Letterkenny Season 9 Teaser

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Brett S: lol oh man such a great early christmas peek

Two Very Good Pals: Love it. Can’t wait.


scott martin: To be fair the New Zealand national tourism slogan from the 80 was give them at taste of kiwi we are just doing our national dutie.🇳🇿👍😊

TL_Nik0n: Idk how anyone thinks this show is funny

Nolan ZW: 1:39 barfarona.

shooglechic: Puppies. Canadian puppies. LAWD!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa Solesky: I cant's waits for season 9!

kingoftheuniverse14: Laughed my ass off at Squirly Dan "The BBC"...."The BBC Three"

Rachel Barcellona: It's chewsday innit?

Michael Simpson: I was scratching my ass when they said pull your finger out of your ass, I almost told my tv, I’m not

GoldnDusty: Damn, Keeso's accent isn't *that* bad. I'm impressed.

OKjoey86: The B B C, Free

Jeremy Shackelford: WONDEROUS! Can't wait to see the whole Letterkenny community beat down the cheating yank!

lalo38th x: Not funny at all.

Jonathan Garlinghouse: Oh yea bud, really looking forward to it.

Jay S: Does she play cricket now yeah?

Nipplestifilitus: Cants waits to see dierks get his ass beat

Matt S: This made me laugh way too much haha. British accents were amazing.

Michael Rountree II: Pitter Patter let's gets this going.

phillip turner: Is it just me or is that a mason jar full of weed behind Wayne? Looking forward to the new season!

alida flus: Did they just say Melbourne the right way and made fun at how it gets said wrong ? Give them all beers for that.

alida flus: Did they just say Melbourne the right way and made fun at how it gets said wrong ? Give them all beers for that.

Joshua Baird: 96 people needta figure it out...

Kevin Reeder: Oh. My. Sooooo good innit

Lance Dorman: This season's going to be ferda, boys!!!

Nick Alleman: I'm ready

J. Gierer: fuckin love this show ey

Tamara Aguilar: I CANT WAIT TO SEE THE NEW SEASON!!!!!!!!

unotweek: Just please don't be the second coming of season 7.

Chase Cochrun: Will this be on Hulu?

yuitr loing: Sent this to my brit penpal. She's salty bout it, boys u did a good job

Basilohyeah: The BBC ✋ ✋

Small Town Fisherman: Ello, How are ya now? Good n you? Not so bad now that we got season 9 coming!!!

Matthew Caygill: Legit the closest British accent impression I've heard! 🤣🤣

Gage Jongeneel: Picture of the farm in the back, beauty

hosersupreme: This is gold; on a related note, is it just me or does the editing, camera work / cinematography, and audio quality/mixing seem noticeably different this season so far? Maybe they got some new equipment

Alpha Citizen: C'mon season 9. Pitter patter!

Boat Lover2: I swear this show is gold!😂

WickedClownGrin: I thought they canceled this for Little Kenny, the same way Trailer Park Boys, and Corner Gas got canceled for cartoon versions.

Justin Johnson: "The BBC"

Nick Carter: And that’s what I appreciates about yas.

Clout.Media: As a British person these were spot on and I can't wait for S9!! Innit?

Mark Colerick: all is good in the world again

Ron Tyler: I fell in love with this show once I figured out what they were talking about. Great Canadian entertainment along the lines of Trailer park boys and Corner gas .great stuff.

Eric Avenue: 1:20 to 1:32 i need this as a remix

Amanda Nerud: I don't need any presents under the Christmas tree if I've got Letterkenny on my TV. :)

johnny huego: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I cant stop watching it

Adam Osborne: Stillborn puppies AND NOTHING ELSE.

Timothy Gooden: Texas size 10 4

Timothy Gooden: Yo fr I love letterkenny

iamextremest: Oh ya, Lookin forward to her there good buddy....... (from Texas) but many Canadians friends Eh?

nixxhimself: Wait. I watched season 1 when it first launched. How the fuck are there 9 seasons already??

Solmyr Pendergast: Hell's yeah! Another season of letterkenny. Love it, ya tit****ers.

End Him Rightly: It's fucking embarrassing!

Cindy Last: "Are you.. bovered..?" "Well I'm not *bovered* .." "Aren't you?" "Innit?" "Do you?" "Am I?" "Do WE??"

Michael Spruill: 14 days and counting

Joey Gregan: Get these guys some fuckin' puppers

Matt Wierbinski: 2:39 I thought Dan likes a finger up his buttsholes

Jack Tufts: Best Christmas gift ever! God bless us one and all!

pntm: The bee bee see threh

Vocondus •: Hype.

Tyler Whitehurst: Dan saying cheeky bugger is too much comedy in one bit 😂

DoubleHelix E: Can not wait for season 9. the amount of piss taking you threw at us Brits in this trailer had me in stitches. figure it out and hurry up all ready to be fair

Paul Helm: You're taking the piss

Simon Li: Showed this to my british co-worker, says its pretty spot on XD

Dolly Lama: The other daaaaaaaaaaaye

matt taylor: This is very HD

Est. 1982: We need this asap!

N K: Tick tock

Paiton Fernandez: I’m so fucking excited!

Richybear: I'm still wondering how they knew I had my finger in my ass the whole trailer

Maxrock2000: Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting patiently for this for sooo long. Fuck this is awesome

Allie Mack: Yas yassss yasssssssssss 🙌🏼

dutoiu hour: Letterkenny is wot's kipt me soob-scribed to Hulu, that's wot it's done.

Rj Mccall: Are you bother?

Iball nonya: The only good thing about 2020, eh is new Letterkenny on Christmas Day.

Jamie Bollinger: I just don't understand how there are dislikes? This show is great n so are some of the comments.

Dan's YouTube Review: That's what I said, I said, pull your finger out of your ass

The Rebel's Advocate: A brand new season is the only thing I need for Christmas!

Mackenzie george: I already want season 10

Sean Rance: As a Brit whose travelled SE Asia and Australia and now lives in Canada this is bloody superb.

Up Dog: Bloody hell

Corvid76: 9 Seasons, wow. Do people actually find this stuff humorous? Yikes.

Wiley Dutkiewicz: Love these guys, but hard to respect it after all the bs this year.

Cori Puckett: Its a right cheeky show, innit?

NiagaraWarrior: This reminds me of the time i watched nearly 8 hours of Letterkenny on the 12 hour Air Canada flight from Thailand. It was my first time travelling internationally, and oddly i spoke just like this when i got back.

Alien to the Ignorant: Almost looks like Wayne can’t hold in his laughter lol

maciej simm: 81 people came home with a wee bit of an accent, those cheeky buggers

Andrew Simmons: The entire Letterkenny crew is a gift from God. ShaKnowWhatImean?!?

lincoln3307: Damn! This is Bloody Funny !!!!

modestxmichelle: O_O

2009LuckyStar: They really are insync with each, innuit.

Stressed: sO HAPPY! hurry up!

Pure Precision: Good lord. 😂

Kawh: Jared is channeling some serious Jason Statham.

Tantibus King: Fuck me boys, I cant fucking wait for this shit

Jeff Auld: I’m dead 😂😂😂

Tracy Turner: God, how I've missed these people!

Circle Hook: I don't want to rush time but.....I can't wait to watch this.

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