The Expanse Season 6 - Official Trailer | Prime Video

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GenusWelt: Nice

Nicolas Alexander Otto: I wonder why the authors went after the belter plot rather than exploring the titular Expanse more. It felt like after Season 4 they dropped the main plot of the whole show for politics and family conflict which is very sad. So much untapped potential and now it seems like it will never be explored. :-( Still amazing show and I love every minute of it.

Damien Pollard: Last season, it sucks to be a scifi fan

Truth hurts J.J. Abrams: I just hope they give Amos more parts and this is got to be the best sci-fi series since Star Trek and it’s working on being better than Star Wars

Diepzeevis: The Expanse is one of the greatest ever. Such a masterful show. I can't wait for this.

aj: Marco will die at the hand of his son.....

pogglethe lesser1977: It's nice to see a lovely older future version of Kim Kardashian in this Final season of one of my favorite shows ever❗💯💯

paulF1: Can’t wait I have to say that all the copy cat space series that have come out recently have nothing on the expanse what a great time it’s been with one more season to go , I’m sad it’s the last…..

Ehimen Junior Akhimien: Best SCI- fiction and the most realistic series of all time. This is the perfect show which addresses all issues within human society, the need to conolize everything we see, the deep hatred we have for people who don't look like us, how we've destroyed this beautiful planet. The political stands one takes and how powerful cooperations that are. 10 out of 10.

Brad Horne: Giggidy!

menemisdats: Beltalowda!!

cybernako088: For Belta For Earthers For Martian!!!!

Dominations Lmba: so, after seing the protomolecule, the rings, the so many other worlds.... we now get the last season of the series and they forgot about the alien stuff i guess... why do we have to see humans trowing rocks as the series finale.

tarunuatutube: Dear Prime Video, please stop showing entire season in a tailor ❤️. Love you.

MrR1nce: Whyy why the final seasson.. we need it at least one more ><, I really hope you dont mess this up. Go Belters!

S. B: I don’t understand the hype on this series, there is nothing exceptional. The story does not seem interesting or original to me. It may be good but nothing more.

ahmed foash: I am really sad , a great .. amazing show like this simply left to rote , because some idiots doesn't understand it's value ... I hope they continue it more than just 6 seasons , because laterally .. it's the GOT of space for many ...

Margarita Rodriguez Ronquillo: Quiero llorar 😭😭😭 !!! Se acaba la mejor serie de ciencia ficción que existe!!!

ahmed foash: Finally ❤️

cj 2k: Aliens?! Yes!

Pawel: The last book is coming out early December!

Michael ,: Honestly I do really hope inaros receives some terrible retribution, idk what would be bad enough, but I hope he gets it

Lawson Kennamer: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BEST SHOW. literally this and invincible are the only reason i keep prime.

Chris Lewis: Only 6 more episodes? Really? Rip off!!! This is without a doubt the best sci-fi-fact series ever made. Can't even begin to count how many times I've watched it. Is this series available on DVD?

Caleb Duran: Amazing!!

David Read: Why do they continually end the good shows and leave utter crap running for years?!?!?! The Expanse has been one of the best (if not THE BEST) Sci Fi shows in a Generation.

clemont williams: Love this series. But it represents what a disaster it would be for humanity to populate space with the same consciousness that allows us to destroy Earth and each other the way we do. Just spreading the virus. If we can't evolve, the virus that is us, must be contained.

Jay Chang: I loce this show!!!!!!

Yahya ibn Martey: Yessssss!!!😅🤣. Wow. I loved this show so much got a few episodes left have been stalling. Now there is more. Let's go

Patrick Breiding: Stop making this show please

Tullock: I forgot this lame belter crap is still going on.

jordan ryan: This is more bitter than sweet =*( . I love this show sooo much. It certainly had more room to grow and story to cover just based on the books content alone. No space shows world build like this anymore, and when they do they get cancelled. Bezos got the little PR boost he wanted out of the show, so hopefully someone else picks it up again.

RuralTowner: Babylon 5 was the best Sci-Fi series of the 90s... Firefly was the best of the 2000s... The Expanse is the best of the 2010s & perhaps even of the 2020s... It set's a high bar.

RuralTowner: 1:20 Someone in Sol is not getting their FedEx shipment...standard wait time 4 yrs as it is...

BWM135: Trailer looks promising. I'm as stoked as Maneo Jung-Espinoza ogling his girl's rack. 😂😂😂 I'm "Holding my p1ss," and hoping the last season doesn't end with a bunch of "Clean-up on aisle 5" moments resembling his ship hitting the Ring Ga... (Splat) 🤣 I have truly cherished this wonderful show, it's shown me what a science fiction drama written by adults for adults can be, and that manages to have a wonderful, diverse cast of talented actors without the constant virtue signaling that's so ubiquitous these days. And mendacious and polyglotal, with some donkey b@lls. 👍 Sorry. Had to. I'm also a realist, between the pandemic, Amazon wanting to move toward cheaper new IPs, and Cas Anvar apparently lacking an understanding of the word "No," if they land this plane it's going to really be something special...

akumazero13: Hands down the BEST and sadly the most UNDERRATED sci-fi show of the decade.

superzentredi: Many people consider Babylon's Ashes the penultimate book of the series, it's a good idea to be the book the series goes out on. A high note.

K H: Did they run out of books to base the show on?

HIGH SPEED QUALITY: Looks like we're getting back to business ! Past couple seasons were a bit less satisfying IMO. Draper, Drummer .. now we're talkin.

Jen B Camping: All hype for Shoreh Agdashloo (sp?). she has the most recognizable voice in all Video games and television and I just love her. Even if some people say she sounds like she has been gargling razor wire and cigarette butts for 100 years lol.

iFreaking Love This: I could not be anymore ready for this!

Mr Brown: You kill a man like Marco and you make him a martyr. The entire Belt would rise up to fight for him. You'd have to make him see reason or capture him alive.

Rey: I just dont understand how more people dont watch this beauty.... its such a great show.. good visual effects, good acting, good story, good action.

Sergio RDG: Expanse is great!

edding8400: A L I E N S

dondoes969: Sad they aren't continuing the story

nyene: they should have talked more about the history of the belt constructors, they deserve at least a full season.

James White: lol. That 1 dub over. why?

TeddyLeppard: The author can't be too happen about their decision to add sound effects in space.

Randal Slayton: Music?

Joe Sillaman RS: belter accent sounds like hawaiian pidgen in a more serious tone lol

Osvaldo Ramos: wow, i'm very happy 😍

_Page Down_: I love the expanse but tbh it got boring when it was no longer about Expansion and discovery. Pretty much when Marcos started is when I started getting bored with it. I watched it less and less as a result.

dansherman1980: Yeesss…. Back to the cool space battles.


Koa T: Final season... NOOOOOO!!!!


Nomad: Didn't expect such a good show to be so scientifically accurate. Can't wait to see the final season.

Craig Wythe: All the best shows on prime have either ended or ending. So sad. This is the best of the lot

lifeinjersey: I can't wait to see Marcos and the free navy get clapped this season 😁😁😁 but huge props to all the actors especially Marcos for making me hate him so much

Viviana: amo esta serie

Eric Stodolnik: Christmas is coming early this year!!!! I’m so sad this is going to be the last season. I really hope somehow in 20 years they’ll get back together and do books 7-9 so that they can finish the story and their ages will reflect the time jump from the books.

Andrew McL: Awesome, can't wait. But really hope they adopt the final books somehow to tell the complete story.

How Do I Play Dis: So they’ll probably just almost entirely scrap the Laconia storyline set up at the end of last season


TLM: And it ALL goes back to Ceres. Fucking love this show i wish it never ended lol.

Gavin Cross: Final season. Sad now

Joe Rousé: Hooray!

Bjeh King: Shows this good should never end. What will fill our void after the Expanse?

stu Art: Let's hope it's better than S5...

Jeremy Ippolito: Amazon sucks big nuts for canceling this show at least 3 seasons too early...

Boxcar Bro: I'm really REALLY bummed this is the last season. There is so much left to explore!!!

Cheezy Dee: Looks like they'll be mixing up a little of Strange Dogs into season 6, however I believe the next book is supposed to take place like 10+ years later.

Anthony Daramola: I believe in the Epstein drive. Or rather, I want it to be real life so bad. That’s why I keep reading articles on (NTP) Nuclear Thermal Propulsion, even though theoretically, I don’t think it even comes close the speeds of an magic Epstein drive. But think about it, we spit out matter without chemical propellant and go fast enough, artificial gravity!

S S: Sabaka!!... Beratna, beltalowda is back.. to pochuye ke?

Juliano Lima: Calm Down! These outfits....too much...

Вальдемар К: Water...

myplane150: Man, I am so disappointed that this will be the final season but, it has been such a great ride. Thank you to Amazon for picking this beauty of a show up after it got cancelled. Can't wait to see how it all ends. ☺

Sirchud68: 3 movies!!!

sara Lewis: This show is highly and I mean highly underrated!

Dvd: They ruined it by having another half season bs ending

MrRickkramer: Inyaloda gonya like this mi sasa...

Rashid Raja: Such a shame its ending, honestly one of the best sci-fi shows ever.

Alex Dev: But will there be Muskrat?

Jim Jones: It also looks like they are taking the short novella strange dogs from the same expanse universe into the series. It must have been true that they made essentially 3 2hour movies/episodes for this last season. I guess if you had to end the series them fighting the final fight with the renegade belters would be it. It would be multiple seasons to do the Laconian story arc let alone a time jump.

Iain C: TV got good again. Welcome back Team Expanse ❤️

Andre Davis: Can't wait for this, but also don't want it to end.

unitor699: i don't understand why they don't just continue i mean they just found 1000s of planets

KyoGameR: The best SF Show of the all the time ! I would like the season 7

scot haskew: Truly one of the best scifi shows ever. The detail that has gone into this show is unmatchable by any other scifi show out there.

Scarecr0wn: It´s exciting and also hearth crushing. The best scifi since 2004 is about to end.

Nathan Adshead: Full on chubby!! So excited for this last season, what a journey. One of the best sci-fi series I’ve ever watched and I was there when Stargate SG-1 was taking over the world.

Mostly Penny Cat: I hope we have a final visit from The Investigator.

Squeaky Buddha: Squeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Proto Rhinocerator: Oh yeah. Yup yup. Let's do this.

J Rob: YES!!!!!

xjuliussx: i love this series, yet Season 5 was a disappointment, empty shell , i hope Season 6 will be much better.

Evil Joey: amazon brings the show back... to end it this soon... WTF... i hate everyone

LokesProduction: Gonna be an empty void when I finish this & witcher , Have no idea what to watch next

Alex Freeman: 😥

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