The 5 BEST JUNGLERS to MAIN in Season 11! - League of Legends

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Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides: How's those placements coming along? :D

Emergancy Magic: As a Kayn Onetrick I'm going to say that the least Kayn can do is add either CC or Damage. There's no bad time when there's a Formed Kayn on your team. Everything else is extra icing upon extra icing.

Ken Z: i main Kayn, and the only times i have lost was when at least 2 lanes fed badly. but unfortunately, thats very often in my case

Patrick Wieschmann: Where is Taliyah in the first View

Luke Rosales: Ayyy my boi graves! Good choice 🎉🎉

YapYap TheDestroyer: What about kha

Miroslav Beck: i feel like nunu should be on the list in this meta

Chechtíček: I was expecting lee to be at least somewhere, but nvm i guess i am learning bad champ to climb

Anthon Lundström: But where is nunu

zendar ROOF: OK this was VERY helpful

KiboGaming: I keep getting Pro Guides Ads before your videos.. hilarious

MADKOR: Im not even playing this trash game again but lets not lose the traditions

Seven Sprays: Can we please have one of these for mid

soccerdude97: Zac is feeling sad this season or at least for now so Nunu is my main now!

Dual Existence: idk why but everytime i solo queue with ekko jungle, Most of the game will always lose that makes me wanna hate ekko jg more

MR.Bhaggera kûhaku: I loved that you mentioned Olaf, but didn't really mention yi or shyvana. Since those 3 (let's not forget Valhir) are really really strong, even if you play from behind. They're fun, easy to play and in my opinion, very rewarding. Although, i main those champs, i still have only hit high Diamond but i'm gonna try to hit at least master this season.

Samuel Beltran: I recommend Nunu if you wish to spam gank

OmegaX: Great i start learning graves in the pre season

GOGOgomes: Are you fucking kiding me? First you guys says "it must have been a consitenly a good pick" and you put Ivern on this list? The champion have been more time unplayable than not since his release and just because he is strong now you guys are recomending it as if he was allways a viable pick and not one highly dependable on less agressive jungle meta.

Protic235: I main Hecarim. Hes tanky, fast, does damage and has good cc.

NattyGainz1: I thought Ivern was flavor of the month and is getting nerfed next patch

Samuel Figuera: Udyr😎🙏

Mihai Zmeu: Good, i realised that ekko and my main kayn are a point of focus but your video confirmed it. Also mastery with kayn comes from 200k mastery points. Until that you are a potato in jungle against another kayn Mainer.

benpoke: Im suprised Khazix isnt on here. Hes fucking busted abuse him.

Xian Kyle Nepomuceno: goddamn mmr didnt reset! im getting +12 lp with 75% winrate! 🤬

beattlesgome: Graves winrate is 46% this patch xD even though I'm sure it doesn't invalidate this recommandation, it's funny to see his wr being so low. (Meanwhile Ivern has 55%)

Ala: im maining kindred and usually when my team cooperates with me we dont have trouble to win :D im looking for a second jungler after her to main and im trying out a lot rn but i havent found one with a playstyle i would like. im thinking about kayn

Schlabber Sack: For Ivern you need a team that is able to play this game .. that is an assumption that often is not true :D

MasterOFSuperFunny: Kayn main here. Kayn is amazing. Play him.

SALZ: I main kayn since s9 and I love it I didn't really play ranked but when I do it's very fun I am currently 6-3 in placements playing kayn and warwick.

Zaxes: wouldn't recommend graves as he gets banned almost every game higher up

jacob huska: Could we get a few more top lane guides that aren't Champ specific? seems few and far between

HiRaze: Just abuse olaf right now, so broken

Tyme: Warwick is my jungle main

aidan guiste: i want to get graves but hes D tier apparently so idk what to do

Edo Burannko: 🧐🤔Ivern 🤨what in hell you smoke 🙄

Сергей Расторгуев: Shyvana with her new skin: fAck my life

Luis Santos: dunkeys come back to league on his smurf, meatwaadsprite lol

Zouhair Ghazi: I dont see how ekko can be ahead of hecarim or olaf in this list, bruiser items are undoubtedly broken this season, and these 2 are pretty much 1v9.

Gamine Green: I’m honestly considering that these guilds are made, to keep making them. I didn’t see a single tank. Maybe that’s not sus, but its consistent now.

VeeNou Khang: Kinda surprised that KhaZix didn't make the list or a mention

Mac Loves Wolves: Do one of these for top lane please!!!

yazan: *cries in Eveylnn jg*

Aric H: Vi is OP, argue with me

Marco Figna: Nerf junglers i dont even whatch the video. They need to gank after min 1

Fearlezz: Im Shaco OTP since Season 4 i think he is viable aswell and mechanics on him arent known from all players aswell

GiThreePi: I'll be maining Kindred

luminus 05: no nunu?

Yohan Toutain: Would be very nice to be able to pay for skillcapped in euros (coming from europe and I can't get a paypal account since it's 18+)


Janez Zuzek: I really hope you are joking about elise 5:41 , pretty sure it was intentional feeding picking her last season :)

fabio rocha: Could you guys make a Elise guide? You always say that is a super strong pick but also a difficult one, would be nice

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l3c2: bo basically heroes that are mostly played every season, thanks capped

Kane Lashbrook: No Vi? Wadda heck

Adrian Alvarado: Been fiddlesticks main so far, have had some nice comebacks after landing a few good ults.

Andrey A: I think Rek'sai should be on this list somewhere. She meets all of the criteria: 1. She's versatile enough to be picked every game, having 2 main rune pages (Hail of blades and Conqueror) and a variable build path, that allows her to adapt to many situations. 2. She's got several skills that give her a high pay off for maining her: variable build, her burrowed "blindness" and effective tunnel placements. 3. Rek'sai's only changes since 9.9 were bugfixes, and she's been consistently good, and the prowler's claw has made her even better. To top it all off, her pick/ban rate is really low compared to everyone in this video (except Ivern). Do you have a specific reason you haven't chosen her for this video?

Adrian Tyfel: ZAC

Moaz Ragab: Wehre is talyah!!


ScruffyTusks: I speak for all non-graves players... Fuck that champ, he's perma-banned in my games.

Dr. Aven Strange: I really thought Lee Sin would be here. Please make one for adc's too :D

Arda Anıl Ergin: I'm surprised Kha'zix isn't on the list, as he is the smurf champion that runs over anyone once mastered. Then again there are some downsides so idk much..

Raul Rivera: Lee sin is the true #1

Jaycen T.Storme: Ivern just sounds so troll in low elo

MIHAI PREDA: You didn t put lillia and jax on the jg list :(((( they are my mains

Dylan-a-saurus: You should make a video like this for every role

xD4rkridex: 5 ivern, 4 ekko, 3 elise, 2 kayn, 1 graves

Jeremy Loldrup: Elise and ekko sounds fun

Gic Gicu: Im abusing nunu coming at u with 500 km/h in minute 3

JotaroPlaysLoL: Ok but where is ma beloved Cockroach?

NotRasputin: Is there a chance you will make this for Top lane?

Nikola Ninic: Heh, already a Kayn main, 97k lol

Hiddenmeercat: No lillia? Very surprised

Can B: well I got 3 out of 5 as my mains already how nice :)

bram Van Der Bent: Great video can you guys also make one for top?

Draehl .84: I've played since s1, but been learning jungle the past couple months. How does my champ pool look: Rek'sai (primary) + Fiddlesticks/Ivern/Nunu/Kayn? I feel I have a good mix of AD/AP and carries/supportive and think this is a pretty adaptable champ pool. Any criticisms?

xxii: graves 46% wr

Richard Salzmann: Graves and kayn are the fckin type of jglers that are every single game lvl 18 while everyone else still sits at 16. Its just fckin annoying.

River Fu: Happy to see Graves at #1 but this is probably why he just got nerfed

Odìn: no khazix?

IIGlitchy: I like how Vi didn't even show up on the list in the beginning

Shacolin: You know you're living dark times when out of 5 reccomendations, 4 are scaling picks. Nor Lee Sin, nor Rek'sai, nor J4 are even mentioned. Can we reboot to season 9 please?

BIG-B Gaming: Maining Vi, Ekko, and Kayn - occasionally Nunu or Skarner if we need a tank

Loli Power: 9:13 you're welcome, 10 minutes saved

Theophile Victoria: JG FIDD BABY

Potato:3: top 5 jun- elise. fucking called it. feels like she's never been off lists like these since release.

ExTaCiii: what about heca/kha?

Pleb: No Taliyah? Her fast clear and mobility allow her to spam gank while staying up in farm. In addition her ganks are really deadly if she lands her combo

Sena Cheshmeh Kaboodi: Ok great, but where does kindred fall into all of this ?

Con_R: No Blue essence :( but i have my ekko

Alicja Kowecka: I main awesome Kha’Zix, Ekko (in case we need AP in our team) and Hecarim (in case we need a tank) :D

Orenji: Can you do this with ADC guide?

Healthpack: This is BS Gragas is the best jungler

CactiMamba: Ekko mains represent!

AreaMD: Is this league season 11 now?? Champion meta? Oooh look at me my champion is not in meta I guess I stay in my rank now Funny thing is this is with all 5 lanes

Graffio Greedy: Kayn is one of the most funny champ of the game imho

Toph Bei Fong: Teemo jungle to challenger :P

Harun Ucak: Khazix is underrated .

pedro henrique: Im a wise top laner, so I ban graves every game.

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