HOW PATHFINDER PLAYS ON OLYMPUS IN SEASON 7... (Apex Legends Early Access Season 7)

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Jake Haar: Never seen anyone crutch a mastiff that hard for the first 10 minutes 😂

Devon Lee: shiv and chicken

iceman dacoldest: other dude was like res plez

KIDROBOT4: Team up with Sweat and koala

Official Wizard Cookie: CRAZY PLAYS!

Shubh Dave: I like that they put the effort in making him more usable but horizons just so much better that I didn't play with him this season much at all

Hugh Phillips: free cash

Jordan Grimmett: I’m just glad they brought the r99 back. Double r99 was my combo last season, everybody is getting CLAPPED 😂

Matthew Moore: Such a cringy thumbnail 😂😂

Ikan berapi [Ali R.P]: Bro Pheonix kit reminds me of "paket pheonix" meme So i called it Paket Pheonix

Adham Salah: All I wanna say is u looking hella sexy

Tyler Harvey: This map is badass I've had fun playing lately !

Isaac Price: Tell that dude to stop laughing in your videos plz

JOSHDDMNGZ: What do you like about Season 7?

Aubrey: when i was watching this it had 69 dislikes lol

Han Han: an apple blossom tree actually does exist!

Ben Razo: SooXfar is better than this guy I’d rather watch SooXfar and janks

Natalie Jones: I got so confused about what the audio completely dropped out at the beginning, then I realised he's censoring swears and zeus must've dropped some big swears XD

Trogladork: yes. yes there are apple blossoms you simple fools. have you ever seen an apple tree in spring?

J0nathn S: Sooo the mastiff is gonna be this seasons meta from what I’m seeing from all the season 7 vids

Artisticprove Tutorials: Kobi can you show as your settings sens and something like that plzz

crappy scrap: How many times can they buff path and it really be a nerff

Rise Against739: How do i mute zeus.

Brandon Madriz: 10:06 “ive gotta promise to keep”

The Train: Nice zero recoil on that r99 lmao

Mc.Nialler: Kobi, I looked it up. The apple blossom tree is a real thing.

RoYaLe2Snipez: r these against bots?

Cizzie Bambino: Apple blossom is a flower from an apple tree lol

lightfang24: Kobi, Finiki, and Zeus vs Jankz, SooxFar and iTemp 👀👀👀

T-krazyboi 089: I thought this were sakura trees 😅

XtremeTV ENT: great stuff damn, ya'll good, how comes it doesn't look so clear tho and it's in 1080p HD

Andrew Nordstrom: I'm most excited for that elevator shaft

Killswitch1392: Apple blossoms are a thing lol

Cody Davis: crabapples are a thing lol

Machho Williams: Yo I haven't seen Fin in a minute.

greguilly nondormire: How's the audio?

Ajayr123 Apex: Beautiful map but it’s thirdy af

vagelis kossivakis: R 9 9

ChocoDizz: Anybody else feel like apex plays favs with streamers. These guys already have more xp now👏

keeLesh _: Im just hyped for the Map. nice Video 🔥

Ape Man Gaming: Apple blossom is real

Jacob Campbell: Kobi loves the Causty gas lol

Devin Eubank: Challenge: get a kill with every type of ammo in one game

Tyler Wilson: he dropped heavy

Musical Genius: “Ver—- horizon WeAk... , or.. LoBa” 😂😂😂😂

DRAVE SON: how to play in olympus?

Ryfle: The map looks soo beautiful can’t wait to play when I get my new PC, I don’t know if I can even play season 7 cus I lag so bad but hopefully I get a new laptop/ PC before season 7

Emmanuel Rodríguez Pimentel: 1:04 "they are not good, it's just a Caustic"... Caustic with 30,000 kills 20 kill badge 4000 damage badge

VeroMithril: *Pathfinder should be 50% low profile*

Nicole Young: Idk why but 4:03 had me dead 😂😂

matafact: “If I pop this Phoenix we win” I wish I had that confidence haha.

Sanny: This place about to blow...with arc stars on tridents

Space Biscuit05: 10:30 “Cracked” path

Jared Carr: The r99 coming back

Sam Kill: "Apple blossom doesn't make sense" lol! Any tree that bears fruit blossoms first. ;)

Gavin Roper: Apple blossoms are a thing, we have a festival about it.

Devon Fernandes: Not to be an "um ackchually" kind of guy but all fruit bearing trees blossom before producing the fruit itself which means yes apple blossoms are a real thing

happyfish !!: Apple blossom looks like a cherry blossom but white

Jeff Tobias: Lol I forgot finicki was in soar. I feel like he's such a behind the scenes type of guy. He absolutely frys tho

Billy Sobelman: Looking forward to the butt updates, i mean the gameplay

Trey Trapp: not really a challenge but would love to see some 1v1s in the firing range w chicken, jankz, etc... maybe like a best of 7

Casey Keyser: Things to take away from this game play. Mobility to traverse the map with the vehicle is a game changer. The openness of the land looks like a kraber's playground, and getting stuck on rocks and planter boxes is going to be a thing for all of us. We may not get as lucky to pull away from gun fire fast enough like Kobi. Lastly, Google's search engine was spammed with Apple Blossom tree thanks to this video. Great early release content! Thanks for sharing

eellad: a cool little buff for path would be if he just moves quicker on his ziplines than other legends

Andrew Hobbs: Apple blossom is a thing. My hometown has an entire festival celebrating this. So funny it got brought up in casual conversation 😂

TTVmanoush: Why is no one thinking of using crypto on the car ? How fkn broken that would be , drone emp and rush from the car.

Isaac Yamamoto: you know season 7 is good cause kobi got to level 118 in 3 days !!!

I'm Aaron: Whats that attachment?

salakins: Man said shut up forehead 😂

brumby sandwhich: These vid just make me think I mean I temp had the first quest unlocked they all played for a week plus m fake reacted to the trailer... loved the content till it came to this....ngl Edit: no hate..just fake ain't my thing..already had more than enoughe content...

Dalisson Lucas: Você joga muito bem!

MrBorn2rhyme: Wow they had A LOT of people I never expected playing.

R1 Impulse: I CANT WAIT TO GET MY R-99 BACK!!!!

Shreyas Diy and Computers: I dont even want to play season 6 after watching season 7 content but we must say good bye to the single fire havoc would love if u make a video saying goodbye to havoc selectfire we might never see it again

Shawn The Don: An apple blossom is the flower of an apple tree. ......

Stelactic I: Amount of times you pushed by yourself and died lmaoooooo

Jon Connor: That looked intense

DGM-_ Scrim: 14:03 Morreu p Pokiz prc 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

Ishaan Yadav: For The R99 🔥

Mr. Hater: bro and 750 till newt evo when ur on purple

Mr. Hater: wait wait wait were u always able to put a select fire ont ur eva 8?

Travis Avesing: 1:35 was just nasty

Wop: 🤦🏾‍♂️ kobi shoulda used his ultimate plus it was a wraith that woulda been cold🔥

Tyler Abbott: Yo I dunno if ya tried this already but path zip onto a car from max range, while it’s moving and try to get maximum movement speed off of it and her how fast/ far you can go with it

Robert Gonzalez: what happened to the audio 6:55 to 7:05

Robert Bush: You been playing comparable to Aceu lately. I see you turning God mode Lolol Great content my man. Keep it up.

NationJJ: That first game had me more nervous than waiting on election results. 😳

Christopher Hernandez: How did u choke against that caustic 🤣 trashcan

TTV_Warhawkz: Kobi already level 118 damm bro

Trizzle5150 Miller: Dude bout to infect everyone in place with covid lol

Nomadism: Apple blossoms are a dessert similar to a tiny Apple pie.

Malcolm Davis: 1:33 that play was nastyyy 😂

Root N toot: So in the patch notes they showed paths hitbox bigger and I wouldn't mind a even slightly bigger one if my they just got rid of low profile paths to tall for that crap haha

Steve Buguwa: Gonna be sad when the double xp is gone

Daniel Lenc: Plz lets talk abt how op the fortified perk is

Mark Watters: I don’t get why people use the wing man it’s garbage

Playonmystation: This map is beautiful. Many layers ..It still seems dry though .. like, I have a feeling well be complaining about the map in 3 weeks tops

Jonny Dupuis: Fin is right, apple blossoms are a thing lol, those are the flowers that turn into apples

シシN8IV: One of kobi’s dumbplays

Mickeynill: The buildings are so big that caustic might need a minor buff to balance him

Dakota Miller: Yoooo I was just asking about Finicki! Thanks for playing with the OG again!

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