Empires and Puzzles Season 4 Final Boss (normal)

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leugimrc: Even with my 3.70 devana was a brieze

Bjorn Christennssen: How hard mode will be hhhhhh

Bill W: Honestly, does SG do any Beta Testing here?... No displayed weak spot on the final level is definitely a bug (just read this too on the Forum). I finished normal earlier today, took roughly 10 minutes time: Gazelle-Bera-Heimdall-Xnol-Devana. Only used 1 dragon banner at the start of the battle. Until that weak spot bug is fixed, I am not looking forward to doing the hard mode!

Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah: Cussing doesn't make you any better of a person or a player. I thought the Japanese people behaved better than this.

MANHAR KOTHIA: Use Noor or Gobbler. Both remove minions

Thomas Fields: And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (Hebrews 9:27) I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not. (Isaiah 66:4) And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:15) I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. (Luke 13:5)

Jeff Martinez: Great job of making that battle last 10 minutes longer than it should have XD

Xevo234: does grimble destroy these minions in final stage?

DoItMyselfGarage: Guess I'll spend another $1000 so I can get better heroes...I don't have a single hero you used.

Jakub Kadlec: CAPTAIN OF DIAMONDS made it so easy for me after 3 fails.. Never used that Hero before :D

Péter Korponay-Szabó: Congratulations! You can see here my version of Normal and Hard mode completion of Season 4 at: https://youtu.be/cFeQ9iOXuW0

Ruben Patella: I've just finished the normal one with grimble.. and was too much for me... I cannot imagine the hard one... will be imposible, for me..

Darling E&P: What are you talking about? S4 has awesome heroes. Sure, not as varied as S3 heroes, but still, you have great stuff from S4.

Chris D: This will be a nightmare for my setup. No minion killers lol. I’ll keep at it

exar2207: Bro i just use Grimble against the boss easy fight ever not even 7minutes 😎 - prf linderbrok, Heimdall, sergei, grimble and cristobal 👍

Yuri Vorstermans: I used gormek outfit.. it Works!! Its quite easy than.

Aurora Lee: Would lord Loki also summon minions like that?

Salah Soufi: ، 😯😯😯😯😯😯💪💪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

Andrie Empires and Puzzles: Moreau costume revealed XD

Nord Mende: That was so annoying 😂😂😂😂

exar2207: Tnx bro i will prepare 👍

Nicolae Sasu: I wonder if Zocc's skill would work.

Rixtamphys: Gormek is the answer, or an other minion kilker 🤣

Joe D. Ramirez: If you have them... Try noor, Grimble, Gretel, and bera out on this guy... I want to see if the crystals act like minions. My guess is f' no.

Ecuadorman aog: Ridiculous 18 blems on joon freaking 200 damage Hard is going to take a damn hour 😑

Joel Rodriguez: Onathel and hanzel will be usefull if you dont have Gazelle, like me i dont have gazelle

Joe D. Ramirez: Christ that seemed difficult. I have anti blind heroes like Grimble/Russell/Bertilla... but they don't seem like great options.

zx hj: Well he is fucking annoying I am waiting with speedruning hard mode until I get 5 coins from some chests Or so and then Will come big pulling party

Николай Казаков: So invisible weak point after reborn :) Crtical hits will give up temporary for 3 rounds then look again lol And NOOR mvp here instead of lady .

zgwinta lej: How to win this with No gazzele and pig?

rusu daniel: Plz do the hard

Paulescu Adrian: Nice

Bruant Puzzles: Wow only the picture 😏😏😏😏😏

Doshi Empires and Puzzles: Double Gazelle. No misses

Krzysiek: Try hard :D

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