The Catch Season 2 Trailer (HD)

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Sai Kham: this, the catch, has to come back alive for the fans. T_T

eddie Born: did they ccancel it ?

Match Stats: pls hw can i get all the episodes

TCF TV: How can I download it?

Manon Butler: Ben and Rhys are my favourite ❤️

Goheen __: Only going to watch it for T.R

Scarlet Rose_98: BAMBIIIIII!!! T.R Knight is back bitches 😍😍😍😂😂😂

sisterssocialagony: 007 yessss!!!

Blinisse: Why the fuck is Jessica here ?

TinkLight902 CK: I've seen this before... it's called White Collar. #disappointed

Joyce Cunningham: yessssss

Joyce Cunningham: can't wait

Alyssa Alcantara: Omg been waiting for this for a year with that annoying cliffhanger

FtmKai: thank God it's finally back.....FINALLY

Lisa J: THE REAL 007!

Qwentin Greer: Private investigator has a thing for bad boys and an con man has a thing for good girls. This show reminds me of dc comic characters batman and catwoman, including talia al gaul. Cat and mouse chasing bad guys always get ahead away with the good guys. When they are attractive to each other which is romantic epic action adventure show.

Valerie Lange: GEOOORGEEE AAAHHH !!!!!!!

Brenda G.P.: Holy shit, TR Knight is back in Shondaland, 'bout time. This is going to be awesome. Season 2 actually looks really fun which is the best I can ask from a Shonda Rhimes show.

Corentin Carneau: This is gonna be awesome. Again.

Grace. l: Ginaaaaaaa Torres is here ! YES !

Kilmer5: I can't wait for this season. John Simm is a regular cast member and it's gonna be great!

MsVamPireChic: GEOOOOORGE!!!

mali 45671: George!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Arina: i want more scences with margot this season, they better not dissapoint me (i mean she's gorgeous, honestly)

Han Xiang Chen: Gina Torres and T.R. Knight 🙌🙌🙌🙌

Debra Haskell: Yes, yes yes! John effin' Simm is now a regular cast member. Soooooooooo exciting!

*Tv*Movie*Sparks: Can't wait

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