The Flash Season 8 Trailer (HD) 5 Episode Crossover Event

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Mystic: Would be so cool if the wells is eobard thawne

aaditya asthana: damnit speedster war could be better lol

Holly M: Haven’t watched the flash since season 5 ended, but I’m gonna watch this with ZERO context. Gonna be a blast.

aaditya asthana: nooo only 5 ep

Pule Edgar Dithuge: Is this the end 😭😭😭 for Berry?

LoganZ1976 Animator And ROBLOX Gaming: i like the new trailer but they forgot nora and bart.

Joseph Cotton: End the show already lol

Sabrina— 10 —GAMING: Wow looks like this season will be good and its right after my birthday

Shorif Uddin: Bruh it's like every season he's trying to stop someone from killing people he loves 😂

Dimas Prasetyo: Mia?

ETAAN PIERS: Can’t wait

RRMK BOSS: I miss my hero black lightning in my hometown Atlanta!

The World According To Truth: Ffs they had to drag Black Lightning into this garbage? And oh yeah now we gotta deal with Baby Arrow again too. God I thought we got rid of that bitch after they axed her spinoff. We cannot have good things. That's just how the CW is.

The World According To Truth: God, this is gonna suck

Danny Mondragon: is Stargirl included here?

Chabeng and Sophie TV: i stopped watching this series after a few episodes in season 1 because this flash is the stupidest superhero ever.


TK REBIRTH: For me, the flash really end on season 3 after that, it’s feel like a spin off or additional story, quite boring having the same plot of fighting scenes and etc.

Otakuwolf4ever Katz: Welcome back, Ray, we missed you.

Scythe: I cant wait to see their reaction where there is a new batwoman, supergirl is not there, and the legends are not there. Hmmmm im quite curious what is supposed to happen

Sagnik Pattanayak: Everyone i love is going to die... Like never heard that before the past 8 seasons.

Giang Trường: I miss Oliver

Syed Saifuddin: I hope Mia gets her own show, based on the response her character gets this crossover event

Fate 99: This looks promising hope it's better than season 7

ThunderStorm Studios: This is gonna be horrible. Can’t wait to review bomb it.

Shikeru Uchiha [Archangel]: Nobody: Ray Palmer: Hey you've been working out. That's why he's my favorite character

Laquan Williams: I missed Black Lightning,I am glad that he is back. ⚡

Josh rami: LETS GO!!!!!! 🤩

ShinyHaunter05 :: Hopefully the writing is good in the crossover and the rest of the season after s7

Pratik Kondekar: So basically they need a crossover to save the show from being most hated show. I hope atleast the arc is good. I loved the first 3 seasons. I really was into this show. I had so many theories including the comics. Wish they could have done justice in the writing part. Good acting, good characters, good platform and audience, bad writing


Adam Savage: There must be some big bad other than Despero right? Like Red death or something

Anirudh Kalyankar: Will there be any The Flash only episodes in season 8 or only this 5 episode crossover?

Koustav Biswas: its not season 8

DELILAH 25: I noticed he was working out last season, just saying. Too bad Supergirl won't be included, I know the shows coming to an end, but I always loved their crossovers.

nayaka playz: Let's good another crossover

William H: I find it a bit odd that there are not any kryptonians. Supergirl or superman. Both their shows are still running. I guess they wanted to ressurect two dead ones.

Jo: I’d be impressed if this season is even worse than last one

MyNameIsJeff: A Flash episode actually focusing on The Flash. IT CANT BE

Jo: Why is this still on air, and y do I keep watching it🤦🏾‍♂️

Game Genix: Yay black lightnings back for this event sucks they need the show one of my favorites

Panha A.Teng: Supergirl won’t be joining?

Utami Purnama: So, was that Thawne or Harrison...?

Dapple: I like how they actually focused on Barry as the main character for this trailer. Hopefully it carries through the season

Šimun Šredl: Is stargirl in the crossover?

Annahi: It won’t be the same without Kara

Daniel Gonzalez: Booooooooooooo

Brent oesterle: That willly surpposed to be hour event crossover could've be become that or more evening of this be gets to crossover go in the time supposed used to be not gets hacilyece

nevil jacob: Stop this shitty show

Anon ymous: I’m so glad that Mia, Black Lightning, Ray, and Ryan Choi are back. I can’t wait for everyone to meet the new Batwoman. I wish Oliver, Dinah, and Laurel were here for this.

PeaceMakerDJ 13: Just end it already 😩

Pallav Singh: Was that ray palmer removing his shirt superman style or what

The Unapologetic Gamer: ah yes the daughter of green arrow......i remember when it was being said she would have her own show or something like that.....and i was actually interested in that....such a disappointment that never happened.

Mohamad Ikbal Setiawan: Palmer is back

aethan rearranged: YESSS everyone is coming back!! to bad the supers won’t be able to join the annual crossover though (or will they? 0:25)

Elijah Ana Reyes: No supergirl?

ujdcyhav fwer: Dinamic duo: Jefferson Pierce and Barry Allen

AlvisWuNights: Yes plz :)

Mansoor Geelani: I will wait for Tom Cavanaugh.

Matthew Murray: we need to see supergirl

QuEsT X: Superman and lois puts all these other cw shows to shame

Saurabh Garg: Who's the big bad this time?

Varun S: here we go again...

Carven Ridge: When they see batwoman they gonna be like who’s she?

Laila Haulcy: No Kara or Oliver what's the point 🤷🏾‍♀️

BlueRose 48: No supergirl no superman

Jaime Leigh: This trailer looks promising but I also just don't have it in me to try and watch the rest of the Flash to try and catch up.

The One: I’m not fast enough…

Louise Ceguera: me: no legends? also me: oh yeah, they're stuck in 1925

Teanna Card: I've A Feeling This Gonna Be Lit 🔥



chicken noodle: Lmao they have milked the f of"run berry run" omfg 🤮 trash 😂

Saira Raygoza Enciso: Do I have to watch the flash season 7, because I stop watching every arrowverse shows after Crisis

Chandan Mhaishkar: Various crossover taken till date but not so interesting it is looking...

Just Me: Mia's backk!!!💚🔥 Miss Oliver and Barry together 🥺❤️

Eden Newsome: I really hope szn! 8 is good Bc 7 was not it! well at least the beginning!😏😳🥴🥴🥴 anyway I’m happy! my fucking show is coming back!🤪☺️

Bryan Mahoney: Katherine McNamara is so unbelievably hot man. It is such a bummer Green Arrow and The Canaries didnt get picked up as a series. I am holding out hope though the premise of that story can get told at least in a TV Film or on Legends of Tomorrow or something. She needs to be in the Arrowverse a lot more

Obi Jr: Even more excited because this will be Ryan Wilder 's (aka Batwoman) first crossover 😄😄😄😄

TrainzaBrainz: Someone end this series already

real niqqa: so happy to see tom

Unnati Parajuli: Are the legends not in it?

Jing: Is flash's eason 8 just 5 eps?

Jai Prasad: 0:57 I don't know if you guys have noticed it or not but the thunder on the letter A is a reference to Season 1 of the Flash

janie jakmides: Did I see Mia as green arrow?!

SirHarryz: I love that Mia Smoak is returning to become the green arrow!

Kz: The crossover will never be the same without Oliver. But I'm glad they are bringing Mia back.

MKF30: No Supergirl or BW. A good thing 😁

chubbz: yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Nicholas Bryson: Is that Despero? I don’t like it, I don’t like that he looks human.

wolfols2137: John Diggles going to pull up with the lantern ring

Yoshi Yoshi: Wells speech made it more exciting

Alexia Hardware: I was hoping for Oliver, but I guess....😒

Toni S: still boring, please end this series on season 8


Brodie Lauer: Dear writers of the flash... The last couple season you have made have been really bad and just not as good as the first 3 seasons please actually make season 8 decent not even asking for awesome material just better than the last couple seasons thank you and goodbye.....p.s. I LIKE THAT OLL TIME ROCK N ROLL

enaielei: Of course we can't miss Iris' "Barry" line. SMH...

Cierra Tsosie: going to be on flash

Cierra Tsosie: I’m so exited that the other superheroes are

Richie Pham XX: I can't DC Crossover Armageddon and it will be awesome!!

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