Season Six Outro Cinematic | Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War & Warzone™

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Vithusan Selvanathan: When is season 6 reloaded 🥺💯

Ilkill3r __: I still think that stone is bell

Hecker’s brother: what about his team kitsune knight jackal naga and fuze they are still alive maybe there planning a plan to kill adler my theory

drttyu liqm: Vous êtes incroyables les gars ! Cette vidéo était énorme, un gros bravo !

thaC00kieM0nster: It aint chalked guys stitch prolly has a self-rez

jeremy brown: This was long drawn out but good none the less

Retrograde_: As much as people shit on CW especially when compared to MW, I enjoyed it just as much, and i'll continue to enjoy it past it's time.

꧁RogerBoy꧂: Вы, с Запада, такие неженки. Оглядись вокруг Здесь был Восточный фронт Кровь миллионов людей напоила местные земли Все они заплатили ужасную цену, чтоб исполнить свой долг.

Energy41: Glad to see the dog shit cold war cycle Is finally over... Love to see It

Holycz: Adler losser

Clueless Potato: After taking a hiatus from CoD to finally finish RDR2, I’m noticing how much Adler looks like Arthur

Fresh Mint: Ayo is that a sniper on the left? 2:34

bruh moment: sorry i gave up after season 5

XjAmdoidSt: I don’t think it’s ended here something tells me this story is gonna continue in the next treyarch game it’s just how the ending was set up so possibly Cold War 2? Idk

random user: Adler didn’t get shot if you pay attention the bullet didn’t sound like a sniper it sounded like a hand gun

AcidSnake87: Cold War started off rough but ended up in my top 5 COD games. My clan and I had so much fun with this game. Thank you treyarch.

Over 1233: I thought the final sence gonna be a badass combat

Mystix4: I hate how little all the other characters got like naga, fuse… I wish we got to see maybe some cutscenes of them

Behruz Hdjjd: I feel sorry for stitch

brandon martin: The new zombies mode sucks y'all definitely skipping this call of duty damn...

Your British Narrator: Rest in piece stitch

นอร์ท: stitch whyyyyyyy

CocosLangos: You can actually see the graveyard in the game

4G64SicKShoT: This makes absolutely Zero fucking sense, After all the bullshit adlers just going break his programming and meet stitch in the middle of the woods. Fucking What!?

Barito Ramdhani Diko: Even tho the warzone is a bit shitty, the story is decent i mean they could just made a dlc campaign to make the story much more deeper but nonetheless the story is decent well done treyarch.

polly the polar bear: Man be r ally awesome if the audio mix let me hear wtf they were saying

Real patriot: Calling it now, Makarov (or Viktor if he's alive) will be an agent of Perseus.

Please enter a name: Ahh my boy. They do you like this, you deserve it but still

Kevin Feeney: So after all this he let the chopper land and adler approach him without firing a shot?

Juliyes: i bet it is an ambush leading up to wood's capture which leads up to the bo2 timeline.

Serenity: Give us 12v12 back

Kalashnikov: I like how activision ruined a whole saga lore for money, I’m pretty sure they will try to make bo2 not cannon just so they can still make more seasons and money

Cdntrooper: Terrible ending unless bell took the shot at the ending because that is not the pistol shot we heard when he shot bell and stitches trace of his scar when he touches it could’ve been the firing signal

Cdntrooper: Holy shit they could’ve just made this ending in the actual campaign instead of warzone cause this was a bad ending cause we already know that Perseus is more than one person but at least we saw that the real Perseus is dead

SKYPATROL1ONE: Okay hear me out, this is Black Ops right? So why would Stitch ever show the actual location of where the *real* Perseus is buried? Here's my thought process: Adler and the team were lead to where Stitch is ON PURPOSE, and finding Stitch in his current position was Stitches primary goal at the end. I do NOT think Perseus is really dead, but in actuality is an idea as stated in the trailer. The real Perseus is probably on to Phase 2 of his plan, possibly tying into MW2 later down the line, and Stitch and the other Operators were pawns, acting out the diversion plan so that the real plan may continue... Also, as a primary Zombies player, this ties in quite well with the ending of Forsaken. As [SPOILERS] all of the CIA's Requiem Team were captured and locked into a black site INCLUDING Weaver, all as a plot by the 'Director' of Requiem who we presume has ulterior motives. We cannot assume Perseus and The Director are working together, but now that they have this massive creature locked away as a super weapon, who's not to say that there's an undercover sect within the CIA in game, tying into the numbers being said into the phone in the Pentagon at the end of the Black Ops 1 Campaign. Odds are, it's gonna be something far more easy to digest than that, and with Vanguard coming out, it may not even be half the case, but seeing where they've taken the story so far and the elements they've teased it's only a matter of time before the numbers sequence is back up and running again.

GhostMaster_13: The Ending of the Cold War Era and now a new Era the Vanguard Era...

Carmelo Espinoza: Sniper killed adler

N00bgamerguy 2.0: I fucking love Stitch

Luis Melendez: is dead o not

LOIS: 1911 with .50 GS sound effect y e s

argent: So that explains the singular tombstone in the woods outside lumber ...I think

triancirc: Menendez will kill Adler in Cold War 2. He will be the new Perseus and Adler will try to take him down ultimately failing and getting killed at the same time Woods gets captured and so begins Black Ops 2.

L_gunn_: I bet cod cw is gonna be praised in some years Altough it had a good campaign and zombies

Itachi: So there's no explanation on what happened to bell ?



poop cock: Kinda fucked cause stitch could have killed Adler many times but didn’t

Danny Pardo: Damn almost a year since season 1 dropped. I remember stitch being a bad ass character and this kind of put me down a bit

Campbell Foote: One of the coolest campaigns I've played in a while

ShotZ_ KlowN: Hear me out, I don't think stitch died. He seemed to have done some time of signal when he wiped his fingers down his eye. And that bullet sounded an awful like a pellington or sniper. So maybe Adler is dead and stitch is still alive?

UAV101: I think stitch signaled a sniper to shoot Adler

Hugo Justiniani: The ambiguity of bell’s death may be purposeful. Writers, sometimes leave things like that open ended so they don’t have to retcon for the future. Like putting money in a savings account. Even then, I personally enjoyed the “I’m so done with this shit” attitude I got when playing as Bell and having to choose sides. I would enjoy him getting pulled back into a conflict he doesn’t want to be a part of anymore. Only this time, he’s in control of his own actions.

Just Some Guy Who Edits: I was kinda hoping adler would die before this ended. but now that he hasn't, what the fuck happened to him during black ops 2?

Jc: Nighty night commie. Good job Adler 👍

ken penny: wait why the 1911 sound like deagle when it shot ??????

Lazy_Guy 04: Is it me or Adler kinda looks like Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead comics. Also even tho Cold War had many flaws, the campaign and the lore of this game has been amazing.

Constantly Succulent: what if bell was alive and was secretly a sniper and shot adler instead of adler shooting stitch, the black screen at the end must've showed something and is probably a secret that will be revealed on operation flashback event in warzone. Kinda a stretch but we'll have to wait and see.

RollinBacon 295: See in my personal canon, Adler didn’t kill Stitch. He brought him in alive. As to what happens after that, I don’t know, but Stitch isn’t dead

Explosionrux YEET: As the third and favorite campaign this was the best one

Zomb Slayer: A 1911 does not Sound like that

Explosionrux YEET: There goes My hero

Explosionrux YEET: It seems that the Job it's finished now

Glorious MallCop Gaming: Treyarch is making soap operas now?

Michael Caudill: Me realizing he was probably referencing vanguard

Future_guardian5 Gaming: I enjoy the reference to ww2 with the eastern front line I wonder if we’ll get any backstory to him in vanguard or maybe so,e Easter egg

YummyUranium: What about bell?

Josh Gaming: Why did this animation look so boof?

the family:

Sussudio99: Anyone else get the feeling that the gunshot wasn’t from Adler’s gun…

Average dude: I'm gonna miss Stitch :( RIP💔💔

BaldGuyΩ: CW has a great story and zombies but Multiplayers was shitty except Nuketown and Party games.

The random Dude: Guess bells just chop liver

Kelvin Pérez Sánchez: Okey... Stitch Is un the club of Ghost dead people

Jason: Please make a horror type of call of duty game next that focuses on WW2. Treyarch, please go all out for the next release and show why you’re the best devs.

UltronLoves CivilWar: Treyarch u the worst with these weapon challenges and spawn rates and u ruined the haunting in zombies

turi_424: Sad to see good characters leave and never comeback, but still thanks for the effort of the Campaign and story. Only good thing about Cold War that actually took detail and work from everyone in Treyarch's office.

Aiden Christiansen: So is stich Bell ?

Ryan Dwyer: I hope they explain why The campaign ending where Adler shoots bell

I'm Not Biggie: 🔥🔥🔥😎🤘🏾 Bruh.... chill... 😍

PoPPA HoBBiT: Numbers don't work on me anymore they want me to go into action of numbers

Bryan P411Ghost: Bell Alive death ???

animeluvr6: Too bad no one cares. :(

Xinxu: i wish cold war got more attention and stuff, everyone hated it for a while and it was annoying because its such a good game just not as good as the older ones i guess

Pumpkin Patch: 😍😍😍😭😭😭

Expired Milk: Something is telling me we’re gonna be getting a CW2 in in the future

Shawn Jackson: Adler is a lame.

cyberpower: Bye cw

Niko__thewolf: What the fuck just happened

psycho fox: RIP Stitch 1938-2021

diRiG: Stitch is just chilling alone?

Liquid Snake: Adler better not be dead or ill be pissed, he's my new favorite COD character by far

ShadowBtw: Damn what stitch said bout his people is true

Richard Xiong: Fuck Adler, he killed Bell in CW. Team Perseus all the way!

Ellie Clarke: Stitch and Adler have earned their title as memorable CoD characters. I will miss Stitch a lot


Joshua Graham: Say what you will about cold war but I thought the campaign was something great

bonker_ whats_up: Well guys, it's been real. It was good seeing the old crew back together with a few new faces inside the game.

Oregon Crow: Fortnite is much more popular on twitch.

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