The 5 BEST MID CHAMPIONS to MAIN in Season 11! - League of Legends

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Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides: Enjoy! Friendly reminder there's a new release on our new channel for giveaways, also the next video we release there the first 5 comments will ALL get a prize, so turn the notifications on :D

Metal Man: All cringe champs

Ken: I've only just started playing LoL and this is by far the most informative and best channel I've come across! subbed

Rai Green: have to agree with Yone, he is the easier version of yasuo

Onni Aaltonen: I hate what league has begun...

Ramaxoni: Is it possible to make a full course on Ekko on your site? I'm going to buy a membership soon, but I really need those Ekko's course!

Kano Boom: please send hector to low elo

C.yeeiii: I have just oneshot that 5 champs with my Talon this season, only Fizz have defeat me xd

ViDDeoGameRR13: I find that it is very fun to build the collector on Yone third item

Jono: Please add timestamps in future

Best Yi World: . Best yi in the world challenger 761 lp Chinese super server PERFECT TOWER DIVE Q PREDICT AND SOLO BARON dsgd

Marcos Viollaz: ahh

Elactic: How do I deal with fed top laners as a mid laner, I’m always wining my lane then the top laner is just 6/0 and solo carries the game... do I have to roam towards top more then Botlane?

Nerf Faker: for me the best mid lane to main in s11 is kata because she is very op with kraken slayer

Terry Dpn: 4:30 Yone is the most broken champ, I play Leblanc, i cant one shot him and after i do full combo he heals full hp off of 6 minions and has 0cd Q and E to get back to safety, it needs massive nerfs, it just ruins the meta tbh

Kuroko Infinix: How do you aim fizz's ultimate?

Dennis Psychogyios: what is your lol name?? I want to send you a friend request!!!!!!!!!!! write it pls!!!!!!!!

Aleksandar Stoimenov: Am i the only one who cant get in league? Like i jus want to enter but i cannot. Than after it tells me that something with session isnt alright..

Sebastian Hauglid: All 5 nice

Mircea Ghitulescu: I think yasuo instead of annie , and we will have bronze pick meta

First Name Last Name: cool

Joshua Lennertz: Everfrost is so underrated on anivia. I one trick her, and it works really well especially if you fell behind, because it gives more outplay potential and being able to pin the enemy down to get a shutdown. The extra AP on the passive feels so good as well.

Xyos 76: I am there for the Rp.😊

nate larson: i've been having solid success on Viegar this season

JC: I have turned them on :)

Sylas Slayer: *laughs in sylas*

Dušan Banjac: Where is my boi Talon?

Shanks Reloaded: Why electrocute on Fizz again when u uploaded a vid, where u statet press the attack is better on fizz??

Ivan Ivanov: zed ?

ShoTiFizE: Why are challenger players playing on gold accounts and making it seem like these champions are "OMG GIGABUSTED SSS TIER FREELO MID LANE PICKS FOR S11!!" when they're literally smurfing in Gold? Check 07 BOTLANE's op gg and see how disingenuous this video is

Hubert Eu: The giveaway

idkwhattosayxD: why do you like going tear start on annie? i thought doran would be preferred over it

Fizztero: yes

icopiki: Great stuff

Elsa Lamin: Waiting same for supports 😄😉🥂

Flavio Castro: Im a plat jg main but I wanna learn every role at at least a decent level and Im good at having awareness of the map and not dying to ranks but Im awful at actual laning

Mindaugas Nikoličius: LE BLANC ALWAYS THE BEST

Richard Valli: Hey there thanks for the video Looking forward for the give away ! Nice picks, all are kinda op right now. _Anivia because of the recents buff adjustments she have waveclear, more damage and do well in the current meta. _Ekko because of the wave clear and insane burst on 2 items which allows him to get kills while he keeps his R to save his ass. _Yone is just Yone, he benefits too much from the crit items because of crit chances x150% and his mobility doesn't rely on minions and enemy champions which makes him better than Yas. TBH I think it's kinda disgusting the value the wind brothers gets from any crit item. For one crit item they get a bonus value of 30% crit chance which is equal to 2 Cloak of agility = 1200gold = 4 kills worth of gold. It's just disgusting because even if they are 0/5 but farm correctly, once they reach 2nd item, it's like they never had been behind in the first place. _Fizz is one of those champions like Kata that is always op in the right hands xD. Once ahead it's so hard to punish him. _Annie is IMO the definition of a Burst mage, she do one thing and she do it well, meanwhile she is easy to play and lane with. That was my go to pick when I started LoL.

Lan Ster: I always would shuffle between a few other LoL guides youtube channels, and I swear Skill Capped is always the one that consistently cuts through the crap and gets to the point. I really appreciate yall.

Syndra Main: My Problem with these Champs is that it just feels Bad to Play them they are to simple and boring

fuckboy barney: Ekko seems kinda op atm

Ali Abu-hulaigah: We need tops 💪💪💪

Buster: Annie is so simple yet effective. One of the best mid champs to learn the game

Trường Giang: Awesome 👏

Anuj Patel: Maybe I should try yone

Manic Apostle: people should try predator annie :)

Aayush Poudel: i have a challenge / guide for hector, i wanna know how to play adc but the entire enemy team has 4 ablilities each with cc. thank you in advance

Charles Brainin: Hi all!

Yo itz Shrek: BDK

James Yi: I am a support main who plays xerath and blitz mid (I know blitz mid is considered as a troll pick). and I became depressed after seeing fizz in the list :'(

Biditchoun: I think you should have mentioned everfrost as an item on anivia. The item needs a buff, but when that happens it will be really interesting to set up a free q and/or root people in your ult, as you can't miss the root as they're already slowed down by said ult. Also, going for the yellow rune that regenerates mana is really strong in low elo and better than manaflow band, as the amoutn of kills you will get will constantly replenish your mana. Also, I always take cheap shot over taste of blood, the reason is self-explanatory. Finally, never start tear on anivia, always take doran's ring first. Her early damage is not to scoff at, and her mana costs without ult aren't that high.

ShadowMonkeys 23: skip to 8:04 , yw :)

Charlett: Ah yes braindead broken champions will be played more often by my enemies. Great.

Abdallah Saiid: ops

Tib Hib: Man I love how close the mic is to his mouth. I can hear those lips smack so good. Those audio pops are so good too. mhmmm yes good audio

wooloo: alternate title: how to make the adc’s screen gray


Xzekko: Who is this host? This the best one. Super good analysis.

der Skipp: what a disgusting mid meta :/

Kamron Zaidi: What about the secret op pick, yuumi mid

Constantinos Tsaggalides: Okkk

JaceRS3: time to ban anivia again. glad to see fizz get mentioned, trying to yet m7 and it will be my first. presence of mind is great on fizz imo, i also like the attack speed shard. he’s such a fun champ and the skillcapped video on PTA fizz late last season really helped a lot and im sure this will too! keep up the good work guys! <3 glub glub! 🦈

34T3R: 01

Alex Tang: Haha, LS would definitely be proud

KryticalHits: Ekko hasn’t been working out for me this season, so I’ve been playing Kassadin. Thoughts?

Ilias Xhtos: akali?

Jittqr: lets go baby

Typhoon860: Delicious. Have you seen my bear Tibbers?

Ricardo Jame: Wait you guys are getting RP?

Dhruv Chandra: absolutely phenomenal video. I love this

Ken Blark: Ekko is strong at 1 item, plus I like to take nashor tooth Bc it helps me split push gives me more ap and helps me duel easier and I still have the 1 shot potential

Mac Loves Wolves: Need this for top!

FsOIO: I heard their gonna be free RP 👀

Joe kinder: Thanks for really teaching us several various useful fundamentals even if I didn't improve so well but knowledge will never be bad ... and I'm looking forward to apply each part I get from your fruitful guides ❤️ Thanks for the giveaway too .. Good luck for all participants 😉

fainer shane: 9

INOS_ PL: "5 best champions to main" also known as "which champions are for degenerates"

Rayna Chowdhury: just got spirit blossom yone from a box. might just become a mid laner now :0

Radek Slany: .

Tarce LM: I was waiting to switch one of my champ in my pool but know I have my answer like every time I open a skill caped vod !

Dr. Never: Please make wild rift videos

Aguilar Andrés: Otro saludito

Franišek Svobodník: .

KyouPyl AhBwaR: i don't even know why you would pick protobelt on fizz when you have liandry

Александр Стоун: let's count this comment as needed for RP

Zaid Hagouz: Waiting for toplane plz

ben hadj sghaier anoir: Nice skin anivia

Cooper Terrill: hellooo

Abhijoy Sarkar: Champions in Order:- 0:18 Anivia 3:00 Ekko 4:29 Yone 5:53 Fizz 6:48 Annie You're welcome :)

Yaylee: i think yone is the best mid laner right now

River Fu: Am I the first to think this video should have been uploaded to the other channel instead?

The Doctor: 4mages lol thats kinda bs

Sqlite Chwis: can't wait for toplaaaane

E - ray 20311503: LOL Anivia and Annie runes are the same

Mohamed Hegazy: a comment

mhmd Fuad: Amazing List to main

Aruruu: Camille Mid is pretty good

Narutoninjaqiu: Karma’s busted

John Delaney: Keen for top lane

Matt Tran: Been spamming Yone since the crit changes. I love it

Eric Herrero Espada: Dont you build seraphs embrace with anivia?

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