The Mandalorian Season 3 Luke Skywalker Grogu Breakdown - Star Wars Mandalorian Jedi

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Emergency Awesome: Here's my new Star Wars The Mandalorian Season 3 video for Grogu and Luke Skywalker Jedi Training and the Mando Darksaber parallel story arc for mandalore the great. Post all your theories in the comments. Here's my other new Mandalorian Season 3 video too!

Chakal: GroGu... The Jedilorian ! Best of both world! A new brand is born,; suck it up Hanna Montana!

Spin City NYC: Grogu met Rey and took her quarter portions. 😂🤣

Bob 5485: Having fun picturing Grogu in a tiny Mando helmet and armour. Lol!

englandmp152: This season was awesome, I can’t wait to see what they have planned for next year! Thanks Charlie for sharing!!!

Ryan Lindsay: Sebastian Stan is a must for Luke.

Fifteen Schnitzengruben: 🥱

Ciscoak 907: I think the implication of someone of grogus race turning to the darkside scared the shit outta her. I mean grogu is gonna look over the future of force users for potentially the next millenia (1000 years)...just imagine how powerful a darkside grogi would be..I think the smallest chance of that happening scared ashoka into tryna convince din to let his powers fade..the future implications of a force using grogu are uncertain.

T2: Mando has the Dark the season 3 gonna be more about the journey of Mando back to Mandalore.

Stella Kydd: Is Asoka going to train Mando with the Dark Saber?

nishant philip: dont you think the post ray storyline is heading toward a huge sith jedi mandalorian war


John Albenye: I hope they just delete the dang sequels and start over

Blacks Murder: It's called mandolorian not grogu and friends. It will be a story about mandolorian sorry grogu is not going to be in the next season

Carlo Martinez: I don’t believe Tarre Vizla was Mandalore the Great. They were 2 different people

Jaster Mereel: If only Mando hadn't JUST gotten the darksaber, which means he could have also made short work of those Darktroopers. That destroyed any sense of "rescue" from Luke. Why these piss poor writers had to ruin this potentially amazing scene, I'll never know. It could have been amazing...

Jose Madrigal: If they ever bring any additional characters from legends like Darth Malak or Darth revan, I will give them ALL MY MONEY.

JavaTheHunt: Why are you giving away the twist of an entire season in a thumbnail one week after it airs? Luckily I saw it, but out of respect for the people that haven’t, you shouldn’t ruin it.

Eric Ruckenbrod: SW is officially redeemed

Couch Tater: You do a lot of prediction videos, care to do a prediction on the chances this all leads to a retconning of some sort to the ST?

George White: The Galaxy does find out about Leia being Darth Vader’s daughter right?

Mjr Burn: Considering this is best guess 6 years before Luke began to train Ben/Kylo what does it do to the "Cannon" that Ben/Kylo was Luke's first student?

Janos Horvath: Where did the clip at the very beginning come from ? >.> by the time luke had a green saber his right hand was full on robotic, that scene showed him with a regular hand...

petersaturday: Bring on Luke and Grogu in Mando season 3!!! It would be lets forget about Kylo Ren and keep moving in a cool direction, lets go towards Heir to the Empire w/ Thrawn!!! Not pursuing a Luke / Grogu story would just be bad business and ignoring if the fans-they won't screw it up again with Master Luke!

mellovibefilms: I see an Ewok spin off

Critical784: Anyone else realized that Bo Katan didn't get anything she wanted when she made the deal with mando : No darksaber or ship

Philip Lundin: Grogu and yoda is different

Erica Elaine: My husband said Mandalorian was boring and now the Church is granting me an annulment.

Hashirama Senju: ... Or we could just ignore the sequels! Just saying...

Lemwell7: Man, haven’t watched this guy since Sherlock S3 or something

Matthew McKinney: Out of all those new shows they could shelve a couple to make a really awesome luke Skywalker academy show

Michael Hoover: Merry Christmas Charlie

Jack Svidergol: guys its friday and i'm not seeing the next episode? does anyone know when it's coming out? also merry christmas! Did i miss when he said in the video?

cool awesome boy: ohhhh

MANDALORIAN-JUSTICE: I wonder if the Armorer survived , and escaped the covert? It would be cool, to see more of her story.

DJ SHACHDEM: His father's student and him can meet now and I'm looking forward to that, seen as he and his sister never spent any time with vader and also love that 90 year old baby

EnduroEspresso: the worst puppeteering in any show.

Mayor Spooky: I thought the next season was about boba Fett

Night Shift: What special bonus episode of mandalorian? Today is Friday

Garrett Newell: Now it's Luke's turn to be in the backpack training Groku.

Jon Vane: Where’s Han Solo?

Pokemon magic U.K.: Disney trilogy doesn’t want to get tide in to mandalorian needs wiping

Kyle Fake Ren: When I saw the final episode I did not reconised luke

Keemer Becks: Not going to be in season 3

ArjBunnell: Just remember, Luke wasn’t a “deepfake”, he was a CGI model. There’s a difference in both of these effects.

itsGuy: Well, technically... She had Mando help her.. Mando was able to get the Dark Saber, technically he could hand it to her, because she planned for him to help her in the first place. If this is not allowed... Then what if she used a weapon and defeated Moff Gideon herself... Would she be allowed to take the Dark Saber? She used a weapon (Just like Mando is technically a weapon of hers) to win the Dark Saber. If so facto, she deserves the Dark Saber

S1gm@_Wolf: Im callin it now baby yoda gets the mandalorian black light saber.

Rogue Jedi: do a video on boba fetts new series

Rogue Jedi: i love the mandolorian

caleb phillips: Great video! Question, what’s your take on who may have trained Grogu being that he is familiar with advanced light and dark side powers which he displayed, using force heal and force choke in S1? How do you think it will affect Luke’s approach training him?

Sean McGuire: Luke's academy would be cool

Tommy Fransson II: We need a kotor show about Revan

Michael Powell: So... was mentioned here, I think, that "today" there was a "bonus" Mandalorian episode... Not sure where that word came from; but if we are talking about the same thing, was not a "bonus" episode, but rather a behind the scenes series called Disney Galleries featuring The Mandalorian, S2E01, that dropped today. AFAIK is set to run 6 episodes

Tommy Fransson II: 2:25 What if they went to Dantooine but also Korriban

lis tahul: grogu grows up, somehow go back to the past... changes his name to yoda....

Loremaster Garcia: Hope they will start to retcon the last 3 movies with Season 3.

Jesse rams 84: I just started watching all the Star Wars movies I’m done with mandolorian and first 3 movies and about to start prequels should I watch tv shows like clown wars or would I be ok with skipping it

Joe Blow: I was speechless for 2 days...

Chris Wilko: Interesting piece from Midnight Edge channel, suggesting the sequel trilogy is getting retconned.

Jens Danneels: Do you think they'll use CGI Luke again if they decide to bring him back or do you think they'll recast (Sebastian Stan?) now that the secret is out?

Ky An: MENA MASSOUD for EZRA BRIDGER in Star Wars!! Make it happen!

John Dillinger: I hope Kylo Ren didn’t get Grogu Mery Christmas

František Rakovan: I'd like to see Kyle Katarn and then his spinoff /wishful thinking off

Mr. Whetstone: What if grogu is the mandalorian! He will adopt the dark saber with his skills as a Jedi, maybe even duel wields it! Go grogu go!

Mario Nowack: Merry Christmas from Germany! 👋🏻🎅 Excellent video, as always, Charlie!! 👍🏻

EireNero: bruh I wonder will one of the ships in rise of the skywalker finale battle be Mandos, since it now makes sense why his ship didn't show up

Benny Pena: The whispering multi-hop typically divide because dad evocatively smoke down a vengeful sideboard. fretful, white iran

Frank Castle: Wait did you say a special mandalorian episode you meant today's Friday or next week

Heidi Fedor: Oh! Thank God! I was afraid that Grogu was let go, for wanting too much money.

kromdar the dark one: It pisses me off that boba just ran off. I mean I get it that he can't go through the launch tube with slave one but he could've boarded on the bridge or emergency hatch on the top of the ship

Chris PH: Train him on Yavin IV and let Exar Kun come into play

fate testarossa: Merry Christmas

Robert Perez: I can’t find anything on the mandalorian bonus episode

Jack D: People are saying the dark Saber is racist because of its color.


Adrian Nuncio: I really don’t know how I’m missing this, but didn’t Luke Skywalker die in the last movie?! How is he returning in his “return of the jedi” form? Someone please help🤦🏻‍♂️

Vex Doppel: Its Friday, where's the bonus episode?

ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U: Finally some touches on the Clan of two thank you I’ve been waiting to find it

Ivan Melendez: I don’t know but the fact that they cgi Luke’s face and not use an actual actor, makes me think that we won’t see more of Luke for a long time.

Kevin Kurian: Grogu might die , If he becomes 75 with Luke.

Jim Richards: ... I noticed you continually refer to the"Mandalorian CINEMATIC Universe" -- it should more properly be Favreau/Filoni's "Mandalorian STREAMING Universe" ... after all -- Disney notwithstanding, they're NOT affiliated with Marvel, eh ? ....

Quinch: Question: I'll have to rewatch but, did Luke even introduce himself by name? Isn't it that Mando only knows that a "Jedi" took Grogu away?

Art of Zazoreal: I think Din Will receive Grogu's blood at some point...Cuasing him to receive minor force abilities. It will show that Midi-chlorines in the blood only works when they have some sort of spiritual connection to the host either through the original host(being Grogu) or a direct connection to the will of the force. I think that would start to fix the midi-chlorian issues and return it to a more spiritual thing. So your M count still holds value as a force wielder but it's useless unless you are tuned in spiritually to the force and it's will.

amf odat: Can u make what would grogu lightsaber look like

BelleDelphne: This isn't Space Dandy

Anders Graham: Where’s the bonus episode

Philip Simmonds: 7:30 Charlie I think this is why they work so well together: One is focus on a running thread while telling essential stories about auxiliary characters. And the other bringing in Obtuse characters from Legends and totally newly established Lore. One more reason they both should run Star Wars, business side, creative side, EVERYTHING. Nothing against KK. Merry Christmas!

emiel verwaeren: i dink mando gonna dea and past the black saber do grogeu

Arturo Cintron: The best thing they can do to make sense of the force awakens trilogy is just ignore it make it seem like it never happened.

garioldwin: Please, can anyone tell me if this Mandalorian is any good? I hate Disney Star Wars, did not watch and do not intend to watch episode 8 and 9. I do not consider anything from Disney to be Star Wars. Is this any different?

Jon Bonda: Luke would make an assumption that Dagobah is Grocu's homeworld and might end up going there. Considering Yoda had a lot of time to waste while there, i was expecting Yoda to make his own holocron and in one of the future episodes would had found Yoda's holocron and other holocrons that he was able to save from the Jedi library after Order66.

Tyson Muir: Season 3 let's GOOOOO 🙌🙌🙌🙌

Daemonarch2k6: Maybe they finally get that the paying customer only wants good escapism, not being lectured about what THEY want for society in their crazy ways? I don't think so

Dudu Lins: The story about Mando (Din Djarin) and Grogu is over, the 3rd season will be about Boba Fett!

Viprin: dat boi charlie

Mads Egede: Deepfake is still too low resolution. The Mandalorian used CGI. Just to be clear.

Scorpius Jones: Just to clarify, Kathleen Kennedy has the ultimate say on what star wars properties get made, glad to see so many people agree she has made excellent choices.

Joshua Kim: So they’re really gonna make me wait more than a whole year to see grogu again

jordan secrist: Grogu is basically a set up for the series to have a character believably powerful enough to combat the yuuzhan vong in the coming decades. By the time Rey is old and dead, grogu will basically be in the prime of his life and the most powerful being in the entire universe. Probably chilling with Ezra in the unknown regions fighting thrawn off and on.

koolerpure: i just realised grogu isnt just a cgi character prop on set, blows my mind

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