Destiny 2: Season of the Splicer - Season Pass Trailer

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Leandro C: Tetris..... destiny 2

Befer William: Yyy

Gawaa: The game runs like shit on AMD cards

paul hyde: order pure #mdma#ketamine# lsd#etizolam# #3mmc# skype: kerrychemltd wickr: kerrychemltd

Lone Kanne-Hansen: We all know we are only here to save the fallen baby’s.

General Grievous: I just get a bounty from Ada - 1 but when I see it, it's objective is: Kill champions in Nightfall strikes, but It current strike needs Beyond light, and I don't have it, soo I abandon it, but I only got half the Sythstrands, when I want to get another bounty, it needs 150 Sythstrands, and I only got 78,Sooo, what should I do, AND ALSO YOUR LIGHTSABERS WOULD MAKE A FINE ADDITION TO MY COLLECTION! Edit: Still on 78 Sythstrands so pls help me figure this out

loute29372: We all know we are only here to save the fallen baby’s.

Arc Aspect: why are the titan ornaments so damn ugly

OLIKEY: If you’re under 20 I wish you all the happiness you deserve in this world of negativity 💯🤍

Freedeoxide: I cant buy the pass someone help

Shooby Doo Wap JR.: 🔥🔥

Aaron: *Hey, to you reading* ... you are loved in this moment, just as you are, here's how we know: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Only Jesus Can Save Us: John 3:16-17 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. Romans 6:23 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 10:9-10 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Amen


Swagg1000: Can you make a new game already and stop tryna milk this one

Pablo: Does this game have toilets bec i ate too much burritos

Aang: I think the guardians in this trailer have the season pass

Nicholas Shaw: Eh

Xur’s Location: Kinda disappointing tbh

Dean Vance: Is anyone else unable to access the season pass on PlayStation?

Jon To:

Furious Thestral: Add invaders Zim vibes here.

Alex Johansson: Welcome to Season of the Honeydew

Celso Cuellar: How powerful will this new sidearm be in crucible.

Adam Morgan: This season pass thing is def gonna catch on I feel...

Michael Felton: I have been obsessed with the Future War Cult since D1 alpha, only exclusively using FWC armour ever since. I am freaking out that the FWC is relevant in this season with Lakshmi-2 in back in the fray. I am absolutely floored. I am screaming.

Wayne barton: I can't buy the season pass it normally there for 100 silver but can't find it I missing something

Eclipse Highroller: Got to love a season pass you still can’t buy

Flip: Wheres the season pass???

The toxic Italian man: Any reason why I can’t buy the season pass even though the season is out?

Captain Rex CT-7567: Having a look at the season pass it's great, nice emotes, a large heap of bright dust and new weapons

Elden Tales: Ain’t nothing like a game you can watch but can’t play…..

NT_ 773: Hey I am on ps4 and cant buy the session is that another glitch or sum plz help

dylgarvey: How do I access the season pass ?

difo01: Guys sorry to bother you,i just posted my first destiny 2 “montage”if you wanted to watch it i would really appreciate it a lot Its nothing serious but they will get better as i post them....thx✌🏼✌🏼❤️

蜘蛛水: Touhou Imperishable Night

Ivan Gastelum: el tejon es muy cacorro

Little Light: **rank up faster** lol

REENIX: How do you get the new armor shown in the thumbnail?

Crow of many names: Season of the honeydew

BlueJay 062: Nice pass, too bad WE CANT BUY IT

UI Shaxx: Anyone else think 90 of the 100 season pass rewards are lame? Or just me 🤔😭

Adam Faisalramza: Bro the vex must be messing with us cos this trailer shouldn’t be out on the day of the new season.

Even AMV: How much will it cost?

pathfinder12: So...when can the season pass be...purchased?

Rusty Jiggs: Blah blah blah stasis Make another darkness class already Need 2 more at least to match the light

Mr Mustang: Season of the honeydew

Garhootalooth da Warlock: This gives me prophecy dungeon vibes and I love it.

The Tallest Dwarf: Can't wait to play this. Actually, it turns out I can.

ThePissMan: My place went up in the queue wtf

Like a Leaf in the Wind: "Void Drive, for those RARE, BLUE QUALITY SPARROWS!" Datto, do a Xur video! We need them blue sparrows!!!!!!

The Cherry: Everytime I load into the game I get blue screened like fix your game it's really not that hard

_ Gamu: Can I have a baby Fallen too?

Joseph Mcgee: Every time I get time off to play your new content you fuck it up and waste my time and money thanks bungie I love waiting behind new lights to get into the game.

HELiX Dzn™: Song is: Joseph William Morgan - Rewind

게임토스: 시작하자마자 에러 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 헬름 포함 어디에도 안들어가짐 ㅋㅋ 바로 3시간 점검 들어감 ㅋㅋ

Opulence, Infected and Perfected: There should have been just one frame that says “LOOT!!!”. Change my mind.


iF3llOffaBr1dge: So glad I bought the full DLC so that I get all the season passes included

Gargantuan: Epic Monke King: First, we post the season pass trailer. Next, we let the players actually load into the game

Memo Gonzalez: It would be nice if we can play.

jjleejj: Nah you're not getting any more money from me with your constant cash grabs. Most of us bought the game and expansions which you took out, then you sunset and reversed it but not the sun setting of our gear. And then the money grab for transmog? The whole system is flawed and I've 0 interest left in the franchise 🤷‍♂️

Ariël Herman: Everybody gangsta 'till a Guardian pulls up with an iced-out glock and a projected light glock. Two for the price of 100 baby

Michael G: They making some stark industries guns

NJDevil66: Who's here while waiting in queue?

Nivek Velasco: POV: your suprised the season pass trailer is out on launch day

Brandon Nazzise: When is SRL coming back?

Stuka: Did the first mission, havent been able to play since lmao at least the trailer was on time this season

Cube: cubes

MisterMeister: Your place in the queue: 2291

lonewolf3869: you would think Bungie knowing there is going to be a big influx of people playing cause of new content they would be prepared but sadly no SOSDD contacting severs this is ridiculous, this is the only game I have this issue with UNBEILEVABLE geeeeeeee I wonder why mmmmmmmmmmmm

Spicy Ramen: Anyone know the song? It's such a bop

German Taylor: sick i cant wait, hopefully it will be out by summer

KATTALNUVA3: I haven’t picked up my copy of Destiny 2 in months. Since Beyond Light came out, I could no longer wear my favorite armor if I wanted to level up. What’s here that will make me break the streak?

I Like Dislikes: Why does the normal armour look better than the season pass sets man..? Like, how come on, after the first two season pass sets, it was all downhill from there...🙄

pink unicornz9952: It would be sick if I could actually play the game to get the season pass rewards

Jacob Hubbard: Season of the honeydew!

crazylol 1378: Nice, some juicy content i wont be able to play because of not having the battle pass neither friends who play destiny 2, i actually got left behind at over 260 power (Insert journey orbit variant here)

Osky: I need the background song please!!!

Maybe LB Did It: ironic seeing as your servers are literally on fire and crashed after 2 hours.

Marcin Kaczmarek: Trailer is out but the rest is not lol great season start Bingo bungo

Ricom561: Ok, but when can I play it?

DenonX25: The trailer should be "one moment please" for two hours just like the game

Drum being Drum: Gaming except it was brought offline

God Of Pain: If only I didn’t get error code honey dew maybe I’d be progressing in my season pass

Red Arrow: Yes it would just be nice to play

Kaelin Gray: Honeydew

Bruce HC: Vex be like: "Yall want some motha fukin uh *CUBES* "

Vince: 0:20 VERY MISLEADING. You do NOT need to reload the gun to get your freeze shot. It's not balanced like they showed in the trailer. You get 1 single kill to get a 10 second buff that when holding the trigger shoots the freezing shot - draining the magazine and then needing to reload.

SDC ZIGY: Season of one moment please

Zx Evade: The main enemy error code chicken

SDC ZIGY: Season of the weasel

SDC ZIGY: Season of honeydew

Johnny Zanderberg: Season of The WEASEL!...lmao Couldn't even see the story...cut straight to WEASEL then AT CAPACITY!... 🤣...


Los Be Beast: Season pass trailer out on time but servers down.......😥

Yggdrasil Reviews: Now the first barrier we need to conquer in this season is logging in.....

Gergely Naske: @Bungie , @Destiny 2 - Do you mean: season of the honeydew? :D

Keith miller: Too bad I can't even play the game or even buy the season pass because off all the error codes wtf bungie?

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