Season of the Splicer BREAKDOWN (Exotics, Roadmap, Season Pass, & Trailer) | Destiny 2 NEW SEASON

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Aztecross: TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Intro 00:13 Season of the Splicer Trailer 02:22 Breakdown Begins 06:13 Ada-1 & Transmog 07:25 NEW Weapons & Exotics 09:25 Season Pass 11:42 Season of the Splicer ROADMAP 14:23 Ice Relic? Edit: Lord of wolves already has a catalyst. Edit2: that was Mithrax speaking not spider.

TheCrimsonVoid: Hey Azetc! Love your content. A little funny thing I noticed. kinda quiet on how the Titans are out of the race huh? What happened to “Bronze is gonna look real good on us Hunters” seems the turns have tabled.

Antonio Santos: I'm looking forward to this... Thx for the breakdown!!

Terminal Weeb: Everytime we get a vex season i understand the vex and their Simulations even less How do they blanket reality itself into a Simulation without it already being one

James Coyne: If anything bad happens to those fallen babies I will kill everyone and then myself

Wolf Guard Miestwin: I think the new exotic will be less like Symmetry and more like Devil's Ruin.

Mo Said: Man F*****@# side arms.

Anonymous Walrus: "HIIUUANNGH?!"

Jeydan Henderson: Will we ever see outbreak catalyst again 😭

CenturionRaider0510: I dont remember spider talking in the trailer? Did he confuse that voice with mithrax?

Riverhec: I just hope that they start making the game as exiting as the trailers man , because for me im just gonna skip this season to like the last one , is more of the same as other seasons !


Naive Optimist: Remember to show how dumb you are by forking over $10 for a game that WENT FTP. 😁

JACK SLATER: Will we get map rotation in pvp next season ???

ll Kaizo ll: French Montana “haaaaa” @2:23😭😭😭

Joshua Frohm: I wish we would get super good advice back with vault

chris reilly: I'm surprised a lot of ppl were guessing season of the Splicer but they thought it would be SIVA centered

daesheon hughes: That stasis aspect thooo....😱

Storm 777: I think the "ice relic" was actually the new titan aspect. My guess would be ability kills drop the relic or javelin and they can be thrown by the titan and allies

Patrick Lien: Maybe Atheon is infected by the splicers that’s why he lives again because they brought him back to life like the rise of iron expansion with sepiks prime

Fear: I thought it was strange that there was no mention of an exotic weapon quest. I presume there will be one and I hope it is a secret like bastion or something.

D Z: As a long time veteran player I no longer get hype for new season trailers from bungie, I just don't enjoy destiny like I use too and I didn't even touch season 13.....what did I miss on that season?🤔😂 just make Destiny 3 bungie!!

Unknown: Still waiting for Tribute Hall 2.0

Cefael: The fucking AUDACITY to show off the 2019 solstice armor, when we can't transmog it.

Eileen Hudson: As usual good info , very excited for new season

Garrick Taylor: that stasis relic at the end could pertain to a new titan aspect since were getting new missions just a speculation

Aztec: Return of the Vex Mythoclast?

Chill Hour: She speaks!!

Ikon: Now this is what we strived for, As a community, this is what we bitched and complained for. We hung in and hung around for 7 years. Now our brothers and sisters at Bungie are finally hitting thier stride. This is epic story telling. This is it, right here boys.

ᴍʀ.ɢᴇɴᴇʀɪᴄʙʀɪᴛɪꜱʜᴡʜɪᴛᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ: speaking about catalysts where is my malfeasance catalyst?

Josh P: Anyone else think this season looks shit and is sick of seeing vex and cabal? I haven't even bothered with any season since undying or guardian games. Which is odd because I use to play everything but yeah seasons are shit just saying. Then again beyond light wasn't that good either. It is a colourful season but meh I'm not even hyped for vog because I know there will be overload Praetorians 😭

omar locke: not hyped at all. looks like hot garbage. with destiny re-skins.

An Endless Night: The only thing that i liked from the season so far is the plug i got from them by using my name

SuperFastMonkeySim: Weapons and armour look shite as always. I’m out. Deleted game when stasis came

N4 N1!!!!!!: Someone needs to join the stream and make the joke "Ur (insert number here) days late to vog it released (insert vog og d1 release date here.)

Legend Carisso: Oh look. Azte circlejerking over yet ANOTHER hand cannon... what a surprise.

Paweł Maj: 00:47 Fallen BABIES!!!

emubilly: This guys voice is hella annoying

T.J. Hunter: Since the weekly mission starts after the raid is beaten I wonder if it is a quest tied to a new mythoclast? And I really hope they dont put the hard mode VOG ornaments from D1 in eververs.

Blaze of the Razgriz squadron: Looks like Ikora has a new voice actress..

Viral Coach: No mention of bungie day (july 7th) on the road map. Hmmm

utenteanonimo: Still no new PVP Maps!?

Dj Stanley: Transmog is fine🥱

Kantalope: I'm pretty sure that Cryosthesia 77k will act just like the Traveller's Chosen sidearm in the way that it charges it's stasis ability

Parminder Jaura: Season of Sunset

Karmen Velings: Im excited for it and all but im by no means excited for the lfgs for VoG "VoG kwtd 50+ clears on d1" on day one

danny boy: I've always wondered since the launch of D2, as of now, what is Coldheart? Should it be reworked to do stasis damage?

Rob M: what is new??

Jiru: Finally a good black character! My homie Mithrax!

Mattia Sangiorgi: 12:20 ... k this has to be the biggest fuckup this man has ever done in trying to understand how the story works. full time D2 content creator btw

Rob M: land of squares and rectangles wow so awesome! i can't wait! NOT!!! boaring! I am OUT deleting the hole game! They destroyed one of the best games ever made! really sad!! i wish they would have just made a destiny 3 after forsakin! at least we would have that! Now we have a big steaming pile of shit!!!

Soma Oni: As far as I recall, Bungie has stated that VoG isn’t connected at all, rather it’s just remade for D2 as an activity. So I don’t think that there will be much of a lore reason to go there, aside from wanting to do the activity and to also see what the new encounter designs are like on your first run through. That said, I also wouldn’t be surprised is bungo did actually implement something for it. WeShallSee!

Tid Squitties: ikora sounds different btw

TheKID CHG: Why does the new season look like hyper scape training room? Trash

T-Virus Terrance: Hello, Humans. If you had a HUD that showed three stats about any person you looked at, what three stats would you want it to show? TERRANCE OUT

Cassi Underwood: "Number one waifu Ada-1" A MAN OF CULTURE I SEE

Jean Walljean: This game died for me few months before. Funny that this happened after sexy next gen upgrade. But mechanic wise, what Bungie is forcing us to do is just grind more for less. Was not able to even push myself to open more than hunter class because of Europa repetive missions nature. And that it looks like is the straw that broke the camels back for me. Sadly, bungie after departure from Activision have no budget, and manpower to make game spectacle as it once was. And maybe, it is in me, becoming lazy old fart. Who knows.

Blindwuzi: cross you can hype up me deleting all the blues i get after every crucible match. you just got that vibe

Antonio Galiana: Mmm the warlock ornament helmet looks like Stitch

Elias Panayi: The warlock exotic is disappointing for me, as a warlock that prefers the increased ability to slay out on enemies

FelwraithGaming: Honestly feel like the new stasis sidearm will be more like devils ruin, where you can use it as a normal sidearm when fired normally, but the stasis freezing comes from a charge time (note how the animation right before freezing the goblin has a little part that spins, similar to how the sides of devils ruin expand outwards when charging the laser.)

kay oss: Everyone in the comment will express excitement and how they can’t wait for this to start. The reality is, one week in. You check the destiny forum and all you will see are people bitching about the most trivial things. I’ve never seen so much whining from a community of players. They whine and bitch about every aspect of the game b it they continue to play it.

Pedro Bazan: lmao bungie is selling us their unrendered models, the new arena area looks like they just took some unrendered shapes for stuff and said good enough

Terrell Garrett: Time to upgrade "noble protocol "

Andrew R: Any word on the Fourth Horseman’s catalyst

Slickboy2004: Nobody is pointing out the return of the class based swords

Henry De La Rosa: Bro you cover the game yet a third of the shit you said was wrong

117supersonic: Honestly fook this season I’d love some new pvp shi.

0-Mr_ Holmes-0: trying to figure out in what way they are going to make this terrible

Out of Patience, Got No Time.: Can’t wait for week one when everyone is already saying “expunge carrying this season”

Slickboy2004: Season of the Spicer!!! Guardian cook off event and it is gonna be sick!

Braydenlk: imagine getting excited and paying for a raid that came out 7 YEARS AGO. kiss my ass bungie

yosonimbord: Think you forgot Lord of Wolves has a catalyst

Out of Patience, Got No Time.: Nova Mortis returns?

KManAlpha: 14:00ish the "extra horny" minotaur is probably a stasis wielding yellow-bar, as more species are supposed to unlock stasis abilities

ForeverLaxx: That stasis "javelin" at the end is probably tied to the new aspects.

The Cooler Cheezit034: Necrotic grips works with thorn, so those legs will probably work with lumina, a little dissapointing thats its on warlock though. I'd like to see more armor/weapon synergy across multiple classes, a bit strange that they're going for the warlock again.

seb steyn: 9:13 I hate that warlocks are just solidified as healers now instead of the badass mage/ scholars we were in d1

The guy with the grasses: Everytime we get a new season exotic, I get a sliver of hope that I may finally be able to take on trials. Every time I was so very wrong

Coedie Clark: I do hope we get dregs promise

DaReapa: Maybe they didnt address it because they plan to have some ornaments actually drop in thr world loot pools.

Willy Lit: I just care about wax jeans the hunter has

Mr Trufax: Spider didn't talk in the trailer, it was Mithrax omfg

RezZ: is there anything here for a f2p player or its just a waste of money if i buy the szn pass without beyond light. is it worth it to buy beyond light or forsaken right now? (i have the option to buy forsaken for cheap). I was hoping the expansion would be discounted with the new szn but i guess im not that lucky

Jack Of Blades: Can we have a conversation about how noone is talking about the original class specific swords coming back? Like you can clearly see quickfang and crown-splitter.

Rameses: so far all i keep seeing is the same combatants over and over...Vex, Cabal, Taken, Fallen, the Hive. No new bad guys yet. I'm getting bored, may have to go back to playing Breakpoint.

Raibe: K wonder if we are getting an exotic stasis sword that you can throw or somethjnv

Caw Caw: Now I'm sorry if I'm wrong but this season gives me a bad feeling. Hopefully it ties into last season or else I would be disappointed

Marluxiaify: 0:46 BABY ELIKSNI, BABY ELIKSNI!!!

vLegendkiller: #TRASH

Khrystian Hadden: This last season burned me out and I just don’t care anymore :( wish I did but it’s just not fun like it used to be.

K Spotted Bear: "#1 Waifu Ada-1 is back" I've never vibes with Az so hard before

The Lemillion: Calling it, Nade Launcher/Cryo Sidearm spam in crucible

Skizofrenia Gaming: ok that stasis pistol will be free for everyone so no complains

Aurummorituri: Nice, but pretty please everyone do NOT spend a dime on transmog trickery. Let the whales do their thing, but regular players should not feed the greed here. We paid full price for this game, so we expect to not be nickel and dimed on something that should be simple and free.

sack943: Alright so we're do I swipe my card again damn you bungie

Alexander Vowles: I thought we had a LoW catalyst...

in fant: anybody notice that quickfang is on the hunters back?

Snappa: I’d like to point out that it appears that the stasis sidearm has to charge up like devils ruin to fire the freezing shot

Roxie: Dude, that fragment when you get super energy for defeating frozen targets, WITH THE SIDEARM??? oh my god it's gonna be broken

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