Ranking Every Weapon In Apex Legends Season 8! Tier List, 30-30 Repeater, Best and Worst Weapons!

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Henry Asokan: the meta is deffinately more heavy weapon focussed with them almasot always being primary, and since the 30-30 came our, its gonna stay that way for a while. Im willing to bet money that every single player has at used a heavy weapon s their primary 9/10 games each time. And I feel every single weapon has a certain amount of versatility to its playstyle that almost all weapons can be viable towards endgame circles. Some exceed where otehres don't, the possibility is still there, which is what makes the gunplay in this game so amazing.

Azure Blade: I think the havoc is stronger than volt, atleast with turbocharger

Kenneth Ritacco: Alternator is the worst Light Ammo weapon, don't @ me. Alternator trash.

Chad Elmore: Hey I know this is late but wasn't sure that you read your comments. I have a comment on Rampart, you said Apex should start out with OP legends from start. I am a rampart main and I had a suggestion for you maybe you can tell some dev buddies but why not give her the ability to reload all guns faster not by much. She is a weapon enthusiast and should be able to reload all guns faster in my opinion not just lmg that would make her more rounded and you would see her in the meta more. That's my opinion thank you love your stuff!!!!

Pj the Dj: Man this season is gonna be amazing, all the guns I used got buffed and my main got buffed, haven't even logged in this season yet and in already excited

Zeriah Bueckert: The problem with the L star is its an lmg but only has 28 bullets

Nozomi Tōjō: Words cannot describe how much I‘ve missed the anvil!! finally i can once again get the full potential out of my old flatline + r99 loadout :)

GerGő Kovács: Why does every weapon has plus two empty attachment slots in this video?

The Flip Clan: I don’t know what it is but I have been shredding with the flatline recently. Once you learn the recoil pattern, or you’re just having a good day, it just has such a high damage per bullet. Love that the hop up is back!

Theluchex: Does the prowler still get a damage boost in burst mode? Thanks for the video

Gigabikes Racing: mixed feelings on this one. i appreciate it not being a 45 minute slog through trying to rank every weapon, but do feel that the pace was a bit on the quick side. It was very good info though.

Brian Manuel: Perfection this video is

Brief Keef: wish my aim was like that

Joseph Joestar: Hi Raynday! I don’t know if you’ll see this comment but I really think you have great ideas of the game and you really know the meta well. You are super nice and it has been fun to talk to you about hamilton in the comments before! I loved this video but I didn’t really like how when you were talking about some of the guns you were using other guns. It really confused me. Overall good video, and have a great day!

one shot: Omg randay i just saw a rampart use a flatline with anvil receiver Behind a wall it did 100 damage in a single headshot

Zachary Markham: The prowler comes with gold mag

YouTube Account: Flatline will always be my baby especially with that super clean reactive skin

Ghost_Slayer141: I've gotten 20 kill game twice by running with 30x30 repeater and spitfire fully kitten

Phreeze Tha King: Anvil receiver back changes alot

atomicalfox 55: This is a great tier list maybe some things I disagree on like the charge rifle being the best sniper and the sentinel being better than the triple take its overall good

Arif Ramen noodles: Theres a hop up slot on the sentinel but you cant put anything on it

Sam Robert: Hi, my name is peese control Roo your all literal DOGWATER as sentinel amped through rampart amped cover one taps like kraber, get in my level.

D-LuSiOn 316: Team alternator for season 8. now increased damage just hit the spot for me. The gun fry’s little jimmys

bswizzle85: Yo homeboy! Lets go! You da man!

Ahmed Alaa: Gold RE-45 won me a game once , its a monster !

Keegan Owen: "The reason people die is because they're doing damage to you."

Rebecca - lass uns einander kennenlernen: 0:39 neugierig

Mert Cos: 5:58 realy? Wasn't thinking about that.

Elliott Graham: Can you do a weapon combos video for season 8

ballzz2thewall: Peacekeeper is the best weapon in the game. The fact that people not know how to use it is not a legit reason to say otherwise.

Brandon Cuen: I think you should stick to using the weapon you're talking about. Constantly switching is making it hard to follow. That said, I'm new, so maybe more experienced players can follow along better. Still, just a suggestion.

CasualJimmy: Alternator & Eva has been one of my fav combos for consistency for a while & now they’ve been buffed 😍

MikeR6: Great video, as always :)

Mr.Voided: Dude the g7 is broken with 3 shots it is in your health and has 20 bullets at purple mag AND is easy to hit and shoots fast

meldon Sleep529: I remember me asking you about a gun you would like to see and you answered with a joke thats still funny till this day...when you said "yo momma". Pretty sure you were serious but I do wonder with your reputation if the devs could make that happen🤷🏾‍♂️if not do you feel satisfied with the meta this season?🤔🤝🏽✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

Rixa Xeno: PSA: the Prowler comes with gold magazine now

Trash 0000: I mean heavy is the metal. Hemlock, spitfire, flatline. And I personally disagree with the flatline thing. It's been dominating the meta for a while now and will even more with anvil receiver

Trash 0000: G7 has basically been removed from the game. With the removal of double tap nothing sets it apart from the r301 anvil receiver. And the 30 30 takes its role as well

Fly One: Am I the only who thinks that Apex needs to update badges? They’ve had the same badges since release day

Ishan Sharma: i kinda wish we could put sniper scopes on g7 and 30-30 too... :(

Afiq Danish 06: G7 kinda bad now because first we have 30 30 repeater the new gun that do more dmg and sec anvil receivers are back so its make r3 a little bit better than G7 because r3 have faster singlefire fire rate than G7 and since respawn vault the double tap there is nothing unique about G7

crysikosden: oh man you basically made zero sense. especially for a person with low experience. you even got me confused and i m playing apex since the first season... organize my friend and make clear points. You basically said that more than half of the weapons are equal. and if that is true.... just say peak what ever weapon and just play. Why waste your so must time? cheers

Kevin Situ: i think the different ammos should chang the way it interacts with things light: higher dmg against armor, base dmg against health shotgun: lowered dmg against shield , base against health heavy:base dmg against armor, higher dmg against health energy: low recoil low bullet-drop/high velocity, lower dmg against both armor and health sniper:high everything

one shot: What is the hop up for sentile

Cameron Kemp: Has anyone noticed a hop up slot for the sentinel?

AquaDude4: I completely agree that the mastiff is better than the PK. That’s why I was so confident the PK would come out of the care pack and the mastiff would go back in. I’ve used both and always have better results with the mastiff

Ryan: Flatline best gun in the game🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Dajair: I never really liked using the r99 that much but it was just so much better than the alternator. Even though both the volt and the r99 kills quicker , I hit way more shots with the alternator. The 30-30 , I think is pretty busted. Idk why but the shots hit .

Kitfisto985: Alright listen, Raynday, your videos are awesome and you are one of the best- if not the best creator in the apex legends community. But what I wish for these tier list ideas, would be for you to do what you are doing now, and then also add a normal tier list. Just a Suggestion.

TR3x bay bay: Can someone tell me the download size of the season 8 update please

Trent LaSaga (STUDENT): 14:00 the sentinel is a one shot behind a rampart shield if it’s amped

Concrete Concrete: You didn’t talk about the anvil meta at all!!!

Alter Ace: personally im really fucking tired of the mastiff I wish that gun would just go away lmao. PK took way more skill

Nate Smith: I liked the triple take before it was cool

Joshua Williams: 30 30

Daniel Maillard: whenever they put the anvil receiver in the game I always find myself using flatline or r-301 its just too good, the recoil ain't to bad and can still shred at medium/long ranges and when you get up close I also find myself winning a lot more fights

Oblivious OT: This season is looking fun! I think I'll start adding the Lmgs to my gameplay with these new gold mags.

Inigo Hare: I’m liking the 3030 so far but I’m pretty bad with it lol, nice vid keep it up raynday!

MisterVercetti: I've always held that my boy Spitty is massively underrated, so I'm glad it got a bit of a buff to take some of that "under" away. When you can shred low-profile Legends in no more than 12 body shots, you know you've got an absolute beast on your hands.

Tyler Shaw: The mastiff in the care package was way better than PK in care package

TheDaZed: Im loving season 8 it’s amazing and loving fuse, also love your work man you do great YouTube videos and an amazing commentator I watched the apex legends winter circuit and I loved every second of it, thanks for all the hours of entertainment

MAV: Alternaror is good and all but I feel it shoots too slow

D'Angelo Johnson: Tbh the PK was a better ground loot shotgun then the mastuf, however the mastuf is a better care package weapon. That thing was insane! So apex just deciding to less just give us the worse versions of both 🙃

Gunvoit 1: Hi I'm new thanks for your video

Paul Alfonso Castro: I live for Raynday tier lists.

Khaos Reaper: Personally I believe that the Mastiff and Kraber need to stay as care package guns and then occasionally swapping one or two other guns out on rotations. For example; if the prowler and devo was the carepackage weapons, along with the permanent kraber and mastif: Then after one rank split change the prowler to something else, then at the start of a new season change the devo and just repeat the alternating steps.

Jonathan2844: reasons to pick longbow over 30-30 1. you have acces to gold sniper mags 2. you can put 4-8 or 6x or even digital threat sniper scopes 3. skullpeiercer basiclly 1 sniper per team to use your loot to your advantage

Ibrahim Shaheen: Tbh the Mastiff’s firing animation/recoil just looks and feels so unnatural to me, and a weird horizontal spread. I would love to see the PK back in floor loot. It feels more natural, looks awesome, and just feels like a better weapon imo

Amyra Ahmad: The charge Rifle is not Bad gun but I absolutely hate people who use this gun I mean its a verryyyy annoying gun and I never in my life would use it any sniper over the charge rifle.

Michaud Collette: ITS HERE, WE’VE BEEN WAITING! lol ok maybe just me, but hell yea thank you RAYN! love the tier list vids, especially the weapons one! 🤘👍

DO N THA BEST I CAN 69: Fuse looks like Snake Pliskin from Escape from New York. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Biscuit man: I’d like to see the S through d or c graphs for these tbh.

Awolf97: The issue with the mastiff is it's too easy to use once you know how to use it because the pattern is so basic the pk has a very weird star pattern so it's harder to hit those bigger shots

JackieChan 4525: Raynday your content always is so in depth as very detailed. Thank you for pumping out great content . Keep it up!

Wee Rose 7274: Hay idk if you will see this but I hope your having a good day.

Sloan: The spitfire is busted as hell this season no one can change my mind

Samuel Robbins: Hey, does anyone have any tips for aiming faster in Apex. I aim slower than average and I'm having trouble keeping pace. Should I change something in the settings?

JJoh4040: I WANT THE DOUBLE TAP TRIGGER BACK personally that was the only hopup that can RIVAL THE mastiff

Samuel Robbins: This is exactly the video I wanted. Thank you Ray!

Israel Pedroza: I prefer this kind of video with gameplay in the back tbh not using them in training IMO.

Mato Tato: Keep up the good work!

RustyJay117: Rayn, the anvil reserver is actually cracked i have gotten 7-10 kills using it 4 times in a row

yohance dawson: Ppl still play this 😂

Paul Nelson: Always love your content brother KEEP IT UP!!! 🤙🏽🤙🏽🤙🏽

Ancil Marcantel: I like the video but I feel it was rushed and wish it was more broken down

High Ground: Glad to see anvil back i gotta use the flatline more again

Nina: early!!

Diamondsailling: Hi raynyday, love the vids, can you show us how to rank up to plat this season. Much love, stay classy.

Elliot Hammer: Love that new 3030. (And my man Raynday)

Raynday Gaming: I have a good grasp of where these weapons will land for Season 8 in your games and high level competitive, so hope you enjoy. Watch OUT for those LMGS!

the trav2: hey raynday i hope you are well, thanks for being the best internet dad ever

MrRhino _: Thanks for the amazing videos man!

Richard Blauvelt: Great video

nin in the shadows: Bell squad. Let's go

Rjcrewtoo -_-: Teir list ok thanks ima need this when It done updating on friday

Ernest Bronny: 1st. Whahooo

Cubing: I always look forward to rayndays weapon tier lists!

Laker Fan: First let's goooo!!!

RegiTomb 67: Can't wait to play

thygamerguy: no views xD

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