DESTROYING THE CALAMITY BOX! How Amphibia Will END! Amphibia Season 3 Theory

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StoryTime Rblx: dr p = dr plantar???

hat for fun erza: Maybe the box can be destroyed but not the gems each gems shows a different type of energy that it's everywhere you can't just destroy it if you destroy the gems you have to destroy the actual energy and that energy comes from the girls 🤯

FrogwoodClaw57: And they'll also have take care of the whole "Marcy being possessed by Andrias's Master" thing...

Loopley: if you go to 2:27, you can see that there’s no line connecting to what i’m assuming is earth. I’m kinda scared..

Ryan Wright: I think in the end, after Andrias and his master are defeated, the Calamity Box would be given to Anne, Sasha, and Marcy so they can use it to visit their friends whenever they want to. As for the the Lord of the Rings parallel, I think Andrias is more like Sauron or at least Saruman than Golem.

RW Pop Culture Tops: Maybe it’s for the best. I can see after the battle’s end. There’s one last portal to Earth. The girls all say a goodbye to their friends (The Plantars, Grimme, Yuyan & Olivia) before making the leap. The portal closes. The girls are back home, battle-damaged and worn out. They fully processed that the adventure is over and tearfully share a hug together.

MidnightGamingTV: I trying to finish this season I can't say it's a spoiler it's just a theory that makes some sense

Shy City: I think Anne will be a portal

Finkeren: I personally think the box won't be destroyed. I think Anne and the Plantars will end up going back to Amphibia by some other means - likely hitching a ride with one of Andrias' bots. Once there Anne will get hold of the box and use it to transport all three girls back to Earth, thereby draining its power, as it did when they first got zapped to Amphibia, but this time Anne will leave the box behind by holding it outside the portal, as they go through, which is how she will lose her arm. Anne, Sasha and Marcy will then end up on Earth, each with their gem powers inside, and the drained and useless Calamity Box will stay in Amphibia with Anne's arm - forever separated from its powers.

Carlos Escobar: If you want to see the game gears 5 because you know what I'm talking about

Carlos Escobar: No clue what will happen and I hope it's a happy ending soon because gears 5 and amphibia are connected because I play kait diaz to be anne because it's like you know?

Carlos Escobar: Don't do anything suspicious because I had feeling about this😟

Man of the USA Jones: It might separate the Worlds, or bring both Worlds together, just like the Finale of Star vs the Forces of Evil.

C.B. MOA: We’ll see what happens yet it’s possible and we better prepare what the characters are gonna do next

d Davis: I can't believe amphibia is about to end will Anne lose her 💪🏿 in the finale :(

AmericanDuckling: This is the kind of story thing I can imagine doing in my stuff but would be super sad if i watched another thing do it

Edward Kelly: So i am curious about this because As i have said many times before, this series has a LOT of similarities to Magic Knight Rayearth, and in that series, they freely gained the ability to travel between Earth and Cephiro (Their Amphibia) at will. Obviously Amphibia could go a very different route with that than that series did, but it is interesting none the less

Alexxandrei Zion V. Asoy: Andreas the mad titan

Hinkwong Chan: Imagine if luz escapes the demon world is using the box and they get a crossover

Javier Castro Rodríguez: Well I guess Anne arm is gonna go brrrr

Dark Star: Sweet art

HadesVoider Official: My theory is Andreas falling in the volcano trying to get the box

Jun Xian: Hmmm what if get the power again and destroy the box but theu still have the powers and if they work together and master that powee they pooblely could open the potel maybe just a guess lol

ghost man: I believe is the box with destroyed that be fine but now we talk about their power save you destroy the crystal that hold that power the power will have to go somewhere still so go to the girls that will make the king get more creative now he needs to figure out how to get Sasha and Anna and Marcy that power destroy one thing that held the power now it will make someone else will that power he would basically kill the three main characters and turn them into diamonds that would hold the power

Caley: Hhhhhhhhh

ragnorock cookie: Seriously can we have one show that doesn't end with a multi-universal world being unable to be accessed because something gets destroyed that allows that access I am seriously im tired of that trope 😩

Jeffrey Wininger: Even if the box is destroyed I feel Ann will find a way to come back to see the Planters. I am looking at the Wizard of Oz as a blue print how. She will find a mirror or something. Leave it on an open ending after she and the Planters hug going into the credits. Though with this I see Ann older with Sprig, Ivy, and their kids.

The Plushimator: 7:00 Say what you want. But facades aside, Andrias was a real bro there

Nickalous Cromer: I think they could've made special end credit themes for Sasha and Marcy focused episodes, taking there background themes and slowing them down. You can hear what they would sound like by doing just that. They actually sounds really good.

Mark Leonel Misola: I really wish for the owl house and amphibia combine into one show. Both worlds have a calamity box and the same producers.

Nickalous Cromer: What if they take the powers from the gems draining them completely and then destroy the box and the temples so they can't recharge them and keep the gems. Marcy kinda already destroyed her temple by destoying the first and last puzzles.

Infinet1042: This is Just like star vs the forses of evil

ItsSprite: Yo this thumbnail is fucking amazing

Kaibytos The dark leader: Yeah that’s is just like lord of the rings

WinterFloof: Stop.

blood color x everything: Bill cipher again

Powerhaloking: Goodbye box dead

Njivwa Thomas Silavwe: We can have our theories as long as they don't interfere with the show's enjoyment

Pro Wolf: That would be sad, I want Anne to (somehow) have a way to keep in touch with the Plantars, and all the friends she made in Amphibia 😭😭

Joyful Vision: Let’s not forget, these powers apparently “feel bad” to use.

Weeb-u Breafs: It would be awesome if the last episode has the king revealing he’s already invaded the other universes and built an army

MrGabeanator: personally i don't see anne parting ways with the planters so easily actually i kinda hope they go the star vs route

JT2 JT2: Remember Stephen universe and the fusion opal while my dog is named opal

Apple Yum: I think how it will end is King Andreas takes all 3 stones and puts in his gauntlet then snaps and half the life in the universe will turn into dust

Zachary Resky: There might be an alternative in destroying the box. Instead, there could be a possibility that king andrias could be redeemed and use the box for good.

krossf1re: What if the owl house and amphibia are conected maybe one of the portals seen in the owl house leads to amphibia and earth is the same in both shows

melias Nahtony: Although the destruction of the box could indeed cause Amphibia and the human world to separate, that isn't the only possibility available. There is another, and if I am correct, it may be either better or worse than the worlds separating for good, and that possibility is the combination of the worlds.

Paulus Magno: Non succedera il calamity box non sarà distrutto sapiatelo

Tv Galaxy 2.0: It would be great if the girls made portals with their powers, without the need for the music box.

DeathMastro: Them using their powers to lock king Andrease in another dimension.

Tek 14: I can sort of see a few ways this could play out. We may not see the destruction of the box, one could argue the destruction of Andrais castle would have basically the same impact, as the weapon he used to destroy the mountain and the bots both seem to be tied to castle and not the box as neither was in play until the box was plugged into it. Removing it so that the castle plummets to the ground removing the weapon and costing Andrais all or perhaps at least most of his robot army. This would leave the box in play for Anne and company to return home, after which perhaps the box will be destroyed. I see this as perhaps being a more emotional aspect, where the destruction of the box is a choice rather than a means to an end. If the box is destroyed I see just the box being destroyed not the gems, the gems are just power sources, so far everything we have seen in regards to their portal abilities seems centralized on the box itself and not the gems. As such I could see a case of the box is destroyed but not the gems and either some older method or one shot method is then used in the end to generate a temporary portal to get Anne and friends home from Amphibia after the battle. After which the gems are either completely drained and no longer a threat or split between the three tribes, toad, frog and newt for safekeeping. The only way a scenario where the gems are destroyed works is if Andrais opens some large semi-permanent portal where the cast have a limited time to say there goodbyes before they part ways forever. Because in that scenario if Marcy and Sasha get powered up by the gems along with Anne it would potentially leave them with powers back on Earth when all is said and done, making them a super powered Trio and I just don't see that as how things would end up, and not just because of the negative after effects the powers seem to have on Anne. The only scenario where this works would be having exposition that whatever way they use to potentially get home or the destruction of the gems also results in a total loss of the gem power up ability. Which given the overtones we have with Anne one would assume to potentially be fatal so I see this as the least likely at this time scenario.

Laforge: I want it to be thrown through a portal that sends it to the boiling isle

SuperVideowatcher01: It could be that someone makes the ultimate sacrifice and destroys the box, probably Marcy since she’s the one that brought them there and is now under control of the creature

CactusvNinja: You don’t think hop pop is gonna jump into a volcano

N00dleCupz: My theory is that due to andrias using the box so muc the box will have one shot left and the plantars and Anne are hoping they have more then one go and just so yall know Sasha and Marcy are back well they use the box the color of the BLUE gem goes out but the others dont due to the blue one being half charged. Fast forward into the future Marcy calls Anne and tell Anne she found a way to see amphibia again Anne is confused becasue she have forgotten amphibia then memories of sprig, polly and hop pop and wart wood come to mind she is thrilled. Anne goes to Marcy's place and sees Sasha there also Marcy tell Anne that the little calamity power she has left marcy can open a portal to where they can go in and meet then go out so they have 2 portals one to get in one to get out. They go in all sent to wartwood. All of wartwood see a glow and go towards it sprig and polly see the ligth confused and jump over the crowd of people and see Anne, Marcy and Sasha they are happy they visit woth grime hop pop and the people of wart wood toad tower and newtopia when they leave they give a real final goodbye for the last time but a new group photo with not just the people of wart wood but everyone who helped Anne Marcy and Sasha.

Boyan Raynov: Is this channel youres now?

Christian Martinez: Well I don't want to see this I want to wait until the whole season is out beside I don't want to see this unless it shows that marcy will be saved

Dark Green Inking: If you ask me, they should pull a day of unity.

Kayla Brownell: Anne mentioned about trying to find another Calamity Box on the human world. Could there be a way they can go to Amphibia and back to earth as she pleases?

Lucarizard Art & games: 162nd

Michelle Brammer: 😢😢😩🥺☹️

Edward Rigsby: Okay I've been holding on to this for a long time but may I just say has anyone else noticed but there's one planet that resembles the demon realm from owl house? Or am I just losing my mind.

Ebay: I hope that people see the battle, Like other cartoons it’s always nobody’s there to see it or maybe one or two people

Christan Sanchez: Notice when Anna grave the music box next to her is a frog feet shape symbol on the Drawer in 1:29 I wonder if there might be something inside that will eventually get to amphibia

Voltra Inferno: 7:13, i told this theory to fellow Amphibi-fan frogtoons: I think that even if the Calamity Box is destroyed, the gem's powers would be transfered into the girls' bodies. So, with that power, they can teleport between Amphibia and Earth whenever they want. Though, with Amphibia or Earth being in ruins after Andrias and The Night are gone, i think they wanna stay in order to repair the damage

Sebastian Reichelt: I can't wish for this but can't say no to this being the ending because it's good on a story moment but a bittersweet ending is agh really gets to me.

Memphis Walls: I saw bill cypher

Indecision: I'm so excited for this show, I can barely wait for the next episode And I cannot find any other show to occupy me Anyone else extremely excited🤩?

Christopher Jove: Ok I gotta bit this out there. So I had a theory a long while back in the beginning of season 2 that the calamity box would be destroyed and the barrier between worlds would be broken and their worlds would maybe be combined (similar to Star vs). Now I know people weren’t really satisfied with that star vs finale but who knows, they could pull it off here. Anyway this was just my theory and I remembered it when I saw the title so I just had to say it. Also I love the thumbnail art.

Base Nikon: I have never noticed that Anne's eyes glowed blue in the very first episode in the fight with the mantis. I just noticed it now!?

Zer0 W0lf: 2:34 - 2:55 “I think there are people that help you become the person you end up being, and you can be grateful for them, even if they were never meant to be in your life forever.” - Diane Nguyen, BoJack Horseman

Pancake Waffle: Pls no

Kelcie Ford: Bless u for that Chowder reference :)

Bonc Man: I feel like amphibia will end just like how svtfoe ended, with the 2 worlds colliding and coexisting

Marngel: Honestly, the way the show is currently going, I have no idea how it will end. Having the calamity box destroyed is definitely a possibility, similar to the one ring in Lord of the Rings or the Infinity stones in the MCU. But besides Matt Braly and the Amphibia crew, who knows at this point?

Joyful Vision: Interestingly, I think it’s been hinted at that there are other ways to travel between dimensions.

Glitchy Fox: while we can assume that the boxes powers are what is hurting or making ann feel wrong when she uses them we have to remember that ann has had this power contained within her for a while so its not out of the question that her body could have adapted and her feeling wrong or harming herself through its use could insted be because of the incomplete part of the power in her. we can assume that the power is hurting her but the time frame of super ann happening after she got drained and was in mental distress is interesting. mabey the only reason why the power is harming her is because she is channeling it incorrectly? so far she has only used it in extreme emotion but just because that is how she starts with it doesnt mean it will be forever. Mabey after a few more times we could see ann begin to understand that maby her emotions are making the power unstable.

logan reyes: Hi

Brandon Choate: I think Amphibia could handle a permanent separation of the worlds better than other, similar stories. It wouldn't have the sour note of, say, forcibly separating a nigh-universally beloved, unironically fairly historic ship and leaving no way for the protagonist to communicate with the only friends she's ever had, I say, nudging The Owl House into view. The problems inherent with the box also warrant extreme measures, so it's not a Star Vs. situation where killing all magic forever feels too drastic. Another option would be for some character to go traveling through the various worlds with the box. You still get a fairly-permanent goodbye when the Plantars have to go home, and it would allow for some spin-off/fanfic fuel post-ending.

Andrew Varney: Neat theory as always, to build off the Lord of the Rings angle, I can envision a scene where Grime tries smashing the box with Barrel's Warhammer like Gimli did during the Council scene in Fellowship of the Ring, and promptly ends up flat on his back.

Andyfran Clark: I think when the calamity box gets destroyed there might be a way to get to Amphibia I mean it wouldn’t be right to separating Anne from the planters Who knows maybe in the final scene of the final episode they might be like one portal that will be permanently open to Amphibia to earth so Anne can see the planters again at least that’s my theory.

omogisalu: 7:10 you would not belive the size of one...ill go get one O_0

Slisher: I could totally see the Calmaity Box being destroyed but in a different way than what we expected, cause the show's ending could surprise us in a way that we didn't anticipate.

eme_dia_villo: I hope they don't pull an svtfoe dimension fusion ending

Jackson Fox T’chakka: I think Anne will destroy the calamity Box by destroying the Calamity gems in order to stop The Night beast and King Andrias’s master plan from taking over the universe

Codecuts: NO.

amethsyst: what if annes blue gem gets cracked it messed up and corrupts her powers just like in steven universe

Brian Vo: Maby the frog on the pot is useing the calamidy gems

Yonder Alt: I think anne will become corrupted somehow and marcy will sacrafice herself for anne

Wonderful weird one: I think the finale will be pretty close to the gravity falls and ducktales finale. Where each involves sacrifice (maybe the death of an older frog ;) )

JJ Lopez: They could just kill andries or the jaient monster thing😼

Ace Singer: Why do I feel like the last episode of this show will have us crying for days?

Dethbool: Obviously amphibia should end with after the final battle they open the portal home to earth but it's not Los Angeles but some place in Connecticut where there seems to be a lot of interdimensional energy happening as suddenly the boiling isles appears on Earth and Luz right in front of the portal shocked by the sudden portal and frogs and then they team up to fight against Emperor Belos and save humanity in an ultimate cross over finally...

Brian Griffin: JankyBones PLEASE stop making the thumbnails this good!

Harrison Ballinger: Perhaps as a result of getting there powers back the box will be rendered useless. Then in order to defeat The night, the calamity trio will use up the last bit of there powers.

Wavy Bluzeen: Jankybones is doing the thumbnail art phenomenally!

Juana Yanes: Ann.. had her eyes blue 2 times😄

Maria souza: Wait, if the calamity box is detroyed when Anne is stil connected to the heart stone, would that mean she will have powers forever!?!?

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