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TimProVision: Stop by the Twitch streams and say Hello sometime! https://www.twitch.tv/timprovision How do we feel about the legends so far in Season 8?! Thanks for the support, you da the best!

James H: Good list! I agree, they need to buff Lifeline, it’s way overdue.

poke_ AMV: My tierlist: S 1. Bloodhound 2. Gibraltar A 1. Wraith 2. Horizon 3. Crypto 4. Caustic B 1. Revenant 2. Octane 3. Fuse 4. Lifeline 5. Rampart C 1. Mirage 2. Wattson 3. Loba D 1. Bangalore 2. Pathfinder

poke_ AMV: I feel like rampart is VERY underrated, she is very situational but if you defend good, or find a good spot where its hard to get flanked, she is insane. I got 1800 damage and 5 kills sith her only in endgame, her ult is too situational but the great damage makes up for that

Tayy Best: Please could u make a bangalore guide for season 8 bcz im a bang main

Mir Gaming: Just started mainly using crypto s7 at 2nd split and his kits are super useful

Jelly Bean: Bro how could you put fuse so damn low he one of the best legends

ClashFireX: YES I agree with the horizon s tier

AngryILYS: what about this passive for crypto he can make emp grenades from grenades and arc stars they explodes on impact and do 75 damage in small area, destroying traps and other stuff idk

PhantomDOG 17: Should I get octane caustic or rev just so u know I’m new I got it 2 days ago so I want someone that’s easy to play

Ryan: Fuse's ult is pretty much a counter to Gibby. U see a Gibby dome? Create a ring of fire around it and wait for the dome to expire. It's pretty much a death trap unless a mobility legend happens to be inside

NIRVANIC Gaming: Rampart needs a change to her ult.. maybe an auto turret or use it as a chain gun where she can walk slow with it on her side

5q1d Gamerboi: I think Crypto's passive should be an actual hacking ability but unique to himself so he doesn't feel like sombra with a drone. Edit: Scratch that revenant had that

Tomo: lifeline main

Jack Barrie: I’ve always said this as a crypto main, his passive should’ve just been built in with his drone, and give him a unique passive ability.

Kieron Jones Official: Mine is very controversial: F TIER: Rampart C TIER: Octane Mirage Loba B TIER: Fuze Revenant Wattson Crypto A TIER: Pathfinder Caustic Gibralter S TIER: Wraith Bangalore LifeLine Bloodhound Horizon

Womlet: Loba, Fuze or Lifeline. Thats who I main

Myytti: Your looting after killing teams grinds my gears. Like never will you armor swap immediately no matter what armor level or how much armor you have left. :D

Bucket Of Head: i wonder if mirage would be better if the clones would give fake hit markers and hide your health bar when shot

Jesse Hill: Hate to see mirage so low , I honestly think sometimes I have the most fun with mirage and he really just makes battles easy as long as they aren’t long battles by the third time they get bamboozled they stop shooting so quick which lets me get the first shot off , also won so many games because of the invisible revive

Landinador: mirage C+ nooooooo I thought he would at least be B

Francesco Fabrizio: Oh hey a tier list, sweet. i liek these things cuz they tell me that I'm normally playing the lower tier characters most of the time and i don't know why.

dragon slayer god: All of the legends are viable and that's what I love to see

StryderNorthStar: 18:00 and titanfall.

OtisBucket ._.: I love to main Watson I like her passive play style and her unique personality

Angery Panda: im a gibby main and his hand shield needs a nerf

zombie 666: My go to legend is loba

I like Trains: Ima hard caustic main, plat came easy after I started maining him

nick: as an octane main he’s so much more fun now

AskURMother610: My mannnnnnnnnn moved up the list. Letssssss gooooo team octane. I legit was like wait a min we are moving to A and he hasn’t said my boy yet lol

RedNinja 981: Thanks for the guide. Also, is there a legend you would recommend to use in grinding ranked?

Somebody Once Told Me: I think the problem with his old ultimate was that you knew that he went invisible but if mirage had the ability to switch between the two ultimates that would be a really strong addition, cause depending on the situation you can either be invisible or control all the decoys, just make the cooldown higher too.

Reaper 00: I main octane

Noel Carmona: I couldn’t decide between buying mirage or horizon next but I think I’ve made my decision

BaldStarfish301: I started using bloodhound and I’m happy with where he is and I like how you told us how to use all legend thanks man!!!!

nancy ramos: Revenant is my favorite because his silence ability is good and his passive is very good. Also I'm a revenant main!

TrixxU_14: Everyone has wanted octane to go up

Grantas Kuliavas: Wraith used to be s, not anymore, how can u say that her passive is great ITS THE MOST USLESS THING IN THE GAME

Yash Trivedi: I just got mirage because i just came back to the game after a while and i regret choosing him over revenant even though i haven’t played a single game with mirage yet. Do you think he’s still a usable legend because i really like him.

yes: Ok, i nerded a lot in aprx and fuse should be wayy more buffed, but the other of the list is veryy nice and fair! also gg for 8k, i remember when you was at 3k subs, keep it up man❤️

Aaron: Idk if a buff to horizons black hole to do damage would be to op

Aaron: Iv been waiting for this video

Zzyrks: Does anyone know why Wraith's portals aren't being placed when I use her ult?

Sir Askeladd: Mirage, bloodhound and octane are my mains. I've been playing since day one but took a like 5 season break from the game and just came back and have no clue what's happening so I figured I need to catch up

yeet stones: I think rev is a- for silence

Jack Toler: Tim: Caustic has really good ult and tac! Me and the reason I main him: Haha Hammer go smashy smash

Mythic Knight: I main lifeline

A-Z For You and Me: Good tierlist. Horizon is absolutely the best legend in the game. Honestly the most annoying part of her kit to me, is the fact that her que(tactical ability) has a very faint sound to it. So if you're mid gunfight and you get third parties you dont hear or see her coming which is absurd. Its honestly just as annoying as getting ran up on and not hearing the footsteps

Kave Johnson: Stopped watching after he put Loba above fuse 🤮🤮🤮, People are walking around comp sticking a whole squad with arc stars the trapping with flames and you think the walking farmers market can beat that?

Axel M Heiden: ngl, i play wraith a lot, have about 2500 games played with her, and I would say she is A tier now.

Liam Rackham: You forgot to include Lifeline's actual passive dude. Her actual passive is she has to finish you off no matter where you go down or when you go down expect that lifeline to run through the ring across traps and shit to finish you.

itsXTR_Tron: I think life line should be a-

Burned812: Are there tournaments for money?

Symneon: Overall decent list but som stuff you say is just plain wrong. pylon being underrated for example pylon is one of the reasons proplayers use her the power of pylon is widley known, maybe ist a console thing. and i get that most list like these are just your opinion wich means its either right or wrong. and dont know what your ranked exp is. so maybe this list is for pub lobbies wich is a whole other thing

Noah Marshall: I haven't played this game since it launched but seeing my main Gibraltar as a top tier character makes me happy

Maestr0 WTB: You should do weapon tiers too, but ngl you still an underrated Youtuber lol

let’s go: you’re wrong about wraith no one talks about her passive and if they do they would say it’s useless so yeah the passive is not only useless but the worst passive in the game you can’t escape with the tactical cause you’re forgetting things like how it takes time to use it and anyone would agree that it’s easy to catch up to a wraith in her phase you can’t even get to hard to reach spots which makes this one of the worst escape ability in the game and the invincibility part doesn’t prevent it from being the worst that’s easily counterd and what use does the portal have compared to the jump pad and zipline it’s slower you can’t get to high ground it recharges much slower and and really it’s garbage at anything it’s not good for repositioning you know what is good high ground that’s something the jump pad and zipline can do and how is repositioning gonna help you out for winning so what you moved to that spot it’s not gonna help to eliminate the enemy team it’s garbage for escaping cause it’s too slow that your teammates are dead and if the enemies are so far away that you can successfully transport your teammates then you don’t need it you can just run and it would make no difference it’s the worst for saving cause you can’t use it to save your teammate getting shot by an enemy cause you would either die or your teammate dies and if there are no enemies around then yet again you don’t need just revive your teammate and while there are some things the portal can do it’s not enough to make her s tier

Patrick Ossorio: Maybe a buff for rampart is a bigger scope for her minigun

SenseiGaming: Which legend should I pick I'm about to turn level 24 I'm either choosing between octane, fuse, or caustic.

Tangy Mustang: I’ve been maining bloodhound lately his abilities just make it so easy to get a good idea of enemy positions

Jacob Tinney: 17:57 tf2 rocket jump noises intensify

Tag T.: Call me crazy... but Octane’s newly buffed Jump pad has been more useful for me and my teammates in escaping super tight spots in high ranked matches (D4+) than Wraith’s portal. 9/10 times the people we fight don’t have good enough aim to shoot people out of the air, so slide jumping and yeeting ourselves out of there in a fairly unpredictable manner is so good. Plus his new slide jump distance is roughly the same as Wraith’s portal distance!

/Kud4: erga este wey se nota que no sale de su main

Eric Wiles: Thanks for the comprehensive list and insights, Tim! Currently running Octane for the movement, and trying to get good with Crypto.

Mr cheese jr: Dude thx for a helping me to buyy my next legent crypto

John James: Octane is no where near a tier both his tact and passive are only for him and his jump pad is not that good. I would put octane high c tier or low b tier

FURY STToast: I was a octane main when I started the game and never switched mains since


William Lesser: His name is TimProVision, but he uses color blind mode.

Xxsavagebrxx Mohamed: i started using wraith for ranked this season i keep getting 1 clipped but what could i do

CrispyBeefChunk: Great list! Keep up the great content man. Tim: "No other game feels as good to move around in." Titanfall 2: "Am I a joke to you?" 😅

JDominiic Zoilo: i rly like octane so im glad they buffed him

flibber flobber: like cause respecting bloodhound <3

Big Dawg mc: Finally my boy octane is getting the respect he deserves

Charles The pilot: Dude in December you had 2k subs your on fire 🔥

Ethan Lawler: I'v been playing a lot of crypto

Leandro Teixeira: Look what they did to my boy Pathy 😭

GameOver 7113: All the campers use wattson, rampart or caustic

Tom Barritt: If the gameplay in the background is how you play Mirage I'm not surprised he's in your C tier. He sucks in the ranked meta but if you use his decoys properly he can seriously dominate pubs.

Siegebraum Of Catarina: Caustic is a little hard to put in tiers since every nerf is an indirect buff in some ways to him.

Jono Flakes: My 3 fav characters are pathfinder caustic and gibby But I can't decide who to main

UnknownGuy2020: Horizon is my favouruit

Tikari Miekka: Nice list, although I disagree a little with some of the legends. If this is centered around pubs, I think both Mirage and Rampart can rank higher (maybe still at the bottom of the list, but entering B tier). In pubs the level of the players varies a lot, so confuse them with Mirage decoys is actually likely to success. And with Rampart... I agree that she is pretty much useless in competitive or high ranked games, and the inclusion of Fuse didn't help her at all. But in pubs, with enemy teams not coordinating well, she can be a beast. With a well placed amp cover and a Spitfire, Rampart can wipe out an entire squad without reloading. And again, if we are talking about pubs, I think you are placing Wattson to high. In competitive she is excellent (used to be a must pick), but to play her at full potential, you need your whole team to play a certain way, and with randoms that is really difficult. On a final note, i think it is amazing the great job Respawn is doing on balancing the game. The distance between the best and worst legends is constantly getting shorter (The days when Mirage, Octane or Revenant were useless even at Silver are gone), and they managed to shake the competitive meta too: We went from just 3.5 legends at the end of season 4 (Wraith, Wattson, and choose between Pathfinder and Gibraltar) to 7 freaking legends (Wraith, Wattson, Gibraltar, Horizon, Caustic, BH, Pathfinder), with different team compositions.

Sean Frosty: Wow. Good ranking. And the game play was actually great man we need more people like this. I can take your word and reasoning bc I can see you actually have skill and put time into this game unlike a lot of other videos I've watched. Great work man for real.

New Lyrics: Crypto Buff Idea - Have it to remote activate his drone to scan beacons and recover banners without you needing to go into the drone and do those activities. Or - Have it when you scan beacons it reveals every player on the map like that of the map room.

David -A: My main is Bloodhound

Shreyas TopSpeed: I think fuse should be A- but good teir list overall

Mr Dickens: I completely agree with fuse

VERYGOODROBLOXGAMER86: Fuse should be higher

Divine Ukaogo: I've got enough to get a legend but I'm not sure which one to get can anyone help me out? I have a problem of getting sprayed in the back and not doing anything quick enough

RETRØ: 0:21 seconds in I already know Octane wraith and horizon are S tier.

Electrofied ninja: Been thinking about buying octane and wasn't sure he was good but this made me make up my mind. Thank you!

Georg Ertl: I'm playing Apex legends since yesterday. So I'm a noob😂but you're channel is GREAT and helps a lot in the first battles. I have so much fun with this game and the quality of your videos is pretty good. 👍

Liam Depusior: Its really interesting watching this as a completely new player. Wraith seems to be highly regarded by everyone and I keep seeing her everywhere, but whenever I try and use her I can’t seem to figure her out😅

yoda: Bangalore so underrated 🤦🏾‍♂️

Jacob: I hope Rev climbes up to A or even S. Guy is amazing. I personally think that in 1v1 situations or 1v2 or 1v3 he is most likely to win.

ihaveNoChanel: I think what would help rampart out is if she had an option to change her amped cover. From a single wall, to a full 180 wall. Essentially making a quicker effective covering space for your teammates or for her ultimate. And the single walls can be used to make little obstacles for enemies to limit their movement. Just a thought

Jo's House: I think Mirage should gets his old Ultimate back!

AurelXD: Hello @TimProVision i wanted to talk to you for some things. First of all am a Octane main and after this Legend rank i will respect you my whole life. And about the jump pad in last circles that you mentioned you can use the double jump if you are about to get into storm and get back into circle. And a about Crypto the problem is not that people are sleepinng on him , the problem is that he is the hardest legend to use in the game and i think you will agree on that and thats why people dont run him that often

Sport School: My favorite legend to play is Bangalore... been there forever but her skills are incredibly fun to use and also not brainless, you need to outthink your opponent to outplay him but I can see why she's a little bit underwhelming compared to all the A+ and S tier legends... I mean, I'm so tired of having to face a Gibby and knowing that face to face gunfights aren't an option cause his passive shield is completely broken or going to push into a building and thinking "shit... there's a caustic in there... zero ways to outplay him... greaaaaat". Bangalore does need a bit of a buff... Also, take the 5% more damage passive out of Pathfinder... he's not Wraith ffs, he's huge... and put that 5% more damage on goddamn Horizon who's half the size of Pathfinder and her tactical gets her so high at any point, not even needing a surface to grab like Pathfinder... Horizon has the best winrate in the game for a reason... her skills are very very VERY easy to use, her hitbox is very thin and you can make plays with her easier than any other legend Finally, NERF BLOODHOUND... 1. Stop letting him be a cheat code in ranked to get points... it's unfair to all of us that main other legends and have to actually shoot people... 2. Scanning every 6 seconds during his ultimate is absolutely ridiculous... Bloodhound wallhack is as good if as any ultimate in the game if not better than some Ultimates (lifeline's for example) and he gets to use it every 6 seconds? What happened to using your tactical once in every fight? as a Bangalore main it's really disturbing that I try to outplay him and he keeps scanning me while I can do absolutely nothing... if the guy doesn't absolutely suck at shooting I'm screwed... Sorry, but Bloodhound is Apex in easy mode and it's really disturbing that Respawn thinks that's ok... the only reason that Bloodhound doesn't have the best winrate in the game is because the lowest of the low players pick him like crazy cause he's so easy... I've noticed that when I face teams, the guy playing bloodhound is he easiest to kill cause most of the time they suck really bad at shooting but that has nothing to do with the legend... Sorry for the huge comment but these are the things I can think off the top of me head about legends that need serious changes...

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