Diablo 3 Season 24 Crusader Build Guide: Aegis of Valor

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mmmj9294: Thats one long intro

aoe tje: gameplay looks massively boring AF

Matt Miller: Went from flying up the GR levels with wizard firebird to trying this. The gameplay is exhausting. It may be powerful but it is a button masher to keep everything up at all times. Also, notice the dude's health. While my firebird is indestructible the crusader with a shield dies every freaking gr when he runs out of resources. Great guide but just don't enjoy this playstyle. Im paragon 1800 and rocking 131 on firebirds. I can finish Grs with the crusader in to the low 100s but die at least once every round. Frustrating for the tank of the game to be so squishy. What is the point of the shield?

Caracal1171: Your build vids are simply the best, TYVM.

UnashamedlyHentai: So Necro tomorrow, Demon Hunter Wednesday, Monk Thursday and tier list Friday?

clasher: Why do all builds use RoRG this season?


Chaoxytal: I wish there were a skin for Akarat's Champion. I can't believe they still haven't redesigned it. It looks so stupid and doesn't fit etc etc we've had this conversation a million times Blizz. Ugh.

Gabriel Marinho: I rather fist of heaven's variant. but without the weapon/shield set that makes us run more often, i won't play sader.

billy: Dont want any more videos of this dead game in my feed tbh.

Ruimteschip: Finally a crusader guide ☺️

PMT Slot Hits n' Stuff: Thanks for all this stuff as always man.

‏‏‎Necro Brux: When is the season starting eu pc?

Cheap Shot: Everyone thinks the “R” on his hat is for his name… NOPE it’s for Royal grandeur.

Haggard Blaggard: I wish they'd buff my hammer boi. I just want to swirl hammers around the whole screen!

Torchit: I was looking at the skill bar in the gameplay in the background...so the guy basically is mashing/spamming the skill keys all at the same time in order to keep the skills active? wtf?

Slashproz: Most boring set in all of D3, prob one of the most squishy sets aswell and completely useless until around 2-3k Paragon cause ull litterally get 1 shot by 90% of the mobs at GR 100+

Bruises: Dark light would that be ok

MultiDisasters: "(...) crusader Heaven's Fury build using the Aegis of Valor set can push GR148+ and is the best wizard build in the game". So... wizard or crusader, Rhykker? :D

Nebuli2: You may want to update the description. It says this is the best wizard build in the game. :)

CMDR Its-Spud: Might have to go sader this season, it's been years!

Deacon Syxx: My favourite character/set/spec in the game 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Metanephros - Seb R.: Keep it coming 👍👍👍

Tuscani J: Woot! Sader time!

Sinful Spoon94: Love your vids Rhykker

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