It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia | Season 15: Official Trailer | FX
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Pablo Amaya: I’m so excited for this !!! Kinda miss the low budget look tho 😂😂Написать
Green Hat Animation: Always Sunny Crew, a great bunch of lads!
Nathan Sweatt: Fuckin love Colm Meany
Brendan Mc: They were looking for a Danny Devito body double, here in Ireland. I guess they found one.
Duke Nukem: I just want to be pure
Beardic Inspiration: You got our national treasure Colm Meaney in the mix I'm beyond excited
Jasper Marr: um i don’t think charlie would go to ireland
lastbeer: I hope the show will remain so dark and sarcastic like it always was. Because there is no place left for real humor in modern PC world
Joseph-Zora McBride: My partner and I are superfans. we just watched it and we're positively giddy! Come on December!!
Kavindu Rashmin: Where's crickeeeet
Kavindu Rashmin: Awesome 😎
Big Universe: nice..
nintendo1980: Frank was friends with Epstein. lmao
Kevin Abarca: Oh my God!!! Pepperjack is in season 15?!?!?!
Jdwest6: Yessir!!!
Timothy Risby: Is everything shot before a green screen? Even when they're in the bar it looks like they're cut in the scene.
Jenny Coyle: I can’t wait 🙌 Katlyn Olsen is the best physical actress ever!
Rif 55: Frank being on Epsteins Island does not shock me lmao
Green_03_silverado: I’ve never been so excited for a series season in my life!
Joe Mama: Heyoooo! It's in Ireland! I really hope they don't just stereotype everything though
Brian Thomason: This show will forever be the goat
socialist Whore: The only man that can fill me up zrhzixktxktd
socialist Whore: Can't wait
under forever: Hey rob, you ever try cigarettes?
Leo H: Ok now I need The Gang's Departed 2
Sniper Viper Claw: There are so current events topics that I need for them to discuss since the last season aired
Rob Harman: Hopefully it's better than last season I thought 14 was pretty bad to be honest
MapleMilk: Absolutely incredible batting averages for this series
jaycub: yo its always sunny hits the road, Im all down for it
Jack Allen: This show is one of my favourite modern American comedy series, next to very few others. That being said, didnt anyone else feel that the last season was their weakest yet? It just felt rather flat. I hope this new season is an improvement. Hopefully they kept it to eight episodes to really highlight/condense their best ideas rather than drag out weaker ones over a longer season.
Maxolydian: Rob originally pitched the show as a 32 season series, so we aren’t even halfway there
Josh Mannig: I’m actually surprised it wasn’t revealed Frank worked for Epstine sooner
Cpl.Hicks: Just when I thought Santa wasn't real . . . . Its a Christmas Miracle !!
Nelson Hunter-Valls: Curious to see how the gang will continue the DS9 tradition of making O'Brien suffer. :D
Lammo’s uk thrifting: It does it look like a movie
Benjamin: More Christian bashing? Wow really creative and “edgy” lol cowards
Elsetocarbono: Dennis is back?!? I thought he had separated completely
IkermlgYT: It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Featuring Irish Ghouls!
Shitty Everyday: FINALLY!!!!!!!!
Archie The Janitor: chief o'brian joins the gang
Solstrana: Anyone got a name for the song that plays over the trailer?
J: The gang hasn’t changed a bit haha
Keane: i was just rewatching the show from the beginning omfg im hyped!
Samara Alexander: I thought this show ended…IM SO HAPPY
Mystery Man: YES!!!
Guy Vizard: It's a Christmas miracle!
Matt Drummond: This trailer is perfect
NoGoodGreen: It Is Always Sunny, Infinite Sunny
Casey Fischer: Please never end this show!
beep boop: ghouls
MGeKa aja: Yes!!!!! Christmas comes early.
финик: the gang didn't even begun to peak
Rakesh Karel: This show should never end. Also Frank being friends with Epstein makes perfect sense
Stab Blooder: "So anyway, I started blasting"
칠월팔월: yeiiiiiiii
Boy Aditya: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 I've rewatch all the season and cannot wait for this new season!!!!
upworld1: What if Always Sunny still on TV?
T-Top Deluxe: Very logical premise for a season that I somehow did not see
R P: I had some doubts but this is just amazing
Abby: Can't wait to see Mac take 3 big guys lmao 💖💖💖
travis mathis: Im so excited
b: Frank on Epstein Island 😳😩
joannakathleenn: 0:46 is a stop the steal rally 😅 where was the gang on january 6th
Cigar Skater: The golden gods
Preston Hakanson: YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!
Ashton Turner: Thank you! It’s been too long!
Eri Pena: I really hope Cricket shows up in the episode where Mac wants to become a priest
plentyofmalk: Mac is apparently a gay country musician who supports stop the steal? This show has never made so much sense. And Charlie has a new shirt!
Trash Collector: So is this entire season gonna be in Ireland ?
Justin Anderson: Lol Mac's subconscious gay enuendos are hilarious.
Lovecraftian Leviathan: 0:16 Hey, Charlie’s finally popped that shirt off!
xSkullx: Why is there so much green screen doesn’t look great
RememberTheMaine: Little disappointed it is only 8 episodes but I'm still super excited for this. Any new Always Sunny in Philadelphia is good. Also looks like they're trying to trick us into thinking Charlie found his real father. I'm still hoping that Frank is his father
C: Mac's gone back to the slicked hairstyle.
Lovecraftian Leviathan: Badass, badass, badass, badass!
MetaDash: Of course Frank was on Epstein Island, lmao
ArcticMantis: I honestly wasn't expecting it to come this soon, but I'm pretty excited nonetheless.
Jaanzi: 0:18 Yo was that Miles O'Brien!?
arthur cranbourne: when they get super old and danny is a cyborg this show will still be peaking. they haven’t even begun to peak.
Kiley Ohl: Can not WAIT!!!
Disposable Supervillain Henchman #37: Fill my soul and all my holes, O Lord!
The Neon Theater: This looks great I cant wait
Greg the Drunk: Mac: Guys, why aren't the brakes working? Charlie: Because I cut the brakes! Wild card, bitches! Yeeee-haw!
{The} SLOOP: Finally a nice switch up and pace for the show! Hope the jokes are more clever and thought out than cheap one liners like in the trailer
Ankesh: Yess
jimy tomasino: This trailer is warm and clammy. Just like how the mcpoyles like it
Sandesh van't Veen: I feel like this show is partly responsible for the adult I've become.
Harriet Nichols: Idkkkk it looks like they’re relying heavily on call back jokes and tropes
ashley: screaming i’m so happy to be here
Willskull: I can't wait, my favorite show!! Long live IASIP!
Otis Roseboro: This show is a part of my life that's how much I love it classic
Otis Roseboro: I hope this show never ends I love it
J GA: keep em ghouls coming!
Otis Roseboro: I have seasons 1 - 10 on DVD & also a very sunny Christmas in Philadelphia
Rrrr Ssss: Still holding out hope we will get a surprise Sunny Xmas 2 episode since the season ends on Dec 22 after only 8 episodes. Leaving room for a 2-part episode on Dec 29!
Otis Roseboro: I've been watching this show since it first came on tv back in 2005 also my all time favorite show love it classic
menikmati789: Little green ghouls, dude!
Shut it you slag: Hells yeah, this looks all sorts of good
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