Yellowstone Season 5 Trailer, Release Date (PREDICTIONS)

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Mary Jane Keao: Looking fwd to Season 5 of Yellowstone.🤠🤩♥️🇺🇸👏

Mary Jane Keao: A very sentimental and tragic to me a Texan...the possible loss of an honorable way of life. That’s why I am proud of places like the King Ranch and 4 Sixes! Ranchers, farmers and folks that love livestock and wildlife I claim as a lover of history.♥️😢

Trish Haselden Johnson: Fall of 2022?!?! Come on now!! I can't wait that long!! Help!

Sharon Lynn: I absolutely love this show. I never want this show to end, I hope it makes at least 10 seasons. I would also love to see a spin off featuring Rip and Beth, hopefully with Carter, can only imagine the situations they will find themselves handling for the good of Yellowstone. Please keep this show going for years to come Taylor.

Bryan Benson: Predictions for Season 5: Beth Feeds NYC Reporter with more info on Market Equities, ruining a second CEO. The first CEO returns and it is discovered that she funded the attacks witnessed on season 3. Kayce's vision of seeing "the end of us" is to keep us in suspense. With Market Equities in distress, the fight returns to one between Raintree and JD. This pits Kayce against Monica AND/OR Kayce against his Dad. His vision in the finale of his Seal Team being killed around him, the only family he really aligned with was telling. So, does he align with Monica's tribal alliance, who after all are helping him rediscover himself or does he stay loyal to his dad? In the end, is he becoming more like Jaime or JD? I predict Kayce runs for Governor with both the tribes and rancher support but must disappoint someone. The new Senator sides with JD but the tribes female attorney, absent from this season, makes a return. Jimmy is heading to the 6666's and Walker will follow him there. Look at how he looks at Emily. There will be trouble there when the spinoff starts. Finally, at the end of season 5, RIP gets seriously hurt. Beth calls "Boy" her son and she and JD shape him into the Dutton image in prep to run the ranch down stream. will see how many of my predictions are correct at season end.

Daniel Robertson: Started off great, ended great, a lot of bad writing in the middle.

Dale Hardges: This was the weakest ending I was so disappointed!!!

Karen Jarrell: My husband and I love Yellowstone I hope it never ends.

Deb Henning: Best show sense Dallas can not get enough and can not wait for season t 5 hope it never ends

Lee: Who shot JR

Janine Clark: I think Beth is a monster. Jaime should have shot her.

Betty White: I love watching. Yellowstone. The actors&. Actresses. Are perfect. In. Their. Roles. They just act like. No big deal this is my. Daily thing!! Everyone. Is. Fantastic!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😁😁😁😁

Rod Ratay: Season 5 will be totally like dynamite


Jodie Englehart: Beth is not, and has never been a villain! Beth will do anything to protect her father, and those she loves. She may be a Woman, but she is the only Dutton child that will move Heaven & Earth for her father!

Betty Dailey: Yellowstone is the greatest show on TV, or streaming service. I just want it to continue and keep Rip, Beth ,John and kayce and Floyd in it. I really like Treeter also. I will not be following Jimmy and Walker to the four 6s because it really doesn't have much in it for me. Just not the actors so far that interests our gang. Same for 1883. Yellowstone was our gathering night food and drink, no cell phone or anything to interference. We all talked about both spend offs from Yellowstone not one of us was that impressed. So we will wait till next season for the wonderful Yellowstone to return

ursula collins: Is yellow stone season 4 air on the peacock channel?

Julie DiStefano: I’m just happy the show is continuing and there will be a season 5. I’m tired of Jamie feeling sorry for himself. Needs to finally be proud and support his family. He’s not a good villain. The show is Rip, Beth and John.

Susan Redfearn: I’m very excited for season 5 ! I love this show and never want it to stop !

Angela Santomero: I enjoyed this show. Glad Jamie is still on. And next one starts 10/22. I do not want it to end. I must say zi am enjoying 1883 fabulous show. I am not surprised. !!!!!!!!!!!

ROBERT SCROGIN: Great show wish it was year around

Linda Martinez: I cant believe its over already! Need more went to fast. Love this show

Julie Hofer: I could watch it all year

Josefina Jimenez: I Love yellowstone!! All the seasons!!!are awesome

Jeanie Phillips: Equities " bitch" is going to send Beth to prison??? With who helping her?? Beth has a photo of AG Jamie dragging that POS to the train station. Good luck on that one.

Shannon Verrell: I don't think they should do a show with Jimmy and his girlfriend. He needs to stay with Yellowstone.

Teresa Masek: I have lost interest in the writing. Also the push towards new spin offs. Is boring and not worth a suscription.


Ruby Evelyn Casey Honeycutt: I love watching Yellowstone and I am looking forward to Sesson 5 . The best show on TV. And some of the greastest actors ever

Bonnie Williamson: If we have to wait until late fall 2022, fans will be stalking Taylor Sheridan 😂👵🏼

joe Welborn: I won’t feel bad when Jamie kills Beth.

stephen compton: Beth's character getting too out there....still can't wait for November !!!!

Carole A Fleming: I am so excited that this is continuing! I love the show of Yellowstone, best movie series that has been put out there for the public to watch👍👍👍👍

Shar Eis: Jamie should have done something about Garrett on his own. Garrett told him he was still going to try to kill them all so why did he just ignore that. Like Garrett would not kill him without batting an eye. Jamie Should have done right with the family that raised him.

Eoin Stewart FSA Scot, FRAI: The Native woman was more powerful than the wolf. She was White Buffalo Woman, basically God.

Aida B: I think he just saw the path that showed the end of Yellowstone n everyone associated with it. I think the CEO witch will work towards keeping her threat to Beth n Kayce will have to do something Very difficult to save them all. His spirit animal said that she will be with him on whichever path he chooses.

Darlene Sams: I can't wait for season 5 so for now I watch 1883 thanks for the update

Anita Blount: Lets face it. At one time or the other, we wanted to be a "Beth". In real like though it wouldn't work for too long. Eventually, we all must grow up or end up in the Train Station.

angelia: Horrible season

James Bottger: What's with the Ru Paul commercials during this show? Do they actually think Yellowstone viewers are their target audience? I think they're just doing this to piss people off...

Richard Fiedler: Let me put it lightly the whole episode of season 4 SUCKED !!!!! Especially the verbal & mental child abuse from Rip & Beth. Towards that poor orphan kid

loraine potts: I truly love this show I look forward to another season can't wait to see what unfolds in the up coming shows,

Millie Alger: Yay Beth! She is a family loyal fighter.

David Lagarde: Compared to season 1-3 season 4 sucked

Ranger Manoso: I knew Jamie was a coward! So many people could kill Jamie, but I don’t think John could kill him, because he loves Jamie even if he don’t want to! I don’t care that Jamie killed Garrett, Garrett was an evil man & Jamie was a wuss! Jamie got what he deserved! Glad that Jimmy stayed with Emily! Mia was bad for Jimmy! The old white witch of Market Equities thinks she’s got Beth where she wants her, but she doesn’t! If Jamie stays the AG, Beth can use him to help with Market Equities.

kode straight: I'm ready for it good show

rollie e: Fredo is going fishing

Theodora Gray: Ending was disappointing

ZH LastDrop`: I really feel sorry for Jamie, he is a good man with bad decisions, hopefully he will get his revenge once or get away from all shit, can't wait for the next season.

Mac 503: The ending of this season was disappointing. We all know Garrett's death was coming but it should've in a clash with John, or if Jamie was going to kill him it should've been because he found out more details regarding his mother's murder. Honestly I feel that Beth's slow moving revenge plot on Jamie is getting old. Wes Bentley is a great actor and if they're not going to do something interesting with his arc then they need to kill him off.

Reginia Pearson: I love Yellowstone in every way. The characters are suburb. The writing has no equal. Season 4 slowed down for a reason. We will have to wait and dream about 5. Taylor said in an interview it won't go 9 seasons but I'm expecting 8 at least. This is best in many years. I can't wait for 6666 to get started. I love 1883 also. It is a great series. The story and characters are great. I've watched all of them so far. I think it will be as great as Yellowstone in its own way. There is a reason behind everything done just be patient. Taylor knows what he's doing. Be patient it will come. Thank you Taylor for these shows. Sure got our attention and we love them all.

El Guapo: After the first episode of this season….it slowed to a halt ! Beth’s character is exhausting to me ! The way she talks and walks is so drama filled and exaggerated ! I’m starting to think that Taylor Sheridan has “too many irons in the fire” with The Mayor of Kingstown, 1883, and Yellowstone and you could tell with season four of Yellowstone. The Mayor of Kingstown had the best season thus far. Too many loose holes that weren’t fully explained to me from the last season. How did Jaime and Beth know where the “TrainStation” was 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 Very convenient 😡

Jill Neeld: Jamie’s reaction to Beth was absurd. He would have immediately called security and had her arrested for threatening to kill him

Christina Johnston: Criminally insane Garrett gone, good..

Will Harris: When does Rip. Find out that he would have been a father

Isabeau Demarco: I’m thinking Summer will get out just in time to give John a surprise baby. Maybe Beth will end up with it or adopt Carter, giving him his mom finally.

Linda Holland: I was hoping for more scenes with Will Patton. Such a great actor and more interesting than some of the others!

David Wolf: I also thought the plotline with Kayce was kinda odd and ambiguous. I've always enjoyed the brilliant cinematography that encapsulates all of the best qualities of the west as this show does. The lead female characters are a truly troubled pair. Monica has become the perennial whiner. Beth is and always has been a neurotic bitch, especially where Jamie is concerned. I only wish the writers would develop Jamie's character into a stronger man who can learn to "grow a pair", so to speak. I actually have more sympathy for his character than any other. His adoptive dad, John Dutton, is and apparently always has been a bully toward Jamie. Hence Jamie's fears and apprehension around him. The bunkhouse crew is just fantastic and can be very funny. While I wasn't surprised to see Jimmy and his betrothed, Emily, say their farewell to Yellowstone, it was truly great to see that manipulative Mia get her just due.... at the hands of Emily and by expression from Jimmy. Since the prequel of 1883 is off to a great start, I can only imagine that Taylor Sheridan will provide the same dynamic and brilliance with the new series "The Four Sixes". Jefferson White (Jimmy Hurdstrom) has truly developed his character in a positive way and it has been fun to watch his evolution in this season 4. Great writing, directing, and acting tend to do this.

Donna Stokes: I was NEVER DISAPPOINTED WITH ANY WEEKLY SHOW…..UNTIL THE LAST SHOW!!! Door it was soooo bad!!! 👎

elviswawa: I hope season 5 spends its time on Yellowstone and not half of each episode promoting the spin-offs

Mr Green Jeans: Will Patton's character was killed off way too early. Beth manipulates Jamie to do her bidding by killing those he loves the most. Just as she promised. Beth is a classic dark triad personal. Part psychopath, part narcissist and part machiavellian. A character with no empathy, no conscience, no regrets, views people as a means to an end, arrogant, self centered, enjoys creating emotional trauma on her victims, malicious and evil who believes its a moral necessitity to manipulate the naive and weak. In Beth's mind its not her fault they were born to be used and heartlessly exploited. The kind of person to avoid at any cost. The one character that is long deserving a ride to the train station.

Barbara Rawl: I do not see Beth as a villain as the video implied. She wanted who was responsible for trying to kill her and her family held accountable. She regained her composure after being hurtfully rebuked by John and dealt with getting to the bottom of who was actually responsible for the attacks. Her hurried marriage to Rip and even her own comments suggest that she realizes her aggressive actions might be her downfall. I am hoping she can outwit the Market Equities CEO and continue being the shrewd and fearless supporter of her father and the Dutton Yellowstone Ranch. Beth is a heroine because she has put herself in harm’s way to protect those that she loves. She is as much a wolf as Casey.

Steve Smith: Action packed show keeps you on edge of your seat

LittleLady: My hope is that Beth will dig herself into a pile of poo poo so deep that Rip will give her the silent treatment something that every woman hates. If he gives up on Beth he might see a chance to give Carter a fair start in life just like John Dutton did for him. Rip could teach Carter how to be an honest cowboy. I know they can't write Beth out of the show because her fans won't have a role model to watch every Sunday night. Beth a role model? If Costner and Sheridan can get on the same page to hire new writers then Yellowstone might have a chance for a comeback and Kevin Costner will perform the acting credibility that he has performed for many years. The producers, directors and writers should take all our critiques seriously. We loved Yellowstone for the first three seasons. That's what we want to come back in season five.

Candice Martin: Wish I could even get all of season 4....having difficulty even though I have xfinity and should be able to get the episodes

Gilda Cervantes: Loved it

patricia Coburn: Love this show! 1883 isn’t near as good! About time tv has put on some good western series!

Sheila Combs: Im glad this season slowed down alight I think it was more interesting. I wish they would tell us who jamie really is. I know his mom had to be John sisters or sister in laws hes family in one way or another.

angela hogan: Sheridan already said it will send soon - I expect season 5 to be the ending of YS

Ryan Yeatts: I think 6666 will be as successful as yellow stone ,and 1883,I also don't want either show to end

Virginia Joslin: Love Love Love everything about Yellowstone what more can i say !!!!! Best show ever.🐎

Talha Yücel: I don't want this show to ever end, I could watch this every week for the rest of my days. Please don't stop after season 5

Talha Yücel: I cannot think off anything I dislike about Yellowstone!!! I even bought a carhartt "cowboy" jacket and a Yellowstone cap. I have had many people ask me were to buy the yellowstone cap. Now that is real testament to the popularity of the show!

Derin Arşiv: Looking forward to season 5. Best series I've ever watched. Love the character, Beth Dutton.

Cole Parker: I hope it is better than Season 4 which had the elements of a cheesy soap opera.

Nextfilm: What do you think about Season 5 of Yellowstone? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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