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Athmanam Srinivasan: 12:03 Too emotional i cried

ur mother: Bruh valk needs atleast A teir

Dejan Nikic: you did not put watson above mirage. I’m ashamed, the list is broken i will never believe a thing you say

Roger Banfield: Anyone else feeling Pathy needs some love? The whole beacon scanning thing is kinda pointless, it doesnt match his kit and they've been reducing the number of beacons to scan on maps. Let's get pathfinder a buff! Maybe bring back the double grapple with a brief cool down in between, would be killer!

therogue animations: for a crypto buff make it so that when he is on his drone he cant be scanned

Akshay Kumar: What legend will you recommend a low level player (Who plays good and can learn anything quickly) to unlock at lvl 23 ?

Fenway: I think mirage would be better if his decoy didn’t have that blue light thing when they move around and if they actually take real damage but make the damage number turn like a grayish blue so you don’t get it mixed up with the real one, then make the decoys have 50 hp.

Keevan Holloway: Entertaining 👍

Kgy Vlogs: Simply Ashton: A big thank you to EA for being the sponsor for todays video Alternative Quote: A big thank you for sponsoring every video

Tavaris Hooks: 12:03 = season 10 in a nutshell

Kgy Vlogs: I mean why would He put mirage in the F tier and doesn’t place anyone in the D tier. And also the F tier is the tier that should just be completely useless and Mirage is not completely useless

KrillinSolosStayMad: Mirage is B or C tier because he hard counters seer cuz seer ultimate detects decoys soo

T-Joe the pikachu: The charge time on octane pad could scale higher depending on how many times he's used it in the game, maybe?

Nootje Kadootje: 12:04 This is ur sign to uninstall the game

Winnie the PRO: Seer tac: I have wallhacks combined with a flashbang which does damage and also acts like a silence for 2 seconds I prevent people from healing and rezing everyone hit by my tac will be hilighted for my whole team for 8 seconds also giving away how much health everyone has Mirage tac: can mek decoy

shadow_fps: I really fear that 2nd split of this season rank season gonna be bad.its kings canyon and everyone is gonna use rev+octane in that small third party map😔😔😔

Silverjaffa: omg 12:03 rip that phoenix :(

Yvan Brunel: Mirage, F??😔

Nitro 222: Bring love to my boy Mirage

supernintendofarmers: another hard day of being a mirage main :(

Mangonion: I really feel bad for mirage mains this time

david washinghton: Rev should be S he suppress you for to long time and his Crouch strafe is good asf not to mention a good team with a second life is a big problem

Akela W: Weapon tier list when¿

Swagfiltr: I wish they would make octanes jump pad distance wise in between where it is now and where it used to be, because I miss season 7 octane

Wavy Tito: Bro fuse tactical feels so good especially end game rank when u need nades and basically have unlimited nades

Rishitej Sistla: Honestly, I think Seer should be in Gremlin tier like how you put Spitfire last season.

Gozzilla91: Petition to make the B tier the Bangalore tier. I mean, she's there since season 0, she lives there

Jeremias Iraheta: Imo respawn needs to come out with more updates or bigger updates because they take 2 seasons to do anything actually game changing

cocodralix: Can you tell me the name of the song in the background?

Krzysztof Bieniek: I tend to agree with most of your opinions, but this time I would add two tweeks. First of all, there is no way that Mirage is a F tier legend, he should be D at least :) Second one, Valk is easily A tier - free rotations that she provides combined with her mobility is a deadly combo. Anyway, cheers mate, keep the great work! :)

SodaButNoFizz: I will honestly say wraith is B tier because she is really bad rn

Mauricio Madrid Aburto: Dude your tier is list is all bad.....

Jin Kagamura: That Phoenix cancel at 0.1 sec on Caustic tho 😥 Seer really gives you Phoenix kit PTSD 😣

Ṛëäḷëṛ ẗḧäṅ ëṿëṛ: *How's mirage worse than Wattson? WTF does wattson do? Dude has invisible res, confusing ultimate wattson has fences* 😂 She can put down fences that's literally all she does.

Shohku: This is about right. Seer is complete busted. Gibby is really strong but in the right hands. Octane is literally free wins. Never played an easier solo game legend let alone legend in general. Yes every legend has their easy parts of their kit but Octane is the definition of low skill high value.

Mike Hammer: Change seer passive that’s all I want !

Rhys Jones: I think seers tactical should not damage anybody and it shouldnt cancel heals or revives

Marwan Mohamed Gamal: Quick question: Caustic or Revenant?

Ryan Kasparian: I think I agree with every placement honestly

John Wiechelman: 12:04 *P A I N*

Rogan Is here: Mirage is actually really good but obviously that's my opinion

Better every day: Your not beating a good mirage in a 1 on 1🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽 not fuse,not crypto like cmon

Zack White: Valk is A tier especially considering the seer ultimate can't track you when you fly.

Better every day: Stop hating on mirage

Better every day: What do you mean i get mad kills and bamboozes

Better every day: Mirage is so good

Better every day: Noooooo

neil plays games: I believe there should be no f tier legend as mirage is useful in some situations, like chaotic fights where so much is going mirage is great for adding more chaos

Bob Cipher: how many vids will EA sponsor

The Ghost Of Viper: Imo i think seer shouldn’t have been made,we didn’t need another recon that’s more annoying than bloodhound

Kvng Trav: I say caustic is A tier


MUFC: Crypto B what a clown

Ryan T: I love bang, gives me defense and offense in one, got 700 wins on her last season and loved it

Ramiro Lopez Sartorio: 0:07 You should try Valk’s “Your girl’s gonna be heartbroken” and “Oh. So sorry” Your girl’s gonna be - Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh

ItzTenko: Valk better be s teir 😢

Matija Došen: What does SZN stand for?

Arnoldas Bučys: *Quick rewiew of this video!* S tier - gibby (seer counters gibby, best legend, hard too master), Octane (Jumppad for the win! Too op), Seer (S - for Seer, Master of everything) A tier - rev (with octane is literaly tactical nuke), Bloodhound (step aside, seer is the best tracker here), path (this tin can is literaly ninja, passive still sucks), Horizon (perfectly balanced), wrath (u can call yourself a pro) B tier - Lifeline (good in right hands), Crypto (need rework, good in right hands), bangalore (perfectly balanced as all things should be), Valk (solid legend, enjoy valk's airlines), caustic (balanced), Loba (Fun legend, your extra pockets and favorite loadout every time) --- LEGENDS BELOW AVERAGE---- C tier - Fuse (second worst legend. Lol), rampart (will be buffed in mid season), wattson (cringe fences but she ok) D tier - none F tier - mirage (only good for 1v1)

ErrorDark: Bangaloore is not balanced cuz at this point it feels like her smokes besides escaping feels just absolutely *useless*

hunter malum: When you say fighting caustic is oppressive its pretty hilarious you love that word are you oppressed?

kvn: I think bangalore is pretty bad this season her smoke are useless against this annoying meta legends like seer and bloodhound

BMJgunner IDK: Ashton has literally made an enemy of all mirage mains. Butttt he is kind of right. Oh wow, I can throw a decoy. How is that useful. No one falls for them anymore in ranked. And his ultimate is sooooo underpowered and you'd just bring someone else. Oh, he can be invisible while revving. Yhhhhh, but gibby has fasts revs in bubble and lifeline can rev 2 people at a he's not even good at that

Yeet gang: How dare you put mirage in f tier hes like A tier boi well if you master him then your gunna destroy everyone

Manibazz: How is blood A tier ? just cuz seer is a better scanner than blood, that doesn’t mean put blood in A tier.

GD Grape: when he said f tier i whispered to myself 'pls dont say rampart, pls dont say rampart'

YAMEN AL N3IMAT: 12:01 lmao

ИрХан ИрХан: Как я сюда попал?

pilkers2: 12:04 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

DirectorKrenik9: Ashton are you gonna start twitch streaming?

Shadtowa: The funny thing is, even Mirage can be strong in the right hands. Just goes to show how balanced the game is rn

Idog 54: I think wraith is a little better that people think because of the animation cancel that you can do for her on controller for her tactical

Kendo In ZA: 12:04 they did u dirty there ngl

Saltuman: 3:26 pro gameplay

Crypto: Hmph, im useless without my drone? Watch your words! I have my knowledge.

Ice Cream man: I main Octane and I just got the 2K on him and if he’s not high on this list then I will commit. M U R D E R

Zak Muller: Imagine Apex Legends now (without Seer tho)... it's in such a good state, balance wise

DemiWithGlasses: Actually octane does have a limit, in the firing range he has limit of 5 or 6 pads (not that impactful but there is a limit)

GD DoggyBone: 12:05 Are we gonna talk about that phoenix kit 👀

Diego Salazar: You should to do a rank for Legends on arenas

Soggy Mayo: A buff idea for mirage: Any enemies within his DECOYS POV are scanned and marked on the hud and mini map. Change his role to recon and give him and his decoys the ability to scan beacons, revive and respawn (although they wouldn’t got invisible when they would do that) his teammates and idk CLIMB WALLS LIKE WHY CANT THEY DO THAT BRUH. (also you put valk way too low she deserves bottom or mid a tier)

Zak Muller: 12:04 *Sadly relateble*

Anthony Ghadimi: I can’t take Ashton seriously LOL

Soggy Mayo: My day has just gotten better cuz action uploaded the fabled teir liet

Elliot: I love mirage!!!!!! MIRAGE IS OP

McNiller and Sons: The Mirage take was terrible.

Zeusaroonee: I know tier lists are opinions, but if you SERIOUSLY THINK, Mirage is WORSE than Watson or rampart, then you put no thought into it I’m sorry. Mirages tactical, sure, it’s a decoy that runs, but you know how much value that gives you? If an enemy gets distracted for at least 1 second that’s half there health gone if you can aim. His ult recharges so fast that you can use it in every fight you come across and if you use it right, you can literally kill top tier players without taking a scratch. And all that’s not even talking about the invisible Rez, which is arguably the best part of his kit. Is he the best? No, god no. Is he horrible? NO! He is at THE VERY LEAST in C tier of this list. At most, middle of B. Just because Mirage doesn’t have wall hacks or a movement ability, doesn’t mean he sucks ass. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk

Ella Jane: It’s a sad day for us bamboozlers:(

Jesus Christ: I’m not really enjoy apex right now but I still enjoy your videos

Scrip: wow i used to play apex ALL DAY back in season 5, i would always watch you, but then i stopped playing and now i’m back here! i loved your channel since you were at 9k subs keep it up!

Cosmo Barber: ashton are you gonna stream again anytime soon

Deprived Organist: Every legend: D tier Ashton: alone in S tier

Felix Moran: Now you should do the guns

Rafi: I dont think Fuse tier is still a thing

Dyir dyir: First first first

INeedRehab: Hi Ashton

iamvossa: first

Beep Beep: Hi

Deprived Organist: First

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