone sucks

Recon: You are my new dad Westin be honored

Adrian Maunagić: Westie is a legend

xTroNixWarzone: Can we reach 10 abos with 0 Videos pls helps me

FlyByGuy: Does teleport not put you through walls?

Amos Mark: nice cronus

Supremely Sus: What is your favourite ScArY movie?👻👻

Cloaked Ghost: Hey dad guess what came in the mail today. What? Deez nuts Gottem haha gottem hahaha

Rad Dav: Which there was a solos for it 🥲

bandogeiddy: Warzone is dogshit

Hugh Duff: Who else hates the new mode with a passion

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