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Chris Motionless: Bunny should be chained with another bunny like bug signal to activate the fear.

Mark Aizon: This update was awesome in a sense that I sold both my. 0.1 weth bug axies for 0.25 weth. Now I can wait for what team is worth playing this season

Dare David: I can't feel that they Nerf termi. You'll still die 1v1 against it and waste 2 energy.

First Last: just my 2c, this is bullshit. axie should be considered nft and it should be immutable. they should’ve created new cards instead.

Renz Dane Gabrielle YTV: Hoping to be one of your students

Restless: 3:42 To AAP users there feeling sad about the nerf. Just take a look at Hasheki who is using AAP and can climb the leaderboards.

Zakaria Elaraj: cant, stop, thinking, about, the, dancing, tweet.

RJ Bautista: you are wrong about rose bud annoying backline plants use it and i have an AAP team rose bud, pumpkin, carrot hammer, and serious it's hard to win even with my two remaining axies i'm only around 1200-1500 so i don't blame you for not knowing

TechUnbox TV: The devs are totally blind in doing this nerfs. Anyone happy with the updates?

Ben Tan: Timber+arco aqua GG stonk

Nicoryn Ch.: scarab's effect now means that u can make this work with slower axie. that means even a plant could prevent an anemone aqua's healing the nxt turn. i think it's a wonderful buff specially now that there are lots of comps that rely on healing

ProjectMusashi: fuk u poison teams! kek

BusCity: good

Game Over: only now 50% off from 200 to 100!!! dud "always as been" lol

MANOR Codm: welcome back master elijah!

Shade: The Ronin buff compensated for the crit damage formula, for beasts only, because aquas with ronin are dead now, the damage is so low, you'd do more damage with an aqua card most of the time.

giznowTV: thank you idol

Kenesu Ken: But sir, Rice is easy to use than antenna so thats fair

Michael Fitzgerald: Cattail counters cute bunny 💗 and all bug / beast cards

Markdave Gamboa: Thanks lods for this advice ❤️

Miguel Feliciano: Your right about cactus! i dont know what they are thinking about buffing cactus, its already OP.

Dan Mart: And since overall damage is nerfed a bit for all axies. Thats basically a buff to healers

Dan Mart: I hope they just give 3 poison ticks per turn per stack. Still a nerf but not that significant

bong renabor: can anyone disclose on wether the croc Being nerfed is still a Good card?

Dan Mart: Aight imma dis expensive axie. Gets nerfed

Byron Coronel: My doubletalk post fight bird and my croc, chomp, thorny dusk became useless. Now I just can play against double aqua, but the double reptile, plants and anemonas are destroying me

Chris Ongoing: pretty much my pure breed aqua is dead with this nerf.

elwose openstepcrew: great content! ty Elijah! regards from spain :D

Rone: The scarab might have been an indirect nerf to anemones and zigzag

SaTuRo SeNPai: The return of bug and beast axies.. Too obvious with the changes on the cards.. Hope breeders breed new meta.

Justin Benedict De Guzman: Great review! But what you said about Ronin being buffed is sadly, wrong. They actually made it weaker. Specially for non-beast axies using it. For beast itself it now has a few point lower because of the change in computation for critical strikes. And way less for other types using it because other types has even less Morale which is now the main basis for the critical damage. Dual blade I think now has higher damage when used by non-beasts even without the crit that the critical damage of Ronin. Or around the same damage. But dual blade don't need anything to have that high damage and it gives a bit of a shield. Ronin on the other hand has no shield, requires 2 extra cards to trigger crit but with around the same damage as dual blade.

zephyrot 3: Rip my soothing ronin aqua

Dion Alexander: what do you think for ranchu

Shura Gaming: Hi Elijah. Can I buy your course within Ronin? Or should I transfer crypto to my MetaMask first?

Eito: So that's why I sold my timbers aqua for .11 eth.

Lucky team: hi guys i sold my axie and i still dont have the ETH its being 3 days can anyone help i already msg support id #121830

Axie_Grinder: Noice. I'm likely to get a triple Scaly Spear team for a scholar. Triple Reptile. Would be noice.

BAD JET GAMER: 2 discard bug with pocky backline is the meta

KazVivid: All my investment on bird and aqua is useless now. What a scam

Pantheon Baker: Devs sorta just took their shotgun, put a blindfold across their eyes, and just went to town. Those aqua nerfs were so unwarranted, Anemone builds are the problem, and somehow regular AAP builds got hit the hardest. Sad to see, especially since they were already struggling

Alister 78: I think aquas have nerfed too much :/

Christopher Flores: Bug double discard is gonna be huge, i think. A lot of the nerfs will result in a lot of axie builds needing to play more cards to kill i.e poison teams, cute bunny, aap, termi, etc. And the buffs are towards beasts who often times use ronin imp and mech/dawns who rely on the skill stat so they need to play cards in a combo. All of those will be vulnerable to the double discard teams. Sandal will also rise in value if people go for the bug teams since it doubles as a wallbreaker card against plant/reptile/dusk tanks and a high dmg card against bugs.

Jesmer Torres: How to become scholar in your team sir Elijah?

rozeiro5: Im surprised hot butt wasn't nerfed...

Fred Alfred: Yes, be patient!

tristan flores: Yo ellijah thats literally my plant right there u bought, sad i could not reprice because i was in a middle of something! Take care of him! 😭

Melson Peros: AQUA is Dead my Ronin Koi Risky Shoal totally nerfed could even kill its shadow Termi didnt get nerfed The lagging 0 casting cost is still OP

Goku: My poison team is struggling at 1.2 -1.3 Spent so much and now floor axies are winning Stupid update

Einar de Mesa: Time to give up on garish?

KROME: another creator who is honest with his feeling about the nerf/balancing. thanks elijah!

grenfunkel: The balancing is not so balanced. I am also confused where the devs got their data for this "balancing"

William Atmodihardjo: Hi elijah, I'm a member of your course. How can I join the MT8 discord?

Wanto Juliau: Will your course get updated after buying right now(not update yet) you are saying take 2 week for updated course?

E L: my buntenna still doing good at 1670. having a hard time against double anemone but doable. dont throw your buntennas! really strong specially againsts double plants and poison teams.

JEOLOGICAL: Even tho my team's burst basically got screwed (bug and plant with garish and an aqua with cute bunny), i'm still just gonna have to continue using this team. Sad that i can't burst frontline plants as easily as before

Yoshavas Rujirarujana: i think the same for timber now we can build some high speed tank to build-up super high shield. and i have some question , is aroma count as debuff? if it count can we build tri feather + egg shell + twin tail and some dmg ? it will be insane 1 energy damage

Jhonhaiver Cardozo: Elijah, what do you think of this axie? ID 8632421 Jaguar has a letter, what did they attack and it looks like the disablesaur, would it be good to buy it?

Gnno Breaker: what's so op about nimo? rip aquas

Absurd: Aren't merry and garish have the same activation? "When chained" with any other beast card from another axie? Just like how garish works with any other bug cards from another axie.

Niño Amis: His advice is good. stick to the team that we are familiar.

Xelaa08: What do you think guys. Change the description of ronin. Instead of critical when comboed with 2 cards. Make it just deal 170-180% damage when comboed. Then to solve the problem with ivory gain energy when comboed with ronin. So that ronin will not be a dead card on other axies

Rj Libarios: 5 of my cards got nerf should I quit Axie?? fvck that cactus wtf are they thinking?

KenChoi Sy: Tripple Aqua is unplayable. I had to adjust with a plant front now. Aap

ANIKY: What u think of post fight nerf?

Jomar Garbo: Pure aqua can't kill a beast even with a four card combo. NOT GOOD UPDATE AT ALL. TOO BIAS.

Voodoo: Not sure if you noticed but Risky fish lost 10 shield as well.


Orale Ese: Mech with furball and twintail is insane. skill bonus for mech is pegged at a fixed value of 11.15 per damage dealt. Hence, Furball damage per ball vs PRD is 60 for a total of 180 damage. Twintail, 0 energy card and twice attack if comboed, damage against PRD is 60 per needle. 180 furball + 120 twintail + 120 twintail. 1 energy, 3 card for 420 damage.

Jan Carlos Suyko: Elijaahhh, I'm at my lowest right now. :(( I need a teammmm

Liberty Acosta Takahashi: First ❣️😊

Bhong Tv: nice watching from philippines

Ben: Gonna wait for a week before i change my team haha

Sebastian Christian: Wasssuppppp

Luis Santillana: waiting to see how meta evolves! :)

Karlo: I’m waiting for this!

Jan Carlos Suyko: Uppp

Acehilm: I'm waiting for this!

Khorne: R.I.P double talk post fight combo

Liberty Acosta Takahashi: First ❣️

BS INFO 4-A Mercurio Ryan A.: hello

Renz Absss: Cant wait 😍

Molly Coke: 2nd

Julian Jose Calica: Hello!

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