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TimProVision: Let me know your top few legends this season! Ranking the legends gets tougher and tougher as really every legend is getting better and more viable. Come by twitch and lets hang out and chat Apex! https://www.twitch.tv/timprovision I'm going to answer any meta or legend questions in the first 60 minutes of this video! Drop them here :)

LegendThe27: Fuse is an S tier for me, I like to use his cluster grenades and His Ultimate to make enemies have to move or just to do crazy amounts of damage, he is My new main. I used to be a mirage main and I am still really good with him, it's just fuse is so good at making enemies hurt or have to move

tharan 078: Are you a controller player who can clutch 1 v 3 Can use any weapon and legend in game And make enemies wonder why they are back to lobby after a fight with you That's not you... Thts Tim Pro Vision🎮🔥

Kyuubi C: I feel like Crypto shouldn’t be able to get hacked af all

Jacky_boy_22: No mirages past diamond, is that a challenge

Lucky: wattson buffs fine... rework no thanks. I quit league of legends in part b/c of the constant reworks i really hate it.

AJ nation: What’s the discord

Master Jai: I just unlocked Seer and he is so good The next legend I will try to unlock is octane

Porgzs: I had a game this season as caustic where I put 4 traps in a room in harvester. The ring made me move and 2 minutes later the champion and his friend came in that room (whilst the ring is on them) and died to the traps. Traps op now.

Bryan Shirley: I think Fuse is one of the most fun legends now.

TheManWithThePlan: This is more like Seer-son 10

Eli Mallahan: Loba NEEDS the ability to pick up her teammates' banners with her ultimate. If she's going to be in the medic category, it needs to make more sense, plus I think that would really round her out as a team player.

Eli Mallahan: Honestly, my squad has been using crypto in tandem with seer to slow down the enemy with his EMP, so Seer can get a more direct hit with his tactical, plus the stacked stun time there is tough to recover from. Especially if we add in a fuse or revenant. Do you have a preferred trio combo right now?

THANOS: Seer is just so aids sometimes because of that stun

EliteForces197: Kinda wish revenant was higher but I get why he’s b tier btw who do you think I should get next I’m pretty new and only level 29 right now

Human Squidward: I could never hold a main for a long time but when I played bloodhound for 2 games now I’m just attached to them

BB: its great to hear about all the legends, but my question is, how do you get such easy lobbies. Even in bronze (since I didn't play ranked for a while) there are plenty of sweats. I mean tim is a good player but the ppl he were up against weren't really.

Robotic Onion: In my opinion mirage is the worst legend only because seer ignores his decoys with his tactical

Beardy Boy: I main revenant so my opinion is sorta biased, but as a diamond II I find revenant is one of the best legends rn. His nerfs for this season didn’t change much, but his climb and general quietness makes him great for repositioning and finding unique angles. Revenants tactical is one of the most annoying rn besides for seer, but for the games I’ve played in ranked I’ve been able to counter seer by stopping his tactical, making in my opinion revenant better then seer. Pair octane with octane and lifeline, it’s an insane combo. Lifeline pairs great with revenant ultimate and octanes ultimate is also great for repositioning and revenant ult. If you fight someone who is good with revenant he is annoying and all of the plays and counters revenant has makes him generally one of the best legends. It takes some time and skill to get good with him but I would put him in high A to S depending on who is playing with him

second Nature: Anyone in platinum wanna run some ranked games? Tired of having randoms all the time, tryna grind for diamond/masters (European servers btw)

Tucker Giambrone: Recently started maining Caustic and it’s nice to see him get balanced again

The Prophet: Damn Tim you’ve been really liking prowler huh?

Gabriel Bowling: I think all Wattson really needs is either a) more fence nodes to start or b) a shorter cooldown on them. Even 20 seconds/node would be huge compared to what she has now. The rest of her kit is very good, if a little reliant on ult accels. But it’s too reliant on the ult. A buff to the recharge time would help mitigate that and make her more usable. A full minute for one single two-node fence is ridiculous when characters like Mirage (or previously Octane) get their entire ult back in that time. I also saw an idea that she could toggle her fences or have them be more similar to a tripwire in that they activate when enemies are within a certain proximity. That might be too strong though

TGraffiti: I have to disagree on some things, crypto is not that good anymore, his ult is the only good thing, horizon is ok, her buff pushed her up a little bit, b tier at most, caustic is still not meta, his gas is a bit weak still and his ult is ok, b- tier, loba b+ Bc she is one of the legends that u need in the beginning of the game and end game she is amazing as well

Eli Zero: Who are your three Mains in Apex Legends minds are Pathfinder Bangalore and octane

Achyut Sharma: Wraith should get a small buff :(

Dat One Guy: I don't see why Fuse is in the B tier because he doesn't have a passive without grenades, yet Pathfinder doesn't even have a passive to begin with

AJ Carbajal: He's on crack loba and mirage are not better than Watson

tkoy: Tbh wraith has a better fit in this meta than octane. If a team has a seer it is so much easier for a wraith to start a fight compared to an octane because of the ability to escape. And the idea of padding onto a team to 3rd is kind of irrelevant because of the constant seer scan (3rd party prevention) Both legends are strong tho so it’s hard to say

Flame Liik: this list already terrible you put wattson at the bottom bye

Pocholo C. Lazaro: I can agree with all but since i revenant main i would say to put him on A-,A,or A+ thats my opinion

Josiah the dum dum: Does gibby still have fast heal in the bubble

Dragon_breath: Rampact is my main and I am getting good as her and a buff would be nice

Ragnar: I do realy enjoi octain I just live his character in General but I suck so bad I dont know how to play him to his most efectivenes I hope somebody read this Coment end helps me

justin lee: I started to pick of giving recently and have been having alot of fun with hi

Fahad Anwar: I can't stop playing crypto but he really needs a real passive. His current passive should just be a given with his tactical

Maximus Barrett: I’m a revenant main but my teammates never want to play octane 😢

Kenny Goins: I’m a Bangalore main and I’m definitely enjoying this season. Pairing her smoke with Seer’s tactical is a nasty combo and a good way for your team to get a quick knock

Cryptomane1: Wattsons fences should connect to every fence placed fuse should start the game with 2 ark stars crypto should be able to pull out drone faster and be have immune to sonar because he’s a hacker pathfinder should have a 3x to scope out the land while holstered because he’s a recon scout gibbys shield should be removed loba should be able to see guns through walls rev should be boots on ground in rev totem but everyone has infinite climb and buff the seconds on it seers tactical shouldn’t stop heals and revives and you can shoot through ramparts walls but it’s only 50% damage lifeline should have a breakable res shield

VIPαrαdoхッ: For me, mirage is for players who like to outplay their opponents because he really shines at fooling players

Jeff B: what skin were u using for the r-99, volt and the flatline? I found them so cool, and also another great vid i have been in ur streams my name is hirotob btw :)

Chantal Hogenkamp: Me as a Loba main Argees with the Ranking I think she needs to yeet her tactical. Just make it a Bitt faster idk why lmao

Abrahemo: Yes thank youuuu I been waiting for this!

Matthew Harvey: Im downloading apex for the first do you have any tips on how to get decent at the game?

NualphaJPN: I'm definitely enjoying Seer and Octane the most, with Bloodhound/Bang as a tied tertiary, so they'll most likely be my go-to at all times!

Dani Florin: Man i love it when i watch those tier list every season and my boi octane (my main) is still up there as he deserves to be

Nick F: As always, love your videos. thank you so much

Music With AK: We need a change in Octanes ultimate , the only way it’s is better than the tactical is that all of your team can use it , the whole point of a tac is to be worse than the ultimate

Chimera-man man human: Tbh I'd say Wattson should be higher because of Seer. If you get trapped in a building with the Seer ult, fences and the ult are really useful for slowing down a full on push from the other team and not letting Seer dictate the engagement. Similar thing for Rampart and Caustic really

Josuke Higashikata: I put caustic on S-S+ tier...his gas blinds the enemy and i mean u cant see anything at all...but u can see them and they cant run...also their screen starts shaking when they take the damage and if they really stay in the gas they Will take overtime big damage and u have the passive so u can headshot them for free since u see them clearly. (just my opinion)

FallenRequiem-: "Haven't seen a Mirage in diamond" Me the only mirage in master lobby

finnomoto: I'm a frustrated Bangalore main...

PaPaGurth: Octane is bae

Volt_obiss: Since poverty been using Gibby I have been winning all my ranked and arenas but also getting top 5 every game is battle royal

Sergeant Spam: can always rely on you for a fair and well thought tier list.

‏‏‎Necro Brux: I want cryptos drone to be able to see what armour people have on, not how much but just what type

Joseph Alfonza Edwards: I definitely agree about Crypto coming from a Crypto main. He is so good if the player know what they are doing to where he A tier, not a S because he has no movement or passive. But unfortunately since How every other recon legend scanning so much quicker than him he has to drop down in B. Definitely waiting on my rework.

Reece Newman: I’m going to be honest my favorite legend rn is fuse

BinZc: They should make it that the people that shoots mirages clones get a bit of damage

LogeyPerogi: For the most part, people believe Bangalore to be a pretty decent legend and while I don’t entirely disagree, I’d probably end up ranking Wattson higher than Bangalore simply because of the fact that Wattson’s abilities actually help the team, Bangalore’s do not, her air strike can slow down her teammates making it harder to escape gunfights that they’re losing and her smoke doesn’t blind her enemies as much as it blinds her team Most Bangalores will use the smoke to shoot at the ground and buy them a few seconds between moving through cover when the most effective way to use the smoke is to shoot it at the enemies, that way, the smoke blinds the enemies meaning they have to waste time trying to get out of the smoke to have a clear shot which buys her team more time to not only find better cover but to even get the upper hand on the enemy, and yet no one uses it like that A lot of Legends have abilities that aren’t used properly, Wraith’s phasing shouldn’t be used to reset a fight but to begin the fight, the enemies would get confused, thinking that the Wraith is an idiot for phasing right into them when the Wraith distracts the enemies just long enough for her team to jump them, and as soon as the enemies turn to take on Wraith’s teammates she comes out of phase and annihilates them, boom easy victory (I have done this with Wraith) or how people use Fuse’s ultimate as a cannon and not a cage, you can hold an enemy team at the edge of the ring with his ult and they’d have to choose between a rock and a hard place, that can make them panic and buy you time to either heal up or use Fuse’s tactical along with some nades to completely ruin that team I think an issue too many people have is that they only see direct ways to use a legend’s abilities, they see a direct approach and use it every time, the best approaches are the ones an enemy can’t fully understand or even counter, like the ones listed above It’s like if I’m working with some big and muscular guy who decides to lift boxes with his hands while I use a dolly, he’s working harder but I’m doing stuff more efficiently because I’m working SMARTER When it comes to gaming, the ones who win aren’t the ones with an aggressive and direct approach, the winners are those who take just a second to assess their situation and act accordingly Edit: As for my favourite legends, they are Fuse, Octane and Pathfinder due to mobility, strategy and rotation capabilities, and I’m not a competitive player so I don’t win often, but anytime I successfully strategize with a team, I win

Micah Allen: Dude you put in so much effort into your videos and it really shows, keep it up!

El Tomatti Mexicano: Everyone: naaah Seer balanced Me and every pro player: he can scan a fucking building just using his passive without others even knowing about it Edit: I’m not saying I’m pro btw

XXXxGiXXerxXXX: Seer is keeping Bots like me in anger management

EKaminskiTV: I just started playing this game and its crazy people dont think seer is broken 😂 like 7 abilities

SparrowHunter: Realistically Seer is like C tier rn because no one knows how to actually use him, like people playing as seer are garbage right now

Mike Hammer: Pathfinder needs a crazy passive. Trick shot gives you 2x dmg haha

LegoCityFilms: I dont care what anyone says but Wattson is not that terrible, she works well and I would place her B Tier

BlazeMaster: Question: how do you reply to soooo many comments, I'm not complaining or anything, I'm just shocked and amazed that you reply to almost every comment. Keep it up, stay healthy 😁

RaizenTheTruth FMS: lol gibby does not have 310 health with a red evo wth

Lennard Schruba: maybe nerf seers range of his tactical

Zeke Garcia: My favorite legends this season have been the most broken legend, Seer, and Horizon. Seer just has so much and can do so so much. Horizon, I really enjoy the movement she got back from almost S7. Pathfinder is always a blast because of the grapple. Love the videos. Was real excited for this one to finally be out! 🐐🐐

CATion YT: seer can stop wraith placing her portal its so annnoying and op

MoyGame159: I’m know I’m gonna look like an idiot by asking this but where did u put Loba??😅

BlazeMaster: Crypto is still underrated, HE CAN LITERALLY COUNTER MOST LEGENDS WITH HIS ULT

what if kid 10: I play rev and oct

Justino the Latino: Pathfinder needs it where he gets Crypto map room scan as his passive

BlueForce15K: I’m playing pathfinder at the moment and I think that the way seer can see Heath bars is way to overpowered

Darkness: 4 some reason path hitting diff rn

Master Chef: I think Pathfinder and Valkyrie have pretty good spots on this list, as I main them a lot

Easy_gaming 024: I need help I don't know who to main i played with seer and thought he will be my main but i want to main a good aggressive legend with escape chances

Robin Vobin: Rampart is best girl. I'm sorry I don't make the rules

Hardus Deysel: Loba's passive should be the type of shield she has is the type of loot she sees e.g she sees grey loot with gray armour

PricelessSkill: I was a life line main and ever since they removed her fast healing and reviving with shields. I stopped playing her. I switched to revenant, bangalore, mirage, bloodhound and octane. 😭

HairBear: I will rewatch this a minimum of 15 times until next season lol

Kermit Lovers: How many kills do you have?

Mike Simms: Lobas ultimate should pick up banners

Jerry Hernandez: Same here been waiting for this list thxs bro

Lord Bigmanz: bruh i’m so in love with the rampage it’s so dirty for mid and close range fights my new favorite gun

ItzTenko: Quick question could a vslk used well ever be s teir

Francisco Amezcua: I agree with this tierlist lol.

Toa Makuro: Totally agree in general with the list. Thought it was funny my top 3 characters I use were all rated B- As far as some changes for a few characters go; + Mirage - Upon activation of his Ultimate its initially the old Invisibility he had but while your still in this form you can activate it again to deploy the multiple decoys like he currently does. - Having a second charge of his Tactical and being able to have 2 Decoys out at a time from his Tactical. + Fuse - Ultimate has an initial hitbox within the entire circle when it lands, dishing the fire affect from the Ultimate on anyone caught inside when this happens. There would be a new indicator for enemies to show where it's landing immediately when fired to balance it out. This would help with consistency issues that the Ultimate has and with all the movement abilities in the game I don't think this change would be a big issue. I have other ideas for Fuse but this would be the main one I'd like to see as the Ultimate is most lacking. + Bangalore - Add a new Passive that allows her to see enemies specifically within her smoke when she zooms in. This would be like a new tactical-visor, kinda like the one used in her 'Full Metal Jacket' skin. This would give her a helping hand in the meta of scanning recon legends. + Pathfinder - Finally update his "temporary" Passive and make it a callback by allowing Recon Beacons Pathfinder activates to now send out an occasional scanning signal that marks enemies in the area on your map as a stationary 'blip'. Of course, other Recon Legends could counter this by activating the Beacon for themselves and enemies could probably see and hear when the Beacon is working for Pathfinder.

Flagrant Raccoon: Could you do a rank video for arenas? I love your videos and I play a lot of arena.

Evan Mollard: Can you do an arena tier list please?

Muted Sausage: I know ppl like octane but he really isn’t all that good he just goes faster I will admit he’s got a good ult that’s great for rotating or retreating and the passive can be quite helpful

LZ Cubers: I always love these tier list videos

Apolo Zorb: Noob alert : what does " meta" mean ? 🤔

Thunder Cloud: Lol I love popping mirage ult inside enemies seer ult

blackicatfat: I think a good buff for lifeline would be having the ability to switch between having a shield when reviving and being able to revive 2 people with no shield.

Ichal W: No Graph?

THE DANKEST ROWLET: Great video man, keep up the good content! Really enjoying Octane and Horizon rn.

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