8 Things I Hope to See In Season 8 Apex Legends

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Elijah Robinson: 1. Octane ult rework, maybe a team boost 2. Rampart shields have no delay when deploying and shelia can turn 360 degrees 3. Revanant can climb more

Jaycob Richardson: I would love for the legend tokens to be more useful besides buying legends/some reskins. Maybe 50k can grant the battle pass?

Eduardo Rosales: I hope they put a mine bot bc if someone steps on it they explode 🤣

Kubogamez: 69 dislikes, nice

The Courageous Pepper: got so close to a 20k in that loba game!

Potato Titan: They should make an LTM called zerp cooldown and in thay LTM all of the legends abilities have no cooldown meaning wraith can just keep spaming portals all over the place octane can just keep spamming his jump pads imagine ho crazy it may get 😂🤣🤣🤣

MrRichieface: 1v1 mode with randoms in training would be awesome! never thought of that, as u say it, it shouldn't be such a stretch to get that in

Potato Titan: I wish for rampart to get a bunch of huge buffs and i mean multiple buffs

MrRichieface: deathmatch, solo mode, or no fill option

Juken The Bold: Wheres the fucking satchel charge? I mean christ man can we get a "C4" type triggerable explosive? It doesn't have to be any stronger than a grenade, I'd just like to trigger my own explosive, like in *let me check* yep, literally every other shooter.

Miguel Fernandes: When you talked about the weapons I remebered Titanfall, if they could make a level progression sistem for the weapons, like in Titanfall, it would be entertaining

Peter Cimerman: there should be better skill base games managment

Chill Wanderer: I really think they should add a new AR. Most of the ARs to me, besides the Hemlok, seem to be more close range the medium range, and I want one that can be used for longer range. If not and AR, a new shotgun. The only common good one is the Mastiff, and the peacekeeper is a crate weapon so -_-. I also agree on the gear thing. I really think that there should be a new gear item. I wish they wouldn't have made Bangalores ability smoke because I think that a smoke grenade could be good, but its whatever. Speaking of Bangalore, I feel like either her or Gibby need a new ultimate. I feel like Bangalores missles could explode a little quicker and Gibbys could be one thats a more protective shield or one that may lock down a building or something, but thats more of just a dream. I also think that octane could use a better ultimate. I think that the Jumppad is alright, but could be better. Like a team-wide speedboost or something. And lastly, I think they should add something like playground in Fortnite. Where you can just run around on a map and have fun with friends or something. But those are moreso wishes than anything :)

Triultra: This is how many times TGM said PvE 👇

AL3X9NDR3X yt: 3 things I'd want for season 8 is new servers, especially closer to my region cause I have to use other servers. Next is I want APEX to improve their servers from West to East sides of the world. And for last, I'd like for them to remove the portable respawn beacon in firing range.

The ChosenSheep: I'd love it if we can make our own firing range or pick from a area in game

Solomon Ababio: Wall running... but it will never come.😔

The ChosenSheep: 1. The peacekeeper gets out of a care package weapon and the Eva gets insanely buffed and is its replacent 2. Leveling up system that guarantees you 500 packs 3. Buff wraith to be what she was originally

MicrowaveableSalad: I want a energy pistol, I also want it to be a charge trigger gun. I think that would be a much needed add to the game as there is only 3 different pistols.

cold_blooded: Id love to see attrition from Titanfall 2

Niz083: I'd like to see reactive character skins and I agree with the folks who would like heirloom finishers...that would be dope

MrBryn: I 100% agree with your firing range idea. I'd also like for it to tally kills so you could compete against your friends. A building and minor changes every now and then would be a appreciated too. My big ask would be for an arena type gamemode when 3-4 teams drop into sectioned parts of the map and battle it out. Maybe team death match style. When I say "sectioned parts" I mean like only skulltown or only fragment etc... That sort of thing A wave defence gamemode could be cool too 🤷‍♂️

KOOMBA: I just wanna see the pk on the floor again

TaZe Bison: Jack Cooper, wall running, multiplayer

Turtle Bait: A new weapon I would want in apex would be a AK-47 type gun or just a new assault rifle

Wyatt Ratliff: Well, looks like your cries for a unique weapon were answered.

Mr Man: I really want solo mode

Blockgun141: The real question we should all be asking is, did you get the 20 kill?

Austin White Noise: Who wants jack cooper from titanfall 2

Alan Deacon: Loba's staff should be a new heirloom

Sam Cumby: i just want titans to appear in some way. like maybe a weapon charm northstar or just a prop of an old broken atlas or something idk.

Gabrielix: They should add custom Finishers with their Herilooms

Dice Doomkid: Me and my friend play KOTH on gun range sometimes. Where you fist fight to get the hill and arm up using what’s wrong n the center while the challenger tries to make it down, arm up and fight back. We do it with no shields and no healing. Some pretty cool stuff. Come to my twitch if you’re interested lol.

Whisp: I would love more ranked rewards. Entirely new skins man be too much to ask for, but what about a gold skin like overwatch. I would love to flex that to my friends lmao

QuietPinapplez: TGM: what I want see in apex legends... Me: like that ever gonna happen

Kenny Thatcher: Team death match would be pretty chill, but that'd just be titanfall 3. I wouldn't complain tho

Devil-Finder: Just please a little doesnt need to be a big rampart buff. Yeahhh i get it already powerful when set up, but the shield literly breaks so fast. Yup a new item please! Idk if i missed something. But something similar to the crypto easter egg or something?

Blue Fire Ninja275: Bro they should add a team Deathmatch time of mode but add it when you die you need to pick a new legend untill your out of legends and you lose

Noahnator C.: 1st. i want to be able to see everyone who played in a match with you after you died 2nd. i want knuckledusters (increases melee damage) and the golden tier would shorten finishers 3rd. as another passive crypto should be able to go into his drone while he is knocked. if this is too op maybe while he is droning he bleeds out 3 times faster

Blue Fire Ninja275: I want a new weapon in the game that is explosive ammo and you can find explosive ammo in certain spots of the map

Christ Ave: Squad with 4 members? And 80 player for a round

Mason Parsons: I wanna apex pack counter, counts how much you’ve opened and the percent of getting heirloom

Andrew Mooney: If fuse doesn't have cluster grenades as any of his abilities that would be a fun grenade

Kimothelimo: i would want another grenade

Twin Brother: It would be AWSOME if you could cook frags like in Titanfall. Like if you would hear a beep before the frag would explode that way you could run up to someone and let the frag explode taking you both out or timing it right where you throw a frag at someone and it would blow up right as it gets near them

clinton n: A buff to lobas tactical. It's a very useless reposition ability and they should stop focusing on her ult, it's already good. Rampart also needs to be a better defensive legend. Essentially I would like the devs to balance legends with feedback from the community and not because ' the data says ' . They can't be crying about win rate and pick rate of certain legends when they can't even ask the simple question of 'why do people pick this legend and not this'

Mr Pwingles: I would want pack a counter for you know heirlooms and a attachment like quick draw but for smgs something that would make it shoot faster and would increase speed as the kills u go but to make it fair if u get downed twice it lowers it down

Cheesygamer 22: I want a hop up that makes single shot weapons semi auto

AnimalHeadSkull x: I have been wanting peacekeepers back as ground loot and put mastiff back in package. ✌. I miss disrupters too.

They: *He explained it quite clearly.* Apex is fun but its getting stale af. It's an amazing game, and he did mention they have a smaller team. But this game can be so much more, so much room for improvement. For example fortnite, idk wtf happened to that game but i liked how they had ingame events, i never attended one but they looked pretty cool. As for warzone, he mentioned how the battlepass has a lot of content and he is right it does and its amazing. Playing warzone is fun but it doesn't capture you *(well not for me cuz there too many freakin people in the game and you gotta be shroud or something to even survive till the end, its just a hassle tbh)* the same way apex does. Apex is just soo fucking addicting and its sad to see that its missing out on a lot of content :/ Although the game did come out recently and it takes time, yes yes ofc but at least let the people choose the map they want to play on *(like in PubG)* The cycling of maps is annoying af. Ya gotta wait like 1 hour for olympus or kings canyon; idk what it is but i don't like worlds edge. However if they made a night mode for it, i think it would be epic to see ponds like in geyser lit in a fluorescent blue color :) *ONE MORE THING!!!!* fix the heirloom packs mannnnnn. why isn't there a finisher with a legends heirloom?! who wants a voice line, like seriously? :'D they should combine the voice line with the banner, give a finisher and the heirloom. done. i mean how hard is it to add an extra finisher for the what less than 10 heirlooms they made now?

Kevin Alonso: There is going to be a new gun it's called the 30-30repeater


Daniel Oxby: I wish Valk was the season 8 legend her abilities are just so cool


ForbidScarab 996: I need a new passiv abilitie for pitfinfer

DapperPandaKing: I think octane would be a lot better if while you where stimming you would revive faster or if you had the stim available when you revived someone it would use your stim and again revive faster.

EcoWindd: we need cross progression, we've got crossplay, when are we getting cross progression

HellReiser666: If you want good pve go play cod zombies or something

HellReiser666: Some love for octane and bang would be nice

YaBoiJ4ymzz: Please respawn

YaBoiJ4ymzz: Hybrid shotgun sniper


YaBoiJ4ymzz: They should add a system with apex packs called choice packs and it would give you a rarity then you could chose if you item is for a legend, Gun, or miscellaneous. It would do this three times. With the same odds of getting an heirloom as before. Thought of this while on a bike ride with a friend

YaBoiJ4ymzz: I want the old kings canyon back. Know it’s not gonna happen but an apex player can dream right?

reijy: My wish is they would add 2nd passives for each character, e.g. Bangalore has better aim and recoil with certain guns and octane can revive teammates with his stims giving a bit more health and a 2 second speed boost.


LeeJamesShaw: Ranked to be a different map


Evgeni Angelov: Id like to be able playing with mouse and keyboard on ps4

Benedek Boronkai: For a new ltm just give me a jump kit so i can feel like a pilot agin and im done

God Kiana: They could have teased an emp grenade in the trailer when Fuse shut the ship down.

Abdulrahman Al-Hamed: Definitely the thing I most want in season 8 is the mastiff removed. Ever since its been in the loot pool, EVERYONE uses this shotgun and its very frustrating when you get 1 shoted by it.

METODY: dome shields would be cool as hell. a grenade that when thrown, creates a dome like gibbys alt. maybe it lasts like 5 seconds, or until destroyed. and maybe it had like 300-400 HP

delank: more rewards for winning. if you get 5 kills in a match and place lets say 5th, you technically get the same amount of XP that youd get if you had won. they should add an apex champion pack shard which requires 5 wins to get a 100% rare 50% epic and 10% legendary. this doesnt effect the odds of getting a heirloom BC apex would never do that cause they have to make money somehow. gameplay gets slightly repetitive after hours and hours and hours of grinding. this is would 110% make me go sweaty mode and grind like my life depends on it. just some more things to work for.

Kyro: I’d love if lifeline got fast heals

Stardust: I think all the recon characters should get passives that are unique to them instead of path, crypto, and bloodhound all having the same passive. For example Crypto's passive could be that he can see the health and armor of pther players that he scans. Bloodhound's passive could use a buff on the footsteps tracking...Maybe increase his default sound range so you can hear enemies from father away? Path's passive should also get a buff but Im not too sure what he should get, suggestions are welcome!

DR3AMURR: A revive emote system where it's like finishers but it's revive animations

Why Tho?: A reactive volt skin would be dope.

Littv: Flash bangs

Halle Bros: I would like to see solo's, Team deathmatch kind of mode, and a tiny portion of one of the maps to play on while in firing range.

Zarkoneous: ok it would be cool if level cap was increased to 5000 so people actually have a reason to grind xp, i would like to see mastiff put back into care package and peacekeeper taken out, and solos, i would love it if they added solos

Luke Cunningham: More abilities and stuff the legends can do makes the game more fun. Class passives would be a cool idea. LTM are another way of hyping the game. Voting polls would be a good if the community were wanting something new or something to be changed.

Brian Hanson: So, some of my own suggestions: Ques - I think that duos que and trios que should never be on the same map at the same time. I am not sure why they put them on the same que timer on the same map but it seems like alternating them would make more sense. Olympus - I have to say I sort of felt like I didn't get to fully embrace the new map in season seven with having alternating ques and half of the comp wasn't on Olympus. We went up to three maps on top of that and honestly...... I would love for them to add more times of just Olympus into the que. If you remember in seasons what.... 3 and 4 we did just Worlds Edge so I feel like maybe I haven't really gotten to get my fix of Olympus in yet. Team DM - there are rumors..... I want it. Rank System - Please please please rework how the rank system works and what you get points for. I am so sick of the end game camp fest. Give more credit for kills, remove the kill credit cap, and give a lot less credit for placement.

guy feri: 1. Go back to the season 5 battle pass system 2. Filters for charms (I have like 75 and the least they could do is organize it Into owned and not 3. Replace the Peacekeeper with a Eva-8 or the alternator with disruptors because it's been like season 2 or something and I haven't used it in forever

Anonymous Doggo: Old wraith tact but new hitbox

Lilly Edwards: New weapon,trading skins system,wraith buff!!!!!!!!!!!

420 BluntMan 420: I think it'll be cool if like after you complete the battlepass. The +1lvl. For the battlepass could change into apex packs instead. So doing the challenges wont seem meaningless when you've already completed the season.

Nahuel: I really want team deathmatch

desmond m: GUN GAME with a score system at 6 POIs duos solos 18ppl, 1point per kill melee kills take 2 points and one weapon set back. Ten weapons per POI with blue shields, fast shield cells, fast weapon swaps, and fast ult charge. Respawn on the ground or fly in, i think this game mode would be fun chaos!

Lucas Parakhoodi: Coolest video ever

wutdufk: i just want a tdm mode

cj handley: I would like to see this top 3 things. 1. New ways to earn RP in ranked (resing teammates, getting good positions early, etc.) 2. Legend buffs (bang able to carry more grenades, Loba able to use her ult to get banners) 3. New things to progress toward. I hate pubs because it’s pointless. Something to make it worth playing.

LUXR4Y: I would love to get a New version of the firing range. Imagine if there are firing range versions in the style of Kings Canyon, Worlds Edge and Olympus. Could be on the same Rotation as Pubs.

Maximtophat: I want a theater mod and like a sticky grenade or something like a proximity mine because of fuse

Luke Meadowcroft: I want a change to Wattson IDK what change but she needs something

Lucas Parakhoodi: Worst video ever

Rapid Vvcoy: I just want the ability to dismantle cosmetics for crafting metals for say...... half or a quarter of their worth! Also a apex pack counter!

DeathTotem: It would also be nice if we got a campaign for apex although it’s kinda late for that it would still be cool and if we got some titanfall tie ins like you could explore Malta or something. That would be awesome

DeathTotem: So like titanfall 2 when you reach the extra levels like G3 or G1

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