Mouth-Watering MTB Creativity | Kriss Kyle Out Of Season

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Red Bull Bike: Liked it? Watch the full BTS 👉 Red Bull TV:

A G: At 49 I still get chills when I see the production value of the footy, progression of the riding and the creativity of the course design coming together to give us an incredible viewing experience. Cheers to all that made this happen and thanks Red Bull for keeping our eyeballs happy and our minds blown. Staying young in '21.

FreddyFozzyFilms: Is it just me or does his motions make it look like he's riding a bmx and not a montain bike.

Julius Čerňák: very good edit bro

Emiliano Manuel: WHAT A MARVEL TO WATCH!

焦可乐: Leisure sports.

everyday learning: Great Video & skills.. Course/trail is expertly built 🤟 Red Bulls disgusting BTW 😁

Sognar: lAzY👁

Vickie Ross: !🆂🅴🆇 🅿️🆁🅸🆅🅰️🆃🅴💕🅽🆄🅳🅴 💋👌 今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした {-String.Spintax- | - {林檎|アプリコット|バナナ|キウイ|レモン|オレンジ|パイナップル} -} 🔥 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成%員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。, 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙 來調味g食物煮的時候 💕

Diego Bonnares: He just nailed it

Edgar: Which jacket do he wear in the video

fritter63: The bane of insurance actuaries and emergency room nurses everywhere…..

Kariem & Tony: My favorite part of mtb is that we can get completely lost

Nathan Scholtz: Yeeeewwww sooo sick

Lewis Pritchard: Just goes to show what creativity n such a unique riding style can bring to the table love every piece he brings to the table game changer every time!!!🔥🤘

Lennik Först: So sick🤙

Ultimate Basses: Ducks: Best supporting actors award. Crew: F'in A award Kriss Kyle: Award for best special effects. Wait... those weren't special effects. He's the real deal. Awesome video gents.

Jay kim: have to watch this at least once a day-

Patrick Springer: I'm really impressed with the dirt ramps. Wish I was smaller, 6'7" & 280 lbs. so I could do that too!

Gadgets Technik Reviews: Great Video 😁👌

Emine Chammari: Just... '' Waouh''

MANGAL Puri: Awesome... something I really liked outdoors after matt jones frame of time

zabagor: amazing riding, great camera work

Царь Владыка: Cool

Ryan Williams: I am utterly bewildered by the filming at 3:24. Bloody how?

Ahmad Bilani: 💟💟💟💟💟💟I watch all your videos and I like and I love you so much 💙

Cantú José: 😍👍🏻

Ryan: Is 35 too old to get into MTB ?? I use to love my mountain bike as a kid but teenagers years came along and I decided to waste over 15 years abusing my body with alcohol & drugs 👎🏽 but I’m 7 years sober now and I’m wanting to find a new hobbie.

kpopRC: Who ever did the sound design. Damn good work. those who know. know.

Oliver Williams: When the creek is your up trail

Kage: Making of was nice. So is this Video now.

Anthony Merryman: Wonderful video production quality here. Bravo to the cinematography team.

Jay kim: Amazing footage and camera/angle shots. Made me want to jump on the rig in the middle of the night to smash a trail- what a fricking awesome song and footage combo- sick, sick, sickkkkkk....

Toby Gibson: Pure respect to Kriss and the makers of the track, what a lot of effort!

Pryo Rondon: This is a video that really needs 60 fps.

Brian Clayton: 10/10 would watch again

Al Haste: Going to have to show my son this one.

Konstantin_show: 🤯🤯🤯

beatarcheologzt: Yo ya kilt like like a Scot ol boy

The 8th Grade: This is the very definition of epic, awesome and inspiring!! Crushed it!! Max Respect !!

E-money: Sickkkkkk that was the coolest thing ever!!

John Tillman: and then we peddle up

Daniel Keene-Lopez: Absolutely bonkers kriss Kyle is. Idk why he didn't enter into xgames real mtb. This waz a great edit 🤟🤟🤟

DHVRIEN: 03:48 he is our true leader! we must follow him!

MTB.W.C 11: 3:21 is that the spot where Blake Samson crashed and landed sideways from gmbn

fusilier romain: Superb! Congrats to the director and the drone guy, super rad !

R3V_Gaming viola: I like it

Tobin Staneart: The angles of the shots are just to good

HabLik2211: Whats the Gps? ;)

Paul Dabek: Great video and imagination all for a world class athlete from Scotland 👍

Daniel Grad: Nice work

Ya Boi: Incredible riding and edititing

George Potts: Incredible

The Original 924G: Amazing.

Vergel Martin Felasol: Song title please

Nick Meyring: sick edit!!

DKL Vehículos Eléctricos DKL: Amazing skills Great video production Excelente work. What bike does he ride??

Paul Atraides: what bike?

Wawa Prls: Respect 🙌🔥

Gumexx: I say to my son: see what a big splash he made in the puddle ... my son replied: it's good that he has dry socks XD

Santhosh Rathod: Hatsoff to ur effort and guts sir

Kody Foster: What's the name of this song??

Kevin LS: I love how the can disappears after he takes a sip of red bull 😂

Wonder Wander Awoo: Breathtaking

James Adventures and Bike: Love this video, the creativity is amazing

miko foin: How can you combine so much perfection in one video? Its insane.

RangerReview: I wonder if I could pull that off on my 75lb Ultra FS Ebike?

Ethan Revitch: Kriss Kyle Joyride 2022!!!

Kim Riemer: Wait Danny is in here

Steve Z: Absolutely stunning effort by trail builders, riders, and videographers. A work of art.

John DeF: Great music too!

Garreth Price: What the f***.and this guy is a bmx head by footage iv probably ever seen 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪

Manu :: Wooooow

OzoneEditions: You know the riding is going to be monumental when the ride starts on a roof. Unf$%$%$^ believable. Great video!

Kz Arnold: 🤯


Michael Inglis: Lol him and Danny are so similar with a helmet on that when they showed that clip of Danny at the end it confused the hell outta me.

Kapi: Amazing!

ALBANclem: beautifull

aman aim: Good

Notorious JUW: What a lovely landscape

黃寬: 帥呆了

doire aintu: Definitely one of the best projects since frames of mind

Victor Rice: wowowow!

Alpha Gamer: This is completely insane!!!!

Alberto Mata: Not necessary to show every trick 2 times

Lukman Sanni: I want to do this! I really want to 😩. But I'm scared of maneuvering mid air and breaking my neck.😭

Drew Patterson: Director to Kyle before shoot - "shred the ever loving f*ck out of this course" Kyle to director - "hold my red bull"

Borat Sagdiyev: 1:15 my favourite part wow

Realizador Urbano: Mostruo!

Craig Strydom: Kriss Kyle one of the most creative riders in the world from bmx to mtb makes it look so clean, keep it up bro

XC Dirtbike: When a Bmx rider rides mtb

Phillip Stewart: Man's now sponsored by a mtb company

El zafarrancho Pérez: Como se llama la rolita del video plebes pa cuando me salga a rodar ponerla fumar mota y pensar que soy ese homi

Ad Peter: So....double black?

Basty Craftard: brandon_semenuk, wants to know your location.

Snat: WOW!

Prince Robot XII: I feel like i have to pay for this type of production- fantastic video

lartschtube: Brilliant!! A land of dreams...

Artoxi TN: 🤩🤩🤩🤩

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