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Tobias Fate: Install Raid for Free IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get a special starter pack. Available only for the next 30 days.

Victor Ogrendil: What is the song at 0:42?

Michael Laxina: ANYONE KNOW THE BGM USED AT 8:54? Dragon fight. XD

Gweezy: The similarities between Tobias and Cold Ones is just insane

Dennis Raid: The 2:46 Black Ops 2 round start theme hits good.

Dennis Raid: That's an extremely chad phone you got there.

T1mo666: Nidltz is your best editor ngl

DrizzyVapor: Trump is for sure a fucking Darius main. Absolute dogshit champ

illuminati: 4:24 You have no idea how much I laughed, tobias fate was marine all along?

Cupcake the Husky: I like how he mouths "Fuck it" before shooting the guy with the sword XD

life is fair: 6:42 this got me in tears LOL 😂🤣🤣🤣

ibrahim ismail: the way this mad man edits his vids is just too goooooooooood

Jefferson Duarte: 11:30 Walter White Jr

Screaming chicken: hECaRIM HeCARim

Công Tôn Sách: Raid Shadow Legends pick the right channel to advertise, this type of editing is just out of this world.

Matija Kajtez: This editor is a god.

Perro Volador: Jaja no se ingles

Mother Mushroom: dear god that raid ad was great, ive never seen an ad that made me want to rewatch it multiple times over

Aoki: 9:07 será uma coincidência

Universalmusicgroup: Most of these are not AP GP it just happens to have, a little AP = AP GP? But when it's about time it's AP GP, you did not rush Lichbane, then complains you can't do anything against Yasuo. Waste of a time video and a waste of a time game Raid, better used as a sponsor than playing it.

Friedrich: Disgusting homeless is not nice to say dude

Anderson Arévalo: 0:39 MY GOD HAHAHAHAHA

Ani Thana: 8:55 song name plzz 🤣

Jacko From South: Yep, this is Aatrox Flip Video

Unkel Dolan: Whoever is designing these thumbnails, double his salary.

Corrupted Seeker: THIS EDITOR THOUGH

Joseph: 0:35 that edit is soo f**king good I can't get over it x,D

Naomaan Choudary: music at 9:17?

Certina: Am i the only one who thinks GP is an totaly useless champion? He does zero dammage, and have zero cc.. No wonder no one plays him

Pan Brzoza: Finally some interesting Raid SL ads

trolling ninja: Ad i fucking never see lol. 😂

Quốc Anh Phạm: The editor may have watched every single movie in the world to have that hilariously rich source of meme

Feng ShuiMaster: Trump mains anivia and Talia so he can build dem walls

Mychael Jones: 6:01 CLARK the DJ

zimwan: anyone else just lose it at 6:45?

fabrizzio951: the fucking kennen noise XD

Patrik: I think you are the only one who got a Raid:Shadow Legends pass from me

InFeRnOuS ThEdEvIl: dode, why raid shadow legends :/

Bugra UCOZ: whats the song at 8:56 PLEASE I NEEEEED ITT

Lucas Henrique: I love your content Tobias , the edition is amazing and I always have fun

Lufuxx: 3:08

Luka Bilić: 9:17 song pleaseee

Grass ch.雜草: 4:24 is that... a Honshou Marine reference?!

Ben Dover: It isnt trolling, its advanced experimentation

Dying On the beach: Just realized the editor Is TF2 player

Cavan Schraner: song at 6:02?

Stewart Kozy: 4:24 Ahoy~!

BoosterDiaries: Been said - will say it again - literally the #1 editor

DragoNoid29HD: This is my first time that didn't skip a sponsorship.

EGA: 4:18 Yeah, I love this channel


EGA: 0:38 0:40 I love this channel

Loomy J: 4:24 SENCHOU!?

Bullpup92: You know that when you build AP on a character that does exclusively physical damage it doesn't spontaneously make you do magic damage, right? I can build Ludens on Aatrox and it doesn't make his Q do magic damage, even if it did have an AP scaling. It doesn't work that way. The type of damage an ability does doesn't change with what you build. Building AD on Heimerdinger doesn't make his rockets do physical damage either, the damage type remans the same. So if your team is full AD and you need magic damage then just building AP on a champion that deals physical damage like GP doesn't fix the problem. How do you now know this?

engineer gaming: ap gp op af

Valentin Constantinescu: Felt cute, might main apgp later.

Time Lizard: 4:36 what is this from

Marlo Mitchell: Get that Raid Shadow Legends bag dude.

Challenjour: Do people in the comment section ever talk about different things besidrs the editing?

Pablo: Kennen sounds xD

Mr Soybean: oof I thought I found a new channel to kill some time in. Then I saw Raid Shadow Legends..

aquiles aros: tobito: 12 awesome bosses!! me: T H E ONE C R A B B I B O I

Cherif Ahmed: glad to hear that music in 6:00 min :*)

Shiro Gami: his editor deserve praise

Sunstone: Another great video from Player71765514, keep up the good work

Sophisticated media: Tobias has a samsung wtf


FBI: Tobias got the best of the best ma man, editor in entire LoL streams.

w00tse: Editing on point. Reminds me of scarra's old editor.

Dregling: 7:23 unironically caused me to stop watching this open yas channel and watch "Yassuo | SPEAKING ARABIC WITH A FULL TEAM FOR AN ENTIRE GAME!" instead.

Jose Paz: That -24 tho

Bitz Leon: Wtf is this editor im in love

D. Black: nice edit holy shit

CrookedSoul: Wtf even ads are fun here

V O Y D: 8:00 Anyone knows the sfx used? That shit's hilarious. 😂

kom goo: when half the video is an ad for a mobile game pepega sad

命運捉弄: 1:11 nice mirroring to make them look centered


Its me Sonic: can i have ur playlist while gaming sir tobi?

Jéraymy Morteau: I need all the music u put in ur vid plz

Nicolas Cuevas: Puto editor crack jajajaja ( srry my English bis bad)

Korone: Apgp?

Muhammad Khadafi: This ad from tobias is entertaining and worth to watch despite it was an ad

Genctubai: S C O T L A N D

Romeo Castillo: This editor is do good, literally knows every meme, how virgin is him?

Lofi-Shogun: Get a new phone pls

Billy Noble: 2:52 Does Tobito actually has a Samsung S3 from 2013 LOL


javi f: lol who knew this game was fun to watch still

Lucas Leite-Moniz: sell out

Ryan Hockenberry: Tobias content where he wins games? Wtf is this blasphemy

Pvt. Snowball: Only channel I've ever seen that makes ads watchable


Gneiss Biscuits: 11:58 csgo invite sound?

elcia1100: nick name is BakerFaker xD did you know

Onzaga of the East: Trump is an Urgot main. CHANGE MY MIND.

Anas Tuffaha: dude your editor needs a raise. XD

KiDjoKeR: Pickachu I choose You !!! *proceeds to pick Kennen*

Dd Z: the edits on this video LMAOOO actually made my day goodjobb :) <3

Dendran Gardner: Imagine Bernie was actually playing LOL and maining Ivern... Trump though.... Bet hes using Anivia eagle skin to wall off Qiyana repeatedly...

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