Awkward Big Mouth Moments Everyone Can Relate To | Big Mouth Season 4

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ChocoBabiChan: I really can't understand the people that say they hate this show because they think its inappropriate and makes people that watch it pedophiles.

sam's weeb art: By the way i absolutely hate nick with all my soul

Camreptar: Ok honest question who is this show intended for

aaa sht: Man this show really puts on the screen how life can fk you over so easilly

Mr Unchaine: Favorite episode will be poop madness because it was freaking weird 😂

mayo: the moment i relate to the most in the whole show is whenever jessie talks to judd 😔

Toby Lam: No,

The Conductor Esplin: :/

Sadie Foddrill: Bro someone tell me why I can’t freaking watch the NEW season

ThatOneRetard: This show is horrible prove me wrong.

Lukesoddlife: Sounds crazy but I suffer from anxiety, and after watching big mouth I literally feel better because any time I'm feeling anxious and my thoughts spiral I just pretend it's Tito lol

A. Rustici: I’m the 1000th person to like this video! Yay! :D!

Ayykayyy: No, I can't relate to a self-aware piece of shit halfway out my asshole stabbing a horny fur-covered monster in the neck in the woods.

Darryl Jack: One thing I always love about Big Mouth is how each season I find myself relating to at the very least one character in a very personal way. Not too many shows can do that. This season the characters no related to most were Missy and Nick. Missy because much like her character this season, in my youth and teenage years, I've never really felt "Black". I'm not biracial but I was never into the things most black kids at my school or that were into. From music choices, clothing, what I liked, how I talked, or even saying the N word, Not that any of those things are what it means to be "Black". But as the quiet nerdy kid by myself, I felt left out. People even used to say I acted "White". It really confused me when I was young. I even had to Code Switch (much like DeVon's song) and changed the way I talked around other black people. It wasn't until college that I gained interest in things rap music and slang and certain clothing choices. And I realized (just like missy) I can still be "black" and be myself, I don't have to give up parts of myself to experience new things or belong anywhere. I learned being black was being myself, so when I saw missy accept herself, I got emotional. And Nick, as I got older there was a apart in my life (and still kinda now, but I'm working on it) where I felt dead inside. Where I was becoming more of an asshole and distancing myself from people, because of my own Anxiety and insecurities. I was trying to not be hurt by anything that it made me cold inside. But seeing Nick accept himself good and bad, and what he thought of that part of himself. Gave me a bit a a panic attack myself and even allowed me to examine myself. It was powerful and well done and had me on the verge of tears. I really enjoyed this season, and what it conveyed about pressure and anxiety. Edit: and although to a lesser extent, As someone who suffered from serious constipation and had bathroom anxiety, when I was a younger. I can tell you his problems werenot entirely inaccurate, from stomach swelling, to your breath literally stinking, and when it finally happens (after a long time)it's basically like giving birth and as bad as Andrew displayed it.


Emmeline Call: I relate to Jessi the most

freaky toonz: This season was more gross than the others

Cynthia Jones: Listen to this, the most important thing you'll ever read. If you die today will you go to heaven? Have you ever lied, stolen, used God's name as a curse word (O-M-G)? According to God's law, you're guilty, your headed for hell, ignorance will not be an excuse... But wait, God loves you, he made a way out for you, God's son Jesus died paying for your sin. God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him will not die but have everlasting life. John 3:16 God is warning the world. End Time prophesies are jumping off the pages of the Bible, plagues, violence, scoffers, government control, earthquakes, fires, floods, people will be lovers of themselves, money, lovers of pleasure rather than God, evil will be called good and good called evil, sexual immorality rampant adultery, fornication, abuse... the ultimate in child abuse mommies killing their babies in child sacrifice (abortion), World leaders are prepping for a One-World order, government, religion (please don’t take a number on your forehead or right hand, read Revelation a number means no heaven, and there's only one alternative) The government is also prepping to have you believe that UFO's are real... Soon the antichrist will come and fix everything, everyone will love him, he will deceive many... then the tribulation will start, life on earth will be horrific. Today if you hear God whispering to your heart please respond before it's too late. Say a humble prayer, pour your heart out to God, receive Jesus as your savior, believe God raised Jesus from the dead, and repent of your sins.

Tianaz Bryant: Anxiety all the way

Intel is a Qt: can she just shut the fuck up her voice is annoying im just trying to watch the danm show

JGamerYT: Jay best character.

Dixie Cup: Why is she British

Y A C: This show is sick and given that its not the intention, since Netflix censors what it deems to be inappropriate, this is a gross facilitation of pedophilia. The animators think making "ugly" choices in animation style will confuse ppl into accepting it as normal. This isn't South Park, not even close.

Bieassia Law: I’m 43 and this series threw me *WAYYYY* off 😂

fat aborted niglet: Feck me this is awesome like if ya agree

ShinMadd: This show is for stupid people. Watch something smart like Madagascar 2.

keisha hood: When you push out the stressful 2020 turd, and want to transition to 2021, that's life for everyone


Aaden Ryder: I'm single 😥😥😥😥😥

Mia Myia: Nick and Jessi are literally the most relatable in my opinion

gf f55: I love this self-conscious narrator

Patsy Swei: I totally relate to Jesse no cap

Huseyin Derin: Giving a birth to shit... Disgusting and funny at the same time!

Gnarkz 0: Show is cringe and boring

Fishing Fellas: Ngl season 4 was kinda bad.......

Pembroke Love: “Awkward moments we can all relate to” Video Starts with a dude knocking up his pillow. I don’t think we all relate to that 😂😂😂

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