The MAC 10 is BROKEN in Season 1! 🤯 (Cold War Warzone)

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Damian Gutierrez: The Mac 10 is a destroyer I don’t think the fire shotgun can compete it unless they shoot it first

Camden Keefer: Damn Nick the fat man in here

sad boy hours '-': Here’s hoping that they don’t nerf this thing into the ground

ExiledSenpai: The "Yes, love you though" had me rolling 🤣

Xander ThaGreat: Those are some magic words of relief when you here come thru your comms. "Doof Doof Down." - Nickmercs

Brandon Freels: The funny thing is only 370 didnt like

Jason Lavado: Posted some cod vids I would love if y’all checked them out 🙏🏼

H0ULK1: New season same thumbnails

Ryan Holbrook: I get to play Monday night yo Wednesday morning and it always feels like im behind. I have kids most the week and no games when I have them. By the time I play it'll be nerfed.

helium_man: Here is a new AR setup for war zone that absolutely shreds: Krig 6, infrantry compensator, 19.7 ranger, Microflex LED, foregrip or the last foregrip, 45 rnd speed mag

Colby Fox: Do a video on the krig it’s op

Deliri0us -: Nick why arent u using the body laser for hip fire? Is hip fire lasers not as good with the cold war guns?


Lane Bolner: It’s not broken. Your just good kid

Jxyrxss: Ya we know I’ve seen 19 different videos on it..... u should stop posting the same videos over and over again no one wants to watch u and swagg post the same video 😂

Tracey Damon: Ok ok someone tell me this shouldn’t be a thing, so you started playing war zone again late in season 6 and the battle pass had already been disabled, two guns that you want, the AS-VAL and the SP-R 208, then season 7 comes out and your like “damn I want those guns” but it just says they are locked without a challenge to get them, cmon can we get some challenges for battle pass guns so others can get them! This is just my opinion btw feel free to disagree...

BR Toast: In less than a day we hit the like goal lets goooo

Joe Broadfoot: The Krig is my go to at the minute, still working out a loadout for it but it's so good!

Rebel_1Actual: Nick...40k in 22 hours?? I 👀 you Teddy Brosevelt 👌🏾

Adrian W: Oh Wonder...cold war guns are op in warzone. People have to buy cold war. I hate this Glitch /Cheater Game more and more

cantdie888 warzone: funny face

johnny hernandez: Que pasa ese !!!

huge_g: The Big Mac

UfOjaCkal: Hello pay to win

WAKKEUP2nothing _: Can you try using the m60 lmg it low key shreds

Gfate: feelsbad to timmy tenders men lmao

Ark: The tearful tongue multivariately precede because knee neuropathologically suffer beside a sturdy island. tranquil, prickly medicine

Trepzzy Dorro: I bought the battle pass thinking it was for regular modern warfare and not Cold War

Itz_10en_YT: At the end my brother kills you bro we were haapy

Ray Rosa: Tim and cloak solddddddd

Mister Sir: Haven’t checked on nickmercs in a minute.... what’s with the pretend cokehead vibes?? Chill out brah close your eyes a bit 👀

KissYaMotha210 _: They are adding the scorpion next season it on my page

Sean Lawson: Please try the m16 next.

Anthony p: Gun looks fine isn’t any more OP then the trash shotty everyone uses

Pokémon Dude: Nobody cares go murk scrubs on crossplay

Frank Lucchetta: So cringe

Nic Outside: When you hear the big Mac in the background it's the scariest sound in warzone

Leroy: I’m putting my hands on this gun

Marcos Serna: Haha legit, said 39k likes. I clicked like. 40k. Haha. That’s dope!

ISO XL: Gangster stuff

Kreegan21: Tim “I’m getting shot from Titties I think” Nick “Cuz ur trash” Game “Welcome to the gulag”

Kristin Truelove: He not messin around

RoSSo RoSKy: Timmy The Fat Man 😂🤣

Colton Brantley: You Ain't Kidding Nickmercs This MAC 10 SMG Just Absolutely Rakes On Verdansk Keep Up The Good Work As Always Stay Safe Out There Peace And Love Baby,Lord Colton Of Gallifrey

jose olvera: I like how nick casually has many PCs that he barely uses meanwhile I can’t even afford a single piece of a pc !!!one day hopefully I get one🤟🏻 love the energy nickkk

Charl Stickerss: The Mac 11 was insane back in the day on bo1 but this gun won’t be the best for long because streamers make videos like this and then it get nerfed

Keisaun Carano: Mac 10 go Bbbrrrrrrrrr Also this is like a handheld AC-130

Aldo Jennings: He said he doesn’t know if we played black ops 2...little does he know...

The Bass Boost Guy: This guy is so damn wide Jesus

Michael Thomson: this gun is nuts

Simply Duck: m16?

David Munoz: The weapon inspect is on for pc?

SPxDaxBoSS: Exactly what we needed to counter the DoOf dOoF.. hahaha

Gabriel Pinote: Try others guns broken Like xm4,haur,and m16

Matthew Rose: Bro what's that type beat when showing the gun

Fabri Floresay00: I only watch nick for the intros

Joey Rodriguez: Nick:mac10 best gun A couple minutes later his friend m16 best gun

mark talbot: this video feels like the boy who cried wolf... and the wolf just turned up!

Honorable Grandson: Bro that beat for the gun montagewas crazy🔥🔥🔥🔥😂

Jake Eaves: Next video could you use the m16

Maxthebeast09: I love how u do the gun thing where u switch places smoothly whilst inspecting ur gun. Keep up the good work man

Cation: Tim: I crush you bro i got precisioned Nick: Swear?! Tim: Bbbyeess!! Tim: You think im that stoopid? Nick: Yes. Love you though Tim: Aooukay. Nick: Not all the times.. Sometimes. :) Lmao love your convos guys

jeremy roberts: I know the Mac 10 is gonna get nerfed at some point and I’m not saying it shouldn’t be nerfed but damn I wish they’d just leave it op like this. Ar’s and smg’s are so fun when they are OP and people don’t complain as much, it’s the shotguns that are annoying when they are OP af. Also can we acknowledge just how great this update was just in general. A couple weeks ago all anybody was talking about was fortnites galactus event and how warzone needed to step it up cus it was getting stale. Well they stepped it up big time and that fortnite even was cool in the moment but really didn’t add much to the game. “Biggest update ever my ass”

Duck Pixeled: Would you stop making fucking videos on any gun that is good, The shit players are gonna utilize the fuck out of this gun now >:(

Sbc68xx: 13:54 "F***!" then you see jack explode lol

Gaz The Gamer: Hahahaha Death Comms: "How the f**k did he..... Nick: "Because you're trash" Next scene....Nick in the Gulag! haha...

Ben Staniland: It has to much recoil imo

trappedatdisney again: Huge nick fan but why the hell isnt he uploading Resurgence??? Like what

Scythe: Real ones know where Mac Daddy is from 🔵🧀

hugh edridge: there s a lot of gay going around

hugh edridge: gold guns are gay

hugh edridge: pink guns are gay

plato ceua: Nick you need to do a xm4 loadout right now!

hugh edridge: mac 10 is gay

ᴍʀ.ᴛ ᴊʀ: CEO of being a lone wolf

TH3_S7Y_9UY: i love how he still keeping his forhead showing in the face cam but not his whole face

SomeWeirdDog: Is it the duff duff killer ??? I see you kill players before the second duff!!!

harilaos 75: is cloakzy Albanian?

Richard Kuklinski: Bro I'm starting go off your videos. They seem to be sooooo repetitive.

RiftyFN: Nick has put some weight on 🙈

PATRICK DID WHAT: Nickmercs the ffar 1 and rpd are broken too

Flex 4218: 🐐

AABID SYED: Yo Nick you do realize the c4 is fixed right

eddy enriquez: Nickkkkk shout me out on twitch brooo I’m a true fan of yours been struggling 🙃

Clifton Hardenberg: Nick love the content. You should try the incredibly OP m-16 and the ak-74u.✌🏾❤️

Sam Mycroft: Like this so nick sees it let's get him to try out the rpd

EL poison: He gained some wight

Aaron Gibson: Is the new map bad it looks small?

SZIA AIDAN MUHAMMAD BIN SYAFARIN Moe: mac -10 = macbook air


Ральф Jo_Agna: Took down a doof² up front. Hmm

George Santana: Stop eating Nick...Damn lol

Matt Langley: Nick why don’t you play the new map??? It’s fun af bro!!!!!!


SZIA AIDAN MUHAMMAD BIN SYAFARIN Moe: LOL didn't get warzone royale

ZerK4: Ma shqipee cloakzz

Preston Craighead: Has anyone tried the Krig yet seems like that was gonna be ar meta

cres: Courage"KungFuPanda"JD

Kyle: litterally commented last vid this gun was low key gonna slap... TOLD YA

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