The Flash Season 8 "Journey" Trailer (HD)
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bilkwal n: I hope cobalt blue comesНаписать
John Kimani: Don't stop to talk, don't stop to talk
Namatovu Najah: The only problem here is that March is a MONTH away Really cw really
Tanush Bhatt: if they nerf Barry again, make team flash dumb, create the perfect gadget for every situation or do any of those cringe schticks from the last few seasons I will lose it
Enzo Boyd: Damion Poitier as Goldface is genuinely one of my favorite characters on the show. He's just such a cool dude
Cristina wood: "You're asking us to believe in something impossible." Have you forgotten what happened these past 8 years? Unless Barry had a vision where he had a letter that was written by Thomas Wayne and gave it to Bruce and he cried saying "you're one hell of a messenger" because that is understandable.
Regdu Geht: nothing. It’s really weird. Shouldn’t she be like 4 or 5 at this point? 😂
The FlashofLife: Hold the hell up… WEDNESDAY?!?!?!
Miriya: I havent seen last season but i feel like flash just gets progressively worse T-T I have hopes for this season tho
Lord ShivaG: March? Taking the piss there lads
Greg Larocca: I wonder if after this season the show will continue or this will be the final season.
nate: If you haven’t seen it when It was first released then your not a big fan to wait for it to be out when the rumors started 🤨😐😐😐😐😐
roronoa NBA: why tf is there 8 seasons of this shit
Green Alan: Imma say it now... The CGI better be better than that season 7 crap
Mini Wolfsbane: A big part of me hopes this is the last season. The quality isn't unwatchable, but it's reaching for it. It's aaaalmost becoming that show that's worn out its welcome. Everyone is in a speedster or in a relationship and Cisco was supposed to leave dramatically, but oh look, he's still there. (He's like my favorite besides Barry, but if you're gonna give him an exit like that, let him leave!) At least Iris stopped being the damsel in distress after the first three seasons, but I was still ticked off that they had to fight a guy in a chair. The writers need to get it together and stop making every other episode a musical too. It's been a lovely show and I've had fun, but it can't go another five seasons or whatever. Give it the axe at the right time and move on to something else.
Matt Skinner: I can make a drinking game over how many times they say “Level Up,” on this show.
Eion Bowen: My favorite TV show
red titaness: Im hoping red death or cobalt will be the villian
Mashroor F: Actually excited because Armageddon was cracked
Mark Shack: 50 pushups a day would make your suit look awesome on you bro.. ijs
Lucifer's Blood: 9/3 dude tf
Flamin Gad: How much you wanna bet this is how the Reverse Flash regains his powers
Daniela Barquero Madrigal: IM DONE WITH YOU😡😡😡 YOU COPIED IRON MANS NANO SUIT 😡😡😡🔫😡🔫😡🔫😡😡😡
i Dolchi: I love how Goldface has chains as the actor plays the character Chains in Payday 2
Mikel George: Yeah buddy! The wait after Armageddon has been 🤯
Jude Clarke: Is s8 ep6 out yet?
Kilz: I’m not gonna lie They could just continue with the other ECW shows and the flash could just make cameos
Dario Jovicic: Savitar in the trailer
Lancer: MARCH 9?! ARE YOU OK?!!
hungry: Why are they still making flash seasons
luka luka: 0:18 Hey that is original Thanos and Chains from Payday 2 Damion Poitier
Flared Cornet: Ik I’m not the only one mad that we gonna wait till March for the new episode
Mohammed Miah: Wtf is this shit? 😂😂
Jair Cortez: Why until March 9?
SUPERHERO bandaa: Why don't they delete Iris & the future kids from the show.
Thanos: ITS CHAINS!!!!
ioanna’s studio: THIS SHOW IS STILL ON????
Is tHat Walter?: Ngl this sHow gets worse every season I try to love it because the flash is my favorite hero but damn
♠️SPADE: Is no one gaping to talk about Eddie being in a scene for half a second
gilpetperdon: Trailer looks boring and i hate the rock music it's just such a bad show now.
gilpetperdon: Great another annoying character
akash mohapatra: After watching superman and lois.. I have to admit.. Not really psyched about flash tv show anymore.. That being said flash is and will be my favorite superhero no matter what
KnightSoul Gaming: I'm kinda hoping we get an Arc where Zoom makes a return this season, if Thawne can come back so many times, surely zoom can once?
ImaginePerest: Wouww.!! Pilot episodee nice :)
Sachin Rana40: Another season with future prophecy/future saving/barry its impossible/overload of characters
Ghazi khan: CW writers obsessed with "level up"
Isidro Fuentes: Can you guys kill iris already
victor sangneikhum: The day iris said " we are the flash" ... I stopped watching this show
Zero Drk30: I remember when the Flash was the only one that had super powers, and now everyone has superpowers. Ok, did the writers ever explain how Iris had an office that looked like it was in a condemned building and she is now in a huge office space with employees?
opal sage: Bart is worse than his father damn
Abhishek Singh Baghel: I wonder if this timeline flux has anything to do with the night Nora was killed.
Doomboi27: I want to see red death as a main villain
Denzel Mrema: another waste of budget and time
Dj Navarro: Why is it two months from now?
V01T: Eddie Thawne! There’s finally a chance for Cobalt Blue.
gxxify: S8
Lmao Nacs: So the cross over was only 5 episodes then
robador prfesionaljailbreak: Yopense que eduar thowne iva a ser el villano primcipal
An Ki Film (Yes we have internet in Africa): Stopped watching in season 5. Lost interest sometime before that. Can anybody tell me if gets better?
Random Shaggy: Stopped watching after Season 6, well don’t think it will get any better in S8. Seasons 1, 2 and 3 were the best and went downhill from there onwards for me.
Daniel Ovia: I PRAY to God this seasons main villain is a speedster. The last good season was season 3 where savitar was the main villain. The only other non speedster villain that maybe matches that level of dread savitar brought was the thinker
The World According To Truth: Ugh...such trash.
ThatComicDad: I really liked this show when it started but it's running out of steam. I hope it makes a comeback this season
Raed: bro what romantic comedy bullshit are the the writers cooking up now
Akriti Singh: I haven't been waiting for anything more than the new episodes of flash...I hope this season can reach the lvl of godly season-1!!
Music Heals: Instead of using comic's storylines they've started inventing cringe
fosixsix225: It feels like they’re setting up Bart and Nora for a spin-off or something. They were in the trailer more than anybody else 😂😂 but I’m not mad. I’ll watch that too, if they make one.
el-magnifico: Can they stop already? It's becoming boring
Rifnos: Please give us a Tornado Twins spinoff😩
peter kenth: maybe they should change the show The Flash to Team Flash. Lets hope its better than last season.
Danny Moro: Hellnaw some time management shananigans is going on here. Barry had a flashback of the day his mom died, and in the original trailer somehow Bart and Nora are in the police force's picture.
MicMac: How is this horrible show still a thing.
David Gonzalez: wake me up when iris dies
Lu RK: Parte da jornada e o fim
Johncas416: The flash hasn’t been on in so long, I feel like we all changed so much. This show has been on the back burner in our minds what what feels like months
Tullock: Youre asking us to believe in something impossible.... we forget all our character development from previous seasons because we're not that committed as actors as everybody thinks we are...
La'Keisha Dallas: Oh my god it's Joe I missed him
Archer Gondal: I'm sorry this crap is still running??? One question why???
HDSLY: Im sick of Nora and bart coming into seasons all the time with bart his suit looks horrible and these two characters have bad writing
real CidthescienceKidd: This looks nothing like a flash show
Kelman gregorio Bosquez: Porque siento que se acerca el Fin del Mundo
Nicole Rivera: You mean it’s still going ???
AcesOfAros: Oh my god is this Kramer finally knowing that Barry is the flash
Preshto: can't wait for another season of utter stupidity 😍
David Lavigne: Be a God lover not a God hater
David Lavigne: JESUS LOVES YOU!!!! JESUS IS KING!!!!!
Jorje Torres: Ho N L
Jorje Torres: E
arnor eli: Armageddon was great lets just hope this is at least better then season 7
Fisher Theadore: I don't get it, why are Barry's kids in tha Past? I thought time travel had Rules. Like don't do it
Jaden Emile: What if in the future flash shows his kids to the city and tells the city iris is his wife 😳😳😳
ibrahim johnson: Wait is this fake?
NIlufar Adizova: How many times do they have to repeat the phrase "believe in the impossible" thing? I mean it has become sickening
RampinGuy: Can they just permanently kill of joe and iris at this point .
Renegade: Can't wait for Flash to stand still instead of one shotting villains for the 8th season.
Clifford Terrell: My daughter's asked me a question that I couldn't answer. The question was are there real people who talk about emotional dribble like the people in the world of the CW??? I don't know because I have never people like that either.
joshua lovings: I guess this means that they're bringing back the stupid criminal Ralph had to fight in Season 4, which, honestly is all I care about 😂😂😂
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