The Mandalorian Season 3 TOP 10 WTF Predictions and Star Wars Easter Eggs

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Emergency Awesome: Here's my new Star Wars The Mandalorian Season 3 TOP 10 WTF Predictions and plot teasers for all the characters' storylines. Post all your theories in the comments. Here's my Full Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 8 Finale video!

Zahid Ahmed: I get a feeling that Grogu will be the new main character for a new Star Wars trilogy. Imagine, through the different series on Disney Plus, we see Grogu growing and learning, becoming a insanely powerful Jedi and then we get a new trilogy set decades after episode 9, where Grogu is the first ever Mandalorian Jedi who is the ruler of Mandalore who yields both a lightsabre AND the powerful darksabre, on a mission to rebuild the Jedi and unite the galaxy. We can basically reincarnate a prime Yoda and have the most badass character ever. That way, we can forget about the sequel trilogy (which was terrible) but we can have a character that everyone already loves, trained by Luke Skywalker and has connections to the old characters like Boba Fett and Yoda while creating new stories. That way Disney can quietly delete Episodes 7,8 and 9 from everyone's minds and rebuild the franchise.

Ray Chau: That was one of the best star war universe episode I've seen in a long time. I haven' been this excited since I was a kid waiting for Return of the Jedi outside something called a theater in San Francisco.

Scott Scott: Disney are gonna go full fan service. They realised the mistake with the sequels. Doubt any sequel stuff will appear at all. They did some fans dirty with the ST

Bloodgod40: All this stuff about Kylo massacring the new Jedi is going to be irrelevant once they use the WBW to flush the ST timeline.

Liquidmetal702: Loved season 2 but i'm not a fan of Bo-Katan as far as this show goes and I think it's the writers faults. They didn't give us much to like about her or her people. The one chick throwing Boba around? Yeah ok...whateber you say. Plus, Grogu gone? That's not going to keep casual fans. I still love the show but feel like i'll be watching the Bo-Katan show and it doesn't excite me. I liked the laid back bounty hunting, dry comedy of Mando and Grogu. I don't need another Universe spanning Imperial war. Theyre like Trump they just wont go away.

Alpha.4608: I’m hoping that we will see Hondo Ohnaka in season 3

Alpha.4608: I hope that we will find out who the armorer really is

Wallace King: Bokatan and Moff Gideon agree that Mando can't GIVE her the darksaber, but Bokatan only got the darksaber in the first place because Sabine Wren GAVE her the darksaber. Why can't they do it like that again?

Jeremy Bradley: Thrawn. I predict Thrawn.

MICHAEL MCKNIGHT: I would like to see Ahsoka meet Luke and have R2D2 go nuts over seeing her!

Philip Loucas: I only have one main prediction for The Mandalorian Season 3. It is going to get even more bad ass. Can't wait. Great videos and content within. Keep up the great work.

Sarah C: Ok, but given that Grogu isn't in the 3 movies that happen after this, doesn't this mean that he gets killed off??

Marie Duran: I just thought of something, what if Grogu is going to grow up and establish his own Jedi school. Which is why he needs to live. For his species to live as long as they do, it will make since to have him become the teacher of the next Jedi order.

Marie Duran: Let's not forget, Luke's Aunt and Uncle were killed in A New Hope, that is the reason he went with Obiwan. Seeing the Empire kill your family will do that to someone.

Marie Duran: Din Jarin himself in the first season said that Mandalorian is a creed, not a race. I think that was even in the first episode.

MasterRobbiewan: This JUST occurred to me while watching this video, but Din Djarin refers to Grogu as a foundling, like him. What if “The Mandalorian” in the title isn’t Djarin at all, but is actually GROGU?!!

CubbyBearGold: f

Woke Up And Chose Violence: I honestly thought it was cal kestis 😕

john simley: The sequels should just be Retconned as if they happened in another universe, instead of trying to force the show's universe into those craptacular movies.

Monkey Tron: Has nobody noticed Moth Gideon lost the dark sabre and survived? Why don’t Bo and Mando have a fight and Bo can spare Mando just the same. It’s a non issue.

Reece Elkins: Moff Gideon as a loki type, working for the bad guy turned antihero/hero

Mark Ukone: They are not making a season 3 Mandalorian

Connor Burge: F

Movies and VisualFX: Grogu is EVIL !!!!!!! I have said it since Season 1 ... when He was on the Mountain 'calling out' ,ask yourself WHO arrived ? Let that sink in and he does like violence as shown ... Oh and THOSE BLACK EYES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bob Dicc: Sucks baby Yoda died to kylo ren. Or did he???

Jo Ra: 100% grogu is the future because of his age

Saberlazer: I really want a luke skywalker series

Jordan Palardy_26: F in tha chat

John Kong: The elastic yarn collaterally confess because gearshift inferiorly expect under a polite creator. numberless, husky rubber

prashant poudel: I would love to see grogu become jedi and has his own trilogy.

busiest Nebula: It would be so cool if they like tied in all the shows and then made one big endgame style movie to tie it all together

Trigger Jones: I can't wait to see an older Grogu see Din and say " Miss you, I did." Feels.

thebag2787: "Talent without training is nothing", well if thats not a dig at Rey and the sequel trilogy!!!!

James Flynn: Luke: "I am not the last Jedi" He did not just mean Rey.

Benny Ricko: My prediction is that Grogu will sacrifice himself at some point. He cant live, or what reason would they give for him not being able to help in the Kylo Ren saga???? So he must be killed or likely he sacrifices himself perhaps to take out Grand Admiral Thrawn, who is the only enemy big enough, to make it worth while losing him to. Thoughts??

Benny Ricko: Wow, great Video, Thankyou!

Hekkler72: Mando with the Darksaber brings in Deathwatch.

michael duran: They need to make that fat chick lose weight!!!!

Latest Century: 7:12 "Everyone Press F in the chat to pay respect"..... 😭

Cristian Narvaez: Bucanero

NICOLAS WILBUR: Does anyone else here just wish that the sequels never happened *whatsoever*

Jay Emmert: I think in the long run Grogu will come back to be a Mandalorian after Jedi training, Mando will be The Mandalor with Bo Katan at his side maybe as his wife uniting all the Mandalorians to take back Mandalor, Throan will come back either right before or right after they take back Mandalor

Lord Beerus: i would LOVE to see asajj ventress

Kaiser: only way is to destroy that timeline 6:00

Andrew Wolf: luke will take grogu to his homeland i don’t remember what it’s called Darfor? But yeah i think Yoda will train him well his force ghost and that will be the work around for Kylos attack on the temple

Brophy Time: Do you think since this will be a major cross over event, will they bring in at least Chewbacca and Han for the main battle, while Leia is with Ben since by this time Ben is about 2 or 3 years old.

TeamBox Cutta: F

Autumn Anxiety: I love all that's happening but Is it just me or does anyone else not like Boba's new outfit... I think his shoulder pads are far too small and his body suit is too chunky. It kinda makes his armour look kinda useless. iAlso it looks like he is a teenager with a black hoodie wrapped around his waste.

Loutzenheiser: I'd love Season 3 to start off with a showdown between Mando and Bo-Katan.

David P.: i wouldn't say big season, i dont find 8 episodes a 'big season.'

Aaron MacKay: F

Jesse 22 Magnum: And I subbed soooo can I get the Disney+

Jesse 22 Magnum: I think that mando will come and get baby yoda and leave Luke in the dust

Russ Richardson: CGI Luke looked like a Mark Hamill/Sebastian Stan hybrid.

Russ Richardson: Wondering if Grogu’s current power level reflects his long disconnect from the force. Maybe he had more skill and stamina when he was living/training with the Jedi.

K S: The Mandalorian saved Star Wars. Jon Favraeu and Dave Filoni are to Star Wars what Kevin Feige is to Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Jaden Roberts: F

Juan D. Rodriguez: Did the Mandalorian Smith Lady survive?

See Jane Go TV: F

iproblumanno: Mando and BoKatan will hook up. Hints in her episode she appears.

Connarchy: Who else wants to see Grogu leap all over the place like yoda did in Attack of The Clones

AoS Hoops: Power without Training is nothing... we're looking at you Ray

le lu: The screeching taiwan previously trip because lawyer intraorally moan pro a lethal spike. better, simplistic quartz

WorldRewind: Seriously hope Disney retcons episode 7/8/9. Just delete all of it from the story. Kylos story needs to go away. Let’s start it all from scratch.

Graycin Marchese Culver: I think season three will center around Mando fighting with his destiny which will be reunifying mandolore. I also think grogu will leave the order all together or be with Ezra

Slant325: I think they will be using the blood to add to Palpatine's DNA so they can clone him but even more powerful than before. I think they are going to be using The Mandalorian and the other shows to try to sew up the gaping plot holes in the sequel trilogy.

Harvey tube: i think mando will bump into luke and ask him questions about grogo

Awesome Cat Gaming: Ok Lol!

Sandra Ruane: I really love The Mandalorian main theme song, it's AWESOME! Does anyone else think it reminds you of a cross between Rocky's "Going The Distance" and a rendition of "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly"?

cersei69: Conflicts between Din, Bo-Katan and Armourer for Mandalorians to initially fight before uniting to reclaim Mandalorian as finale of Season 3!

Love Hawks: Since CG Luke would be impractical for a season, perhaps Filoni and Favreau could tap again into Legends. There are precious few trained Jedi, but an Inquisitor turned away from the dark side. Maybe even one trusted so much by Palpatine so much, she became the Emperor's Hand. My prediction is that Mara Jade will make the jump to canon. A flashback could even include a "fulfillment" of the Emperor's final command with the death of Luuke Skywalker (no, it's not a typo) presented as an early attempt by the Imperial remnants to clone a force user.

That Boy: Does anyone remember how long the break was between season 1 and season 2?

Steven Paige: F

Mr R: I hope season 3 will have more action and answer some new questions like where was gorgu during the new movies

Jackson Stamps: F

PeKa777: There is not coming a season 3

Gino Zeus: Star wars has been saved😎 Thanks Mr. Favreau and Mr. Filoni!!! So excited for the future😁

Chris: Mandolorian: Says pirates a couple of times in season 2. Emergency Awsome: Season 3 is going to be about pirates

Paul Hayhurst: We all know that bo is getting that darksaber. She will kick his ass and take it back. 'The force is female' and all that bull

Robert Obeji: My question about Grogu: Could they make him a mandalorian/Jedi knight? Could he be that bridge between the Jedi and mandalorians? I think a lot of fans would like to see that happen.

jonathan her: Well the show isn't cannon, so honestly anything could happen. Kylo Ren will probably never have been born.

Michelling Out Coin: Much respect! F

FunkNatives: How can Grogu be the next top Jedi for 800+ years when Rey was the one who became the main Jedi at the end of episode 9...none of this makes sense when the new saga focused on Rey being the top dawg Jedi...

michardav: I wish the franchise would make up its mind about mechanicals. It seems to me that the dark troopers knew Luke, or at least a dangerous presence was on board. But inanimates can not and are invisible to the force- which is why you can crush a droid (the air actually crushes it) but not actually get into its "brain". Same with dark force imbued inanimate objects- if you can use the force through Sith magic to create a sword that has dark energy, why couldn't one of the most powerful force beings do the same with his prosthetics? Same with holocrons- no midichlorians = no force or so we've been told. Yet holocrons are created with the force, and use the force.

MrToffee Waffle: This moment and this moment only was the first time a jedi was a warrior monk instead of just a lad with light sword whos angry

SideCharacter: their is no season 3

mrcead: "I Am Grogu"

Miguel Rodrigues: The Mandalorian refers to Din, no more no less

Elizabeth Strickland: Baby yoda

testing purpose: Mando, Bo-Katan get married next season!!

soda pressing: Speaking of pirates...... Wouldn't it be great to see Hondo in live action?!

Felix Hedberg: Who is this Kylo that is suppose to destroy Luke's new jedi order? Sound like a character from some movie that shouldn't exist.

dakota ruse: I think that between season 2 and 3 theres gonna be a 20 year time jump to grogu and his abilities and then mando at boba's age in the first 2 seasons

J S: What if they do try to make a Luke clone and later on that clone becomes Snoke?

J Penney: Okay so I don’t actually think that grogu is gonna be a baby for the next 20 years. If he’s 50 now, then he’s gonna be somewhere around anakin during Ep. 2 or Ashoka during the clone wars (so mid to late teens in terms of maturity) in 20 years time. I say this because In ESB, yoda is 900 and says he’s trained Jedi for 800 years. So by age 100, yoda would have been a full knight. So if grogu is already 50, then he’s gonna have some sort of big growth spurt or something, otherwise there’s yet another Star Wars plot hole.

Tracey KJ Thomas: Fuck the book of boba fett I want the real mando back. He just got the dark saber 😓

Professor Warden: F

agentcodydanks: F

Dakota Loven: That female mandolorian that told Boba Jango was his donor not his father is a retard cause you could say that about any dad really comes down the the difference between a dad and a father

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