NEW Season 12 BEST Champions TIER List – League of Legends Patch 12.1

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Maifel: Shaco op? Hes otp champ and gets countered by braincells are you kidding hahahaha

тимофей ильиных: каково хуя суки сетт выше чем акали и иреллия на миду . у акали ор тир должен быть а у ирки как местное божество по имболастности

Yhan Adame: The new border design sucks 🤮🤮

Farman Imanov: Pro guides are u ok? How 1v9 apheliod can be on C tier list

Johnny Mac: Y’all sleeping on twitch support.

AQ_TV: Thank BABY JEBUS a Shieldbow nerf!!!

UncleSamsDevil: No talking about the MASSIVE Rek'Sai nerf?

HuntDra: 10:56 Don't tell me it's a Garen support :'D

Cows Lay Eggs: QOTD: Why is Jayce not in the mid tier list?Id like to know the reasoning please, thanks!

Neko4Life: nice finally a iron pov

Flex Seal Official: QOTD: not a very practical build, but building attack speed Warwick with Trinity Force has been super fun, albeit not the best.

APTQ: "Vayne win rate has droped by less then a percent" and they said that Vayne got nerfed

Phizzhead: Kraken wits nashors is my go to on kaisa you evolve q and e with your first and second purchace and get some mr, sadly running bow for more anti burst is no longer viable

Phizzhead: Rip my actualy working kaisa jungle build with the 5 ad sheildbow nerf noooo and sheildbow is alot worse on kai

Christopher Hunter: Yeah I think we have diluted S tier to much with so many champs I mean are their really 20 S tier champs

ninjabunny: 6:36 lol

Matheus Borba: The league of legends community is underestimating akshan a lot lately, but he has an incredibly strong laning phase and too much useful tools in his kit! hope to see him in competitive play

Cheese Man_2: Where is the lulu vayne nerf?

Vilizar Lubenov: Riot are seriously one very big bastards 1 - many fucking players dare to troll games without getting banned after that 2 they are not nerfing the broken champs like gwen,fizz,lilia,talon,qiyana and a lot more of trash champions that deserve to die in pain 3 '' its a team game'' and what about if u have 4 trash players in ur team doing absolutely nothing and u are the only one who tries to win and because Riot are trashes and cant balance the game u cant do fucking shit in 1v9 as any champion so u lose permanently even if u are god or not all of these shits happened after they removed masteries and runes and added some fucking trash runes that are worthless like every member of Riot

Hồng Nghĩa Lê: corki is no more tier D

terminally Capricious: Not a single mention of what they have actually done to Rek'Sai. Not one. Well done in covering Riot's filthy tracks... Well done. Congrats Riot.

The Pharaoh: Tristana is B tier? With how broken she is?

Hossein Maroufi: Crown of the shattered queen untouched!!!

Noel B: Swain is really strong right now

Ege Üzüm: Where is ahri in the support tier list tho

Gerardo Ventura: Around 6:40 you say the same sentence twice lol

PANTHEON OLD is good: The rework pantheon was a project and it failed completely. We all know this, but the problem is that they don't want to acknowledge this, and they don't want to bring back old pantheon. and yes pantheon rework is not op he so bad and we need to back old pantheon the rework is bad riots say that an old Pantheon is unskilled and does not have skil shot So they changed it but miss fortune and Malphite and Teemo Nobody talks about them. but Riots like them and think they are good champions and have skills Riot They changed old Pantheon, but why don't they change Those Champions too?

NoTieMing: You should put Jayce as a mid laner as well as a top laner

mr luciano lol: .

Definitely not funny: Malphite support is way

fanieL: Firelight Ekko isn't coming out in 12.1. This has been known for a while, do you your research.

Enigma PL: I waited 3 years for buff Diana passive scale XD

victor pironi: wow so much on adcs hey ... 20 seconds on vayne... thumbs down

JL Tha Kad: Riots biggest issue is matchmaking, forcing the outcome if games before we even get in game. You notice, you do absolutely great, then all of a sudden worst players on earth end up on your team, and all players on enemy are competent at game. And no matter how well you play, its a loss. Ya, thats riots matchmaking purposely making you lose. Id say fix it, but this is what riot wants, it makes them money, so to them their is nothing to fix. Sad. Ruin players game exp, to make money.

Александър: GP is at least B if not A

Mert: is anything for kled ? Nope ? :(

Michelle Jenkins: I hade to download it becaues of these adds keep poping up.

V I C T O R: Gangplank is broken Gangplank tier C kekw

John Niyibizi: This might be a random question but where is Kangas? Haven't heard of him in a while

The 1 Walrus: I can't belive rito still went through with the teleport change. They are going to get so much Hate from top laners.

Tim W: so the patch only includes so few changes??? immortals, tp, eclipse, diana,gp, fon and wits end?

JJIE: Vayne: damage drop Also Vayne: True damage go brrrrrr

Grey Angel: Explain how seraphine is too low as mid and supp??

Maranatha&Shalom: Can Nathan please do some One Tree Hill memes? :D He's basically the Asian gamer counterpart of Nathan from the show xD

Bajram Ibrahimi:

antipunt1: ezreal..using crown of the shattered QUEEN hol' up...

Zuraspl: section skins.. is that a joke?.... I yeah Spend money on meaningless Stuff... us only me?

Gabriel Gonzalez: Sounded really down. Hope you get well soon Nathan.

Sko: qotd:I think corki is the most weird I knew that he builds sorcercer boots but not go 2 items and the full ap although his q and r scales with ap

Hien Dieu: Where is my yuumi neft, she too good for a e-girl champ with 0 skill

Eric Cruciani: In spite of the shieldbow on cork I..,,, bruh no ones built sheildbow on him for like a month now

Josiah Rivera: QOTD: Not really a new build but it feels really good to go the new cosmic drive second item on Viktor.

Daniel B: why is jayce still there man

Yox: jayce OP top lane XDDDD

金刚Kongou: QOTD: well, jg sylas with liandry , ionian boots, demonic embrace, fimbulwinter, zhongya, frozen heart/spirit visage (or aka nidhogg build literally unkillable

3st: Aurelion in a tier that has to be a joke

Aro480 pl: QOTD: Glacial Aatrox supp. With smart Q and W use, you have a lot of easy to land CC early game, and your sustain helps you survive longer in ganks and teamfights, while still dealing considerable dmg, even with less lvls and possibly a tankier build.

carlo baruffolo: How is Mundo not S+ tier? That's a joke

marame m: After the changes of tp, champions like Shen and Trynda will rise at top lane, especially Shen (trust me, he will be nerfed soon, Riot doesn't like when Shen is strong) . The shieldbow ain't gonna effect Vayne at all, and AP Varus should be atleast A tier

Celestial2560: Not to bash the build, but one time I tried it and told my friend, he really chewed me out about how it looks like it works but he already had an item to make him more resistant, specifically, frozen heart, and sunderer was still his best option 😓

Sneaky812: I don't agree with these nerfs.. I tell you how to fix items by huge fix... fighter and assins mage marksman and such should only be allowed to build what items belong to that class you shouldn't be allowed to be yasue and build marksman item like immortal shield its stupid super easy fix. Why game sucks nerfs items because fighters are too strong but then it fucks marksmans. Common sense

suckle me cockles: "Nerfs to shieldbow will hurt Irelia" Me, an Irelia main that buys sunderer cause I am still used to rushing sheen to her: Hmmm yes yes definitely weaker.

Thefirstluck: QOTD:First strike shock me its soo OP on jayce and Victor

JoshTGW: Trust me, I'm with you there. I don't want to see that oxymoron Pyke in any matches.

TimexG: The main thing I've learned from playing league all these years is that most riot employees are apparently really bad ADC and Support players... Better nerf jungle, better nerf TP.. crutch after crutch for lack of mechanics and bad positioning.

Angryfps: No tahm nerfs? Cool

Erik E: Sona should be in the OP tier with her winrate

KefKedes: Tbh idk why ppl are hyped for the ekko skin. It doesn't even look that amazing. I think both elderwoods for gnar and rek sai are way better looking. I think the ekko skin is overhyped because of the series..... but hey, everyone got his or her taste

18 Legend: QOTD: Corki hybrid build, Viktor crown build.

18 Legend: Another pay to win skin on ekko that W looks bigger than his original one pog riot

Benedikt Wernicke: why remove the pickaxe? it didn't do anything to you :( my gwen item <.< . well gues they wanna see more trinity force which nobody buys

cybelius: Ahri S tier???????????????

M3m3 God: no changes to crown of shattered queen. Patch is an L

Sonicsky: Aurelion sol shoud be S tier.

Flaim Harlow: QOTD: AP Kai'sa shocked me. I play her constantly and have often built a hybrid build to get all evolves, where friends tell me I should just build AD. The new Manamune into AP build with Crown is amazing, however I definitely didnt see it coming

Riventrox: How can seraphine be C tier that is my highest winrate champ after becoming a support main.

Wunlee Smith: I dislike playing against Pyke support too T_T! I just need to learn to deal with him, I think I dislike Lux more XD.

Rodrigo Valdez: Y dónde rayos está Udyr >:v

Ruud Pierre: Zed is shit

lennonbfb: First strike mid ap kog maw yaaass

Callahan757575: Quinn ADC is viable. It should be on that list. Id say A tier.

Dhampiir: Seraphine C Tier? How?

PlayingLex: I've heard that the Firelight Ekko Skin will come on another date. Thats because of the amount of feedback, he will get some new SFX and get his Mask while Homeguard

Skys of Rain: You guys really need to reevaluate your tiering system. Majority of things being "S tier" is what your "op tier" is. It's the tier where the most outstanding thing is in the list. It outclasses everything in every other tier by a wide margin. Seeing 50% of picks in S and pretending like they are somehow on equal footing is hilarious. A simple example would be pre nerf goredrinker. It was run on nearly anything that could take it as it provided so much gold efficiency that it was stupid not to take. Seeing Kat in "S tier" for Midlane is laughably stupid. She can't lane against anything else in the tier outside of lux and ahri (who also have no reason being there) Kat lacks strong item choices as all of the items she buys are lower tier items. The TP nerf hurts her ability to coin flip a game which was making her appear strong in the first place and Nike of the new items really work for her. Half of the picks that hard counter her have returned due to buffs and new items that make them lane easier and harder to kill (Kass.... Who isn't in the OP tier?? Are you guys ok?)

Doaa Rashad: Pjiggels sent me here on his latest video

Colby Concon: Great riot took away top laner’s only tool to have an impact around the map making top even more of an island and snowbally! What a great change!

Xurreal: Demon Flame + Night Harvester is pretty good

Ignacio Ruhe: Riot Games no está a la altura para hacerse cargo del balance de su juego ni de sus sistemas (matchmaking, mmr). Entienden el impacto negativo que genera el nerf del tp en la mayoría de partidas?????? No es suficiente con su estado actual??? La gran mayoría de partidas son cualquier cosa, y, en vez de arreglarlo, las cagan más!!! ENTIENDAN QUE LO MÁS IMPORTANTE DEL LOL ES SU VALOR COMPETITIVO! El LoL ha mejorado en muchísimos aspectos, pero no pueden olvidarse del más importante!! No se dan cuenta acaso de cómo son la mayoría de games? Les da igual?

Mizzex Tarik: illaoi b tier???? u ever played this game?

Ferris Smith: Looks like I’m extending my hiatus from this game.

Zachary D. Clements: Where is the shield breaker item for AP? Lethality not nerfed still, crit imba, Zed op like 7 years running, more anti-fun zzzz. P.S. where is the Vladimir visual update/bugfix??


Legend: toplane tier list: lee sin, rumble and GANGPLANK IN C TIER HAHAHAHAHAHA

vinnythewebsurfer: I’d be fine with the Teleport nerfs if they actually helped Top Lane by NERFING JUNGLE THATS BEEN BROKEN FOR 8 seasons straight now

GPieACE: QOTD: I really enjoy q king ezreal in which u take first strike, tear and mana flow band, so if you hit a q at all you get bonus gold and mana

Fighter Lm: in ur dreams

Viperdragon35: Kassadin should be in OP tier literally beats every champ in midlane OP tier... can literally ult over most of their skill shots and he can jump on Viktor wait for him to pop gravity field hop out and just jump out of his ult... shattered queen ensures you survive the immediate burst....while you can pop Viktors crown and then just jump back on him...however zed bullies him early just have to get to your frozen heart then he can't do much just don't die early in lane and call out missing so he doesn't roam and kill your teammates

Nirelli: You are TRIPPING if you think Kai’sa is S tier 😂 She’s been performing poorly as a marksman adc for all of season 11, and the season 12 update doesn’t seem to change anything about that. If anything, it makes her weaker with the shieldbow nerf.

theacp127: I think Miss Fortune is really underrated right now. She can counter picks like Vayne and Jinx really well due to being able out trade them consistently in lane pretty easily as well as DPS faster in team fights with her ults. Vayne and Jinx both need a bit of time to auto down everyone so getting their team low and making it risky for them to go in is great for reducing their impact.

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