Diablo 3 Season 24 Witch Doctor Zunimassa Poison Dart Build Guide (2.7.1)

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MYKE8B: hey did this season comeout yet im playing rn and its still season 23

derbudz: Nice to see yet another build starts to shine more and more. But i'll stick to the Jade Set. I just love the playstyle. Dot everything, pile em up, BOOM! So satisfying. And yes i know it can't compete with most of the other builds, i don't care. :)

Laos_Boy: Why wouldn't you take ring of emptiness and use locus swarm as your mama spender and you get the ring of emptiness buff as well

Vin: I want pets again.

OMG! Oh Mikko Gusi: This is so complicated to play. A lot of skills to maintain everytime. But I'll do it anyway. 😎😂

rita_g: wait the Enforcer works on followers?! why doesn't maxroll's guide mention that? :O

seen been: Hello people of season 25 and above!

VenomSlayerX: we greatly enjoy your videos rhykker =).

mr-irishlad: i tried this build on ptr and u are so squishy u need to be aware of mobs and your positioning non stop nice build but not worth the headache their is easier builds but i would not say its deffo not the best strongest build in the game s24..i was able solo gr 141 sader bombardment anakan with 1988 paragon and 35 gems no augs

David K: 24 seasons? Seriously people, how are you still playing this shit game...

Goldfingers Gaming Channel: If i asked which Diablo like ARPG had the best endgame mechanic i bet you would not say Warhammer 40K Inquisitor Martyr, Check out Void Crusades https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UYjOJ3BRt4&ab_channel=Smattymatty

Goldfingers Gaming Channel: I tested this on PTR, Don't play this if you don't like squishy builds, WD deserves some love next season for various reasons set out by Top Youtubers.

This isn’t the wholesome future for Canadians-: People don't still play Diablo 3?! 😕

Pascal Meyer: If you are super good at positioning, can u get away with a zei stone?

Aaron Shaver: Hey foex

Super Squid: do people still play this game?

Tete: Looks very squishy.

ACW: Does anyone know why I got the trophy a mystical meeting as soon as I rescued Cain? from what I know I don't get this trophy until later in game

Bill Cranston: so... damage multipliers.

Shawn: Why gem and pants for increase primary damage? 🤔 when u don’t rely on primary skill damage

Mike Bonifacio: Was that GR 150 ¿?

Matt Siegel: Wait, if the damage from the build comes from the Fetishes why use depth diggers? Isn't there a better pair of pants or just put in zunimassa and swap rorg?

Hyb3rHybrid Games: How do you play season 24 because I am still on season 23

Adam S: "And thus, we keep up our squirts....buffs" XD

Tony Grind: This was reason why i started playing WD, many many years ago, glad to see it back on top !

fightinghokie: I just watched your barb guide and I was all like "yeah, barb all the way this season", but now I'm all WD looks good...

P.K. Subban: S24 tier list?

Andrew Wurn: Nice

Shayne Taylor: WD is one of my funnest characters to play.

steve holland: Season start date the 23rd. And innas got more buffs

PocketQuacc: nice video, but I've always used Icy-veins for diablo builds and stuff

Jon Gilbert: Awesome video

outlawz38: I hate soul harvest..... just wish for a squishy class wouldn't rely on getting close to gain toughness.

Adam Rotering: I was hoping wd would have a better build for 24

Zack Felix: *1st one to comment 1st :D*

Tetroxide: That's a weird fetish

Yettee0201: fIRst errrmurguuurrrrd

Raziel1030: I don't even play WD!

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