14 Things you probably didn't know about Apex Season 7

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Kristin Steiner: blueface bleed it

IntZi: Volt is easier to use in every scenario if you don't miss any bullet r99 will outdamage the volt so the damage per second of r99 is way higher.I tested it side by side in only headshot scenario and only bodyshot scenario. Although big note volt is way easier to use so you will regularly get more damage and that's because of the recoil and the rate of fire is slower on the volt so it's easier to hit those shots.

Jos frost: sigh, console players.

Synamix: Juicy aim 🌝👌🏻

LunerIsOk: 10:35 POV: Your this kid

SpeakeasyApex: EXSCAPE??? Why pronounce it like that lol

Alfred War: nice aim assist wen u suck at aiming lmao

D0nut ZA: Labs is a ps5. Change my mind

vixdy: I got clicked baited. I knew every one of these.

Time is flying and i am too!: There's a zone where if you drive off the map with the trident everyone dies, so that fact is technically a lie, i've experimented on various zones and one of them made me and my friend fall off along with the trident.

弱村舞蹴る: マウサーやん

javier segovia: Trash.... Pure fucking trash. Deleting apex . It's just been a long wait for ...... Trash.....

AoKx Tankhero360: !sense

Anthony Molina Molina: When people think octane is ninja

M_ P_: Console players. No PC gamer would play hemlok with triple-shot. Always switch to single bullets. No aimhelp, just skills.

Soraka Starchild: Waste of a video... couldnt you at least give some helpful stuff next time.. these are all basic ass tips that people figured out in the first 5 minutes..

Red Solo: Zeus of your also herizon and use your grab lift it takes you out of her ult

Red Solo: Quick draw is pointless on wingman Re is the only gun it should be used on

A Zax: 15things u didn’t know: steam is also full of cheaters.

Bee Miz: What was that weird splat noise at like 8:45

The Gravemind: Console version has no fall damage, console for life yo

spongebob_circle pants: So we just gone ignore that dumb ass ninja skin companys ride this man for reason

matt cooper: Are you using a PS4 Mouse/Keyboard mod?

Duncan Kroezen: Fun fact you can destroy the blackhole

Ydoc sseyd: Itemp and Zeus with some Zylbrad added to the mix and we got a god-squad.

kyle anderson: how do you get bots? seriously everyone i fight is a fucking ninja

Nikki Maman: what spec of this kind of pc so smooth

A.L Jayden077: 2:53 They killed macro

Dev Rohil: Me who read the patch notes: meh

Ryan Cherry-Cola: zeus sounds like anything for views

knp77: 14? I can barely comprehend in how UTTERLY BEAUTIFUL it all is.

Mikhail Khossain: 2:13 😂

Shadow VampyrieTV: Noob lobby

Rei Rose: This guy's tracking is UNREAL

The Aztec Eagle: You can shoot black holes to eliminate them just like lifelines drone

Anomaly- lemonete-Krunker: The only reason I dont watch these videos is because the giant fucking watermark on the screen every second

Remedie X: The fact he has an advantage for being at 240 latency is crazy :( prob lagging all over the place on the enemy screen and he's landing all his shots just fine

Ethan Holiday: “FAIR FOIGHT FAIR FOIGHT” I love that this is still around

CLAVIN ZKL: that looks like a ninja skin yall

HumbleRumble Savage808: 5:38 It's call a ukulele not a guitar

Valiant Pride: One of the best horizon plays I've done was when the enemy had the higher ground and were behind a rock, I used her tactical to get even higher than them and sniped from there. It was beautiful

Mojo jojo: Horizons ult needs a buff. The pull needs to be stronger

Hatta Harahap: Re-45 became a hipfire machine with the quickdraw,like God tier hipfire

Kings Octane: i stopped watching after i saw the crouch spam at the beginning

Corpsey Like: What’s with the internal build thing?

Enrique B: Why was that squad on the 1v3 so dumb 😂 they looked like bots especially gib and rampart

MR Claw: You laugh like a dolphin

Callsign: Blaze: I think they could buff Horizons Ult but only a little bit. And I mean a little. It’s a fun and unique ult I just think it’s a little too weak. That or make the area of effect larger. Otherwise I think a horizon is a pretty fun legend.

Johnkeav: Good to see connection advantages being filmed

Alvin Tia: Purple stabilizer can help not notice the changes.

Alvin Tia: Of course we wouldn't know. You had early access

Nike 13: We suicided in the trident, we fell in that little open space jump area and the angle we fell at blocked us from getting shot back up into the air

Klingdomfighter: Zeus we need a video brother

Yvng_god635: Season 7 apex settings

kman 0_0: Honestly bring back the prowler. Bring in the CAR and put both the volt and R99 in packages

Jhonatan Perez: Is everyone sleeping on the Re 45 ? I honestly think it's better than the r99

theron hester-payne: This season there is absolutely no recoil on the guns

SHITRUNNER: So basically a better version of octanes pad

Roberto Torres: Hey guy here's all the things u didn't know about apex season 7,,,,and here's my gameplay,,,watch me!!!I wanna be apex famous!!!!

Storm Shadown: New update in season 7 now when u buy battlepass u will need to buy extra level if u want to level up on u pass and if u try to grind to hit lvl 100 u will never make it.EA greedy idiots

Amadeus Gangwolf: 1:04 oh my goodness absolute genius, who would have though you could use horizons ability to get up on high ground?! respawn hire this man.

Maphazar: Now just so you know with the trident if you drive off an edge you don't always get popped up for a skydive. First hand experience, total team wipe.

Nerevar: Hemlock op as allways

Anıl Akgün: 12 minutes of absolute dogshit we were al very aware of , fuckin clickbaiters

Viktor Ahltin: 0:33 Thought that was my discord

SPNCR: How did u get the GUI in the top right displaying ping and fps?

Alepana _HD: you can shoot at the robot that makes the black hole and destroy it bruh

beep: "gibby came in playing the guitar" I don't think that's a guitar bro

Expired Malk: I love the new r-99 and horizon

Karama: Ive noticed a lot in the new season that when people go down they are immune to damage for a second or two

Wolfgotgame 1: I got a win with horizon on my first try and 1 of your teammates rage quite I’m proud of myself Also I’ve never been sucked into horizon portal, thing forgot what the ultimate called

GeorgeieBoy: At 3:02 i think he did a finisher on Macro.

Jokwaxfriend: Do you have functioning eyeballs and play the game? Then this amazing video will teach you absolutely nothing new! ;D

_Wimza _: That first horizon ultimate literally did nothing but blocked line of sight... there was no one caught within it....

Noah kleinwort: 3:05 that is false I have accidentally driven me and my teammates off the edge

lead mydayslord: Honestly. The vehicle should only take damage. Not players that's kinda dumb

badbadbad: Hey Zeus, did you try to put Sheila on Crypto's drone and fly around killing people yet? You should, it's fun.

Oopsie Poopsie: 11:30 that spot is fucking intense. Every time I go there I either end of fifth partying some people or it’s all quite then two seconds later two different teams show up.

sebastian: I tink the ability of horizon is really good

sebastian: I already know this but tanks I use jumping behind someone really much

Spoken Demoniska: I don’t know if you mentioned this but apparently from experience being used against me the caustic gas makes you deaf so you can’t hear audio when you get shot at or stuff like that

Anthony Iarossi: this guys voice is fucked

xFORU2NVx: Bro!!! You can put Lifeline Drones on the Trident!!! Enjoy!!! Keep up the great work!!

Hoinkdoinkurmumsapikle2: The black holes aren’t that good Idk every time I get black holed I can just walk out of it

Aziz Mohamed: Nobody gives a shit with the new dummy models

XzuUsesAimbot: Ayoooo use a trident and place a octane jumpad that glitch makes u flyyyyy

Joseph Antonio: Niggas laugh sound like Seth Rogan

Kyrasgrave 128: Is it only me or did he kill daltoosh

Roberto C. Hernández V.: Everyone talking about the r99 but can r99 beat goku tho?

Jack Fire: If an enemy player used horizons ult and mirage uses his tactical would the decoy get sucked in?

Kono Dio Da: Oh another change They ruined the battle pass

YouTube cringe: Honestly I hate how we have to level up the battle pass now I prefer the other version

littlecasino 5: Something you forgot to cover in this video. Something no one expected....they made the bp so bad

David Ortiz: Looks a bit like fortnite now :(

Henry Gabriel: Why do you sound a bit like muselk lol 🤔😂

bassmankm: Here is a number 8. Its trash 🚮

Justin Mcnamee: You sound like maxmofoe

General Hawkins: Is it just me or did the arc star grenade indicator change ?

jimE wifi: Horizons L1 is OP for floating above air strikes

tallyman 6000: You can use horizon tactical to get out of the black hole

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