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TimProVision: https://www.twitch.tv/timprovision Have any questions on what Legend to buy? Swing on over to Twitch. Appreciate everyone!

FLEXX 44: Flatline e is stil my baby

Popurety: Re 45 is par with the r99 if you didn’t know that..

Mouhamadou Ndiaye: I think the L-Star is just way to good to pass up. Personally I think that L-Star is overpowered.

Jackson Gomm: I use r301 and the volt but I really like the triple take

Aaron Bilbao: 30 30 is actually good with a shattercaps and L star

Reza Sayahi: Personally I like 30 more than the scout but I don't use it because of the stupid reload G7 s reload is decent but the cool thing is a level one mag ads 5 additional ammo, it's crazy when you think about it

Arnold: 14:32 Jumpscare moment.

Reza Sayahi: I LOVE the sentinel I use it with a 3 time scoop at medium range I mean one shot puts you in such an advantage especially if you got octane in your team you can kill someone pretty quickly

Ella: Wingman + Volt Wingman + R99 Wingman + 301 Flatline + Eva Flatline + Longbow Turbo Havoc + 301 30-30 + Volt Longbow + Turbo Havoc are some of my favourites but I usually just use the first guns I pick up unless it’s a p2020/Mozambique (bring back hammerpoints pleaseeeee)

ProdigyIV: I feel like the flatline got a slight recoil buff

Dnns96: L-star with chargerifle or longbow is very good :)

Tmoe Tha great: The trash 3030 over the sentinel

Myth Mage: As someone who recently got into the "Understanding and Refining" stage of learning the game (I understand most if not all basic mechanics and stats of the game, and now I just have to refine my gameplay to actually be good), nothing hurts me more than dropping and the only weapon I have available is a god damn P2020. I don't know if it's MEANT to be this bad, but even the other pistols have their places. Wingman is INCREDIBLY powerful if you can aim well (especially on Wraith, since she has 0 movement penalty when ADSing with the Wingman), the shotgun pistol is a lower skill lower reward alternative to the Peacekeeper or Mastiff, and the RE-45 is honestly one of my favourite close range weapons in the game. I've 1v2'd MULTIPLE squads at a time (who were all really good, mind you) with nothing but some poke from my favourite weapon (the 30-30) and a trusty RE-45. The P2020 has the perfect name, because just like 2020, it's complete and utter garbage. Also, personally, the Havoc rifle feels completely useless in my hands unless it has a Turbocharger Hop-Up. The delay is just so god damn bad.

HA Ckhaos: What would you say would be the most forgiving on ammo? I mostly run the Rampage & Flatline or Charge rifle & Flatline but seem to always be running low on ammo

The Yellow Flash: This is how it goes for me: Primary: r-99, Wingman, R-301 Secondary: Longbow, Sentinel

Vari3ty_: e x t r e m e l y

Rifani Fauzi: Agreed with the exception of your note on Triple Take... That weapon is Evil!😂

Laz3rboyxx: Can i join discord even if I’m on console?

Daniel Larkin: Gonna be honest you sleeping on the mozam bro it's incredible atm ngl....

regii_: The 3030 is insane for damage farming, I never use it in game where im not trying to get high damage because it feels hard to secure kills with but, I just got my first 2k dmg game with it today. Only got one kill in that game though lol.

shobruno: I am pretty new to the game (just reached lv 20) and found that the L-Star recoil pattern is absurdly easy. Just a bit to the right and straight down. Thats it

alow 1843: WHERES THE KRABER?!?

Görkem: Bro r-301 or flatline? Pls answer

Kyron Moore: Volt and r301

COCONUT: Flatline + eva8

milbei 1234: For me the 30-30 repeater is definitely A+ or even S-tier when playing arenas Ever since they lowered the price I always buy it with 2x and I've been literally abusing that gun, if you hit a couple headshots at full charge you can easily down an enemy

Kamau Rabouin: Flatline > R301

Kamau Rabouin: R99 is better than volt

Kamau Rabouin: Devotion and Havoc are at least a teir. The LSTAR blows

Kamau Rabouin: Also the 30 30 is F teri

Kamau Rabouin: No, the Mozambique is by far the worst

Kendrick Torres: Won a game today with R301 and Flatline I was unstoppable great combo

ChickenManiac 123: I hardly agree with any of your opinions, in fact I strongly disagree with some of them, but this is still a well put together video that I can watch anyways. Good job.

themis pasxalov: New player dropped a 12 kill game with the rampage and Eva that loadout is nasty duos btw

Thunder Cloud: Yay thank you tim also what is a mortar flare inside of apex

Huayhuy: It's weird how you put the pk and mastiff over the mozam when it's DPs and range is my ch higher, plus strafe speed

Björn Brunstorp: How can consol player talk about recoil when the game basicly use aimassist to help u hit.. Makes no sense.

Kabsuss_: i dropped 10 kills with flatline and r99

Michael Derry: My favorite weapon has been the prowler and flatline

Squeddie: Primary is usually R99/Volt/Flatline depending on what ammo type teammates are using, and secondary is always a sniper or marksman weapon because I love sniping in any FPS I play

IFAKYR MADA: My man in the clips aiming better than kovaaks grinders and they say aim assist isn’t broken smh

Triston Assap: 2-30 Repeater, is a mid range sniper. I'm really in tune with that gun.

ALPHAWOLFJACK05: Servers are down :/

Enrique Pyles Jr: Finally, someone thinks that the mastiff is better than the pk! (I do too).

Flippy Folder: I love using flat + volt

Ian Hughes: I’m sorry but how can you rank the mastiff higher than the peacekeeper? It’s literally worse in every way than the PK other than reloading 1 shell at a time which is not a redeeming factor. Not to mention the eva was nerfed to the ground this update

Brendan Pribish: Idk bro I can usually hit 80+ with the peacekeeper but the mastiff I’m lucky to get more than 11 damage

Liam Krantz: my idea :)

Mike Simms: 3x Hemlock with eva8 is my go to for high damage games. Boosted loader is amazing and outperforms r301 in raw output of damage.

Ben Staniland: I played back in season 0-2 and quit in season 3. I used to be really good at the game. Just got back into it and am slapping with the wingman

Tyler Hubbard: Im getting pretty pissed off at the fact that im constantly getting camped by a rampage especially in ranked arenas

REVERB: they should let the 30-30 take barrels that increase the charge speed or the bullet velocity increase from the charge.

Michael Anthony: Bruh everyone always sleeping on the 2020 thing is perfect to clean things up though

Boomerboo: Give this man a sub not only does he make good content but he is also cracked at the game


Metal Jesus666: I’m a mirage main so I basically have to use the wingman. My friends hated me when I first picked it up because I sucked but all you need is a little practice and now I hit every shot

Swift: Timprovision: everyone forgot about the devotion/havoc Me: every arenas match I go the whole team uses a devotion with a turbocharger

Kintaku93: This is definitely one of the best weapon metas so far to me. I initially missed the alternator and was upset it’s not on the ground, but RE-45 is a good replacement. My only actual complaint is that it seems like weapons have become less common in the loot spots. Only slightly, but I’ve struggled to land on a gun more than ever this season. In ranked, it feels like if you don’t land alone or land cap city, you’re more likely to die with no weapon

Bader Almajed: Pk is better than mastiff. Mastiff is dodoo

Sugar: Really good list, but I do think the Lstar is S tier

Matthew 1288: RE45 great secondary with a flatline or rampage

Muhammad Nour Al Refaai: Honestly i would put the p2020 higher because i aim bot with that thing and is ok as a secondary and the mozambique just doesn’t hit that well for me but with a bolt it is diffidently better

Vexah Edits: R-301 is just so good, it’s very easy to control and just a balanced weapon overall, never needs a nerf or buff to it, always a very reliable pick up

Durgons: Ok, hi I am back making a comment that makes sense. I was too sleep deprived last time. The P2020 is bad, we know that. The mozambique is a full auto shotgun that just kind of slaps at a range unsuitable for a shotgun. I'd say it is better than the peacekeeper, but obviously this is heavily opinionated so the ranking is fine. RE-45 is meh. That's it, that's the weapon. The entire thing is just "meh". The Sentinel is definitely a sniper worth more than B-. It's another precision weapon where if you hit your shots it is very good. Like the wingman (It isn't as good as the wingman, but for a sniper oriented player I'd say the charge rifle/Sentinel are much better choices than the longbow). 30-30 is an alternative to the G7 but in my opinion the G7 is much better. The fast reload means so much on a marksman weapon like it. You can fire off 20 bullets, take a 1 second break and fire off 20 as opposed to the 10 you can fire and then have to take an extremely long amount of time to reload. Bocek is only playable if you want to play it because it's a bow. At least I find it has no other charm (+ it takes up so much of the screen it is actually night and day depending on where your opponent runs). I hate the charge rifle but it is probably objectively the best sniper rifle. The longbow is in my opinion the worst sniper rifle. It just gets outdone by the G7 or maybe even the 30-30. The peacekeeper feels... lackluster at best. It doesn't have the fast fire rate a season 10 shotgun meta revolves around or the ADS hardscope Gibby shotgun like the mastiff. The PK has the choke but that takes a while to charge up and can be done better by the mozambique. I just don't see a viable spot for it since it got nerfed from its high days of obliterating people. Devotion/Havoc are both just alright. I've got nothing against them but they don't have much going for them either. The hemlok is an excellent placeholder for other heavy ammo weapons. It fits great into the early game until you find your desired weapon. I feel like this ranking is nice for it. The mastiff was great on Gibby but now it feels alright on everyone. This rating does it decent. The G7 is very good. A tier, ya. The rampage is so spicy but not spicy enough to kill you. It has a great pairing with shotguns, as their ranges mesh perfectly. I love it. A tier is fair. The wingman makes you want to tell the neighbors you just landed 3 headshots in a row. The wingman is so spicy it may be too spicy for its own good. The L-star I am unable to speak about because I haven't been running it that much. It seems S-tier from the few times I have picked it up though. You said everything about the EVA but you know it's an automatic shotgun, yeah? You don't need to rapid tap, it and the mozambique are able to be held down and shoot. R99/Volt are good but I don't think the R9 is eligible for the S tier. The volt though is very nice. I am so happy this gun made it here. The flatline absolutely doinks in the crib. The prowler is broken kind of. I don't think it is completely nuts or busted, just very very very good. Flatline > R-301, the only downside is Flatline recoil. Idk about this. Small side note, time stamps are a bit messed up. Care package weapons should be at 16:17, beginner weapons at 16:57

Demonition R: P2020 is really damn good what are you on? The moz is bloody terrible P2020 is on the level of wingmans for me. Wingman for people not confident with slow fire. I have destroyed with it taken whole teams many times. Fast handling and fast reloads and stability/accuracy of a lazer, i can always rely on my lil p2020 to take on anyone.

Da Bumkind: Game is completely different with and without Aim Assist, so the weapon tier list will have different opinions

Hugo Navarro: R301 and the volt is usually what I look for and the flatline is definitely in there

Sam Read: This might sound weird but I use the prowler and 30 30 cause together they cover all ranges (love the vid👌👌👌👌👌)

revenant clone: R-301 is favourite💖🥰🥰🥰💖

Nomad: How is the M&K training going?

Jacob Amoros: I prefer R 301/RE 45 (won a game with 2K damage and 13 kills) or Volt/R 99.

PaPaGurth: P2020 is my favorite gun to hold down loose papers on my desk. Works great

Yeetnugget 101: I got my first 2 2ks with the r301 today

J451N_070: You are going to blow up one day since every big streamer plays apex. They just havent found you yet. The time will come.

It’s Rave: POV: He commented “Thanks for checking the vid out!”

TWO PIECE: l-star is a 50/50 weapon for me its nuts somtimes but others it just does nothing

Wyatt Walton: I used a longbow L-Star combo yesterday and was slapping with it. A couple of seasons ago I would’ve never thought about running them.

Krishna Chandran K M: R301 is the bestttttt

Lucky Liam: honestly, I don't see a lot of people use havoc even though it's pretty good. Glad to see my favorite weapon get some love.

TROSSity: Watched Sweatbands video today where he said the Rampage feels like it's either hitting or it just isn't and I agree. I dont know what it is, but I've had multiple instances where I'm desd on my target with not too much movement nor are they too far away and it just doesn't hit. It feels like the Bullet Velocity is extremely low.

I got paid lots of money I’m rich now: I remember when the flatline was underrated until season 7 it started to get popular makes me happy :)

Tucker Giambrone: Just had my best game ever, using the L-Star and Sentinel. Wish I could've had a charge rifle but really can't complain too much

Occurred X: I love this video it’s accurate. Except for the rampage and L-Star. Easily the 2 most op guns in the game. I had a 23 kill game using the L-star alone. Dont even get me started on how over powered the rampage is. You might just be putting it in A tier because you cant control the recoil as well as some people. But those are the 2 most op guns in the entire game.

Loco A.O.N: My go to is still the Flatline and Longbow I play as a sniper and the longbow does less damage per bullet than other snipers but it is forgiving on misses and if you are me which likes finding 2 squads fighting and waiting for 1 side to win and start looting or reving, it is so satisfying watching that 1 person so happy to win the fight for his 2 downed teamates be killed by someome 200 meters away just watching and waiting for the perfect shot or watching them scramble after 1 was knocked as they attempt to find out where from Since Long range is covered, I need a gun to handle close and mid fights which I love the flatline for since it has crazy damage, I can miss and still get a kill on 1 clip with enough to at least drain another bad guy to pretty low, and while it isn't able to do it as well as before since anvil reciever died, semi auto is a beast for times where a single shot is best but the sniper might zoom in too close or I either have no scope or no sniper yet My care package loudout is Alternator and Kraber because alternator murders everything now and all it takes is 1 hit by a kraber to scare the opponents and make them run

caleb ferguson: Charged up sentinal is more for volociety than damage not sure thou

Zane Le Bush Genie: P2020 > re-45

矢澤にこ: This video is awesome. I just "started" playing last month and I very quickly picked wingman, eva, 301, volt, and the longbow as my weapons. (I say started in quotes because I played near release but my pc could not run the game and it felt terrible. So I ended up playing a few matches with nothing being done in them and quit. So its been a long while since I had any experience with the game.) Edit: forgot the volt, that thing is insane and the devotion

FumB: I think you messed up about re45 lol because it's shoots faster then r99 I believe. Still tho it's not good because it's so fast which makes it harder to hit and not enough damage for the mag

No -.-: It’s not the weapons it’s the skill with the weapons

FredrickGodzilla8726: I don’t like that all the smgs are in s tier. I would put the R-99 in a tier.

Phillipwnn: I’m new to APEX, can you do a video about the different bullet TYPES? You mentioned the Alternator had a special bullet and so does the pistol? Do any other weapons? I’ve never heard about that before and don’t know how they work with the gun or what context to use them. Thanks!

Gaming Chz: I use the 301/volt or havoc combo as the volt and havoc absolutely SHREDS and the r301 is just a good single fire/clean up gun 😃

Andrew McKeown: As a pretty new/haven’t played in a few seasons player is it weird that I just do not like the R-301? The Flatline is my absolute number 1, sometimes I like sniping and other times I’ll use a PK or EVA, but the Flatline always stays. Also weird but I absolutely hate the Mastiff 😂 that horizontal pellet spread just is inferior IMO to all the other shotguns, I feel like the EVA, PK, and even the Moz are all more consistent for me

ThiccBoySoup: My arch nemesis... the MOZAM

Zeke Garcia: My favorite loadout is your S+ tier weapons. All the weapons with the exception of the P2020 are definitely viable and can be used. Can’t wait for the next video/stream!

Anthony Brown: The Eva 8 is trash

Escø: I run volt and Eva 8 as my go tos

_GOLD: Bro i love the 30-30 idk but when i use it i dont miss and it does decent damage

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