The Internet's First Serial Killer: John E. Robinson

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Venice Witch: Aria is quickly becoming one of my faves

Israel Roze: WTF?! These real life monsters are much more scarier than the one we see in TV or movies.😬

Arnie Ray: what a dickhead

gideon crider: See when someone has such evidence proving they did the horrible things. Why doesn't the death penalty.. ya know, be used and the person put to death?

Eddie Smith: I really loved the opening. You are constantly improving and I absolutely love this series with you. Thank you for this wonderful video.

DragonDeathKitty: nobody: at least 20 people every video: PeOpLe ArE So UnfAir FoR ComPaRinG RyaN aNd ShaNE. TheY ArE Al sO DifFerEnT. like bro there's so few comments saying that if any. LOL

head trip industries - [A minor]:

Natalie Rivas: lmao thats so funny how you gave off serial killer vibes but still got hired. its like you were either just the super nice guy or the serial killer. idk thats just comical to me

Mike Conley: This happened about 15 minutes from me. The full story is crazy!!! This same small town was also the setting for an episode of Unsolved Mysteries (Netflix - No Ride Home episode).

Blonde Souls: You should look into all the murders/missing people in Bardstown, KY. They are all within the past 10 years and are unsolved. Its all so crazy.

⫷ᖘurpℓeṨodaPºp⫸: It's infuriating how much he got away with.

Real Earning site: 1:19 I can finally now enjoy a relaxed life as a result of, *e a s y j o b s o n l i n e .c l u b*

Luna V.: The scariest thing is that he was caught but there may have been many more murderers who used internet like this but we're never caught

Mark Roman: Why do all serial killers have three names? Anytime I hear a three name person, I'm like, "Oh no, they're bad news"

Jared Sithong: “You’re small potatoes”

Joshua Harris: 19:54 Gotta agree, this guy would’ve killed regardless but the internet has played a big part in investigations. The internet has helped police link missing casings to murders a lot. It doesn’t help stop people but it does help solve things.

Precious Ann Manalo: BEING TOO NICE = SERIAL KILLER lol

Lisa Hoshowsky: I didn’t realize this was a buzzfeed unsolved video and I was hecka confused when aria appeared after the intro😂🙈

Michael Gary Scott: please leave the awkward humour of the narrator out of the video, I couldn't focus on the video bc I was cringing too hard

Vice Forever: Joel guy jr case please

Naz M: THE MUSIC IS TOO LOUD... can barely understand him

Ricci Bianchi: Gotta give you respect for saying "Lewicka" just how a Polish native would say it. Did Shane help you with this or do you have other polish colleagues?

Michiko Manalang: The fact that he kept stealing and getting other jobs tells you exactly how a person who checks all his boxes is just allowed to move on with barely a consequence.

chill bang: Bootleg ryan boogara

cyclone the drone: Don't worry Aria i think that lighting part was pretty 😎

John Hall: I mean, I don’t blame him for calling that woman small potatoes. I’d be pissed too if someone insulted my prices.

Kimberly Schein: This man is 2 hours away from me right now...

Bethy Bubblebrew: I can remember 2004 and 2005 there were messages circulating yahoo chat about this guy usually with a link to a website about him. It was kinda like a PSA for folks to be real careful online. It really opened a lot of peoples eyes on the actual safety of the internet.

Molly Brown: This makes me so upset

Lauren: God, never trust a man with eyes that close set

Ni Ni: Aria+krampus+ryan= the only reason why i watch buzzfeed

Lan Dobnik: Gay

tash dash: Aria: Cicero Illinois 1993 My brain: ...Lipshitz

Samantha Morris: It’s not incompetent cops, it’s called lack of evidence. Easy for you to sit and judge after the case as a non-law enforcement SJW. 😇

Mary Shoemaker: So thankful that the end of time is drawing nearer as the Lord is coming back 💙🙏💙

Katherine: we love a good arya videooo 😍

stancexpunks: “Over a foot of decomposition liquid” imagine that smell

Loi Gabrielle: can someone lower the volume for the bg music

Jessica W: Could you do a case study on the Yorkshire ripper, my mum lived in the area where there was an attack and we still live in the area. There is a new Netflix documentary about but it’s 4 hours long so I feel like your summary might be useful

ArcadianRogue: As someone from Kansas City it's weird hearing a story from here for once since I know the locations so well. Also no, we don't really have country accents. I've got a habit of saying y'all a bit, but the accent is pretty much neutral US

Lin Trash: seriosuly, is there any psychology behind why its always teen/college aged women that are murdered? like, besides them just being young?

Jessie jones: These chicks asked for it 🤣. Good job getting rid of em id say.

李碧畵: ykw aria support I like these videos too.

Eni Hidayati: Is it possible that he was involved in organ harvesting?

BossLadyMel: I’m calling BS on the wife not knowing what her husband was up to for allllllll these yrs.

BossLadyMel: Who else loves watching these at night?

Ori Gray: I've lived in Kansas my whole life and the public has been really good at sweeping this one under the rug and saying it's missouri's problem.... (Also Kansas accents have a weird drawl and we day fer instead or for. It's wacky)

Alan Joy: Really boring presentation

Lola Shanna: Well he's a white man, that's why he got away with it for so long.

Muaz Hazami: What happen to ryan?

Al Elric: I love it when Aria does the storytelling

Zoe Gappa: So......Did they get to keep Tiffany or was she given to living relatives?

Sean Parker: I was suppose to go infor a job at buzzfeed. Is it worth it? Plus the anitinal requirements

stancexpunks: I wanna start saying “you’re small potatoes” as an insult now 🥔 😂

Emily Gibbons: When you called John Edward Robinson an animal, I felt like you should apologize to animals 😂💀

Amna Javed: So Aria is a nice guy, covers internet killers and people thought that he was a serial killer. SUSPICIOUS

Daniel Walker: 0:40 I have no more troubles as a result of, *e a s y j o b s o n l i n e .c l u b*

Windy Day: As an outsider it's so weird to learn how certain states in US are just known for violent crimes.

virtual tube: 1:38 I finally do not owe anyone anymore thanks to, *g e t e z p a y m e n t s .c o m*

Dianna Herrera: Not gonna lie... I almost threw up hearing what he did to these poor women. This guy is really something else... Disgusting...

maxton-_-: It always do be the religious ones

lucus lopez: Just because someone knew multiple women who went missing doesnt mean they were involved. You have no evidence to suspect foul play.

Randy Nuñez: Well that's nice of people to tell you that you seem like a Serial Killer 😅

Ken Fan: Whats the point of all those sentences? Just cut off his head. One life for the many lives he took. Vengeance not justice. Some people cant be saved.

trucker matt: You sound like you constantly have just taken a bite of a macintosh Apple. You know when you try and talk and move the chunk of Apple to your cheek, that's how you sound and it's oddly satisfying.

Random Guy: There are 2 Canadian cases I find really interesting, and they’re both quite recent so there’s tons of info available. Robert Pickton - fed his victims to his pigs, he is the inspiration for most modern fiction that feeds corpses to pigs to destroy evidence 2019 Manitoba Man-hunt - two young men left home together and killed people seemingly at random, disappeared for a while, and were assumed to have been eaten by bears before their corpses were found. It was in the news A LOT last year, hourly updates etc, and their motive was never determined. Love the new host! :There's also the greyhound bus case

lemuel lacanlale: What!!? how come they didnt know,was the killer is too in good hiding his tracks??!!what the hell hahaha

Virgil Nitram: God you sounded like you were in tears when saying the bodies were found in the barrels...

Debakanya Haldar: Aria is doing such a great job with this series!

Maybe Mockingbird: Stoooooooop I JUST moved to Overland Park (yes I know this was years ago but still)

whyyesiamamazing: Aria- people told me I was so nice they thought I was a serial killer. Wild, huh? Also Aria- I should start using this phrase that this serial killer used

Ken Harrison: More good content wasted on Aria, unwatchable.

J B: Thank you.

Dominique Does Life: Your intro reminds me of how BTK was described.

mesmer: I didn't expect this video to be that extreme, most murder mysteries i've watched have only five at most, god this is horrible

Galileo Chiu: Kansas, the place for murder

bridget waldon: yet Brandon Bernard was put to death for being an accomplice of a murder he didnt commit, okay

Juan Espinoza: I feel inspired...

Larissa: too brown

Shanelle Jackson: Aria inthavavong is cute ☺️

GPRHX Flick: Bottomline of the story : Beware of named John. 😆✌

C L: I worked with a lady when I was like 15 who would say “small potatoes” and I forgot about it until just now and it made me laugh. It totally sounds like a 1940’s detective. lol! But seriously. This guy was just deplorable! My gosh! What a piece of garbage!

I'm Just Wendy: I talked to this guy a few times. Super creepy, not sure how he got anyone to meet up with him.

ninjas son: give us back ryan and shane we are here for the laughs not to cry

Sahil Panchwagh: where are ryan and shane!!!!!!! Still love you Aria!!!!

Christian Nilsen: Awesome video!

Nyle River: Idk man, sometimes it surprises me how much people fall for dudes like this

Maebus Gaming: Im going to buy a gun.....Imma a guy.

Thin Line Of Sanity: I didnt think anyone could replace Shane and Ryan, and really noone can, but Aria does a dang good job. Good enough that I keep watching. Buzzfeed unsolved is the only buzzfeed i watch.

anthony mo: John e robinson sounds like he could of been some master cannabis grower

Blank Dragyn: Why didn't they just name him Johnny

thatgurl 1: Hey Love your Content!! Nice!! Happy Holidays!!🤶🎅🎅🤶

Melanie Iwasko: Sicko 😝

Bryan Ortiz: Aria is cool

Sreejani Vasireddy: I need Aria, Shane , and Ryan in one video

Kalee Jorden: 1:48 I got no more troubles as a result of, *e z h i g h p a y .c o m*

arrowbro: Lose the accents and find a co-host with good chemistry for this guy to banter with and this's be even better.

Mapphew: hold up...It took them 20 years to finally see a common link? The level of incompetency by that police department is truly astounding.

serenasaystoday: I like this series. It's the only other thing I watch on this channel other than the obvious main duo. Keep up the good work!

chickenlittle: 10:15 stop using unsolved music for other series!!! Stopstopstopstop

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