Shadowlands: Season 1 Survival Guide

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wadapak: Blizz .. why Conquest Gear lock with rating how about people like me play solo cant PUG high rated arena with No Team Work .. just allow other people who play SOLO to have a chance to get high level Conquest even it takes longer... So iam Paying My Real Money to get Destroyed because Ilvl GAP.... i only like PVP BG just allow casual to get High ilvl Too..:( 200ilvl vs 226ilvl is huge give us chance SOLO player :(( sorry bad english

Tauro: Not sure if it's a mixing issue, but this VO sounds terrible.

Denis Andrejew: "... and we'll see you..." "IN THE NEXUS", says my brain, every time :D Good times, keep up the good work!

Sheriff K: Oh, so the more Great Vault rewards you unlock is more CHOICES not ACTUAL rewards? Dang, and here I thought I'd get 3-9 items.. (of which I'd expect to only be able to use 1-2; so I guess it's not much different if you get to handpick the one you get.)

Chung .Y: You really think there are too many players, incompetent

ExodusArias: Welcome to the WoW season 1 spotlight. Anybody else? Lol

Llum: Dear Blizz, thank you for such a good expansion. I have been enjoying it a lot. Regards from a pvp-er

Tijuana: Why do they shout in these? It's very strange.

sebastien Vivas: Disappointing

Captain Ubershmitz: Great job blizzard. Please keep it up, we're all hoping you continue to succeed. <3

Kelsier: Thx for this pvp blizzard

WLaChitarra: Konami

Prieston ART: anyone else get Gamestop promo vibes from this voice over?

Rafik Zidane: That spider looks insane

Dragunnitum Gaming: is wow currently worth it for a first timer like me?

Mjolnirlol: Wow they really changed how you have to grind constantly to play uninspired content

Thoringe Schröder: I know, I'm not the only one who got the LOL-OG-Champion-Spolights-Vibe by Phreak.

Herbert Luppi: Make up ur mind Sire, are we your guests or not

Strength Pot: Amazing job with expansion so far. Looking forward to the rest of the expansion.

Slimzz Tv: So are the prideful bonuses increasing healing and damage or just damage?

Never Gonnatell: Here's an idea. How about you take the budget you spend on making dialog boxes that pop up during combat for no reason, countless cinematics during questions and writing the dialog you FORCE people to sit through and spent it on making servers playable. 16 years experience and a billion dollar company still can't have playable servers on expansion release. Once again on raid release there's not only severe lag, but issues just trying to log in. I'd say they're incompetent, but the truth is they just don't care. Not necessarily the people directly working on the game, but the snakes in the background controlling the budgets. They'd rather line their pockets than fix issues. I wish there was still such a thing as pride. You can make plenty of money and still do what needs to be done. Of course that's not the mentality today. It's only about maximizing profit while getting away with anything possible.


Mini Club: Пиздец а я всё ещё в пиратский 3.3.5а рублюсь.

RabbitTV: Thanks for nothing.

mrlieenn: Love time gating

Adam Skorupa: My survival guide was to delete WoW. You haven't made a good expansion since WoTLK why is this one any good? Oooo a tower!!!!

Among Chromie: It feels so good reading these comments here with everyone being pumped and excited for Shadowlands content and enjoying themselves so much already. I'm extremely proud of Blizzard, in a lot of ways this was their last chance and they seem to be realizing that and making it a success, it has been extremely enjoyable and I can't wait until I can play through the new content! Keep up the amazing work, Blizzard. <3

Hackin Tosh: Change my mind. Shadowlands is a game designed for 5 percent of the games population to sell carries and boosts for WoW tokens, just so those people can enjoy things about the game they didn't have to pay for in past expansions like random BG's. Activision Blizzard has created a slave labor force to make them more money, while streamers with esport orgs tell you this system is good for the game and good for you, when they are financially tied to a failed esport with waning interest being a success.

DreThaBeast -: i wouldnt have came back to WoW if they didnt bring back pvp vendors

Andrew Morrow: KAEL'THAS

Lukus Bearmane: I hope at some point we can get Worgens in the horde

Qwinn: PVP players always can get more mounts... I hate gladiator mounts

Liquid Wolf: Can you get duplicate items in your vault? I don’t want to see 5 of the same belt...

Ace Town: "unfathomable terrors" Shows a bear

Klein Miranda: lol never expected this expansion to be good

ian petherick: I did a quest yesterday called desire that should not be available till renoun 8 sooo the bloody campain is bugged i do hope i get it again else you will be getting my wrath

Mr.Fancybag: “See you in the Shadowlands” < “See you on the other side”

Grumar S: 550 conquest per a week you guys have to be out of your minds.

Joe Everyman: “Monolithic.” I don’t think that word means what you think it means...

Markus Andersen: idk, I hate Ion's voice.

k holo: can i q for raids on dungeon finder?

MegaChickenfish: 1:48 Goddamn it PvP and your god-tier mounts.

Matt Dredge: It's not a new wow season without the survival guide guy yelling at me

Auditore Junior: "...from a pvp VENDOR" such a Delicious thing to hear....Finally, at long last....!

][: Can you really call it a season 1 survival guide if you're not warning people about rogue openers?

Gervan Lewis: 0:52 I setup you auto proffit site with done for you 6k monthly income. It is a ready made website with content, connected offers (digital products), google advertisement, amazon advertisement and 1 month connected traffic of visitors. Managing it wisely you earn 6k monthly and your expenses will be 1950$ for the installation and 600-700$ for traffic which you need to send monthly. Speaking about traffic you will not need to worry about this- as we usually send this amount and we continue maintaining it. It is not the system that you just press the button- and here is money, as you will need to manage it. But if you follow our instructions the income is guaranteed wtsap +7 967 157 05 81

killeing: 2:06 KAEL'THAAAAAAAAAS :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lau: No more random lootbox Bsht. Thanks for bring our freedom back Blizzard. Excelent job so far!!

moty fokol: 0:38 really disappointed that there isn't 2 male/female dancers. like you're already doing the inclusivity in the game and story but....well that REALLY LACKS THERE.

phoebs69: Getting in Herioc or Mythic Raid when you have guildmembers who aren't online much or when you're on a server which is mostly dying is hard !!!

TheShmoo: "Thanks for watching! And we see ya on de otha side, man!"

Nevenblue: Hold on, what?? I'm not even level 60 yet! Slow down! Some of us have jobs and families :(

James Heath: This guy sounds like he is just shouting into his microphone. He's SO PUMPED for Shadowlands.

Johnson McBig: Blizzard, Nobody's complaining right now, don't ruin it.

Sir Saxon: Ugh, stop calling pve content seasons, this isn't some arena shooter...

Drae: How can I survive when rogue kills me in 1 second?

Narius: I still don't know how to play Survival.

Warllockmaster asd: So, now the3 true judgement begins.

Gromst3rr: i like how blizzard makes it sound like 0 content is something "wow" xd

Andrii Panfilov: WoW is trash, we are all addicted to this garbage

corksterx1: can someone from blizzard just admit that the random floating necropolis above Maldraxxus is gonna be a future raid? lol

eze ess: Who narrates these ?

Packers Fan: Buff warriors

YRN Takeda: Are there any nerfs coming

Gill: I don't have time 😭😭😭

LittleAlii ASMR: That raid looks amazing omfg

BawsyPvP: anyone else cant play but wants to :(

keaugoir: Man his voice is intense

James Montoya: Shadowlands is hawt right now!

Max Kid: Remember shaohaos lesson in pride it is good until it is bad

Lincoln Bohn: sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

RomireTV: Im not even 60 yet cause of the constant oceanic server instability issues that you constanley ignore and your already releasing gated content, that i will personally never be able to get to

StaySic4Ever: I want more hours in a day!

Meg Lenart: Necrolord holy paladin... Hahaha blizz you funny

urfrienddarren: If blizzard needs to release a guide on how to play an expansion..that already tells so much about the game! Good thing there is Classic Wow!

Dio Luki: fix pvp

Janek Jorge: I really hope they nerf all the 1 shots

Well Hello: What is with blizzard and spiders!!! 😫

Well Hello: It would be better if they released normal this week then heroic next week. I know normal is incredibly easy but would be better for more casual players overall

ursula's 2 goon eels: LET ME INN! LET ME INNNNNNN

Pesthuf: People keep saying I should cap honor this week so I can buy mythic level PVP gear. Is that new gear or do they mean new upgrades for the existing gear?

Captain Mario: Virgins

Rhoa Menta: Whoever set this up on the dashboard where you can't control the volume, pause, or maximize is a moron.

Beond: Play rogue or hunter ez

Zukrath: 2:06 waaait a min... Kael’thas?

mundsburg83: wow HYPE


cakiftw: We'll see you, on De Other Side

LifeNewProductions: But but we cleansed our pride in pandaria


Ronald FlobJobbin: "on the other side." ugh....he didn't say it right.

Ataxarion: I'm hurt that they're all wearing their Covenant armor when it's not available yet PepeHands

Brandon Meadows: How about fixing scaling so I can solo legion stuff I did prior to release?

Kadash10: Torghast Twisting Corridors when?

En Sorgsen Lama: Thanks phreak

Most Wanted Gaming: And here I am still struggling to get in to BWL in classic lol

oplix: First time in WoW's history that I can remember the amount of content being actually overwhelming.

Pablo Daly: 0:20 "There you'll face off against unfathomable terrors" The Horrific Bear Butt

Leo Dove: "Save a wronged soul" Don't get it twisted Blizzard, Kale is like number 4 on my list of WoW character's who need a good punch.

Peter Davis: mate I know it begins this week you dont need to yell it

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