Batwoman Season 2 - The Funniest Thing I've Seen All Year
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koomo801: Don't dink on "1990s Sci-Fi originals", if we could go back to the awkward charm and innocence of the old Sci-Fi channel days (and the Hercules/Xena "Action Pack") I'd be tempted to pay for cable again.
Christopher Lee: ohhhh progressive weriters over at cw wasnt good enough that she was gay nowq they had to make batwoman black?
David Guy: Depressing, innit? :-/
Purple Dog Studios: Don’t mind me
Burningwithecstasy: I'm glad this show exists just for my fav YTers to make fun of it
velocitymg: May as well make her a lesbian, black, trans woman, then at least the gaudy fake hair would make sense. From the moment I heard Ruby Rose touched this steaming shitpile, I knew it was doomed, why they are digging in, and spending such huge cash on a turd just to try and polish it though is beyond rational thought.
DreamSpaceOdyssey: 4:45 "subconscious cry for help on part of the writers" A cry for help, or revenge for being treated like shit if the writer is a man, or some sort of self-sabotage in order to make it stop, make it end. I imagine a writer suggesting to let, whatever the name of the actress is, dress up as batwoman for the first time in a public restroom, to symbolize the rise of a heroine from the lowliest of places, and the supervisor scream out in ecstasy "that's it!" and the writer turning his back to the supervisor, looking into the camera and with a devilishliy smile rubbing the palms of his hands together, whispering to himself "excellent."
Ben Brinicombe: I was happily laughing along with this review until it occurred to me that Firefly got cancelled after 13 episodes and this was renewed for a second season.
Leibermuster: I can't bat-lieve how bad this show is ...
who the Fuck is this: We're not Getting Daredevil Season 4 but we're Getting Batwoman Season 2 and Maybe even 3 are you fucking kidding me
Mark Keogh: I'm not so cynical to suggest they cast their lead as a PoC so they could scream RACISM when this season sinks without trace, just like season one. Oh, hang on. I *am* that cycnical.
Schwanzus Longus: Im sorry but who on earth would want to watch a show called „Batwoman“ in the first place?!
oberstul: wait, I don't understand... so this is a NEW Batwoman, both as an actress and as a character inverse, right? What would be the odds that 2 consecutive Batwomen in a row to be lesbians?
Songbird: I just can't batlieve this
Russell Garza: The ratings must of been rigged just like the US election.
Adam Yoshida: It’s appropriate that they appear to be shooting outside Vancouver City Hall, a building with portions so ugly that when some section of it was dedicated by Prince Philip he said “I declare this thing open, whatever it is.”
Platinum Dragonslayer: Should have just recasted Batwoman instead of bringing in another person taking up the mantle.
billy1987: Social Justice League. Coming soon on CW.
Phoivos Syros: 8:50 "We Batlieve" on newspaper Now that is some fine spasm-inducing cringe right there
H3dgie: Ruby Rose is AF tho
theoriginalnestor: Men should take wonder woman and make her a man . That'll teach em lesbians
Kusunoky: Cant believe that lame series keep going but good ones are canceled. Really sad.
Santiago Klappenbach: Honestly I don't think they are trying to make money or even a good show here. They are just making propaganda about their own political views through this "show". There is no other logical explanation. They went from great shows like Arrow and The Flash, to these type of shows. Supergirl was already waaay too political, but I gave up on it. This one, is just a message.
Tony Gorschek: Hahaha
daveglo100: the trailer wasnt that bad... but i did go straight to the comments with the audio muted
Ironically Sardonic: "Starring in big budget movies and commanding millions".. when did Dougray Scott, who I like don't get me wrong, do that lol?
Kelly Gonzalez: how did this shit end up on HBOMAX??
Robert Vaughn: TV is a lazy trick to get people to watch commercials.
Nicholas Coombs: Im actually surprised Drinker watched season 1.... like..... whyy??
Spooky: Right wing snowflake
Crumple Zone: I COMPLETELY AVOIDED WATCHING THIS, but still really love listening to you taking the piss out of this shit
Booozy3050: The "BLANK" signs in the crowd...don't worry we'll fix it in post...wait ,why even bother.
Duncan Reynolds: I just can't get past seeing Ru Paul's Batdrag every time I see the mask and wig together. So woke.
Omega Storm: From a full lesbian to a black woman...lmao this ia just funny. Goof thing that every single woke thing fails miserably.
Nat P: This show probably pissed more money away than I have earned in my entire life in one season. That it gets a second tells me some people need to have ice picks used in a nonsurgical way upon them so their money can be put back into circulation in places that could use it better, like medical science, space exploration, or a giant flaming pit.
Eric McManus: "We Batlieve" What else is there to say other than that?
le Hoarderz Al-Shekelsteins: they have david s goyer in their sleeves
Eternal85: 6:15 you meant 0.2 right ?
Cycopace: why this show even exist WHYYYYYYYYYYYY?
Adam Taurus6659: Oh good god...she looks like my fucking ex!!!
Michael: I thank God I don't have cable TV.
Tooty Frooty: Anyone that calls themselves a fan of this garbage show isn't a real fan of Batman or Batwoman.
Dane Cotar: Ruby Rose looked too CGI
Ant: I would love to see critical drinker do a batwoman review with Az and Gary
fred jasper: Why do they need long pink hair for their batsuit? Answer me
Thomas Shaughnessy: Cant wait for season 3 when caitlin Jenner takes on the role
ihave7sacks: They would have spent the money better by finishing "My name is Earl". At least that show was meant to be funny.
Jacob Webb: Honestly didn’t know this was a show and I’m glad I’ve never heard of it
enter a name here: The batsuit is now literally perfect for a woman. Same as a company, the head suit when female is bankruptcy bound. Hahahaha
James Pocelinko: Joker: "Gotta hand it to ya toots, you're harder to kill than a cockroach on steroids."
Jon: And swamp thing Season 2 is kinda cancelled
Michael Tunnicliffe: I agree with your early comments about there being no shame in admitting a show doesn't work. I mean look at Constantine. I bloody loved that show and was guttered that it got cancelled, but it must have still been good because they brought him back in Arrow. And them ruined him in Legends. But They could have used Ruby Rose leaving as an excuse to stop the show now and then claim that the show was ahead of its time and we the fans weren't ready for it (even though the fans really know it was just god awful.) It would be a whole big lie but I would think, ending early and claiming the world was not ready would be preferable to continuing and seeing ever decreasing view numbers and later being forced to end because no one was watching it. At the very least they could have cancelled but left the show open to possibly return later down the line if Ruby Rose wanted to return.
chip5541: Farscape :-(
ForgottenCradle: soooo,wait...just asking. the season 1 Batwoman was a lesbian. Are those pride bat symbols refering to her or is season 2 Batman a lesbian,too? because WOW,would that be convenient...
Barney Ray: I've never seen it but you can tell it's just a bunch of cliche garbage! Why did they have to point out that she's gay?! I don't care! Most of America doesn't care! Do they think it's gritty and edgy?!
Wolfman's Got Nards: A perfect example of giving us something, making it obvious, but also fun at the same time is Scott Pilgrim vs the World. Amazing!
Skiboy1970: I don’t know why shit like this gets more seasons but Colony gets axed.
JustMe: The end is near? No, The end is here. smh 😖
James Dreger: Just remember, *Firefly* got cancelled after one season. They're still shoveling out more of this shit. We really do live in the darkest timeline.
DaBlackStar: I'm a huge batman fan, been so my whole life, and I'm also black, and as someone who has some appreciation for culture and racial diversity (especially with cooking cause I love foreign food) I can't begin to understand why batwoman is now a random black female. Miles Morales is a believable character that I can somewhat Identify with and is doing very well as a still relatively new character in marvel. Storm is still one of the most powerful and popular Xmen characters and has is my favorite female superhero and the fact she's black and from Africa is written into who she is and forms her as a person, it's not tacked on. But yea, lest jus forced feed trope like diversity which is gonna turn off people that want inclusion and make those who could careless cringe til they get face cramps. Who is this for? Not my DC anymore I guess, they should just push black lightning and eventually static shock until they get their shit together...
Andrew Leathers: George Soros pays for this crap for sure :D
Wolfman's Got Nards: I genuinely thought the show was cancelled before season 1 even hit TV??
JS Wong: Fuck, is that an ape in a halloween costume???
solarsailer 41: Is it possible to hope that the new BW won't let Alice go every episode after she does yet another evil thing? Maybe, but I don't have much hope for the rest of the show.
Second Coming97: That line “time to be powerful” 😂 what even? 😂 the level of writing failure.
matrix26uk: The show is SO cancerous that after watching this vid Youtube went down for over an hour!
Дмитрий Ильясов: Ah, there you go
Canem Cave: it's because it's not their money
nith shithhith: Leftists can't win without cheating.
Luis Guevara: 👍🏻
aszke: dude, are you recording while taking a shit? What' up with this strained voice? :D
Nansel Vongman: So how did a homeless black woman get access to the bat cave.?!
Ahren Scholz: All these women stealing batman's stuff , rude
Dragon Lord: Please do a review of The Fifth Element.
ASeries OfShorts: *The actress of the protagonist has left!* Oh no! *Anyway*
Salem Selevante: This show is so reflective of a lot of women nowadays. They say they want to do the same things a guy can do, until they realize they don't want to anymore and subsequently walk away from it.
Joma Hawk: Just once, I want those highly accommodating stunt MEN (because the only role that white men can be accepted in in these woke shows is that of being the cannon fodder punching bags), to just not go along with this shit. Just let BatLesbian take a swing at them...and react realistically. Ergo, like they just got slapped by a wet napkin from a little kids birthday party. Then, after laughing at BatLesbian, absolutely ROCKING her shit and ending the series then and there. Yeah, that footage would never see the light of day, but those hard working stunt men would be able to hold their heads high with the pride that comes with showing these woke tumblrtards a glimpse of how the world actually works.
chas farthing: “We batlieve!” Ahahahahahahahah.... hahahahahah
You're Right but...: Ruby Rose seems a nice person. Shame the show sucked so much.
Glenn083: All this SJW stuff is destroying comics and tv shows like this today - do women even want to watch a batwomen series?
Fred Watson: It's just sad that writers no longer follow a comics code and stir up true comics fans with all this touchy-feeley alphabet soup s**t and no longer stick to any of the original story lines. Hell, Motlywood ain't had an original idea since 1950!
Guilmaanikko: ''Time to be powerful'' Geez, as if putting on a costume is a sing of strength. Batman was strong because he build himself up, and combined that with his intelligence. What are the qualifications of this lass actually?
Sean McGall: Id like to know what the deal is with the anti-men propaganda the cw keeps forcing down our throats.. Like do they want men to not watch their shows? Its absurd to see..
Mateusz Wojtkiewicz: Clearly Ruby Rose wasn't diverse enough. It's why season 1 failed, clearly 😂
Suicide Booth: I was thinking maybe this show needed to be set in a Muslim country to make it prefect woke, then I was reminded why there are no woke movements in Muslim countries. SJW's disappear quicker than a free buffet at a women's body positivity meeting.
The Rider: The dislikes is basicaly the audience of batwoman lol
Izzy 706: Reminds me of the Biden Presidency...
midiot777: Sir you are a Cunning Linguist.
Jon Baxter: You will like our product! if you don,t, you're a racist! Terrible marketing...
Seksytimes: So this sheit get’s a second season with lower views per episode than a random make-up tutorial on youtube. But not firefly?🤨
plug socket: I can’t believe we’re getting a Season 4 of Star Trek Discovery and Season 2 of Picard. Both shows should have ended after their first seasons. I miss it when CW had Smallville for 10 Seasons then has descended into this Batwoman S**T!
Kingston Bill: Shows like these is why anime/manga is taking over, because anime or manga doesn't care about pushing some message about pride color or female empowerment.
snee: hahahaha i pirate stream àll my tv shows for fuckin free and i never watched this shit even when ruby was in it lol i just have no words to further explain this shit beyond what you already did. glad i mised it....
Bjarku: Blackwoman is...BATWOMAN
id104335409: The show had bad reviews so the team sat down and found what is wrong with it. Batwoman was white. Now everything is fixed. It's like giving a robot a very simple program with very basic constraints and asking it to become an AI. No matter what you ask it - it just goes around in circles and comes up with the same answer to everything. If you program it to be a feminist - that is all it knows.
Bjarku: Batnibba
mazza: At some point the commentator hit the annihilation button. Think of the fans. Have mercy.
MazzyZaM: I think season 2 will actually be good At making me scream internally
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