Diablo 3 Monk Uliana Build - Season 24 (patch 2.7.1 Guide)

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LP Jones: Is it just me or is this set absolutely terrible?

Ivan Stanchev: Was thinking about a janky build with Uliana for the funsies. So it goes a bit like the speed variant, where you use the SSS to apply EP with Madstone and immediately detonate it. But... You put Sudden Assault rune on SSS and take the Rabid Strike fist to create an Ally that also does an SSS. So, here comes the tricky part... Does the SSS from the Ally also apply and detonate EP? Does anyone know? Of course Bindings of the Lesser Gods fits in naturally, which also kinda makes you think about Crudest boots too :) In any case, the idea is to have smaller bombs but MOOAR!!! So the dmg might not be THAT much lower... What do you think? :)

Jerry Rose: I'm a little confused here. Not to question guys' from maxroll think-tank qualities, but if I'm using Harmony passive, that benefits from single resist, why should I prioritize all resist on boots, chest etc?

Klaphood: 1:52 Pun intended? xD

nugget9k: "And then you can give HER other gear for attack speed" Did you just assume their gender? racist. Maybe they have a Man-gyna? Racist.

Al Joker: Its boring same season the same thing..

Matt Johnson: This build is seeming very complicated to me. Even though I am sure it's not that bad lol. When you say we have to let the EP dropped off, this means that our Buff version won't overwrite the existing? If so that's lame :(

Skael Vontari: It's about exploding your exploding palm.. -_-

Big G: How did he get an ethereal if hes non seasonal?

Brian Neely: Ryker I want to do a nasty LoN shield bash build any ideas for sader I know not the best but some tricks you think would make it explode

Александр Клименко: sadly this fun build has the least fun rotation if you want to maximize your damage, on top of all the assimilation, coe, rhythm you have to keep track, you also have to snapshot your atk speed and pass those EPs around the map as well as power pylon ones

BLVCKBEVRD: the first build i started with after launch to end game. before i capped a leaderboard in d3. reminded me of being a ww druid. not the same now.

Vampaerr: Am I the only one tired of Captain Crimson?

pabstep2611: If WotHF can override a manually cast EP, does it work the other way around too?

T: Where is your tier list breakdown? Cant find it and I want to compare all classes...of course based on your opinion cause thats all I care about

Viktor Vincent NV: Damn I miss playing Diablo….

Pierre: When is your tier list coming out?

Alexandru Ana: Not to be mean or anything but this one's probalby the most redundant of the guides, up there with Raiment and SWK. Everybody and their mums will be playing LON WoL , Inna and PoJ since for the first time in the game's history, monk has 3 S Tier builds. Sincerely, a monk main

MrXennhorn: personally i like to have the mindstone that lets SSS apply EP aswell so it detontates and reapplies itseld while 1v1 bosses

KurtSandford: dead game

Simuman: Is it just me, or does this season with ethereal's seem abit meh?

Bibo Thor: QUESTION. When you load a saved gear setup does it loads for followers too or you have to manually change the follower ? newby here thx guys

Daniel Khoo: The mechanics sounds very complicated. Maybe include a illustration in your video would make it easier to understand, :)

gordon009: Question: Since a monk can't get Intelligence on the gears for the Enchantress, is just socketing flawless royal topaz gems enough to get the max cooldown on her? If no, how do we solve this without creating a new wizard/Witch Doc/Necro just to reroll Dex on gears to Intelligence?

Golden Sands: This set seems like a lot of work, unfun, and not very strong.

NMADDP NMADDP: this build only good when a whole bunch of monster next to you , but it is so weak when against 1 v 1 with boss.

Shawn: Could have been a fun build IF without those complex rotation lol. Too much effort when there’s easier build.

Mitch Bell: This... no. This is how the Uliana build used to be played like 5 years ago. Those of us who stubbornly kept playing it don't use Mythic Rhythm at all anymore, because it allows you to keep using Hundred Fist to get stacks, which is way more powerful than anything Mythic Rhythm provides. We can push about 3-5GR higher without Mythic Rhythm.

Trauma 0077: Its crazy how most classes have 70%+ damage reduction on a single thing where necros never see more than 50 and even then you have to stack multiple abilities with gears to even be able to survive 1 single hit

Jay Bird: Way too much to remember for a casual player. Too easy to miss a rotation. Next monk build plz.

lazaron1: Personally I found this to be the most entertaining build in the game.. But I will admit I like to be different, and I fear this season will be flooded with monks because of the Inna rework.

Marlon Mendes: This build is super fun to play. Thx for the build

Cheap Shot: I had this build before but with more of a fire theme. Your argument for the ice however has changed my mind

Odyr: Is this build still viable ? Like for pushing GR ?

Paul Lo: Is there a buff to this build?

Haru: Diablo Lore next part, when?

terzinho10: This game is so baaad. Can't wait for D2R!

MoneyEqualsPower: Monke

koinekko: Oh right... I like everything about this build right up to the mythic rhythm shenanigans.

Chico Manara: Man, sometimes I just wanted a D3 build that didn't relly on managing Convention of Elements rotations.

dvxAznxvb: Hey guys I just completed the challenge rift first compared to my friends! Me Friday: “oh, shi......”

Bizzle Plays: Even if I dont play the build Rhykker covers, or even plan to, I still watch all these guides <3.

Adam Greaves: Hi im fairly new to this can someone reccomend a build to me please for all round fun and pushing thank something easy aswell many thanks

leo d: ^^ for ~ 30 sec from 12:10 there is a crus build

Dave P.: The Dev that approved the Exploding Palm build must have been an unsuccessful tax attorney. So unneccassarily complicated giving features that seem to be a benefit but actually are a hinderence to the build. With all the reworks, this was one that should have been very near the top of the list. It's likely, no one wants to be the one that has to fix it.

Rafał Szewera: Snapshotting Power Pylon is no longer a thing?

OFAISALO: i remember using this build way early in the game and now it's back

Sladey: Keep up the amazing content Rhykker.....really appreciate all the work and effort you put into it.

Lieven Brodeoux: thank u Rhykker !

Beethoven: last

outlawz38: Think I'm starting with monk, but never played this set... time to learn

Ryan Pless: 2nd

Lars FluffZteR: First!

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