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Marintstar Egal: rat run will be still a thing right?

CyrusBlack: WAW Rathma in A :))) have you tried it recently? I lost 2 Necro in HC on that Rathma AOD ... that is in Z-tier... I would take Blackthorne to that at this point ... and it did not get buffed and buffed and buffed ... it got buffed and then 3x nerfs ...

ContestOfNoobs: Impale dh..rip?

Mason: bludd i found you at the end of last season...you've quickly become one of my favorite content creators. your smooth voice & great attitude is infectious!! I saw that star projector you have going in your room and got the same one off amazon haha (put some affiliate links in your description for stuff like that as im sure theres more ppl like me that would buy with your link)

Darrel C: I thought they buffed fire bird set, then nurfed it? It's still S tier?

jteternal2: i missed the Hota build barb i forgot what season it was but i love that build.

Mr. Love: Thx for your hard work! Question: is there any way of mitigating Grotesque's explosion? Or is it only escaping? Sometimes they gang up and you sprint into them and.. in HC GR.. you are dead..

pikaboo01: Wait, I thought the 6pc firebird got nerfed down to A tier?

casbott: Can test out builds on non season, may play non season this time and just do a quick playthrough of season for the journey on WW Barb just to get it done. At the least it'll force me to do a proper clean and organise of my main inventory aka playing _inventory wars_

Mitch Sledge: Is this season worth playing

Leonardo Falcão: Hey Bludd! Thanks for the awesome video! Is there any good build that you could play with just one hand or making the less possible effort? I'm not handicapped, just wanna play with a GIANT JOINT in my left hand. Thank you again, have a great day! :) Obs: I had a little bit of success doing this +-100GR with ww barb, is this doable with firebird wiz?

Minkles13: The Final Final Final Final Final Final Final Final Final Final Final patch notes lol.. end of the day poor WD still always comes out of with a NERF stick shoved up our A$%

Ryan Valley: I cannot find a in depth LoD Bomb guide anywhere, does anyone know where to find one?

Ben C: A tier is the best right?

arightscepter: I am new and this is my first season to start at the beginning. I have a question, can we start now or have to wait until Friday?

Tyger Dave: Thumbs-up for badassery!

Paul: I keep dreaming of the day when my fetish army build will end up in the S tier. Then I cry myself awake and snap back to reality.

zyrtor1: Bludd I know this video is important as hell and I been waiting all week for it but I am dying to know what is that Top Secret icon on your desktop for?

Jared Moss: So stocked for new season, don't sleep on Frezy Barb, its surprising how good it is early game.

Thanos Mamakis: You sir earned a new subscriber

Dan Fraganato: Spirit barrage is still pretty strong, and easily one of the most fun builds to play imho. Just took the doc out for a spin on my non seasonal last night to test the new follower update. Im actually considering rebirthing her for S23. Agreed with the stash management; we need another stash tab now for the followers, I simply don't have room.

thetruejay20: Yay a reason to play Wiz again!

Dark Edits: Am I blind or is there no Necro starter guide?

Fms Watchdo: Bludd is my go to guy for builds!

A Bell: Hey bludd, love your vids. Just subscribed. But, as a returning player, some of these specs I've never heard of and don't know what class uses them. Maybe a lil more info in that regard for us noobs :)

Lance Craig: It might not look that great, but have you considered colour coding the list? Would make it easier to tell what class is what build. Put a legend at the bottom. Just a suggestion, thanks for the content!

Ross: I just love your content Bludd. I am so looking forward for this new season :) peace.

Smooth: seeing my main squese Ue multishot in b is kinda sad almost always rolled with it since i started on switch release

Christian Bach: keep in mind we maybe get no turbohud this season that will change alot

Holyflame: Those twats from Blizz hype up the new Rathma only to nerf it so bad even before the start of the season. Pissed me off so much, and here i thought i can finally play a good pet build Necromancer.

Seth: How good is AOV Heavens Fury against RGs? I've never played it, and I can't find any videos of people doing an entire rift with it. I want to play it for solo pushing and maybe hardcore this season but I don't want to do a lot of fishing. The fact that GOD DH is more consistent against elites and RGs now is making me consider that even though I have played it a couple of seasons already.

Jonathan Cholette: Top SECRET

Infinite5oul: Does anyone know if the emanating effect from the Captain’s Set disable LoD if the set is placed on your follower?

Jim Gardner: GOD DH is hardly as good as everyone is making it out to be, they should have just took out the slow time and left the the pierces the same, played with over 5k paragons great gear all augmented with the new set up and I would say at least a 10-15 drop. Sad

Mateo Diablo: is this solo tier list? I heard that wizard is not good enough for 4-man pushing.

Jeff Mohler: Firebird have a speed build?

Mike Quaiser: They nerfed the Scoundrel down to 2-4 seconds.

moxofien: Maybe wiz for the first time in 3+ years for me.

K S: They removed solo player bonus XP methods

Roy: Im sorry but i dont undestand what these tiers mean?

orlock20: I play grenade God DH and something is off with the mechanics. With 1900 paragon, aug 95 gems it doesn't even phase GR 100 creatures yet one shots when doing keys and bounties which is GR 70. While the grenades don't get multiple pierces, they do get multiple bounces increasing in damage each time.

803brando: Rathma is awful. Why did they spend any time on it? 2400gon 2.6mill sheet, 60%cdr, crimson set, and it struggles gr95. Last season bone spear build 3.5 mill sheet, without 4th cube slot i can do speed 118s.

Nick Ryder: Whats in your Top Secret file Bludd? HUH BLUDD?! TELL US!!!

Vipin Patel: Thanks for the video, Mr. Shed. Looking forward to playing Firebird in S23. =)

earthboundagain: You are a trooper sir!

Michael Wilkerson: I did non season wiz firebirds mirror images with 3k paragon it seemed to be 130 ish. Even though I couldn't do 130 yesterday, however I was doing 120s in about 8 minutes. I was doing 120s with twister in 2-3 minutes last season:(

Neonmirrorblack: LeapQuake and B.Shield were two of my favorite builds, so I think this time I'm going to go WW up to a certain paragon level and surplus of Blood Shards and maybe switch over to one of them later. It's not exactly the same, but I think LeapQuake is about as close to the Singer Barb from CD2 where you would actually kill with Warcry, which was a really fun build, although it didn't scale very well.

AcidGlow: First time in a year where i don't see Wizards in the F (for failure) Tier. Loving this new Firebird. 🔥

Avenexful: Where cam?

NoticeTheNotice: IT'S HERE

Olivia's Simp: I'm just glad firebird got buffed.Badly needed

SamManGaming: started to get back into the ARPG Genre again. Been playing a lot of PoE recently but i dont have the free time in order to sweat it out there. Thinking of starting D3 again with the start of season 23 so this is super useful dude, ty

Ozilla: third!

Krayor Gaming: Haven't played for a few months. Looking forward to seeing what's new and what's considered good now.

Dad ToThree: Second

Christian Sany: fiiiirst

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