Love After Lockup Season 3 Episode 54 Life After Lockup: Put a Ring On It (Oct 29,2021) Full Episode

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Racists Begone: Tia and Nicole pick the best places to get grub😋

Tash Ray: Lisa please do something with that "hair". It looks horrid! Its too long, lifeless, shapeless and one solid color (except ya roots). And for the love of God....BRUSH IT!

Kathryn Taylor: Sara's momma is a smart woman Her creep radar is up and she knows something is off with Shawn! Adult children can't stand it, but usually when mom has a gut feeling 9x out of 10 she's right!

c whitley: What happened with Brittany and Ray?

Racists Begone: Daonte! You are stabbing your own self, you are turning the knife on your own self, let's get that perfectly clear! At this point one cannot blame Nicole, Daonte's stupidity is what the road block to his happiness.

Paige lynn: Kristina looks amazing in her dress. 😍

Claire: Sara better quit clapping those hands

Juana Reyes: Sahras mom is very young

Family C's: Sara mom sees rt thru his bull

Family C's: Sean is such a lier hes so gross

morgan brown: I am so here for Sarah’s mom as it relates to Shawn.

Country Girl: Man this episode was dumb. Had to skip about 80% of it 🙄

Claire: I still don’t understand why Tia is even on this show lmao

Lia Wall: Tia and the other one were blown out of their minds smdh, the crckheads couldn't put the needles down for an hour to shoot a scene?

JusmeJaussyB: Stan’s underwear 😭😭😭

Sarah Brooks: I skip thru so many scenes at this point I don’t even wanna watch anymore

whyohwhy: 9:36 he wanna cry 🥲😂

donna stafford: Sean why do u pay more attention to Sara's kid than your own??🤨😠 I really feel for Kelly n the kids, I hope Kelly can find a nice man that looks after her n the kids n then u will see how Shawn will react!!! 😆😆

Cherokee woman: Daonte stop messing with this messy user she isn't that pretty you can do way better love your hot she's not you have a job she lives with momma you have money she has to use people darling stay away from her she just wants to use you let her wife pay for her body you went on a date with a real woman you should have stayed with that.

whyohwhy: 6:02 lmfaooo this dude

Fran Mitch: Shawna is soooo creepy

mariyaa111: Shawn is absolutely pathetic!!! He hasn’t seen his kids in months but has the AUDACITY to buy some gas ⛽️ flowers for someone else’s kid ??? Sarah’s Mom is the best, she better keep 👀 on Shawn !!!

Hilary Shrauger: So tia gets money from her family then.

Chillb_igotthis: 27:26 Tia look like the bow tie killer from problem child 😂😂😂

james Barber: Shawn is a weirdo

April Newman: Shawn Shawn when you gonna learn, take care of your own samn kids 6 they need you too,you wanna kiss butt up to Sara daughter spend time with your kids! Same thing with you and you never end up with the girl lol

B re: Listen to your mother Sara. She’s right.

Andrea B: I'm convinced that Nicole and Tia are never not high when they are on camera. It's annoying af. All that slurring. Ugh. I have to mute and put the closed caption on

Nicole Robinson: Stop acting like Sarah is some great catch … Shawn is a pathetic liar and Sarah is a criminal

Reem: looool puppy no longer stuck on amber the way she used to be. and amber made herself look dumb throwing herself all over puppy like that thinking she still had her whipped

bonetta cole: We could be like a 3 some 🥴- Daonte

Beach Cruising: Magically the boat with cheering people just disappears lol

illa illa: Lol imagine John and kristiana having sex. So weird to think about

Andrea B: Christiana and those painted on eyebrows. I can not! 🤦🏽‍♀️

Ms_An_Thrope: Thank you these always cheer me up when I see a new upload I wanna dance

illa illa: Kristianas crazy ass brows in the interviews hahhhaha wtf

illa illa: Um kristiana’s mom thinks the day after her wedding is the time to go looking for her crack head sister on the streets? Wtf

illa illa: How do you plan on marrying Sarah, Shawn?? When you think you’re gonna get away with these lies forever??? You don’t think she’ll find out when she sees the show? Come on dude

illa illa: If shawn plans on marrying... why is he lying about everything she and her family will eventually find out about? It makes zero sense. They’re gonna watch the show. They’re gonna find out about his kids. And clearly she would have found out his age if they got married even if she didn’t already find out. It just makes no sense!!

Miesha Bennet: They had to find Sarah and her mom the right space to move in before they came on the show, house looks quite empty


Shawntel Yates: Oh now puppy’s good enough for a cuddle now that amber doesn’t have Sammy 😒😒

W J: I wonder who pays for the bill when tia & Nicole are out eating 😂

kaity: Sarah-"hE cAn Be A fAtHeR fIgUrE tO hEr" Um wtf he's not even a father figure to his 6 kids! I liked her the first couple epidodes I thought she was being smart about the situation. She has no clue what that scumbag is all about. She definitely has blinders on and shows how young and mentally immature she really is.

espi_2606: If you Google red flags, love after lockup pops up as a definition... smh those people...

Jeannine Buford: Shaun is a lame with no personality so he likes Yong girls half is age that are more exciting than him. Since he has no game he dates prisoners that are in vurnable positions like Sara's mom said, offers to take care of them to be with him. It is simply an easy way to get his type which is young, petite, and looking for a sugar Daddy.

dallen977: Thank you for this upload. Everytime I see Daonte I'm embarrassed for him 🥺

The B-Word: Where is the first episode of this season

Rosalind Williams: So tia pimping her woman out what a woman to drug addicts they deserve each other

Dee: What is going on with the eyebrows? My god

KeKe Panther: John’s daughter conveniently wanted a truce when Kristiana’s son came into the picture.

Maria Rondon: Sara's mom look like beetlejuice

Jeannine Buford: Nicole is not gay. She was very young and impressionable when she went to prison for 4 years and met Tia and got turned out and very use to being in a relationship with her. Tia is a bad influence on her. Tia is insecure, and that is why she wants to marry Nicole so if another man comes along she will think twice if she's in a marriage.

Garfield Harrison: Shawn belongs in home prison He knows damn well he's a BS Artist. He fits on the show. Such a BS Artist. Her Mother probably assessed so many men in her life. She read him well. Great Motherly instincts. He's one of those friends you have to always keep in the back burner.

$mall Dollar$: God them making out was disgusting

Dee: Where is Tias eyebrows?

Andrea Manning: Her mom HAS to be a leo...or Aries 😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥🔥 mom ain't playin with either of them

Esther Shiyagaya: Say what you want, but Lisa is TV gold. That hotel scene had me in stitches. It’s literally just how she talks and enunciates her words lmao

Andrea Manning: "I needed this....I'm drunk asf" 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Do it for the culture 703: That wedding is so cringe.

Mone S.: Nicole is not clear in her head... I think she use something

Do it for the culture 703: How does Sara not know anything about Shawn's past and kids. Gurl, you don't research someone you have around your daughter? I mean, he did a whole season on TV. Faker than a 3 dollar bill.

Mel Foreman: Daonte needs to man up. I felt a bit sorry for him in the beginning. Now he's just pathetic.

Do it for the culture 703: Tia, babbbby that bow tie is not the move.

AquarianGoddess: Damn they didn’t show Brittany and Ray at all! How rude! 🙄

Danielle W.: Anyone noticed his lunch was a grape soda and a bowl of fruit by the foot candy 😂😂

Joanne Samuel: Tia must be good with that strap on 😂😂😂

annette Lacey: Sera's mum ain't stupid ,she knows what Shaun is creepo,why don't her mum know about destiny I wonder don't she watch tv,Shaun's a goose,

Colie2020: Saras Mom is my favorite on here. She called Sean right out. So sad he already knocked her up. She doesnt need his lying ass. He is the worst

SmokeNYC: So Lisa is gonna date this woman who was dating her brother? Smh

Sincerity: 19:43 no way these two are serious about the parole violation, or parole officer- while on national tv drinking alcohol 🥃

SmokeNYC: I think everyone on this show needs to break up and focus on themselves

jenny lynx: This show has gotten so fake. And it sucks ccause it doesn’t need to be

karin karina: this episode wanst relay wow

Koko Kat: Why does kristiana do that to her eyebrows

Dashonna Thompson: Nicole consistently mispronounces his name! Dante... DEONte... Daonte 🤣 Bro! She don't like you!

jenny lynx: I’m so confused. The season with Destiny came out a while ago. Couldn’t Sara’s mom have seen that? Or googled him? I guess this could’ve been filmed before that came out

Sunshine 30: Amber ain't it at all. When she was with Sammie it was oh puppy I'm done with you get your life together and now sammies gone and shes dancing on puppy and so cool with her. Shes a flaky fake person. Nothing genuine about her.

Manuela Castillo: Stan is Just to horn old man stop buy these women Lisa is a user n evil it seem like this season is all user for money just amber only real one they need keep these people lock 🔐 up lose the key

jenny lynx: Tia is 100% on heroin or pills . It’s so obvious

Tee H.: Amber is not going to be with a man because she wants to be the man

Hexighost: stan, stan, he's his own biggest fan, urg, you ain't all that and a bag of chips dude

Ann D: Deonte is truly a maschist. He really needs some counseling to find out why he is so obessessed with Nicole. You need to get over trying to take care of her when it's so obivious that she was never in love with you and only used you for your money. I think your mom was right when she asked him if she dropped him as a kid! Try dating a real woman and not some crack head who is looking to use you (as you are such an easy mark).

hod hdo: why tia features look like it got shrunk and burned in the sun, shriveled up in the corner, vacuum face… she cute though

Hexighost: i wont interfere with her daughter , , , come spend the weekend with me instead of your kid, bloody hell

Q.: i love kristiana mother, but it disgusts me how john really slid through this whole situation without anybody really cracking down on that ass

Whit: Shawn is so embarrassing, Sara is way too good for him & he doesn’t deserve to know Sara’s kid

Q.: Sara’s mother was beasting 😂😂😂 i would’ve been like okay crackhead nah lemme stop lmaoooo

Crystal Gayle Summers: Does Nicole not know what toner is?

Nanaie Nana: Did lisa really keep the same raggedy ass hairdo all season 🤨 she should have been gotten her hair redone , its not a good hairstyle btw 😩😩😒

Amy R: Lmao Nicole & Tia was all having a romantic moment and the waitress popped up like “your chicken bucket” 😂😂😂 I’m sorry that’s just so funny. Like the scenery and everything is beautiful so you’d think it’d be some high class food and they’re eating KFC (it’s a joke I know they aren’t eating KFC).

Lulu Interrupted: Amber drunk is amazing lol she looks so much fun and would probably have me laughing myself to death lol I love the way her voice changes when she is drunk lmao

Bea Smith: You're telling me Sara's mum didn't see Sean and his mouth hole on previous LAL seasons? That's her 'gut feeling', she watched the show but can't say it

Sista Soul: John’s been married four times and his oldest is 18. I wonder how many she’s been to 💩

ELANJDRIA: Puppy is sooo pretty i pray she gets her life together bc she has an actress/model face ! Shes so pretty

AlphaMom55: Thank you so much for the upload. It was a complete episode. I'm subscribing.

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