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TimProVision: Who is your go to legend for Arena's?! Come let me know over on Twitch! Appreciate the love and support from you all.

Brandidge: I do think Mirage can definitely be a bit higher than a c tier if he is in the right hands. He is my main as he fits my play style very well. His ultimate is very dangerous if you know what you are doing, and it is quite cheap compared to others ultimates. He is most definitely not A or S tier but if used right he is definitely the most annoying to go against. Also the invisible revive can come in clutch.

_TEDIOR_: sad bamboozle noises.

Duelingumbra: "Octane can do it all" yes octane can give me death threats and hearing problems for not playing exactly how they wanted me to play

Izz Iskandar: I think Mirage (for me) is a very underrated legend in Arenas, (def not BR, he still sucks) I just have to use a huge chunk of my brain to use him.

Myles Sargent: Bro can you make a load out video please 😇

Ki-seon Peck: Too bad there's an unnecessary stigma towards Octane players. There was this toxic player who insulted and blamed me for the losing match because I was an Octane player even though I did 1K more damage than him lol. Octane is such a fun legend to play but it's tiring dealing with the toxicity against Octane players.

MqTc: I'm only using path, and my two teammates have lifeline and gibby

PWR DC: I just got octane my second grinded legend so I run octane Valkyrie and gibraltar I never played gib in battle royale mode (Season 2 oG) but the passive is good because if I'm playing someone who's really good and the other two people are bad they usually have bad aim if they're bad so they hit my shield while I'm just beaming them

Sulaiman Ali: Have you made a battle royale version?

Maddax Batt: I main Mirage in arenas, i think he should be at least B tier if you know what you are doing, for example if when you go to pop a clutch revive you drop a decoy and then hit the control button... It catches people off gaurd and that alone makes him better then lifeline

notorious alien: fuse is c in my opinion, grenade spamming when an enemy is holding a position is op asf

That_CoolPanda: Ngl, I laughed after I got confused when u said gas daddy

Imin: Fuse should get 2 grenades for the price of 1

Adam S: Octane is definitely overrated here lol. Bangalore, LL, and BH are easily better

Adam S: Rampart shines in Arenas waaay more than in BR

Bryan Shirley: Rampart is the GOAT in arenas

iAm Wolfie: What about a "speed boost after reviving a teammate" passive. Like Bang's Double Time?

JuicedUpJTime: Personally I think mirage should be higher up in the list. I may be a bit biased but there is countless times where his abilities came in use for me and my team to easily win the round. There is also a higher skill ceiling for him which makes a good mirage scary.

Pathfinder: One day pathfinder will be S tier

Hokpokpoh: So no ones going to talk about the wraith at 1:36

Muhammad Baby Janji: My go to legends would be either crypto, octane or valkyrie

Star: Thanks for the help, and info

Joey Marty: Mirage is my go to Arenas legend, there’s just so much crazy stuff u can do if u know what ur doing. Although, I sadly agree with ur ranking of him, as there better choices, but I still think he’s more fun than most meta legends lol

Brendan Fitzpatrick: Rampart is the best legend on Thermal Station. Go to one of the sides(the one that’s in the ring) and set up some walls and put down SHIELA. Then you overlook the battle and your enemies can not move outside. She’s also really good on most of the maps, but she’s insane on Thermal Station. I think Crypto is a little underrated. Just put his drone in a part where it is overlooking where a lot of fighting will be and it will constantly scan your enemies. I also like Lobas ult. It will cover the entire map for every map other than the Phaserunner one. You don’t need to buy heals with her you just use your ult and get two bats and a Phoenix

Taco6N 13: While it's not the most sound strategy I play Fuse in arena 90% of the time and just ignore guns and healing for the first few rounds and go for Loot bins and care packages. It works more often, for me, than you might think.

B: Love me an apex tier list.. love them so much I'd watch a POI map tier list, or an attachment tier list lol

IAM MALTESE: What legends should I get I'm thinking of revanent, valkaryie or mirage

Chris Castillo: Mirage c tier he literally op in arena?

Andrew Selvaraj: I personally feel that cyrpto is the worst arenas legend because: -He can only fly his drone like a mosquito for the first few rounds without dealing any form of damage -His recon abilities in both arenas and br are outclassed by bloodhounds and his drone scan isn’t needed since generally people know where to expect the enemy team in these small maps -When cyrptos out of drone mode to help his team he’s a sitting duck with no abilities and when he’s in it, it’s a 2v3 for his team -When you have enough materials to buy his expensive costing emp, that is a one round play with the emp and cyrpto’s kit is limited after that one round.

Jean Rhau: Octane

Jean Rhau: I love your videos

Lachlan Bray: I main valk in arenas, the movement in those 1v1 fights can be life saving. But I do respect your their list.

Luca350v2: I feel like you’ve completely ignored Loba’s black market’s ability to grant her 4 shield batteries for only 200 materials every round. She can have an upgraded assault rifle + 4 bats by round 2 thanks to black market (when it doesn’t bug out and break). She’s already one of the best solo picks even with her crippling arenas bug.

SparrowHunter: My arena legends are Lifeline, Bangalore, and Bloodhound, I actually dont play lifeline at all in BR and never had used her until arena

Andrew Doucette: I play lifeline and I play a more aggressive lifeline but I still think this is a fair rating

Cody: Anyone else think mirage should be rated a little higher? In the right hands the tactical and ultimate can get you out of bad situations, allow you to get off the first shots while they're shooting decoys, and of course the invisible revives are really nice. I could be biased because he's one of my favorites, but he's helped me win a lot of 1v3's.

Castle Clasher123: You forgot the f tier. You know... the Fuse tier... the refuse tier...

CodeNameElliot: I definatly cop octane in any mode

EmpiresEGG: For guns it’s just Mozambique and max devotion

Ty2k: Idk bout caustic, caustic ult is pretty cheap. So caustic and horizon ult is gross. And u can place a trap on yourself and crouch if needing to heal

MadMax: My go to in arenas is always bloodhound and with the bois our trio is always bloodhound, lifeline and octane for detection (bloodhound) after knowing where the enemy is, octane pops a jump pad for the rush and lifeline for the ez Rez and healing when in need

Eyed TopHat: Imo, Lifeline is the best legend in arenas cause getting those revives off (especially with a gold bag) is clutch. My go to legend tho has to be pathfinder, his mobility is unmatched. Octane and Rev are my back ups however

Ellwoodot: My go to legend is horizon, it’s just great to always have two tacticals that allow you to get height easily per game. Also just wondering what times you normally stream Tim, as I can never seem to catch a stream

Eitan Louw: Go to: Wattson & Mirage. + a goldbackpack.

Ty Barty: I like to rock Valkyrie and some times octane but I do not think that octane should be the best character. I think for my preference that he should be a little ahead of pathfinder but that’s it but I do support your options. I like your video really good to watch when I am bored. 👍

altar expert: fun fact there is a glitch with crypto drone charges where it goes away randomly please make this known

P2020: I go gibby in arenas if I want to sweat but mostly I go wraith as I am a wraith main

Fortified: The lifeline care package gives you 2 batters which is 300 materials saved and a weapon

Jay: Launching arc stars and thermite with fuse is kinda fun and definitely puts ur enemies in a panic. But you don't have the time to aim most of the time so alot of shots completely miss

Ogawa: Honestly, I've been using Rev. Most often. I find so many lifelines using gold bags in my match ups, it's annoying, so I silence them and kill them on sight 😂

Fouad Nakad: Lifeline is S tier and not only S tier but the best legend in arenas hands down, i never played her in BR because I thought she was boring however I fell in love with her in arenas, she fits my playstyle so well where I don't even bother shooting I just stand behind my teammates and wait for them to have low health throw my tactical on them, and if they get downed I revive them then start shooting at enemies to keep them distracted, and bam my teammate is up with half his health... even I find myself frustrating.

Ben French: My go to is Gibby in arenas but I play loba in pins and blood in ranked

Jarra V: About Fuse, I personally think that buying a nade as Fuse should give you a full stack (2) bc otherwise that part of his passive is simply useless

BuildingHP: Def love Octane for the maps you really need to trek to get resources -> artillery, gardens, the lava POI from WE too. And then Bloodhound for maps that are closer and have more buildings and where sightlines are harder.

Benjamin Ellsworth: I play Wraith or Bloodhound when my buddy is playing Mirage and Gibby when he plays someone else!

Zarkton: ARENA LOVE!!!!

LordOfTheMemes: The hell do you mean Lifelines carepackage is not worth it? Its literally a free weapon for 10 seconds of waiting, which isnt as much considering you can pop this anywhere. Its like echoing in CS:GO but a ton better since it still gives a weapon

aymen koroki: anyone nice anough to give me a battlepass on pc plz ??

aymen koroki: anyone nice anough to give me a battlepass on pc plz ??

LordOfTheMemes: Lobas Ult definitely is worth it, you can get so much value out of it just by simply using it on one bin and maybe sometimes even taking the loot away if an enemy lifeline uses the extra looting.

xotiic: 247th

GeneraL Grievous: I agree on revanant I just love hitting valkyrae’s with the silence while she’s in the air She just drops down My favourite moments are when a valkyrae is flying above the abys in olympus and you silence her

Stefano Daniel: Can you do a weapon tierlist for arena?

Kohlendioxid 2019: I disagree that Mirage is C tier in Arenas. 1v1 and 1v2 are so easy with him. And I keep fooling Blood Hounds and Cryptos when I m behind cover and they scan, because they often think I m with another player. He is B tier, solid.

celery: Rev is op on skull town bc of his climb

IKJacob 10: Pathfinder Crypto and to a extant Ramparts passive all need reworks

Vilmos Horváth: I play giblaltar in arenas, it's gunshield is so useful especialy in the first few rounds where those, extra healing items is the most valuable.(you are a famuos youtuber btw).

Ham Boba: Without a doubt Lifeline is the best Arenas legend, especially when she's carrying a gold backpack

Wyatt Teitelbaum: Rampart is my go to, I slap with her

CRISPYclips: I always urinate bloodhound in areas

joseph litchfield: Gibraltar

BLUREDSTONE III: Epic i was waiting this from when they come out

mextatheking: am i stupid or did you forgot loba???

Jexo Games: Great video was waiting for this very great video and helpful definitely turned my eye to use other legends :) keep it up brother ❤️ 👍😎 Edit: holy sheesh your so committed the amount of comments you read and reply in depth to is crazy and really commited keep it up

Scro Bro: As a pathfinder main, I agree with where you put him. There’s moments where his grapple absolutely dumb founds the opponents but when I’m out of the grapples he isn’t anything more than just a on foot legend with no passive ! Keep up the great vids :)

Jack Burke: ive always loved revenant and ive been maining him since the genesis update

Denver The Kid: VALK

Riley Wilson: Pathfinder passive idea when holstering your weapon if you use your aim button he uses binoculars and has a sniper like zoom

Zeke Garcia: Love the video. Can’t wait for tonight’s stream! Thank you Tim!

Carter Clover: Thank you so much Tim I've only played four characters cuz I don't know who's good in arenas

destructo the alphagod of destruction: Man I hate that gosh dang caustic nerf,it makes me sad how weak he is now

adamf: My go to will have to be Revenant, he is an absolutely amazing legend in my opinion💪 I enjoy playing him for sure👾

JustLetItBe: Mainly play Bloodhound in Arenas, one note on the video is you said bloodhound gets a couple scans by default, but they only start with one per round. Unless I misunderstood.

xFer: I'd definitely say that lifeline is S tier solely because of her passive. The amount of clutch plays you can make with the golden backpack bringing your team up when the enemy has some distance between you and your squad is amazing

____________________: I waited so long for this

D B: Fuse can blow open all tbe doors and is great from damage over time as a support for pressure

I am alone Always: Hey Tim love the videos and streams I’m current using rampart

Tomas Yepes: I feel that revenant passive is useful in the new map overflow because you can climb the high walls next to the middle and make some cool plays...

thedestroyer420: 4:55 Its extra disappointing considering this was not the case before the genesis update. It seems to have been some sort of shadow nerf that was not addressed or just some really annoying bug. It sucks cuz I loved maining crypto in arenas but now hes unplayable in my opinion. Great video btw!

Light: My personall favorite in arenas is pathfinder and bloodhound because i have only base legends and i bought loba today and next is gonna be octane.

krabszs: dope vid as always, keep it up my guy

Ayden Castle: Valkyrie

mori: This guy is so helpful wth

VQ3: a rework sounds better than a buff

yoaddy: Thanks this list really helped earned my sub also any tips for a 2k-3k badge

pummy chaudhary: Nice my go-to legend 8s revenant and lifeline but I think lifeline care package is really good in my opinion especially in 1st round where there aren't many blue guns and 2 battery on the go

JP21: FINALLYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Austin Lee: This was helpful. Thank you!

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